Midnight conversations part 6 in Pain and friendship saga.
Author: Fayth
Couple: W/S
Rating: PG all innocent so far. Except for Spike�s potty mouth
Distribution: want. Take. Have. Let me know.
Disclaimer: if I owned them I would make Spike forget Buffy and love Wills- oh he would be a lot more naked.
Feedback: Really, I reply to everyone who sends it.
Spoilers: Takes place after Pangs Oz leaves Will Spike is chipped kinda turns AU.
Summary: Will and Spike have a midnight chat
Dedication: To sugarmouse and Spiderqueen who does kickass W/S and unknowingly helped me stay sane through my exams with her fics!

Willow stared out over at the darkened street, from her vantage point on her balcony she could see right down the road up to the old church.
Leaning her arms on the balcony rail she looked up at the glittery stars letting the wind flow through her hair.
Spike looked up at the vision standing there. She wore dark blue jeans and a white flowing peasant top which fluttered in the breeze. She had a look of complete peace upon her face, she was a Goddess, beautiful, enchanting and > too damn distracted. Stupid chit! < Spike thought angrily > Any Vamp could jump up and attack Red.<
Grinning evilly he crouched and used his Vampire strength to jump and grab hold of the rail with one hand and pull himself up onto her balcony.
�Juliet I presume?� he sneered as she turned to look at him
�Yep, I�m waiting for Romeo, so sod off.� She broke into a huge smile at the look of astonishment on his face
�Language, pet!� he cautioned �Where did you learn such words?� he couldn�t keep the amused tone out of his voice. It always amused him when she tossed his words back at him- it showed she was paying attention.
�Well he�s tall, dark, sarcastic and better have bought my ice-cream!� she shot back
Spike held up the large carton of ice-cream like a trophy �Cookie dough�
Willow squealed �My hero! Gimme.�
She held out her hands like a child asking for a present. Instead of handing it over he walked over to the bench that she had placed by the French windows leading into her bedroom.
�Unfortunately my lady, I�m not sure I should let you have some. You have been naughty.� He raised his eyebrow knowingly
�Have not.� She replied indignantly
He sat on the bench with one leg either side, �Oh no, where�s your stake, holy water? Standing on the balcony with your eyes closed, you�re practically begging to be a sacrifice-or lunch for some sodding fledgling.�
She bit her lip in that adorable way that made him ache to ask for a taste.
�I forgot, I cant believe I forgot, its not like I�ve never lived on the hellmouth. I�m such a doof, an imbecile� I have no-�
Ok guilt overload �It�s ok love, enough with the guilt. I just want you to be careful, Red.�
�I will, sorry Spike. I j-just wish sometimes that I lived in a place where vampires were stories told to frighten kids.� She sat on the bench facing him still looking downcast. He caught her chin with his fingers and lifted until her eyes met his.
�You�re the first friend I�ve had and I don�t want you to end up some damn fledgling�s entr�e. Ok?�
She felt her spirits lift at his sentiment. He lifted the lid off the ice-cream and dug into his duster to find two spoons. He handed one to her with a smile.
�Spike what�s the difference between a fledgling and a childe?� she asked around a mouthful.
�Well pet.� He placed a spoonful of ice-cream into his mouth before answering �Anyone can be changed into a vampire; Just a little blood exchange. Newly made vampires are called newbies or fledglings no matter who sires them, but most are suitable only as minions. Slayer-fodder, front line types.� He paused �It takes something special to be a Childe. Some humans have this special feel- an aura if you like. See love, although anyone can be a vampire- not everyone can handle it; handle the whole living forever deal. Childer are chosen carefully to be a companion to their sire. The sire teaches them how to hunt- properly not your slapdash crap that most newbies in Sunnyhell seem to manage, can�t seem to make two steps without being dusted by the damn slayer or vampire hunters. It�s a sodding embarrassment is what it is, and a right shame. Sire�s teach you to appreciate killing, feeding and how to be one with the night.� Spike looked up at the same stars Willow had gazed at earlier. She stared at him, he was definitely part of the night, he belonged to it like the stars did; there was no other way of explaining it.  It was primal and breathtaking
�What about other companions?� she asked trying not to gawk too blatantly.
Spike hid a grin, he loved the way her mind worked. They�d start a topic during one of his �very- frequent visits and they could talk all night. She was so inquisitive and probably knew more about Vampires than most Vampires! It was such a pleasure to have an intelligent conversation with someone who didn�t treat him like an imbecile. Having lived for over 120 years he had amassed a lot of knowledge although he hid it to maintain his bad boy image, but occasionally it was nice to have a chance to show it. He ate another spoonful of the soft confection before answering.
�Some Master Vampire�s keep human pets. Mainly for a quick snack or amusement, although some like the warmth of a human body.�
�What for-� her face coloured as she realised �OH. Never mind.� She muttered illiciting a chuckle from Spike
�I could show you.� He offered lecherously waggling his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes  
�Sorry Red couldn�t resist. Anyway some vamps like the company of other demons, but most surround themselves with minions.�
�Slayer-fodder.� She added before taking another bite
�Yeah. The more powerful the Vampire the more minions he has. Very powerful ones have other demons or even witches in their employ.�
�Their employ? Oh you�ve been spending way too much time with Giles! � She tittered
�Hey!� he said sounding outraged �Trying to be all manly here with the knowledge!�
�And now you sound like Cordelia.� The giggles transformed into full fledged laughter
He grabbed a spoonful of the cold confection and flicked it at her. The Ice cream splattered onto her face shocking her into silence, now it was Spike�s turn to laugh.
�Think that�s funny do you?� She said and wiping the mess off her face she brandished her own spoon at Spike
�No, no pet. You wouldn�t, that stuff doesn�t come off leather. Ok ok I�ll clean it off!� he waved his hands in mock surrender
�You�d better, buster.�
Getting a wicked gleam in his eyes he pulled her towards him.
�Spike what are you doing?� she asked warily
�No napkins, love. Now hold still.� Holding her head still with one hand he licked her cheek.
She took a deep breathe as his tongue travelled up the side of her face and he sucked gently on her nose.
�Mmmm, my favourite Ice Creamed Willow!� The stunned look on her face broke the spell and Spike couldn�t help but grin.
