Nick looked up shocked to see Dustin standing there, holding a gun of his own. � What?�

� I said you�re not going anywhere,� He repeated. � You know, you were supposed to be gone,�

� Dustin, Heather�s been in an accident. She fell down the stairs. I have to get her to the hospital,�

Dustin walked back and forth casually, listening to Nick. � I know you know she�s pregnant-�

� With the child you didn�t want,�

� No. I was angry-�

� This could have been so much easier if you had just died like you were supposed to. You sure are a resilient bastard,�

� What?�

� What? What? Is that all you can say is what? Who the fuck do you think you are! You�re in the way! You�ve always been in the way! Heather was supposed to be with me!�

� Dustin, I have to get her to the hospital. Whatever you want to say, say it, but after I get her-�

� So now you care? Now that she might lose your precious baby? Now that you might lose her all together?�

� Dustin-�

� You know, I never liked you. And I tried to get Heather to see it, but I guess you could say she was blinded by love,� Dustin paused, realizing Nick wasn�t listening, but gently rocking heather in his arms. � Excuse me,� He said loudly, getting Nick�s attention. � I was speaking.�

� Damnit! Let me take her to the hospital-�

� No. She should lose that bastard child anyway. It should be mine,�

� You know Dustin, desperation is very unattractive. Maybe that�s why Heather never wanted you-�

� Desperation?! This from a man who flies across the country to �check� up on his girlfriend. If that�s not desperation, I don�t; know what is. But that�s beside the point. The point here Carter is that you are not needed here and you are not wanted here. So you leave right now, and I�ll take Heather to the hospital. I�ll be with her when they tell her that she lost the bastard kid, and I�ll help her through it, and she�ll love me like she should have all along and you�ll be alive�. Or you can fight me on this and die. The choice is yours,�

� Why are you doing this?�

� Do you really have to ask?� Dustin laughed, circling nick and taking a seat on the steps Heather had just fallen down. � Heather belongs to me. She always has. She got her record deal at Motions because of me. My father wouldn�t have looked twice at her, but I made him. I made sure she was taken care of, I made sure her family was taken care of. I took care of her when she went on tour. And she was grateful, believe me� she was very grateful,� He smirked. � Anyway, things were going well, for us� we were getting close, the she went to goddamned Tampa,� He sighed, scratching his temple with the gun barrel. � And she met you, and came back head over fucking heels in love! You were all she talked about! I was forgotten! It was always nick this and Nick that. At first I thought it was just some stupid crush she�d get out of and realize that I had been there waiting for her. But no. You called and called and fucking called! And I knew she was gone. You�d managed to take her away from me after all I had done for her!�

� So you�re punishing her now!�

� I�m not punishing her asshole! I�m punishing you!� Dustin yelled. � This is your fault! Brian�s dead because of you!�

� How is that my fault?!�

� Because you proposed, and she said yes. After I found out the first plot to kill you was overheard  by Brian� so I had to kill him instead. It wasn�t� as hard as I thought, being he loved to drive fast I could just cut his brake line and he�d be done��

� You sick fuck,�

� Hey! Everything I did was all in the name of love.  I didn�t want to kill Brian, but I had no choice. He was gonna turn me in. You on the other hand, I just knew you�d be the easiest. Hell you were already crazy.. which has helped me in turning Heather against you  by the way. I had no idea bout all the shit you�ve done� until Heather told me,�

� She told you what exactly?�

� All about Emily and your little episodes. Even after you tow had professed your undying love for each other, Heather still confided in me. I still mattered, and that pissed you off. It still pisses you off, because you flew all the way out here to confront your girlfriend over shit that never happened,� He smiled.

� What?�

� I played you, Carter. Like a fucking violin. I�m sure Heather told you after you made a complete ass out of your self that the last time we had sex was before you proposed; and she�s right. That was the last time. But you see I had to get you out here somehow, and I knew that would do it. So now you see?! You fell right into my trap, you have to be the dumbest son of a bitch on the planet. And now it�s your turn. It�s you�re turn to watch the woman you love leave you for me. So get up, get your bags, and get the fuck out,�

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