Part 14 of Pain and Friendship saga. Reconciliation and Revelation.
Fayth: [email protected]
Authors notes: This is so unbelievably Corny I simply refuse to believe that it came form me. I nearly went into a diabetic coma writing it. Yuch!

By the time Spike woke up, Willow had gone. Normally in between classes she would come home to collect books or just hang out with Spike. But today, she was conspicuously absent. Spike prowled around the house muttering and cursing himself, calling himself all kinds of fool for scaring her away. He needed a spot of violence to take away his edge.

Willow wandered from class to class in a daze, even Buffy was shocked out of her egotistical stupor to question her friend.
�Yeah sure.� Just trying to work through my feelings for a certain blonde Vampire.
�C�mon Will share.� Buffy could be like a pit bull when she got hold of something.
�I didn�t get a lot of sleep last night.�
�I thought the perky pain- in- the -ass was AWOL this morning.� Buffy said knowingly
�AWOL?� Willow was amused �I think that military speak comes courtesy of a certain Mr Finn?� She deftly deflected the subject to Buffy�s favourite topic.
�I know.� Buffy smirked � There�s just something about all that military speak that gets me hot. You know ten-four, AWOL, Roger, over and out.� She paused �Does that make me sick?�
Willow shook her head glad to focus on someone else�s problems for a change.
�Wanna get a Mocha and tell me about it?�   She really couldn�t face going home just yet, even though she knew she couldn�t put it off forever.
�Sure we�ve planned to go out tonight otherwise I�d join you at Karaoke night.� she  said regretful
�That�s OK Buff. Anya, Xand and me will have fun mocking the talent-less denizens of Sunnydale all by ourselves.�
Buffy considered �Maybe me and Ri could stop by after we�re done - celebrating.�
Willow tittered �Is that what you kids are calling these days- celebrating?�

�So What�s up?� Xander asked as he stepped through the door
Spike was the picture of misery as he sat on the brand new couch his head in his hands �Dunno mate- everything was going so well. The cooking, the clothes, the bike and flowers.� He stared at his hands unused to confiding in anyone that wasn�t Willow and marvelling that he and the Moron were actually friends. �We almost kissed last night until Slutty the sodding Vampire layer phoned and put a bloody spanner in the works. Now Red hasn�t been back all day.�
Xander took pity on the poor dejected Vampire. He didn�t have many male friends and so this bizarre friendship with Spike was something he wanted to keep, they got on because of mutual appreciation for wrestling, games and of course Willow. After a while they had found that their fighting had lost some of its vicious barbs and had become more manly banter.
�Geez Spike, stop brooding- you�ll get like Angel.� Oh and mutual hatred of the Poofed wonder. Spike�s head snapped up and he pinned Xander with a glare.
�I am not like Peaches!� he growled menacingly
�Then quit acting like it.� Xander glared back �That�s an Angel thing, moaning about -oh does she love me wah wah my tortured self all broody and with the gel.� He gestured to his hair �Now Spike he ties them up and DOES something about it!�
Xander�s words had the desired effect and tore a reluctant grin form Spike.
�Quick to the Angelmobile.� He replied causing Xander to snort �All right so I�m not the Nancy boy.�
�Plus you know Wills likes you, she�s just nervous about being hurt again.�
�Right.� Spike felt better �I don�t want to scare the chit off, she�s special.� He murmured ducking his head in embarrassment until he recalled that a) this was Xander and b) Master Vampires did not get embarrassed.
Xander had a brain wave �Hey why don�t you come with us tonight.�
�Do what?�
�Come with us Slut� Buffy won�t be there so you can come and hang out with us. Me, An and Willow.�
Spike was dubious �I don�t know.�
Xander was insistent �We�ll mock the singers and drink and do some dancing.� he saw Spike wavering  �Of course if you don�t go Willow will end up dancing with some drunk frat boy with his octopus hands all over her.� He played his trump card and was rewarded by the clenching of Spike�s jaw
�I�ll be there.�
�Great.� Xander grinned �Wanna play some wrestling?�

Willow came home after her last class of the door. She was nervous about how to act around Spike after last night. She opened the door and breathed a sigh of relief as she didn�t see him. She took two steps into the house and was grabbed from behind. Before she had time to catch a breath to scream a cool hand was clasped over her mouth cutting off any chance of signalling for help.
�Think I�d let you get away with ignoring me all day long, pet?� a very familiar voice hissed in her ear �That�s not how this works.�
The strong arm that was tight around her shoulders slowly loosened and began to drift down her arm stroking her soft skin and making her shiver before snaking around her waist. He flexed his fingers and began to tickle her exposed side.
Willow squirmed against him trying not to laugh, but when he removed his other hand from her mouth to join it�s mate at her waist, she gave up.
�Spike, stop�it.� She giggled and turned to face him. This was a mistake as it gave him full access to all her ticklish spots: her neck, her ears, her ribs and legs. He was merciless and soon had her on the floor in hysterics with him straddling her.
�Stop� don�t� Spi-ike!� she managed mid-gasps for air as she attempted to breathe between giggles. His eyes danced in mischief and he laughed along with her.
�Say- I�ll never ignore you again Spike.� He instructed teasingly
�I�ll never ignore you again Spike.� She squirmed trying to dodge his clever hands.
�Say- you are The Boss of this house Spike.� He continued
�I am the Boss of this house.� She sassed until he stroked her sides with his long fingers �OK�OK � Spike is Boss of this house and Master Vampire and all round Big Bad scary guy.�
�Well done pet. Now say we will always be friends no matter what.� She stopped writhing and stared up into his eyes as the tone of  his voice surprised her. He was deadly serious, all mischief missing from his deep blue eyes.
�Of course.� She said sincerely �Always and always, promise we�ll always be friends Spike.�
For a second his eyes clouded over as if he were deeply troubled about something but it was over so fast she thought she had imagined it.
He got up off her and held out his hand for her, she took it and jumped to her feet.
�Jerk.� She said and swatted his chest
�Yeah but you love it, sweets.� He joked �Now get your cute ass upstairs and get changed, we�re meeting Chubs and the demon-girl at seven.�
�We?� She asked surprised �You too?�
�To coin a proper Sunnydale phrase- Doh!� he paused �Unless you don�t want me to come.�
�Of course I do dumb-ass.�
�Well?� he gestured to the stairs �Unless you need some help changing.� He leered and reached for her top.;
�Going!� she sputtered and raced up the stairs.

The Bronze was full to the rafters as Willow and Spike weaved their way through the crowds. The promise of Karaoke embarrassment had ensured the management a full house, even the popular element of Sunnydale had emerged to partake in the festivities.
Luckily Xander and Anya had arrived early to secure seats near the stage and motioned Willow and Spike to their vacant seats.
�Hey Guys, Wills nice outfit.� Xander enthused earning twin glares from Spike and Anya. �Looking good.�
Spike agreed, Willow had worn a short cherry red mini skirt and matching strappy top with a sheer black shirt over the top. She looked cute and alluring at the same time. Spike had nearly demanded that she put some proper clothes on because no man was going to ogle *his* Woman. Fortunately he knew what kind of reaction that would elicit from Willow and had wisely kept his mouth shut and his opinions to himself. He settled for glaring murderously at any guy who even dared look at her.
�How�s the music so far?� Willow slipped into her seat
�Some is really dire but some actually just sucks.� Anya said sipping her drink
�Thirsty, pet?� Spike offered
�Sure I�ll have a coke.�
Spike looked disappointed �Nothing stronger?�
�Are you trying to get me drunk mister?� She mocked offended
�And you�re what, shocked and outraged? Evil remember.� She matched his amused expression
�In that case make it a double Vodka and coke, oh Evil one!� He got up and went to the bar
�So Will�s, how is everything going with you and Blondie?�
�Perfect.� She lamented �Perfectly platonic friends.�
�You know if I had my powers I would curse him for you.� Anya offered �Men who don�t make the first move should be forced to walk backwards for all eternity.�
Xander looked at his girlfriend in fascinated horror �I will never piss you off.� He moved to kiss her.
Willow smiled sadly as they embraced �I don�t want him cursed. I just��
�Want him?� finished Anya with a look of understanding
�Ugh, I am so pathetic I find myself identifying with Disney songs!� Willow added frustrated.
�What was that?� Spike said from behind her and Willow froze.
Xander looked over to the crowded bar �That was fast.�
Spike handed a red-faced Willow her drink �Surprising how fast people move when you flash them a little-� Spike showed his fangs �So what was that about Disney songs?�
�We were just discussing our favourite Disney songs.� Xander lied smoothly �I�m torn between Hakuna Matata and the Jungle book monkey song I wanna be like you-ou-ou.� He finished with a grin
�I like Be our Guest, with the talking Candlestick. He was very realistic.� Anya grinned widely �I actually turned a man into a Candlestick once, he used to take his wives favourite candlestick to see his Mistress at night so his wife cursed him to be the Candlestick so she could set him on fire every night. Very creative she was too.�
The three other occupants stared into space blankly for a moment.
�That�s ruined that movie for me.� Willow shuddered
�I like that Tarzan one, You�ll be in my heart.�
�I don�t remember that one.� Anya frowned �How does it go?�
Spike hesitated for a second before singing softly the words �Come stop your crying it will be all right. Just take my hand and hold it tight, I will protect you from all around you I will be here don�t you cry.� As much as he liked the humans he still wasn�t comfortable appearing vulnerable in front of them- even just singing. Which is why he was relieved when they accepted it.
�Why Spike, you have a gorgeous voice. Maybe you should do that on stage.� Anya suggested with a smile
�Maybe.� he said and locked eyes with Willow �What?�
�I would�ve figured you for one of the Villains songs, like Scar�s Matter of Pride or Oh� Hades bit.�
�Hmm, what about you, love?�
�I won�t say I�m in love from Hercules.� She blushed �Or the Seawitch�s Poor unfortunate souls.�
�What about Cruella DeVille?� Anya asked
�She�s out with Riley.� Willow quipped
�Willow!� Spike laughed out loud �That was evil- I�m so proud.�
�Oh thanks but now I feel guilty, I love Buffy.� Willow added hurriedly
�Ohh can I watch?� said Xander earning a slap from both Willow and Anya and a death glare from Spike. They sat back to watch the talent-less perform.