�Who said that payback�s a bitch?� he asked teasingly then he put his head on the side considering �You know with that expression on your face you look like Xapper.�
�Xander � she corrected automatically and then her brain caught up. �Hey! Am not!�
�Are too.� He said and slid her over and turned her so her back was against his chest and pulled her in close. She snuggled into Spike�s chest and hugged her knee�s to herself.
�So a powerful vamp would have a witch in his little family?�
�Yeah and I almost didn�t notice the change of subject� he added sarcastically, he felt rather than saw the blush that spread up her cheeks.
�If you didn�t have the chip would you have one of those types of family?� the question bothered her, it wasn�t that she wanted Spike to be lonely but the thought of Spike as a master vampire- like evil Angelus- with minions and human pets and demons bothered her.
�Yeah probably,� he frowned �Used to have, when Dru was around. I had this dead intelligent guy who was real good with books Dalton or something, he was ok to talk to but most of �em get bloody annoying after a while and I�d wan someone with a bit more upstairs.� he tapped his head �like you.�
�Like me?� genuinely surprised Willow turned tosee his face
�You.� He repeated and planted a kiss on her forehead before pulling her back into his arms
�Actually you have quite a rep already.�
�I do?�
�Resouling Angelus, helping the slayer and your demon research and spells� ever wondered why you hardly get bothered by demons?�
�Not really, the vamp attacks make up for it. Besides I still get kidnapped an awful lot.� She said pointedly.
He looked embarrassed �yeah well, im a master Vampire. Anyway they�re afraid of you.�
�ME?� it came out as a strangled squeak �I�m nothing! i�m not even a slayer a-a-and I�m only a practice wicca.�
�Bollocks.� he replied succinctly � Don�t give me that, you�re worth ten- hell a hundred of the bloody slayer and I�d say way beyond a practice Witch.� He couldn�t believe she thought so little of herself. She was everything, she was powerful and beautiful and she�d make a great Vampire.
�In fact you know that aura I was talking about?�
She crinkled her forehead �The one a childe has?�
�Yeah, you have that pet. I�d wager you�d make a wonderful Vampire.�
�Wonderful and skanky. The leather looks ok but the licking? Oh so disturbing and hands!�
�Um what are you talking about pet?� Spike was confused
�I met the Vampire me.� Willow elaborated and his eyes widened a the prospect
�Really, how?�
�Me and Anya did a spell and ended up conjuring her from another dimension or reality. The Master changed both me and Xander, we were his favourite children. I-i mean she was all in leather, it was really tight and she was skanky and kinda gay.�
�Gay?� he smothered a laugh �Red, all Vampires are kinda gay.�
�For real?� she sounded intrigued, he began to stroke her hair
�Actually most Vamps will screw anything- male, female, demon- I knew this vamp who got real friendly with this tree-�
She swatted his arm and then the thought struck her �You and Angel?�
�Angelus.� His voice went flat �Not the poof or the slayer obsessed version you saw a while back but pre-gypsy Angelus.� She�d gone quiet �Issues pet?� he asked > Did I freak her out, too much information, does she want me to leave?<
Willow was lost in her head, Spike had sounded so vehement that the two Angel-us� that she knew were not the ones he had been intimate with. >Another Angelus? What would he think of the new Spike- what would he think of me? Would *his* Angelus have killed my fish? Irrelevant!< she realised Spike had just spoken to her
She clasped his hand in her own �I�m sorry, I know you don�t like talking about him.� She kissed his knuckle �We can talk about something else.�
He was touched the chit knew how he felt about the recent incarnations of his sire. She really was a marvel, he had told her so much about his unlife and she kept on accepting him- even though she didn�t agree with the joy of killing she never preached, instead asked about his demon and its urges. He was sure she remembered everything in that amazing head of hers. His throat closed with emotion and his demon felt disgusted.
�Tell me more about you pet, something secret.� Without warning he felt her heart speed up and was concerned �Willow?�
She bit her lip and debated whether or not to tell him �Do you promise not to tell anyone- ever?�
�Of course.� What did the chit know that would make her so concerned about telling anyone else
�And promise you wont get mad?�
�I�ll try.� He frowned
�Before Angel got sucked into hell, I gave him back his soul so that when he came back he was Angel not Angelus�
�I know that.� She shifted awkwardly
�Did you ever wonder why he came back?� she asked hesitantly
�The first brought him back to kill Slutty or himself- right?�
�Why would the first evil bring Angel out of hell just for him to die or even Buffy- I mean one dies another is called, why would the biggest evil care what happens?�
�You saying they just took credit for it?� he hadn�t thought of this- it made sense why would the First bother themselves with your basic good guy bad guy detail? � So if they didn�t bring his back then wh-� he stopped mid-sentence in horror. Willow pulled away from him and turned to look him in  the eye; her face a mass of uncomfortableness. �you?�
She bit her lip and looked down nodding uncertainly
�Bloody hell!� he said and reached in his pockets for his cigarettes, after finding and lighting one he stared openly at the shy little spellcaster
�You bought the mighty Angelus back from hell and you wonder why the demons are afraid of you?� he took a deep drag savouring the taste �Does anyone else know?�
�No,� her eyes were wide with fright �I only did it to cheer up Buffy and then I didn�t think it had worked so I never said anything and by the time I knew he was back it was a little late to just go �yep I did it� please don�t say anything, it doesn�t matter who brought him back- only that he came back.� Her eyes pleaded with him to understand
He watched her and spoke slowly �You summoned Angelus from hell and restored his soul to. Cheer. Up. Buffy?� she nodded again �That it?�
�No I�ve also been looking for a way to anchor his soul. I think I�ve found it.� >Well might as well go the whole way< she thought as he let out a breath that he didn�t need
�Crikey.� He finished and dragged her back against him �That was a hell of a secret pet.�
�Are you mad?� she wanted to know
�Not likely- if you do that to cheer up Buffy what would you do to stop me being all depressed?� he leered back to himself
�What ever you like.� She teased glad he wasn�t upset with her revelation
�So anything a little less earth shattering? A little more personal maybe�
�I still miss Jesse.� She confessed after a moment �We were so close, the three of us. Me, Xan and Jesse- the three musketeers. Sometimes I feel like,� she paused unsure
�Go on.� He encouraged
�Like Buffy took him away and is trying to replace him.� She looked down at their entwined fingers � is that bad?�
�No love, its perfectly natural. You were close to someone for so long and when they�re gone you can feel resentful of someone trying to take their place- even if its unintentional.� She wondered if he was talking about her and Drusilla
�Do you resent me?� she asked in a small voice
�Never Red.� He said guessing her train of thought �I could never resent you.�
She lay her head back against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him.
