PaulPaul Cheneour


 The first few years of my life were spent in Cornwall and Somerset. My earliest memory is of throwing back my head and running like the wind along the sand and rocks, feeling the spray from the sea, and the elements humming all around me. Then it was off to school, which seemed like a good idea at the time. However, once there, school and I did not have much in common and did not see eye to eye on most things. Why were they hiding so much? and why were they so proud of their ignorance? The person before you is here despite the system, not because of it, although it could be said that the reverse is true.

Puberty came and went, thankfully painlessly; it was fun having a voice that could split from castrate to baritone in a moment. School and I parted company eying each other with mutual suspicion. The teenage years were probably as fun and as traumatic as for everyone else; it was the 60's and there was a heady mixture of freedom and revolution in the air. It was time to leave this island and taste different ways of living and seeing. I set off on a hitch-hiking journey through France, Spain and Morocco - the real journey had begun in earnest, no rehearsal, this was and is the real thing; a time for unlearning and learning and then unlearning, of finding and getting lost and finding again. At 18 years old I realised I did not know!

Everyday events were unfolding very fast, it seemed. There was a great number of influences at work on me at that time, it is hard to list them all; I think the greatest of these were finding the works of Spike Milligan, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis and Ravi Shankar as well as the first kiss and first love. Although I had no formal musical education at school, I taught myself and played the piano and guitar adequately. Music was very important to me as it was the one language that spoke directly to me. Then the flute found me when I was 19 years old and I have been lucky to have been playing professionally since that time in all sorts of styles from Jazz to Classical to Arab and Indian and of course my own music which I am playing more and more.

The person that I have to thank the most for their help is Profesor Rainer Schuelein, who not only helped me with the flute, but also through his teaching pointed me in the direction of discovering myself more fully. Other profound influences include an enormous amount of esoteric literature, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, The Pythons, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, everyone I have ever known, my mother (who believes in the process), two near-fatal car crashes (neither one my fault!), travelling and meeting some very remarkable people who nudged me to more wakefulness.

Having been playing and teaching the flute for over 26 years, I now find that I am enjoying it more than ever, especially as I can play the music that I heard inside, all those years ago when I was a boy, even before I played an instrument. I feel very privileged to have been alive at this time in history, even with all the struggles that I have faced and am still to face. At last I can throw back my head and feel the wind, sea, sand and sun running through me. What a sound!

The meaning of life: to participate in the realisation of God's plan. To Be or not to Be. That is not the question: It is the answer!


Here are a couple of his song's in "Real" audio


This is the Usui power symbol. It heals physical conditions, removes energy blocks and can be used for protection or cleansing of self and property. Can heal mechanical or electrical faults.


Tibetan Fire Serpent. The seven coils collect negative energies from the chakras, and transmutes to normality. Awakens kundalini. Heals energy blocks. Transforms if stuck in one of life's grooves.


Tibetan Master Symbol. Links to the God-Force. Hooks out problems from the soul and lets in new light. Connects mental, emotional and spiritual bodies with the physical. Ongoing connection with higher being.


NOTE:All images and music on this page are the soul property of "Paul Cheneour"



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