Enough is Enough (pg-13)
Pairing- B/S (this part ONLY) and W/DR, W/S
Disclaimer- put the characters down and step away slowly!

Willow threw the suitcase down on her bed and tried desperately to stem the flow of tears still pouring from her eyes. It wasn�t fair, it simply wasn�t fair. She stomped over to the wardrobe and picked out her favourite clothes throwing them into the open case. Just because she was the Slayer it wasn�t fair that she got all the men that Willow wanted. First there was Xander and then Oz had eventually confessed that he had originally been going out with Willow to get close to Buffy� and now him.
What made it worse was that Buffy knew how Willow had felt about him and yet she still� Willow swiped the back of her hand over her eyes and firmly shut the case. She tried to erase the image of them together writhing around on the bed.
Buffy thought she could do everything alone? Well now she was on her own. Screw research and being the Slayers little shadow. Willow had had enough it was time to leave and get out of the Hellmouth. And maybe, just maybe, she could forget about seeing Buffy with him. With Spike.

Buffy rolled over and fought the instinctive wave of disgust she felt whenever she saw Spike. Whether it was towards Spike or towards herself she didn�t know but the fact that it was there was enough.
�So Buffy.� Spike began hesitantly
�Don�t.� she said coldly and stood up reaching for her clothes
�What?� Spike frowned confused.
�Whatever it is you have to say don�t bother. There is nothing that could come out of your mouth that I want to hear.� She finished pulling on her skirt and yanked her sweater over her head.
Spike shook his head �Buffy.� Her name was a caress on his lips.
�Dammit Spike, I said I don�t want to hear it. God you just don�t get it do you. I don�t want conversation with you; I don�t want you- period.�
�Then why are you here?� his voice turned cool.
�I don�t know.� She admitted as she pulled on her shoes �But as long as you are determined to have this talk. I. Don�t. Love. You. I never will, half the time I cant even stand to be in the same room. What we do disgusts me, that I have been with you, is just-� she bit off the words but the look of disgust and nausea on her face said it for her.
�Fine.� Spike growled and swung himself off the bed �if it repulses you so much then why are you bloody well here?�
�Not anymore, this was the last time.�
�Heard that tune before Slayer.� He smirked and reached for his cigarettes ignoring the fact that he was naked.
�This time I mean it and I have something that ensures that it is.�
�What�s that?� he was half amused and half curious
But Buffy shook her head, there was no way she was telling him, Willow would kill her. She felt a pang as she thought of her friend and what she would say if she could see her now. Screwing the man she loved. The feeling of nausea made its way up into her throat. Oh Willow I�m so sorry.
�What and give you something to use as ammunition against me. No way Spike.�
His face softened �I wouldn�t hurt you Buffy. You know that.�
�No I don�t know that. You are a vampire Spike, an evil soulless vampire. I don�t love you and I sure as hell don�t trust you.�
Spike felt pain at her words but managed to keep it out of his voice. �Fine, just remember that next time you need a fix.�
Like a junkie. She had needed Spike but thanks to Willow and her constant implacable friendship and non judgmental ways she could kick the habit.
Before she left the crypt she turned and looked over her shoulder at him
�Just say no.�
Spike stared at the door as she left. Sometimes he wished he could just tie her up and stake her through the heart to let her see how it felt. He sighed and took a drag. She didn�t trust him, but then he had never really given her reason to. But Red trusted his, liked him too- he was sure of it. If her spending all that time listening to him moan about his love life meant anything. He hadn�t told her about him and Buffy yet, was worried it might seem a bit too much like rubbing it in, what with her witch leaving her and all. He�d liked Tara and was sorry that she had to go, but after all that business with Glory he could understand her needing some space. Too bad she�d had to hurt Red though, but Willow just ploughed on through. She hadn�t stopped being there, for Buffy, for Dawn, Anya and even him. She truly was a marvel and she made him feel like more than an evil soulless demon, she made him feel wanted, she just had a way of making it all feel better. Yeah Red would understand, Red would make him feel better.