�Dawn�s coming.� She said after a while
�We still have a few minutes.� They sat together relishing the feeling of being close and enjoyed the companionship and silence until the sun drove them inside, 

Part 7 of Pain and Friendship saga. Eviction.
Author: Fayth
Disclaimer: not mine!
Dedication: To boyslayer, THANX!


>Blah, blah, blah< Willow sighed and fought the urge to roll her eyes. She nodded slightly and made a small noise of what she hoped was agreement. She honestly had no idea of what Buffy was going on about.
She�d arrived at Giles�s about three hours ago and Buffy hadn�t shut up. First Willow had attempted to listen politely as Buffy lamented her love life and the list of guys she currently wanted to date. After an hour and half her brain had shut down for self-preservation and she�d slipped into boring-lecture-mode.
This was where she listened out for important words whilst disregarding the rest and responded appropriately �Right?� Buffy asked.
�Of course, stands to reason,� She responded automatically as Buffy continued with her litany, without a clue to what she had just agreed to.
She wished Spike was here, he�d make her laugh or at least shut Buffy up.
���.Shouldn�t he?�
�Sure,� >Where was he anyway? < It had been a while since sunset and they had plans tonight; after patrol they were going to the fair. She had images of Spike and cotton candy, she resisted the urge to giggle >Spike on a sugar high was funny as hell<
A few weeks ago Willows mum had come back from her lecture tour and had actually bought �William� a present; A huge box of chocolates. Spike had quite the sweet tooth and had eaten them in one sitting. For the next four hours he had been bouncing off the walls, laughing like a maniac and tickling Willow until she cried for him to stop.
He�d picked her up and danced her around the kitchen and garden until she was dizzy. She teased him about it for days. Shaking off the memory of a sugar high Spike juggling her cuddly toys she tried in vain to be interested in what Buffy was saying.
���So then I said to her that if she wouldn�t call him then I would, I mean it�s not like she even had a chance, so she said��,� Nope no good still not interested >I tried<
Giles walked in and handled Willow a cup of tea and smiled in a pitying Thank-God-It�s-Not-Me Way.
�Any research?� She asked quite anxiously. Giles felt like making up a demon just to save the poor girl from having to listen to the slayers long winded dialogue. Having been on the receiving end of a he-said she-said conversation he�d more than once been tempted himself to call forth a silencing demon to get a word in edgewise.
�A-actually there is no�� he paused at the look of sheer desperation in her eyes �Possible way I could research this by myself Willow could you get on the infernal machine and assist me.� The look she shot him was pathetically grateful
�Oh ok, sorry Buff duty calls.� She tried to appear disappointed that their girlie chat had been disrupted.
�Ok so what�s the creature feature?� Buffy asked twirling a stake.
Giles glanced at Willow, neither were very adept liars but Buffy was so obtuse it really didn�t matter.
�Erm prophecy demon, the old end of the world thing.� Willow replied vaguely.
Buffy nodded �Uh-huh.� She began to absently file her nails.
Willow booted up the computer and logged on to her favourite demon site, it never hurt to be prepared.
A feeling of unease washed over her and she shuddered > something�s wrong< Suddenly pain like red hot knives erupted and swept through her brain leaving her gasping for breath.
�Willow?� Giles asked concerned
�Something�s wrong!� she whispered >Spike! < Spike was in trouble, she knew it.
She shot out of the chair and bolted for the door ignoring Giles� calling her name behind her. She stumbled through the park towards the cemetery and Spike�s crypt. She ignored everything in her panic, the drunken old men, the laughing group of teens and anything that might be lurking around.
>Spike has to be alright he has to be! < She repeated like a mantra to the pounding of her feet. > There! < She caught sight of the crypt and stopped dead.
The door to the crypt was broken off and she could smell the stench of fire from where she stood. Praying to the Goddess that he wasn�t in there she rushed forward.
�Spike?� she called frantically and looking inside her heart stopped beating.
Every piece of furniture had been broken and lay scattered like corpses on the ground, clothes lay strewn over every surface and glass coated the floor. The scariest thing was the fire that raged chewing up the wooden furniture and clothes. The fire crackled and the smoke blinded Willow as the intense heat hit her.
�SPIKE?� desperation coated her voice >He can�t be in here, he can�t be he�< a movement in the corner caught her eye. A black duster.
> Oh Goddess Spike! < Without thinking Willow ran into the burning crypt and dashed over to the unconscious figure. Turning him over she felt her rage build to the intensity of the fire surrounding her. His face was a mass of cuts and bruises, both eyes were cut and bleeding, one already closed and puffy. His lip was split and he had a jagged cut on his forehead gushing dark blood. Tapping into strength she didn�t even know she possessed she picked up Spike and turned to face the door- which was now blocked by the blazing debris.
�OUT OF MY WAY.� She screamed her fury and the debris split down the middle and divided forming a burning pathway to the door. She didn�t even stop to marvel at the effects of raw magic working in her favour as she carried Spike outside and placed him gently on the cool grass. She turned her rage back to the inferno within the tomb, >That had been Spike�s home! Whoever had done this would pay. < She vowed. Willow pulled Spike�s arm over her shoulder and dragged him out of the cemetery towards her home.

She�d had to stop three times on the way home unable to support Spike�s dead weight. There were tears of frustration running down her face as she finally came to her front porch. Without bothering to her out her key she pointed at her front door and it flew open under the influence of her anger- enhanced magic.
Struggling she lay him on the sofa, uncaring of the blood that dripped down his face and tricked over the cushions.
She rushed to the kitchen to fetch the two bags of blood she kept for when he came over, she knew that cold blood tasted foul but there simply wasn�t time to heat it up. Cursing human slowness she ran back to his side and opening his mouth poured the blood down his throat.
