The Holocaust
Knowledge of the 11,000,000 victims of the Nazi Holocaust will surely torment the soul of Humanity throughout its Destiny. Yet this was not the first time that a racial or religious group had been singled out for slaughter.

In fact, throughout Europe's history the Jewish people had been scapegoated and victimized.  These attacks were usually inspired by the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and indeed Germany of the 1930's was still a deeply Catholic country.  The Jewish people had historically been blamed for murdering Christ and stories and legends abounded about their collusion with Satan.  Reports from the Death Camps reveal the surprise of some Nazi guards when they discovered that the Jews did not have "Satanic horns", which they were taught to be true by their Jesuit school masters.

Coming from a
Theosophy and Rosicrucian belief system, Hitler and his Nazi elite attacked the Jews for evolutionary reasons.  Certain races were believed to be genetically of a lower consciousness and were holding back the development of Humankind.  By choosing to destroy the Semitic race, Hitler created a strange fusion of Catholic and Occult historical dogmas, and unleashed a frenzied hatred in the German people.

For the first time since the close of the first millennium, Hitler unified the aims of the Holy Roman Empire with those of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, who had been at odds due to philosophical conflicts caused by the Gnostic Christian revival of the 12th Century.  Now united against a common enemy, the Jews, the deeply Roman Catholic German, Austrian, Hungarian, Italian, and Croatian people and their
Rosicrucian secret society ruling elites could look forward to the biblically prophesied 1000 years of peace brought about by the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire, led by its new Messiah.  According to Roman Catholic teachings, the world would be purified of the "perfidious Jew" and their "Luciferian consciousness", thus paving the way for the "Second Coming of Christ and His Kingdom upon the Earth".

Similarly, according to Rosicrucian secret dogma, the blood of the world would be purified of the Jewish "sub-race", allowing for the evolution of the Master Race to the consciousness of the Gods. 

The Russian Slavs and Negro people of the world were considered to be equally sub-human.  Indeed, millions of Slavic people were exterminated during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.  Entire villages and their inhabitants were burned during Operation Barbarossa, named after the infamous Holy Roman Emperor of 1152 to 1190.  Only the courage and sacrifice of the ordinary men and women of the Allied Forces prevented the "Master Race" from continuing its genocidal agenda on a global scale.

When the
Nazis were defeated, many of its high-ranking officers escaped justice with the help of the Vatican.  This fact alone exposes the link between the two establishments, but recent disclosures of War Records have revealed exactly how this tie was embodied.

The Nazis who escaped through the "Rat Run" were all
Knights of Malta.  This secret Catholic military order has its own sovereignty, which allowed the Vatican to issue special passports to the leading Nazis, including Dr. Josef Mengele who tortured and experimented on thousands of children in Auschwitz, and Adolf Eichmann, who personally coordinated and planned the methods of murder - the Death Camps, the Gas Chambers, and forced Death Marches during the freezing Winter months.

The Knights of Malta are initiates of the Rosicrucian and Occult "Secret Doctrine" beliefs of the Holy Roman Empire, which Adolf Hitler and the Nazis not only followed, but almost succeeded in realizing.  Comments made to Jews by Extermination Camp commandants such as
"This is where Heaven and Earth meet. A crossing point to the other world. But don't worry, you won't be left behind", only confirm their bizarre and trivial perception of life and death, and the metaphysical motive behind the genocide.

Over two thousand other Nazis escaped to the deeply Catholic countries of South America, including Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia.  Clearly regretting nothing, in 1948 the Catholic Church's Pope Pius XII awarded one of the highest honors of the Knights of Malta, the "Grand Cross of Merit", to leading Nazi General Reinhardt Gehlen who ran the "Gehlen Org", the Nazi military intelligence agency that was said to be even more powerful than the SS.  His expertise lay in Eastern Europe and Russia, and Gehlen was no doubt a leading figure in the Nazi's massive invasion of Russia, which was responsible for the extermination of millions of peasant Russians, Slavs and Jews through village burnings, mass executions, and mobile gas chambers.  Earlier this year, the American Government officially confirmed that at the end of the war, Gehlen came to America, and worked for
the CIA.

The present day Vatican's steadfast refusal to open secret War Archives that may shine new light on their exact involvement with the Nazis and the "Rat Run", can only deepen suspicions of how high the complicity reached.

As we enter the 21st Century, the Vatican continues its masquerade of power and deception, and recent lawsuits against them by Holocaust survivors have led to the Vatican attempting to hide from its past behind the veil of Diplomatic Immunity, particulary in regards to their banking interests and the plundering of Jewish wealth, even despite growing documentary evidence against them.

For a complete history of the Holocaust visit
The Holocaust Chronicle.
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