Chapter 2
Willow stood at the Bus terminal clutching the ticket in her hand as she waited to get on the bus. Her mind spun as recollected her all too brief conversation with the too perky ticket lady.
�Where to Miss?�
�The first bus out of here, I don�t care where to. I just want to be gone.�
The woman took in Willow�s tear stained face and nodded typing something into the computer, when she looked up the look on the woman�s face was one of intense pity.
�There�s a bus leaving in 10 minutes going south.�
�I�ll take it.� Willow slapped some money down and ignored the strange looks she was getting from everyone else in the queue.
Taking her ticket she wandered over to the stop her thoughts echoing like screams in her head.
�I don�t care where to. I just want to be gone.�
A rumble of engine awoke her and she climbed onto the bus tucking herself into her seat by the window. People getting on took one look at the picture of misery and decided to give the poor girl the space she obviously needed.
They too understood how it felt to just want to be alone.
�I don�t care where to. I just want to be gone.�
She gave a little smile as she saw the sign.
Leaving Sunnydale- come back soon!
�Not a chance.� She said softly.

Buffy opened the door and dumped her bag on the floor.
�Dawn, Willow?�
�Hey Buff.� Her little sister appeared in the doorway holding the remains of her dinner, a peanut butter sandwich.
�Is that all your having?� Buffy gestured to the sandwich
�Nah Janice�s mom made me some pancakes earlier, I was just snacking.� Dawn explained
Buffy nodded apparently satisfied that she wasn�t going to be charged with neglect of a minor.
�Seen Willow?�
Dawn shook her head, her long dark hair momentarily hiding her striking features.
�I think she went out.�
�Ok well I�m going to bed.� She started climbing the stairs leaving her sister watching her suspiciously
�Had a rough time huh?�
Buffy spun around and stared at her sister guiltily �What?�
�Slayage, your clothes are all torn and stuff.�
Buffy�s pulse calmed and she gave her sister a tentative smile. �Yeah rough slaying. Don�t stay up too late.�
Dawn�s eyes narrowed as she watched Buffy slowly trudge up the stairs. Her sister was keeping something from her and she was determined to find out what it was.

Buffy stopped outsides Willow�s room and stared at the bed. She was probably with Giles doing some research about yet another creature Buffy had to face and destroy so they could all go on living. Sometimes she felt so guilty- because of her, her friends could never have a normal life. They weren�t chosen for this gig, unlike her. Yet they stayed and helped, often more than Buffy herself could, she owed them her life. Willow, literally, as her best friend had bought her back to life, had given her a second chance.
And she repaid her by having sex with Spike. Buffy sighed and closed the door knowing that Willow probably wouldn�t be back until tomorrow.

Spike stood outside the Summer�s house watching in the shadows as Buffy closed the door to Red�s room and left. He frowned, he hadn�t seen the chit at the Magic Box so she wasn�t with Giles, and she wasn�t at home.
He shrugged lighting a cigarette maybe she was with that idiot Harris and his demon girl. Well he wasn�t going over there; he�d have to wait another night to see her.

Buffy opened her eyes and for a moment tried desperately to hold on to the dream that was receding. It was so beautiful, all cool and calm she felt safe and comforted. But alas it was gone.
She sighed deeply getting up and making her way to the bathroom past Willow�s closed door.

Dawn watched carefully as the flipped pancakes dropped down from where she had just tossed them and quickly stuck her plate under them as they fell catching them.
�Whoo hoo.� She grinned
Buffy laughed indulgently �How long have you been perfecting that move?�
�All week.� Dawn grabbed the syrup and poured it over the pancakes
�Pretty cool.� Buffy grabbed some cereal �Xander will be here soon and we can go.�
�Is Willow up?�
�I don�t hear her, but if she was with Giles then she might be tired, let her sleep.�
�Ew,� Dawn wrinkled her nose �Bad imagery.�
�Dawn Summers that�s just gross.� Buffy choked on her juice �Willow and Giles?� She shuddered �I so didn�t need that picture, anyway Willow likes someone else.�
�Who?� Dawn leaned closer eager for gossip
�Nah uh.� Buffy shook her head �She�ll tell you herself but you blab.�
�Would not.� Dawn sounded affronted
�Would too.� Buffy heard Xander beep his horn outside and grabbed her bag from where she�d dumped it last night.
�Would not.� Dawn picked up her school bag and followed her sister.
�Would too.� The door slammed leaving the Summer�s house in silence.

Giles was bored, his usual texts refused to yield any information about the whereabouts of this damned cult of demons and he couldn�t get in touch with Willow who could look them up on the computer. He refused to go near the dread machine after last time. It had beeped rather noisily at him and declared that a type 3 error had occurred. Boxes flashed and the computer screen kept shooting boxes at him with what, he was convinced, was a totally different language, as he couldn�t understand a word. What the hell was an IP address anyway?
He wondered where Willow could be.