�C�mon drink.� She urged and relief swamped her as he swallowed the blood- his reflexes taking over. Stroking his head she realised her hands were coated in blood and looking down she discovered that the rest of her was too. She looked like something from a bad horror movie. >Spike must be cut somewhere else too< Raising him up she removed his duster and fought back the urge to vomit. His t-shirt was slashed and his chest and back were shredded, he had a cut down one arm that looked like it required stitches and in the light she could see a deep wound in his leg that was still pumping blood. She�d need more bagged blood if Spike was to get better, even with Vampire healing.
Who could she trust, none of her friends knew about her friendship with Spike and they would freak if they knew, but she needed someone to watch him while she fetched more: she made her decision and grabbing the phone she dialled.
�Hel-lo?� the chirpy voice irritated her.
�Xander its Willow. I need you here at my house now.�
�NOW� she yelled and dropped the phone.
Pain washed through her and she turned back to Spike. Pulling off his ruined t-shirt and Duster and dropping them in a pile, she tried to hold back tears at the sight of Spike�s perfect body covered in cuts and blood.
She undid his belt and taking off his boots tugged off his jeans, dropping them onto the bloody pile. Looking at the deep cut in his thigh she lost the battle of wills with her stomach and began dry heaving through her shudders. > Need water< her subconscious urged her into the kitchen to fill a  bowl of water and to get some towels to clean up Spike as much as possible while silent tears tracked her cheeks and blurred her vision. The front door banged open and a panting, dishevelled Xander charged through.
�Wil-� he stared dumbfounded at his best friend and tried not to throw up. Her shirt, jeans, hands and arms were covered with blood; there were even smears on her face and in her hair. Her eyes were red and bloodshot and she looked crazy.
�What happened?� he moved towards her �Forget it lets just get you to a hospital.�
�It�s not mine.� She replied, her voice hoarse with trying to hold back sobs and screams. In her frustration her magic got out of control and a figurine on  the mantle exploded in a cloud of glass and dust. After taking a few breathes to calm down she motioned to the sofa and Xander took in the unconscious, almost naked Spike on the sofa.
�I-I-I need to get some b-blood for h-him, he�s been beaten pretty bad and if he doesn�t get more blood soon he�ll die but I can�t leave him here alone- I just can�t he needs someone to be here with him.� She took a deep shuddery breath �I love him Xand don�t let him die.�
Xander was shocked �Will i-.�
�Please!� the tears fell again and Xander nodded. He�d never been able to see Willow cry; she was the strong one the one they all depended on.
�In five minutes give him the rest of that bag and then wait ten minutes and give him the second.� She instructed as she pulled on Spike�s duster to cover her blood-caked clothes. �Don�t give it all in one go or he�ll throw it up. T-t-there�s more towels and water in the kitchen.� She bent over Spike and kissed his cold lifeless lips. �Thanks Xand.� and with that she ran out of the door. Xander caught her as she reached the porch and pushed his car keys into her hand �Be careful.� He insisted. Xander shut the door ands walked over to the unconscious figure on the sofa. He�d never let on but he was fond of the blonde vampire. He picked up a clean towel and started to wipe Spike�s chest. �So Blondie who did this to ya huh?�

Willow broke every law to get to Willies, she was lucky that the Sunnydale police department was as lax and clueless about traffic violations as it was about what really goes bump in the night else she would have been locked up.
Reaching Willies in record time, she stumbled out of Xander�s car and into the beat up place. All conversation quit as the red- head staggered up to the bar where Willie stood polishing a glasses.
�I need five bag of blood Willy.� She said hoarsely
Willy knew this girl; she was the cute little red head that hung around with the slayer. Whenever she came to the bar with said slayer she was nice and polite and stopped Buffy from roughing him up too much; he liked her. He looked her up and down; she looked like she�d just crawled through hell.
�O.k. gimme a sec.� his whiny voice echoed around the too quiet club as he went into the back to collect the blood bags, where he kept the fresher stuff. �Hey baby!� he returned with five bags of O-positive just as a newbie Vampire waltzed up to Willow �Blood coated chicks are my favourite!� he leered at her.
Willow had had enough �Leave me alone.� She snarled. She�d put up with Buffy�s inane conversation for three hours, she�d wrestled through fire-y debris and then she had dragged the bloody corpse of the man she loved through the streets. No way on earth or the sodding hellmouth was she putting up with this mouthy loser as well. Her eyes glinted dangerously as she fought to keep her temper.
�Hmm I love it when they play hard to get!� The Vampire grabbed her ass.  With a flick of her wrist a nearby toothpick flew off the bar and plummeted into his chest making him explode in a cloud of dust. Thoroughly pissed she climbed onto the bar and called for attention. All eyes were already on her, they hadn�t seen the toothpick, just a small, blood-soaked, girl flick her hand and dust a vampire. Half intrigued and half in fear they listened.
�I need information.� She growled �My� master- Spike was attacked viciously and his crypt set on fire.� From previous conversations she knew that master Vampires sometimes employed witches- they didn�t have human friends and identifying herself as Spike�s friend would likely get them both killed but if they believed he had her as his subordinate maybe they�d give him the respect he deserved.
�I want to know who did it and I want to know soon. No one messes with William the Bloody, Scourge of Western Europe who doesn�t mess with the wrath of both his witch and the order of Aurelius.� 
One particularly stupid Vampire- who obviously didn�t know his genealogy asked �Who the hell are you?�
�I am the witch who restored Angelus� soul, I bought him back from hell, stopped Acathla and the Judge and sent Drusilla packing. I have closed the Hellmouth and stopped an Ascension. So who am i? Not someone you want to annoy.� > O.k. slight exaggeration about Acathla and the Judge! But I think I got my point across <
The demons had heard about Angelus and his soul, they�d also picked up bits about the rest of her tirade, if the witch was telling the truth- which she seemed to be then she was someone to be reckoned with. And if Spike had such a powerful witch on his side then maybe the rumours about him going soft and turning traitor are untrue.
�What�s in it for us?� one asked quietly.
