Holy Roman Catholic Church
The institution of the Catholic Church began when the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine accepted Christianity, and became the Holy Roman Empire. The Church's time of absolute power came when Emperor Charlemagne finally conquered most of Pagan Europe in the 8th Century.

While Europe had been dominated by a Pagan Nature belief system, a Pagan-Christian synthesis existed in the British Isles with Celtic Christianity, where early Gnostic Christian ideas of the Historical Christ had survived following the destruction of the original Christian Church of Jerusalem by the Romans.  The teachings of the Church of Jerusalem had made their way to Ireland by way of North Africa and Spain, and with it's emphasis on the Feminine principles of harmony and unity, found a natural home within the Celtic commmunities.  With the destruction of Celtic Christianity alongside traditional Paganism at the behest of the Church of Rome, Christianity was finally unified under the might of the Holy Roman Empire with its orthodox teachings largely developed by Saul (St.Paul).  Many scholars now believe that this was more uniquely "Paulian" than Christian.

Saul had been a fervent persecutor of Gnostic Jews/Christians, and while he had never actually met Jesus, he claimed to have communicated with Jesus in a vision, and ultimately drew his authority from this "transcendental" encounter.  Saul quickly fell out with the original followers of Christ, mainly regarding the role of women within their rituals and practices, but traveled to Rome where he was a key figure in the establishment of the Church of Rome, which became the Roman Catholic Church as we know it today.

Paul was humiliated by the failure of his teachings that the Apocalypse was about to occur and Jesus's return was imminent. As a consequence, he devised the concept of evangalism: Only when the entire world was converted to Christianity would Jesus return.

Seven hundred years later this goal was almost achieved, and the Holy Roman Empire ruled most of the known world. However, schisms soon began to occur within the Holy Empire when the spiritual leaders, the Popes, struggled for ultimate power over the military Emperors, who had always appointed the Popes, claiming their own divine right to rule by hereditary birthright.

With the revival of
Gnosticism in Europe in the 12th Century, particularly with the Cathars, the internal schisms finally created a breakdown in the unity of the Empire, ending with the existence of three separate Popes, and one Emperor, all vying for power in different parts of Europe.  Stability was finally achieved by the annihilation of Gnosticism throughout Europe by the Inquisition.  This forced Gnosticism underground, where it continued to exist in the mystical-military orders that appeared at this time, such as the supposedly ascetic and celebate Knights Templar, who developed what is now Freemasonry.  Although the Feminine principles of Gnosticism became blurred by the Masculine pursuits of power and conquest.

The Catholic Church as we see it today, labeled the Gnostic streams Satanic, and perhaps not without good cause. 
The Dark Side of occultism has many secrets, lies and perversions.  With the messianic fervor of St. Paul, the Catholic Church continued its search and destroy mission against "Satanism", Paganism and Shamanism, as we have seen throughout history in the Americas, Africa, and Polynesian Islands.  The ensuing Witch Hunts in Europe since the Inquisition claimed perhaps 2 million lives, particularly older women past the age of reproduction, who's only crime was an invaluable knowledge of natural medicine, and a "Sixth Sense" that was perhaps perceived as a direct threat to Rome.

The destructive aspects of the Inquisition effectively "purified" Europe of its traditional Nature cults, beliefs and practices.  However, they survived to a certain degree within the
Occult underground streams, which ironically were becoming as confused about Gnostic beliefs, rituals and heritage, as the mainstream Church.  The creation of the Arthurian myths "seeking that which was lost" are an illustration of this loss.

This complex history as documented in the archives of the Vatican is withheld from public scrutiny.  Indeed, these records are officially called the Secret Archives, which by its very definition has a sinister connotation.  What could be so secret and potentially damaging that has to be hidden from view forever?  Even the CIA must appear to release documents after a period of time.

Vatican insider Father Malachi Martin, a Jesuit priest, highly regarded scholar, speaker of 17 languages, translator of ancient scriptures and books, and close associate of Pope John XXIII and Cardinal Augustin Bea, perhaps revealed these secrets, before his untimely death in 1999. His final publication
"Windswept House", describes in frighteningly authentic detail, a Satanic ritual conducted in 1963 in the Vatican's Chapel of St. Paul.

According to Father Martin its purpose was to "Bring about the enthronement of Lucifer. The return of the King of the Earth to his seat of power".

As expected, Father Martin's books are currently causing a stir within the Catholic Church and its members.  Not so surprising when he ends his dense 650 page book with the central character's plea to the Pope, "Are you not the last one capable of cleansing the Holy Basilica and the Vatican of any trace of Lucifer's enthronement?  That you will leave Lucifer and his in-house Curial agents free to wreak their blasphemous filth on Altar and Tabernacle and priesthood and papacy... You cannot walk away from this papacy knowing you have left that supreme enemy in charge."

The point that Fr. Martin does not understand, is that the very structure of the Vatican that gives the Pope his power, prestige, and historical authority, is intrinsically linked with the Occult societies like the Dragon Court and the Priory of Sion, who have always been there, at one with the goals and aims of the Church itself.  Whether the Second Coming is the literal return of their Scion (neo-feudalism/fascism), or the mystical return of Jesus as taught by the mainstream Church, makes little difference to the aims of the present-day structure of the Vatican.  To control and hold great political weight across the entire world is the necessary and unified aim of both groups.  Thus, there is little point in the Pope attempting to destroy the hidden structures within his Church, which wield most of this power in the political and economic arena.

Perhaps the recently disgraced paedophile priest Fr. Paul Shanley was intimating this when he threatened to release sensitive information about the Church should he be exposed as a paedophile.
"Were I to release this to the press, you would have to fire another half dozen of your top priests, since what they are saying is far more shocking than my poor offerings", Fr. Shanley disclosed in a letter to his Cardinal.  Indeed, what could be "far more shocking" than paedophilia?

Equally fantastic is the recent charade surrounding the "Messages from the Virgin Mary" and the so called "Third Secret".  Yet another example of psychological manipulation through the creation of a Mystery that only a select few know the answer to.  This is wholly consistent with Catholicism's mainstream belief structure that deifies Mystery, and celebrates a state of ignorance.  Secrecy is the currency of all occult/authoritarian institutions as secret societies testify, but none can come close in terms of power, influence, and the appalling historical legacy of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Today, the Catholic Church shows no signs of easing its historical attitudes towards indigenous peoples and women, and is actively opposing programs that would improve the lives of those in developing countries and women at large.  Only now is its legacy of
abuse and cruelty to children and young people becoming fully known, as Catholics worldwide finally find themselves able to speak out, without fear of "divine retribution."

Although it is technically a religion and not a country, the Vatican's self-categorization as a Sovereign State allows it membership of the United Nations.  Under international law they have no legal right to such status, and recent attempts to disqualify the Vatican by organizations such as "Catholics For A Free Choice" have been thwarted at the highest levels.  Within the UN the Vatican persistently obstructs and prevents measures aimed at providing condom distribution and sex education throughout developing countries to prevent the rising spread of AIDS and unwanted pregnancy.  Any directives by the UN to improve the quality of life for women in general are always vehmently opposed by the Vatican, who firmly believe "a woman's place is beneath her husband".

This is wholly consistant with the proclamations of one of the Catholic Church's founding fathers Saint Augustine, who is on record as saying "women are vessels of excrement".

Also see: Original Sin, Christianity & Racism, and The Holocaust.

Also: Everything you want to know about the Vatican but are afraid to ask.
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