The Day You Left- Chapter One
� Ok Brandon, daddy�s gone now, it�s time to go home,�

� Aww, mom,� he whined.

� Brandon, it�s past your bedtime already and I�m tired. Come on,� I said holding his hand.

We made our way down the terminal, but Brandon was slowing down so I picked him up carried him the rest of the way. By the time I reached the car, he was asleep, so I layed him gently in the backseat and closed the door. I walked around to the drivers seat and opened the door. � Heather?� An all too familiar voice said. I turned around to see Nick walking towards me. � Nick?� I said.
� Sorry,� He said. � I didn�t mean to scare you. I saw you earlier-�

� What are you doing here?� I asked, glancing down at Brandon, who was still sleeping soundly.

� I saw you earlier with�uh� with you�re��

� Husband,� I sighed. � He�s my husband.�

� Husband?� He asked. � Congratulations,� He said, not sounding happy at all.

� Thank you,� I said. � You never explained what you�re doing here-�

� Oh. I just got back from tour.� He said. We stood there in the quiet parking garage, not knowing what to say to each other, but wanting to say so much. Brandon began to stir and I looked down at him. � I should go, Brandon should be in bed,� I said quietly.

� His name�s Brandon? That�s nice,� Nick said looking down at him.

� I really should go, Nick.�

� Right. Well maybe we can get together for lunch or something,�

� That would be great-�

� Mommy, I�m cold,� Brandon said half asleep.

� Hold on Brand.� I said walking around to the back of the car and grabbing a blanket. I went back around and gave him the blanket. He quickly grabbed it and snuggled back into the seat. � He�s amazing Heather,� Nick said looking at Brandon In the back. He smiled as Brandon yawned and rubbed his eyes. � I�m gonna go.� He said looking back up at me.  � It was nice seeing you again,�

� You too. Maybe I�ll see you around,�

� I�m sure you will.� He nodded. � I�ll call you about that lunch,�

I watched as he walked away. I took a deep breath and climbed into the car and drove home. Home was a 45-minute drive, and by the time I got there I was exhausted. I got Brandon out of the backseat and got him into the house. I changed him into his pj�s and put him to bed before changing and going to bed myself.
Chapter Two
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