�To the demon that finds the scum who did this to my Master; I will guarantee protection from the Slayer for six months.� A gasp followed her announcement. Willow stepped off the bar and picked up the blood packets. She pulled out a couple of bills and dropped them on the counter �Thanks Willy and if anyone has any Useful information call here.� She scribbled her number onto a napkin and handed it to Willy.
�Sure thing kid. I hope Spike makes it. Here give him this from his pal Willy.� He handed her a bottle of Whisky and she smiled gratefully and left. �There goes a gal in a million.� He turned to watch her go.

Xander poured the red water down the drain and walked back to Spike. He had cleaned the blood form Spike and bandaged him up quite expertly thanks to training from Hellmouth College of World save-age. Willow�s sofa was the real casualty in all this but at least Spike looked more human and less creature from the blood lagoon.
He had bandages wrapped around his arm, his chest, his back and his thigh. The gash on his forehead was covered and held in place by surgical tape and he resembled an unfinished Mummy from a bad B- movie, and yet he remained unconscious.
Spike hadn�t even roused long enough to drink the blood Xander had given him; instead Xander had poured it down his throat and hoped like hell his reflexes had taken over. Xander was getting really worried; normal Vampire healing should have taken over by now! > Where is Willow? <
As if in answer the front door burst open and Willow came in holding the bags like treasure.
�Here.� She managed and pulling open the first bag poured it down Spike�s throat. Without opening his eyes he vamped and gulped greedily.
�Has he woken up at all?� she asked worriedly
�Not yet.� Xander pulled her close �He�ll wake up; he has you to come back to. Who can resist the Wily Wiles of the Wilminator?� 
She smiled reluctantly at his typical Xander silliness and relaxed against him. �You need all kinds of therapy, but thanks for not freaking out on me.�
�Are you kidding?� he looked surprised �You just wait until Captain Platinum wakes up and then you get both barrels of full Xan- man freak out.� This grin was genuine �So until sleeping beauty wakes up, you tell me about the ting between you two.� He ordered.

�So I promised them six months of protection from Buffy, if they find who did this.� Willow sat back in the chair and sipped her tea. Around Dawn, Xander urged her to take a shower whilst he made some tea for them both. Every half hour she fed Spike a little more and she talked to Xander. She told him about how her and Spike had become friends, about their movie nights and mischief at research parties, their late night walks and patrols. She also told him about Spike�s relationship with her parents.
Xander was slightly hurt and jealous that Spike had worked his way into Willow�s heart and friendship but he was more ashamed about the fact that he had ignored his friend in pain and had all but pushed her out of his life- for Anya.
�I can�t believe your parents like him, and know his name. Do they even remember my name?�
�Sometimes I doubt they remember my name. But he makes quite an impression, my mom is completely taken.� She looked at the prone figure on the sofa and her expression softened
�She�s not the only one.� He commented drawing a wry smile from a weary Willow
�I know, but we are just friends. He likes to tease me but that�s all.� She looked at the clock �It�s getting early; he should be healed by now.�
�I�m sorry I wasn�t there for ya Will.� Xander blurted suddenly �you know when Oz-�
�It�s ok Xan, I got through. I wasn�t alone.�
�I should have been there, some best friend I am. My best pal is in pain and where am I?�
�I understood that you had Anya- all knew girlfriend details and stuff.� She tried to avoid eye contact as she sipped her tea. In truth it had hurt that Xander had ignored her when Oz left, more than she would have ever let on.
�I wish he�d wake up.� She said wistfully changing the subject �Besides Anya would have gotten mad- she doesn�t like me.�
Xander looked surprised again �Anya- sure she does, actually she thinks you hate her for being my girlfriend.�
�Really� it was Willow�s turn for surprise. A moan escaped from the blood soaked sofa.
�Spike?� she called gently but he slipped back into silence and unconsciousness. She stared at Xander with wide tear filled eyes �I�m scared Xan he should be ok by now.�
�Spike is tough- the big bad. He�s gonna be alright.� Xander�s face belied his calm tone. The sound of the phone broke the uneasy silence and Xander reached for it.
�Hello Rosenberg residence�Anya �no I�m ok I�m helping Willow with a problem� not that kind of problem.� He groaned �Sorry honey I forgot� Willow needed my help.�
�Xander,� Willow touched his arm �Ask Anya to come over maybe she can help.�
Xander looked at her �You sure?�
Willow nodded, it was time she tried to get along with the ex-demon and accept her.
�Listen Anya Willow wants you to come over� yes really� you� she�d like you to be here with us� ok I�ll listen out for you.� He hung up and couldn�t resist a smile �She�s so excited that you want her here, she was practically giddy.�
Willow stroked Spike�s forehead �At least someone�s happy.�
Xander watched as his best friend caressed the demon. She�d always been the caring one among them � the one who made everyone else feel better and this worried Xander too. Willow was so strong but would she survive if Spike died �again-. She was so in love with the guy- he could see it in her eyes. Feeling guilt over his previous behaviour Xander vowed that he would stand by her this time no matter what the outcome was of the blonde- very annoying- Vampire.
After about ten minutes the doorbell rang and Xander opened it to find a grinning Anya.
�Hey I came over as fast as I could.� her blonde hair bounced as she glanced around the room �you have a very pretty house.�
Willow went over and pulled Anya into a hug astonishing the girl �I am so glad you are here.� She said
�Oh!� Anya�s face was a picture of delight > Willow likes me! <
Willow pulled back and showed Anya Spike�s prone body on the sofa. �He�s hurt bad but no matter what I do he won�t heal.� She added desperately
Anya peered at the Vampire and noted Willow�s anxiety �He has a very nice body for a dead man, he�s very yummy and will give many orgasms but I think you need a new couch.� She nodded > that shocked them! <
Xander�s mouth hung open � An, you remember those private things we talked about?� ignoring him she walked over to Willow �A few hundred years ago I was cursing a young man who has cheated on his wife with five of her sisters and her mother, I made his skin burn off or something- anyway there was a Vampire there who had a run in with a mob and if I remember right his Sire did this healing ritual to speed up recovery.�
�Really?� Willow grew hopeful
�Five sisters and her mother?� Xander was incredulous
Anya took charge �I�ll need some Bayless root, sage, night�s bane, sacred sand and a virgin urn.�
�I have all that upstairs.� Willow dashed to her room to collect the required ingredients.