Buffy was bored; she had been flipping burgers for hours now and still couldn�t shake the idea that something was wrong. Maybe it was just the smell of cooking grease. She wondered what had been so important that it had kept Willow out that late, she hoped it wasn�t something apocalypse-y. Shrugging off the depressing thoughts she turned her attention back to the browning burgers.

Dawn glared at the back of Stacy�s head and wished that Willow was there to magic her into another time zone. She was such a bitch.
�Oh Dawn, I heard that your sister flips burgers for a living, is that what you had for lunch today? Certainly smells like it.� The Stacettes giggled
�It�s better than Eau de tramp.� Kit shot back defending her friend. Dawn and Lizzy giggled.
�Oh some one woke up on the wrong side of their coffin this morning didn�t they Morticia.�
�Morticia wasn�t a Vampire and Vampires don�t actually sleep in Coffins.� Dawn said before she could stop herself
Kit turned to Dawn �Summers, you are one weird chick, but I like ya.�
�Thanks, but if she�s going to insult us could she at least get her facts straight?�
Stacy gave her an un-amused look �Whatever.� She stormed off with the rest of her entourage
Lizzy linked her arm with Dawn and Kit. �Ignore her; she still thinks the Ozone layer is a kind of foundation.�
Dawn giggled; she�d have to remember to tell that one to Willow.

Spike rolled over and stared at the ceiling his mind turning over the conversation with Buffy. For some reason last night�s had bugged him more than usual. He was getting fed up of being treated like the bad guy. Ok technically he *was* the bad guy but that wasn�t the point.
He hadn�t been enough for Drusilla and had hung around for over a century being second best- was that what he wanted with Buffy? He had never tired of being around his Dark Princess but just lately he didn�t want to be around Buffy that much, after all there is only so much rejection and ego stomping anyone could take. He was even starting to believe her when she said she could never love him. Was he in love with her at all anymore? If it had been love in the first place- no it had been real, he was sure of it. It was just that he wasn�t sure if she was worth fighting for anymore. She certainly didn�t give a fig about him, told him so repeatedly. So why was he busting his butt to try help her out? There was something Willow had told him one time they had been talking about her and Xander. He still couldn�t believe she had been in love with Xander that long and he had never seen it, never seen that light in her eyes and that beautiful smile: it came less and less these days but he always seemed to be able to coax one out of her. Anyway he had asked her when she had stared to get over Xander and she said that there was a fine line between being loves bitch and being a pathetic sap. She realised that she had crossed the line when she started kissing Xander because of what could have been instead of focussing on Oz and what was. Not that it made much difference in the end except she could have kept her dignity had she simply said to Xander that yes she had loved him but she had moved on, just like him. The love, she told him, eventually goes away, never forgotten but it fades and eventually becomes a fond memory, or not too fond- nevertheless it goes.
All this chasing after Buffy and letting her use his body like a male whore had he tripped the line between loves bitch and pathetic loser? If so what could he do about it?
He wished Willow was here.

Chapter 3
It was dark before Buffy managed to make it to Giles� place, she had had to go home and shower the smell of dead animals off her. As she entered the Magic Box she smiled at all assembled until something registered.
�Where�s Willow?�
Xander shrugged and stuffed a Twinkie in his mouth whilst watching Anya do the money dance.
Dawn looked up from her homework and frowned �I don�t know.�
�Well I haven�t seen her all day.� Giles said polishing his glasses.
�Maybe she�s still in bed, what time were you guys researching until last night?�
Buffy put her bag on the chair and gave Giles a smile which faded as he blinked confused.
�I was not with Willow last night. She came over at about five and said she had somewhere to be, I haven�t seen her since.�
�Five yesterday?� Buffy started to panic. �She wasn�t at home when I got there last night, Dawn?�
�She wasn�t there when I dropped by after school.� Dawn�s voice got higher- obviously Buffy wasn�t the only one who was panicking.
�Not since yesterday morning. We did a donut run.� Xander put down his Twinkies and got up. �I�ll go see if she�s at the house.�
�Maybe she�s with Spike?� Dawn ventured and got up �I�ll go see.�
�Not alone, I�ll come with.� Buffy turned to Giles �We�ll be back soon.�
�I haven�t seen her either.� Anya piped up �Just in case you were wondering.�
Giles rolled his eyes; it was highly unlikely that Willow would want to see Anya anyway.
Buffy grabbed Dawn and headed for the cemetery. Whilst Xander made for the Summer�s house.

