Changing Time.
[email protected]
Disclaimer- I own nothing, not even these shoes, at least not yet.

"No i'm not doing it!" Wesley announced. He picked up his White suit jacket off the chair and marched out the front door mumbling to himself. i'm not doing it, there is nothing in the Watchers handbook about duties of that kind!

Angel looked pleadingly at Cordelia as the front door banged behind Wesley.
"No way." She stated with a huge grin on her face. Angel's face sank "Please, I'll beg?" She shook her head at his desperate words "I'll give you a raise?"
Cordelia chuckled "I'm sorry Angel but not even *you* have that much money."
"I've never done this before!" Angel began to panic "Please Cordy?"
"I'll talk you through it but I've just had my nails done."
Angel relaxed - slightly. "Ok what do i do?"
"First take it off, wrap it in that bag and dump it in the garbage." Cordelia instructed amused at Angel's fervent nod as he carried out her instructions.
"Now What?" He asked desperately
"Clean it off with one of those." She pointed to some cloths on his desk. Angel went green.
"Go on." She urged trying not to laugh at his expression of horror and revulsion.
"How do you know how to do this?" he said trying to take his mind off the idea of being sick- could Vampires even be sick? he was sure Spike had after a particularly large drinking binge but this was different.
Cordelia smiled widely "Never you mind." She looked at him to make sure he'd completed the task to her satisfaction.
"Now you need to use that white powder, the one next to the newts eyeballs..ew!"
"Do what with it?"
Cordelia rolled her eyes "Pour some! sheesh, you want diagrams?"
Angel gritted his teeth, he was a champion, he could do this.
"Ok, now get the new one and slip it underneath."
Angel did as she ordered.
"GENTLY!" she said loudly
"Sorry, sorry!" Angel was contrite
"Now pull one side up and you see that bit of tape?" Angel nodded "Secure it firmly with that to the top of the middle."
Angel looked confused, Cordelia sighed
"Unfasten the tape and stick it to the top part of the middle, dumbass!" Angel, looking flustered, did that.
"Is it too tight?" He inquired worriedly. Cordelia peered over
"No that looks just right and now the other side."
Angel repeated the actions on the other side.
"There that wasn't too hard was it?" Cordelia let loose the laugh she had been trying to hold in.
Angel gave a huge sigh of relief "I did it!" He said proudly
"Hmm man of the 21st century" Cordelia grinned and stalked off.

As he picked up his son off the desk,Angel didn't care that she had been mocking his pride. He had changed his first diaper!
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