�FIVE sisters and her Mother?�
�Xander, honey. Focus.�
�Here.� Willow pushed the ingredients on the table
�Ok spread the sand in a circle around Spike and pass me the stuff. We�ll need a large knife too- Xander.� Xander got up and dragged himself in the kitchen to get the sharpest knife > I hate rituals. <
Anya crushed the items together in the urn as she chanted; she then drew a triangle on Spike�s chest with the residue from the mixture. �I have to pour this around him too.�
�It�s ok the upholstery is pretty much ruined.� Willow commented amiably
Anya poured the mixture around Spike. Taking the knife from him she turned to Willow with it.
�I need your blood.� 
Part 8 of Pain and friendship saga- Ritual Behaviour.
Written by Fayth. [email protected]

Without hesitation Willow held out her arm. Solemnly Anya made a deep cut across Willow�s palm and let the blood drip into the virgin urn she held underneath until it formed a rim around the container.
Xander paled �That�s gross.� They rolled their eyes at him and shared a silent look that said > Men are such babies. <
�Ok on my signal I need you to feed it to him.� Will nodded at Anya�s instructions. Casting her mind back Anya tried to remember the correct wording >I hate these dead languages! <
�C�larconic Menpasa Restoric, for the childe, for the friend, for the undead. C�larconic Menpasa Restoric, to heal, to bind, to uncover. C�larconic Menpasa Restoric. Restore, restore, restore.� She gestured to Willow who fed Spike her blood.
An eerie blue glow filled the circle as the blood went down his throat, there was a flash and the blue light faded. There was a moment�s silence.
�Is that it?� Xander broke it
�Um yeah. Pretty much.� Anya nodded brightly
Spike groaned loudly �OW!�
�Spike!� Willow yelled in delight and threw her arms around him
He pulled her closer to his body and inhaled her sweet essence �Am I in heaven?� he asked dazed and then he saw Xander �Apparently not!�
�Hey dead boy junior. How you feeling?�
�Like Hell.� Willow pulled back guiltily and Spike�s arms felt empty.
�But, hey- conscious. That�s new.� Willow added waving her arms emphatically.
�Oh goodie it worked.� Anya clapped her hands gleefully. Willow hugged Anya tight and whispered �Thanks� in her ear.
�Someone want to tell me why I�m trussed up like a bleeding mummy?� Spike demanded, pulling off his bandages.
�Hey, that was some of my best work.� Xander protested
Spike stared �You wrapped me?� disbelief coloured his voice and when Xander nodded he replied incredulously �Why?�
�Maybe you�d better shower while we clean up this mess, then we�ll talk.� Willow suggested
�You saying I look a mess?� Spike teased trying to stand.
�Actually dead boy, you look a lot better than you first did.� Xander threw back at him as Spike attempted to pull himself up a second time and failed.
Xander held out his hand and dragged Spike to his feet, he then placed Spike�s arm over his shoulder and bearing the brunt of Spike�s dead weight, helped him to the stairs.
Spike was beyond amazed. Xander was actually helping him- of his own free will and without complaining or mocking him. �Wha..?�
�Don�t take it personally Blondie; I just want to get out of clearing up- again.� Willow and Anya stared for a moment �Um Xan, Spike�s clothes are a little- um torn so you can give him something of my dads.� Xander nodded and helped Spike up the stairs to the bathroom.

�So what happened to you?� Xander asked. Spike stood in Willow�s parent�s room draped in a towel looking at her father�s selection of clothes.
�It was a bloody ambush. Six demons waiting for me. I would�ve been right as rain but the bloody things had a human with them. I couldn�t hurt him so he held me while they- wankers!� he growled
�Willow was so worried; I�ve never seen her so freaked.� Xander said casually trying to gage his reaction
�Yeah?� Spike looked pleased �Red was worried for me?� he picked out some pants and a shirt
�From what I could tell she ran into the burning crypt to drag you out and then hauled your sorry ass all the way back here by herself. She was covered in blood and was doing a fair interpretation of Carrie.� He shuddered at the memory
�Is she ok?� the Vampire demanded
> Pay dirt! < Xander crowed > He likes her too! < �Yeah after she exploded a couple of things and terrorised Willies bar she was ok.�
Spike paused doing up the shirt �Say what?�

Willow glanced at the stairs and dropped the pillow she held >Yum! < Xander was helping Spike down the stairs. Spike was dressed in black slacks and a white shirt half buttoned, he looked irresistible.
�What�s this �bout you going to Willies bar and scaring the demons?� Spike smothered his amusement as Willow flushed
�I got mad.� She murmured shyly shrugging one shoulder.
�Blondie here got jumped by a mob of demons and their human puppet.� Xander placed Spike on the armchair and surveyed the room.
�Erm Will,� he began
�Yeah the sofa�s had it.� She said her eyes twinkling �I�ll take mom�s credit card and get a new one tomorrow- the amount they�re here they probably won�t even notice.�
Spike looked at the couch, it was covered in dark blood stains and some gooey substance, there were also some scorch marks on the cushions. He winced �Sorry pet.�
�S�ok you�re an expensive luxury.� she grinned widely �You all heal-y?�
�Better, bleeding exhausted and only dead not dead dead. You know what I mean.� He finished
�It�s nearly time for you to get all sweaty at work� Anya commented as she gazed out of the window at the sun.
�Ok Will we are gonna go, I�ll be back after work.� He turned to the Vampire �get some rest Blondie.� And with a jaunty wave Anya and Xander left.
�What happened to Xapper?� Spike looked curiously at Willow
�He feels bad about ignoring me after Oz, so he�s trying to make it up by being nice to my new friend- you.� She leaned in close �I think he likes you.�
�Now I�m bloody scared love!� he looked horrified
She resisted the urge to laugh �C�mon Spike lets get you to bed.�
�Aw pet, I didn�t know you cared.� He leered
�What?� realising what she�d said she turned a deep red �Spike, for heavens sake!�
�I�m a little incapacitated right now, pet. But give me a bit to get my strength up and I�ll accommodate you.�
She pulled him to his feet and rolled her eyes. She helped him up the stairs and laid him on the bed in the guest room.