�Knew you�d come back for more Slayer, cold comfort too�� he trailed off when he saw Dawn with Buffy �New demon?� he guessed
�Willow.� Buffy said trying not to get mad at him
�What about Red?� Buffy could hear the concern in his voice
�She�s missing; no one�s seen her since yesterday afternoon. Have you?�
Spike shook his head worry filling him; it wasn�t good when one of the Slayerettes went missing, even for a night.
�She hasn�t called?� he asked �if she was going away she�d leave a message.�
�Xander�s checking the house.� Buffy informed him beginning to feel uncomfortable.
Dawn folded her arms over her chest and watched them, her eyes narrowing �More what?�
�What was that nibblet?� Spike said glad of the distraction; he was trying to figure out how to break things off with the Slayer, without getting staked. Of course that was second to the worry he felt about the missing witch.
�You asked Buffy if she�d come back for more. More what?�
Buffy�s panicked levels flared up
�Uh more information.� Spike supplied quickly shooting Buffy a quick look.
�About a demon, I met on patrol last night.� Buffy added.
�Nasty bugger, big teeth.�
�I�m a kid, I�m not stupid. Cold comfort wha-� she trailed off her eyes widening at Buffy and Spike�s guilty expressions. �Oh. My. God.�
�Dawnie,� Buffy began
�You two?� she glanced angrily at Buffy �But this morning you told me that Willow��
Buffy dropped her eyes to the floor
�It�s over.� Spike said quietly, not exactly sure what was going on. �We� broke it off.�
Buffy�s head shot up to meet his steady gaze. �It�s over.� he repeated and she nodded
�But- but Willow and you knew!� Dawn was furious
�It was a mistake!� Buffy choked out
�Willow what?� Spike asked curiously, he wondered what Red had to do with this.
�Is missing.� Buffy said firmly �We�ll talk about this later.�
�Yeah.� Dawn said just as firmly, her eyes demanded answers.
�Let�s see if Xander�s had any luck.�

Giles was concerned about Willow, it wasn�t like her to go off like that and tell no one. Buffy paced the room as they waited for Xander to return. Dawn kept shooting evil glares at Buffy and even Spike and Anya looked harried. The redhead truly was the heart of the group.
Everyone looked up as the bell rang over the shop door. Xander came in
�Is she here?�
�I take it she wasn�t at the house?� Giles sighed
�No, and she wasn�t at her parents place or the library either.�
�Ok no need to panic.� Buffy said already panicking �I�ll check the campus, maybe she decided to go to college for something.�
�I�ll go speak to some demons, maybe someone knows something.� Spike picked up his coat and was gone even before he finished the sentence
�I�m going on a Wicca hunt, maybe she went shopping.�
�I�ll come with; I know here she likes to go.� Dawn got up to follow Xander
�Be careful with her.� Buffy whispered to Xander
�I should wait here, if she comes back.� Giles hated waiting but it seemed like that was his position in life, waiting. Maybe he should call himself a waiter not a watcher.
�What can I do?� Buffy stopped on her way out of the shop and turned to look at Anya.
�I know you people don�t like me very much but Willow is always nice to me. I want to help.� There was nothing but sincerity in Anya�s eyes as she looked at Buffy.
She reminded Buffy of that time Cordelia asked what she could do to help around Parent teacher night, eager to be one of the team. She realised that she had been pushing Anya away, thinking of her as less than one of the Scooby�s. Well it was time for a change.
Buffy nodded �Willow�s address book is in her bedside table, start calling her friends and asking if they�ve seen her.�
Anya smiled, happy to be included and picked up her coat ready to go to find Willow.

