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FBI question two in connection with attacks

NEWARK, N.J. - The FBI said Saturday it is questioning two people in connection with the attacks on the World Trade Center.

FBI spokeswoman Sherri Evanina said agents searched a Jersey City apartment whose address they got from two other people connected to the attacks who were detained Friday in Texas.

Those individuals are being taken to New York for questioning, she said.

While searching the apartment, agents came across two other individuals, who are being questioned, she said.

"We did seize some evidence," said Evanina, who added that federal officials are "still evaluating it."

A Jersey City Police Department spokesman said the apartment was at 6 Tonnelle Avenue, and the raid occurred just before noon.

In recent days, law enforcement officials said they issued 35 search warrants and hundreds of subpoenas, while interviewing hundreds more.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service also detained 27 people at the FBI's request.

The owners of King Aviation School, a California-based company that sells video and CD-ROM courses for aspiring and beginning private pilots, said four FBI agents searched their company's records Friday looking for information on potential hijackers.

John and Martha King said the agents matched "one or more names" to a list of suspected hijackers during a two-hour search.

The 19 men suspected of committing Tuesday's hijacking attacks were either directly or indirectly linked to alleged terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, sources said.

Law enforcement sources told CNN they are checking the names, which the Justice Department released Friday, against lists of people associated with known terrorist groups -- and believed the lead group in Tuesday's attacks may have been Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

The chief of that group, the sources said, is a top lieutenant of bin Laden. Bin Laden's group, al Qaeda, is an umbrella group that allegedly coordinates the actions of smaller organizations.

The planes that crashed into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon were each taken over by five hijackers, officials say. Four people are believed to have taken over the plane that crashed in western Pennsylvania.

The U.S. Defense Department is investigating the possibility that two of the alleged terrorists may have attended schools run by the U.S. military. Military officers from other countries regularly attend U.S.-run schools.

A defense official said the two suspects may have attended Defense Language Academy at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, and the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama.

Officials at the Pentagon cautioned that it is possible the matching names are merely a coincidence or that the terrorists were using false identities.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said Friday investigators have recovered some information from the flight data recorder from American Airlines Flight 77, the hijacked jet that slammed into the Pentagon.

The flight data recorder from United Airlines Flight 93, the Boeing 757 that crashed in western Pennsylvania, also was recovered. The cockpit voice recorder was recovered late Friday evening.

Among the latest developments:

-- U.S. officials said there are still would-be terrorists inside the United States who they believe may try additional attack targets in this country.

"There is reason to believe not all the perpetrators are dead or in jail," one official said.

-- The FBI has received 36,000 leads in the case, and has issued a "watch list" of 100 names to various law enforcement agencies. Those 100 names are people who might have helpful information relating to the investigation. If located, they will be detained for questioning, officials said.

-- U.S. Attorney John Ashcroft said Friday that the FBI has distributed a watch list of about 100 people who may have information that could assist in the investigation by law enforcement agencies across the U.S. along with the Federal Aviation Administration, airlines, U.S. Customs and the Border Patrol.

-- The Treasury Department established a task force to track the assets of terrorist groups and disrupt their fund-raising.

-- Sen. Joseph Biden told CNN on Friday that there is evidence that several terrorist cells worked together to plan and carry out Tuesday's attacks.

-- The international police agency Interpol issued a special alert for bin Laden and said it received tips from 40 nations that may aid in his apprehension.

-- German officials released a man whom they had detained and questioned in connection with the terror attacks, the federal prosecutor's office said. German police detained the man and also brought in a woman for questioning, but found no reason to hold either one.

German prosecutors said two suspects believed to have died in the attack on the World Trade Center lived in the northern German city of Hamburg and were enrolled as students in at Hamburg Harburg Technical University. A third suspect now being sought also was thought to have been enrolled there.

The prosecutor said another suspect, thought to have died in the hijacked plane crash in Pennsylvania, also may have lived in Hamburg and was part of the same group.

-- Correspondent Susan Candiotti and free-lance producer Joanna Massee in Miami, CNN Madrid Bureau Chief Al Goodman and correspondents David Ensor, Kelli Arena and Mike Boettcher contributed to this report.





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