�Ok Red, I�ll try now. Come down here.� He raised his eyebrow
She sighed and tried to resist the temptation to do exactly that- >what would he say if she did?< She wondered vaguely � They set fire to your crypt Spike, you�ll have to stay here for a while, I�ll fetch you some clothes tomorrow but for now you need to rest- get some sleep.� She turned and walked to the door.
�Pet?� she didn�t slow down �Love? Willow?� he urged
She stopped and slowly turned raising her own eyebrows, he gave her a puppy dog look �Stay with me, you look tired out. I won�t try anything- just sleep.� He patted the bed. She bit her lip hesitantly so he played his trump card �I could use the body heat; I�m still a bit cold.� Shaking her head she lay next to him and snuggled into the sheets.
Spike draped his arm over her stomach and inched closer to her warmth.
�Thanks for taking care of me pet.�
�Anytime Spike.� Her eyes dropped as exhaustion took over �Anytime at all.�

It was the banging that did it, Willow�s eyes edged open as it continued
�Go �way.� She mumbled into the pillow. Her eyes flew open as she realised she was spooned against Spike�s chest. He had one arm around her waist and the other touching her breast. Wriggling gently to extract herself she felt his response press against the back of her thigh.
�Eep!� she leapt from the bed and hurried down the stairs to answer the door.
�Xander?� she stared bleary-eyed �What time is it?�
�After six.� He said �You just woken up?�
She nodded and yawned �I slept through an entire day of classes!� she recalled
�I told Buffy you felt sick so she probably took notes- maybe.� He grinned
�Great now all I need is a translator to scroll through Buffy�s spider writing and I�m set.� she teased. �I have to shower, then go out and buy a new sofa and get Spike some clothes.�
�Do what ya hafta, I�ll keep blondie busy.� He patted his bag mysteriously
�Won�t ask.� She headed for the shower.

As the key turned in the lock Willow heard the shouts within
�Oh you are so dead!�
�Yeah, well now you can join me moron.�
�Look dead-boy I can kick your ass.�
�Huh, call that kicking, sissy?�
�Shut up fangless. I�m so gonna kill you.�
�I�ll rip off your head and eat your entrails first!�
> Oh no, I knew it wasn�t a good idea to leave them alone together< Willow hurried in and her mouth dropped as she surveyed the scene. Xander sat on the floor and Spike in the armchair. On the table sat two mugs and a pizza box. But what took her mind reeling was what they were doing- they were actually�
�Illegal move Blondie, watch me kick your ass!� �playing WWF on the play station?
�You got a fixation on my ass, whelp?�
�Guys?� Willow couldn�t help it, she needed to laugh. They turned guiltily like naughty school boys.
�Hey Wills.� Xander tried for innocence
�Hello pet.� Spike grinned sheepishly - his slip lip had obviously healed.
�You Mr Badass vampire are supposed to be resting. And Xander, your idea of relaxation is WWF?� she put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot
�Sorry Willow.� They chorused with their heads down. Mirth bubbled forth from her lips at their contrition and she chuckled.
�Here Spike I got you some new clothes, they�ll have to do for now. The new couch will be here tomorrow morning.� She sighed and stretched trying to ease her aching muscles.
�Tea?� Xander asked and then groaned �I�m turning into Giles, tea is not the answer to everything!� he lectured himself
�It is to this, I�d love one.� She smiled at him as he went into the kitchen
�Tired love?�
�Mmm little bit.� She sat on the floor besides his feet and glanced up at him
�How about you?�
�Vamp healing kicked in so I�m better. Bit bruised and all but I�ll be back to normal soon.�
�You, normal?� she rolled her eyes �As if!�
�Hey walking wounded here pet!� he sounded insulted. Xander walked in with the tray bearing three mugs
�Tea, coffee and AB- possibly.�
�Cheers mate.� Spike took his mug unaware of Willow�s disbelief
�I can�t believe you two bonded, it only took near death and a ritual!� she shook her head
Xander gave her a flippant smirk �well Blondie isn�t as bad as Dead boy.�
�And Xapper is slightly less annoying than Dog boy.�
�Now all you have to do is learn each others names.�
�Oh Giles called, he said you bailed PDQ yesterday he was worried-except he used more words.�
Willow groaned and hit her head with her hand �I totally forgot about Giles. I better go over for research and explanation. Will you be okay?� 
�I�ll stay.� Offered Xander �Besides I�m beating Blondie.�
�Excuse me, I�m over 120 and have never played on a bleeding� play station, thought computers would be a fad. Give me a while to practice and me and my vamp reflexes will pound your arse.�
�Oh bring it on, Captain Platinum�
Willow shuddered �Disturbing- very disturbing!�

�I just remembered I�d left a candle burning and I didn�t want to come home and have burnt the place down. I didn�t mean to panic you.� Willow looked contrite.
Giles patted her hand �That�s okay, for a minute I thought you�d had a premonition.� He laughed but his words had stunned Willow � exactly how had she known Spike was in trouble? She smiled weakly for Giles� benefit but her mind was raging. She�d experienced great pain and she�d known Spike was in danger- how? Maybe it was a side-effect of being close to a vampire; she�d have to ask Buffy.
�What�s the demon of the week?� she asked absently
�According to Buffy the demons seem to be scarce, which reminds me I haven�t seen Spike recently- he usually comes around for blood supplies and of course to bother us repeatedly.� He took off his glasses to polish them.
�I�m sure he�s around somewhere, probably making a mess.� She thought of her couch
Just then Buffy waltzed in �Hey Wills, you ok?�
�Fine.� She managed a smile for her friend �Patrol was a bust huh?�
�Total. I even stopped by Willies but every demon was out looking for something.�
This smile was genuine �Really?�
�They seemed pretty eager to find it too. Makes my job easier so that I can do a quick sweep tonight and go on my date.� She practically danced on the spot
�A date, with who?� Willow was happy for her friend
�Riley!� Buffy beamed �We decided to give it another go and since we both play for the home team he�ll understand if something apocalypse-y causes me to bail.�
�That�s great!� Willow liked the soldier boy- whatever his connections, she�d felt bad when Buffy had broken it off with him after her discovery of his involvement in he initiative. Riley had come back to ask her for tips to win Buffy and it looked like he had succeeded. Plus Willow liked playing with his gadgets. She blushed at her own suggestive thought > OK I�m even thinking like Spike. <
�Well if there is no research then I�ll just head on to � Xander?�
�Hey Wills.� Xander panted as he ran in out of breath �I just went past you�re house and saw your MOM go in. I thought you�d like to know since you don�t get to spend a lot of time with your mom so you should go home!�
�My mom.� > Oh shit, the couch -Spike! Eep! < �Thanks Xand.2 she said as she raced out of the door- again.