Chapter 4
It was with heavy hearts that the Scooby�s found themselves at the Magic box early the next morning.
�Nothing.� Buffy slumped in the nearest chair �I checked the whole campus, Student Union to cafeteria and nothing, no one�s even seen her.�
�The last the Wicca shops saw of her was Thursday.� Xander dropped his head on the table in exhaustion
�She hasn�t called.� Giles added tentatively
�Demons know nothing.� Spike said pressing a damp cloth to his swelling lip and bloody forehead. Dawn got up to help him with his slashed jacket.
�Well I dropped by the Bronze and that Coffee shop first just in case she went there.� Buffy sat up
�I never even thought of that, way to go Anya.�
Anya beamed but then it faded �Nothing there and no one in her address book knows where she is, but Angel said he�d ask some of his contacts.�
�Bloody Poof and what�s Red doing with Angel in her address book anyhow?� Spike asked but no one answered.
�Uh guys I kinda have to go to school soon.� Dawn said softly yawning
�Oh blow it off I�ll write you a note.� Buffy rubbed her forehead as that phrase reverberated around her brain, it was familiar somehow.
�Cool.� The words were there but they lacked that natural exuberance that playing hooky normally brings. �I�m going home, I�m tired.�
�I�ll walk you and do another round of the cemetery, maybe I�ll find something.�
Buffy stretched and yawned
�I�m not stopping, still got a bit of moonlight left.� Spike picked up his duster
�Spike?� Spike turned at the sound of Xander�s voice
�Can,� he cleared his throat and tried again �Can I come with you? I can�t stop, I need to find Willow.�
Everyone�s jaw dropped as Xander asked the guy he hated more than Angel if he could voluntarily be in his company
�Sure thing mate.� Spike nodded. He�d never admit it, not even to himself but he actually liked Xander, had an odd sort of respect for the kid who had no special powers whatsoever but still managed to spend 20 odd years fighting evil and not be dead.
Xander kissed Anya who just smiled; she understood how Xander felt about Willow.
�Find her.�
Giles marvelled, even though Willow was not here she still managed to keep the group together.

Meanwhile miles away a sweet little redhead whose heart had been broken more than once by those she trusted got on another bus.

�BUFFY!� Buffy thundered up the stairs when Dawn called
�What, what�s wrong?� she demanded as she ran into Willow�s room.
�Did Willow take some of her stuff back to her parent�s house?�
�Because it�s gone.� Her sister said rolling her eyes
�What?� Buffy glared
�Will�s laptop and some of her clothes, her purse and diary, all gone.�
Buffy was confused �Maybe she took it back home, she did say she needed some space, maybe she was taking it when she went missing.� She refused to say dead.
�Or maybe she found out what a swell friend you were and took off.� Dawn mocked
�Willow wouldn�t run away.� Buffy denied vehemently
�Well at least you�re not denying it.� Dawn spat
�Dawnie.� Buffy was tired of this
�No, you are not going to fob me off like some kid, you knew Willow was in love with Spike and yet you were screwing him?�
�Watch your language Dawn Summers.� Buffy warned �I don�t have to justify myself to you.�
�No but to Willow, how could you Buffy?� Tears formed at the corner of her eyes �But I guess things worked out for you, Willow�s gone so you have him to yourself.�
Buffy�s eyes took on a dangerous glare �If you weren�t my sister I would slap your face. I love Willow, what I did with Spike was a mistake, which I regret more than you could ever understand. I would never hurt Willow and I will look for her until I find her.�
Dawn started to cry and Buffy felt her heart catch �Where is she?�
Buffy tried to enfold her in her arms �Oh Dawnie I wish I knew.�
�Don�t touch me right now.� She pushed Buffy away �I really can�t be around you right now.�
Dawn pushed past Buffy and ran into her room slamming the door. Buffy slumped onto Willow�s bed.
�One more screw up in the life of Buffy.� She whispered into the vanilla scented sheets.

�Nothing.� Xander moaned they left the last cemetery.
�I�m gonna try Willies.� Spike stared at the sky �Sun�s nearly up.�
�Why do care Spike?� Xander asked suddenly taking Spike so by surprise that he answered honestly.
�She�s always been good to me, listening when no one else gives a crap.�
Xander nodded �She does that.� He took a breath �Even when no one listens back she�s still there, that�s what makes her my Wills. I promise when I find her I will sit and listen to her for hours.�
Spike said nothing for a while as he scanned the horizon �She always treats me right, even though I tried to kill her, she never made fun of me like you lot did, always treated me like a man.�
�That�s because to Willow you are a man. She�s the least judgemental person I ever met; I mean her friends consist of witches, Slayers, a demon, a werewolf and a Vampire. You know she forgives so easily. When Angel came back she didn�t forgive him just like that but she gave him the chance to prove himself and she even told me one time that she feels bad for Faith and if she ever wanted to be friends that that was ok with her.�
�She hit Willow, stole her best friend, slept with the guy Willow used to be in love with,� he blushed �And then Kidnapped and tortured her.�
Spike stared in amazement �And Red would still be friends with her?�
�That�s my Wills.� Xander said proudly they were quiet for a moment
�What?� Xander was puzzled
�She has Two Vampires as friends.� Spike said determined.
Xander eyes him �Maybe.�
�I like Red.� Spike urged
�Who doesn�t? Even Moloch the Corrupter liked Willow. But that doesn�t make you a friend, you have to know her. I doubt you know the first things about her. Besides you are too into Buffy to even notice Wills.�
�When we find her I want to be her friend.� Spike stopped short, this whole sharing things was unusual for him. �I�m not soft I can just appreciate the levels of...� he trailed off and Xander smiled, for the first time all day.
�Wills always wanted us to get on; she said if we could put aside the seething hatred we have so much in common.�
�Yeah� Spike looked at him with interest
Xander shrugged �Let me tell you more about Willow.�

Chapter 5
It had been two weeks since Willow had gone missing, two very long weeks and no one wanted to stop looking. Giles even called Angel a few times to see if the dark haired Vampire had heard anything. But nothing, that�s what grated the most.
No dead Willow in the morgue (Anya checked each day) No Ransom notes addressed to the Slayer (Buffy religiously sorted through the mail) No new Red haired minions or Childer (Spike questioned every Vampire) No bodies in cemeteries (Xander made a sweep each day) No news items about missing students (Dawn read each paper every day) No Wicca rituals or rights (Giles researched from morning until night). It was the not knowing that finally caused the explosion.
Buffy stared around at them all, Giles had his eyes fixed on the pages of yet another volume of Witch rites and passages.
Spike stood by the window staring into the darkness. He sighed as he took another drag of his cigarette.
Xander sat side by side with Anya his shoulders slumped in defeat and despair. Anya patted soothing circles on his back as she counted the shop takings for the day.
Dawn was bowed over another newspaper, her homework completed by the side of her book bag.
�Look at us!� Buffy yelled suddenly causing everyone to jump upright.
�We are falling apart.� Her voice quivered as she watched them all glare at her �Willow�s gone, possibly dead.�
�Don�t you dare say that!� Xander screamed at her �She�s not dead. I�d know!�
�Maybe, maybe not. But she�s gone and she wouldn�t want us to all fall apart like this. If Willow stood for anything it�s being strong. We have to get through this.�
�It�s only been two weeks!� Xander protested
�We would have heard something by now if she was alive, she would have found a way to contact us!� Buffy cried.
�Maybe she couldn�t, we have to keep looking.� Dawn said her eyes filling up �Besides maybe she wasn�t kidnapped maybe she did run away.�
�Why would she do that?� Xander asked tiredly they had heard Dawn�s theory before.
�Maybe she knew something or saw something she didn�t like.� Dawn said glaring at Buffy
�It�s a stretch Dawnie.� Buffy said glaring back
�Well none of you can explain why her stuff is missing!� Dawn yelled, none of them were listening to her �Or why we haven�t heard anything. If she was kidnapped to annoy the Slayer, why haven�t we heard anything? If she was a midnight snack then we should have found her body or been next on her to-snack list!�
�Perhaps Dawn has a point; you Scooby�s do have a tendency to run away if there is something you don�t like.� Anya commented dryly
�Not Willow.� Xander stated �I�m not buying the whole runaway deal, Wills is strong, she wouldn�t just bail, which is why we should keep looking.�
�And we will but-�
�But what?� Xander growled
�We need to get through this.� She repeated
�I never figured you for a quitter.� Spike said quietly still staring at the window
Buffy glared at him �I�m not quitting. I have to be realistic.�
�So after two weeks we write Willow off as dead? It took you more than that to look for Angel. Boyfriends one thing best friends� anoth-�
�Don�t you dare bring him into this.� Buffy warned
�Buffy�s right.� Giles stood up and polished his glasses
�Not you too!� Xander bit out
�We need to focus��
Xander stood up �Sorry if I can�t over my best friend that quick.� He spat.
Spike stubbed out his cigarette and made his way over to the group. He placed his hand on Xander�s shoulder
�You told me that Red never wanted anyone to fight. Well look at your precious Scooby�s right now mate. I reckon if Red came back now she�d take one look and kick all our arses. You bloody white hats are best when you pull together. So I guess now is the time for you to do that whole group hug thing and fix things before Red gets back.�
Xander nodded and the tension flowed from his body. Dawn headed over to Spike and he wrapped his arms around her as she cried for Willow.
Buffy gave Spike a tight smile before turning to her watcher to train.
Anya got to her feet and pulled Xander into a hug �We should do what Spike says. Although not all the time because I have no idea what a Bloody Man U is and I have no intention of becoming one.�
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