Connors Wish.
Fayth [email protected]
Disclaimer- I own nothing, not even these shoes, at least not yet.
Summary- This was written way before little Connor went to Quartoth, so imagine the annoying little brat actually grew up in L.A with Angel Investigations.

I have such a cool family.

My teachers all thought i was wierd when i drew my first "family" picture, all the other kids drew this house in the sun with Mom and Dad and kids and maybe a dog.

I drew the hotel at night with Dad and Cordelia and Uncle Wes and Uncle Gunn and Auntie Fred and Uncle Lorne and Dennis. My teacher wanted to know about the picture and called home to ask why i had drawn a demon and a ghost. It took some fancy footwork from Cordelia to explain that i was just imaginative and no, we didn't live in a cult.

She always does cool stuff like that. Like she goes to all my parent teacher days coz Dad can't make it. Coz ,you know, sunlight.

She buys me my clothes and all my friends are so jealous coz she's so cute. They wish they had cute Mom's, but she's not my Mom. Not my real mom anyway.

My real mom is dead, and has been for like a couple of hundred years. According to Dad, Darla's died, like, Four times. That's so cool.

I mean she's a primo bitch when she was't dead but she was my real mom. Dad drew me this picture of her so i know what she looked like at least.

I love my family, Uncle Wes helps me with my English papers and stuff. Auntie Fred helps with maths and science and Uncle Lorne helps with Music. I get to "cruise for chicks" with Uncle Gunn and i play with mom's ghost Dennis.

My Dad protects me and teaches me to fight and Mom... i mean Cordelia, she gets these visions and she takes care of me even if she's in,like real, pain.

So i really have no reason to complain, even if i am some kinda chosen thing.

So thats all. Dad said Santa doesn't exist so i'm sending this to you oracles with this watch coz Dad said you need a present and i've been real good this year.

But there's just one thing i want. Please can you make Cordelia and Dad get together, so i can have a real Mom. I won't ask for anything else, not even the cool mountain bike with turbo thrusters i saw in the store. (Although if you want...)

Yours Connor.
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