Willow panted as she reached the front door > breathe in, out, in, out calm down, oh goddess, what is she doing here, what will she say, what did Spike say in, out, in, out< she pushed open the front door. Her mom was sitting opposite Spike at the kitchen table -- drinking hot chocolate?
�Hey mom.� Willow squeaked
�Oh Willow, William told me what happened.�
�He did?� > Oh how I doubt that! <
�It�s a shame the police were unable to catch the gang that did this.�
�The one�s who attacked him, and I�m outright shocked that the hospital released him so soon. Are you quite sure you wouldn�t like me to take you over there.� Willow stared out at the late afternoon sun; it was getting cool but still enough sun to dust Spike
�I�m fine Sheila.� he grinned
�But you can barely walk.� she shook her head at the health system �I�m glad you bought him here.�
�Well I couldn�t let him just leave they burnt down his apartment.� Willow stated
�Yes, we were just talking about that.�
�Uh huh.� Willow sounded suspicious
�Since William no longer has a place to stay I have recommended that he stay here.�
�Really willow, your vocabulary is shrinking, what am I paying tuition fees for?�
�Sorry mom, you just caught me by surprise, so Spike is staying here?�
�Yes he can have the guest bedroom; I have already given him the spare key.�
Spike noted the uncomfortable look on Willow�s face �If that�s alright with you pet?�
Willow started �yeah it�s just a surprise,� she let loose a grin �at least now I can keep an eye on you.�
�Yes William, you are too pale, you need some sun.� Spike adopted Willows deer-in-headlights look
�William is very photosensitive mom, he burns if he so much as looks at sunlight.� Willow replied truthfully
�Oh.� Sheila nodded �There was a boy at college like that; he never went out during the day.�
Spike and Willow shared a look > Vampire? <
�Not that I�m not pleased to see you mom, but aren�t you supposed to be on a lecture tour in Dallas?�
�Yes, I forgot a disk in my bedroom; I just dropped by to retrieve it. I am actually flying out in-�she checked her watch �Good heavens I really have to go.�
�Thanks again.� Spike said but her mind was elsewhere as she picked up her briefcase and left without another word.
�Bye.� Willow said so softly that Spike�s vamp hearing only just caught it. She looked sadly at the door and swallowed back tears.
Spike watched Willow struggle to look casual at her mothers oblivious departure �pet?� he commiserated
She shook her head tightly > Get over it Rosenberg, it�s not the first time and it won�t be the last- you are a rousing set of genetics to them. Nothing more. < The familiar words soothed the lump in her throat but did little to alleviate the ache in her heart. Spike cursed > was the woman totally blind and insensitive? Stupid bitch didn�t even look at my Red. How can such a caring soul come from those cold hearted losers? <
�I could rip her head off for you, pet?� he offered
She turned to him with a smile that didn�t quite reach her eyes �She probably wouldn�t notice.�
He would do anything to get that abandoned look out of her eyes �Are you okay love?�
She shook herself �I have friends, college and a roof over my head and money in y pocket. I�m lucky.� Spike opened his mouth to comment
�Drop it.� she ordered sharply, she sat at the table and stared at the cooling mug of hot chocolate.
�And now of course, you have me as house mate so you are the luckiest girl in the world!�
She tittered gently �egotist!�
�Not if it�s a fact pet.� He puffed out his chest �Now I haven�t seen myself in a while but I have it on good authority that I am the sexiest Vampire in history and lucky you now have me all to yourself.� He raised an eyebrow
�Oh the possibilities�
�I�m not allowed boys in my room� she blinked innocently
�I�m not a boy, I�m a man.� He deepened his voice
Willow looked at him with his chest stuck out and deep baritone voice and bust into laughter >Ah that�s more like it! <
�If Xander could see you now.� She giggled
�Yeah.� suddenly the thought dawned on him �Bloody hell, what�s the slayer gonna say?�
�She will probably introduce you to Mr pointy.� Willow sighed
�Let�s not tell her then!� he decided
�Oh Spike�s a scared of Buffy.� Willow answered in a singsong voice
�Am not. Take that back.� Spike demanded
�Joking, relax. Besides I don�t want her to stake my best buddy.� She confessed
Spike grinned �She�ll be all *Oh Willow what are you thinking being friends with such an evil fiend even though he is so ruggedly handsome and has a great body*� his falsetto made Willow laugh. He stood up and affected a �Buffy� pose, legs spread open, hands on hips and head thrown back. �*Besides he is only living with you to get to me, I am the most gorgeous creature- if a little slow, every one wants me!*� he squeaked �*I have no fashion sense and my hair care bill alone could feed a third world country!*� Willow held her sides �Stop� ouch!� she was laughing so hard she didn�t heard the door open. Xander watched amused.
�*And Angel will always love me, coz Poof�s like him like air-heads like Me.*� Spike mimicked Buffy tossing her hair
�*That�s right Buffy!*� Xander broke in, in deep baritone �* I like to look at you because I can�t see myself in the mirror.*� 
�*Oh Angel really?*� Spike clasped his hands and batted his eyelashes
�*Yes Buffy, I love you less than I love myself, how do I look?*� Xander put his hands on his hips
�*Ohh like a magnificent Poof- kiss me!*�
�No, you�ll mess up my hair- this gel is imported, besides I have to go brood and look dashing and oh so gay!*�
�*My hero!*� Spike simpered
Willow fell off her chair, tears streaming down her face. �I�m cured!� she gasped fighting for breath. Spike looked down at her.
�Ya think she�s cured?� he asked Xander
�Oh yeah.�
�Play station?� he motioned to the living room. Xander grinned
�Play station.�
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