Xander wiped the tears from his eyes and tried to sit up. �That was the funniest thing I have ever seen and I�ve hung around with Angel.�
Spike had to agree �Me too, that was just beyond bad. Did she really think she could sing. I could hear dogs howling outside.�
�She wasn�t That bad.� Willow said doubtfully. �Credit for trying.�
�Oh c�mon Willow, she was worse than Cordelia at our talent show.�
�And we were so much better.� Willow shuddered remembering the humiliation that had been the Talent show.
�Gotta agree with Chubs. She was bad, pet. Man U supporters on the bottle whack out a better tune than that.�
�OK then Mr Critic- you go and show �em how its done.� Willow challenged Spike
The look he gave her confused the hell out of her �Fine.� he said softly looking deeply into her eyes.
He got up and made his way to the stage. He whispered something to the announcer and selected his song. They walked onto the stage together and the announcer handed Spike the microphone.
�Ladies this is your Lucky night. Here�s Spike with a song dedicated to a special Lady in his life. Willow this is especially for you.�
Willow gaped and blushed scarlet as the announcer left the stage and the spotlight hit on Spike�s pale skin making him seem more ephemeral than usual.
The music started and Spike stared at Willow holding her captive with his piercing blue eyes as he softly crooned into the microphone.

Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

People in the audience swayed to the music and watched the blonde and the red head stare at each other transfixed like there was no one else in the room.

Look into my heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

Like Magic Willow was hit with a barrage of images. Spike cooking for her, laughing at her jokes, watching T.V with Spike, Spike carrying her, holding her. Spike holding the red roses- face contrite and full of� Love? Oh my God Spike was in love with her!
Spike saw the realisation dawn in her face and his unbeating heart leapt.

There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way

Spike walked off the stage still purring into the microphone

Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more

The crowds parted with delightful sighs at the romantic scene unfolding in the Bronze as he came to stand in front of Willow.

I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - ya I'd die for you

He held out his hand and she took it, standing up to be face to face with him. Her own heart thundered in her chest.

Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

As Willow stood up Spike leant down and crushed his lips to hers. The audience surrounding them erupted into applause. But neither acknowledged the accolades and someone was forced to rescue the microphone before it was crushed between the two bodies.
Willow was only aware of Spike�s lips on hers, she opened her mouth slightly to suck in air and felt Spike�s tongue enter her mouth and deepen the kiss. His hands rested one on the small of back and one at her neck caressing her nape. Her fingers reached up and curled themselves in his shirt pulling him even closer. She moaned into his mouth as he nipped at her lips with his dull teeth, He tasted her lips and mouth delighting in the taste of Willow before drawing back so she could snatch breathe.
Loathe to break contact he rested their foreheads  together.
�Oh yes perfectly platonic.� Anya smirked
Willow turned blushing wildly to her friends. �Umm.� She was unable to form a coherent statement which delighted Spike. Xander grinned knowingly
�Take her home.�
�I intend to mate.� Spike laced Willow�s fingers with his own and pulled her away from the table and towards the exit and out of the club.
�There go two very happy people.� Xander smiled sweetly at his girlfriend
�Off to have lots of Orgasms.� Anya chirped
Xander looked her up and down �Speaking of which�� in like mind they both got up and let their table be occupied by someone else.
As they reached the door to the Bronze they bumped into Buffy and Riley.
�Hey guys, what did I miss?� Buffy asked
Once again showing perfectly that Xander and Anya were indeed made for each other they smiled and replied
�Nothing at all.� 

Part 15 of Pain and friendship

Willow had no idea how she�d gotten home. Her brain seemed fixated on the feelings of  Spike�s hand on hers, his long cool fingers and the promise they held for the night ahead.
She was dimly aware that they reached the front door and Spike had somehow managed to open it with hands that trembled more than she had ever known possible and suddenly they wee in his bedroom and he pushed her against the door ravaging her mouth as he fumbled for the light.
This was the first time she had stepped foot in Spike�s room since he had moved in and she wasn�t disappointed. Her fantasy�s had been almost psychically correct.
He had black silk sheets on a double bed with an ornate metal headboard-where that had come from she had no idea and as his hands slipped under her shirt, she didn�t much care either. He had painted the walls a deep red  and the thick black drapes covered the windows preventing any light from entering from outsides. From insides a large lamp with blood red coverings cast dark shadows into the room, it was a perfect room for a Master Vampire and his witch.
Spike rained kisses down her neck as she tilted her head back, he traced her collarbone with his tongue and gently nipped her throat with his dull teeth. He could feel her heartbeat speed up at this and felt a small wave of uneasiness.
�Love, we don�t have to do this.� He sent up a silent prayer to Gods he no longer believed in
�If you stop now, I will personally remove your entrails.� she whispered sweetly but a shadow passed over her eyes �Unless you don�t want-�
He swept her into his arms and cut off her statement with his tongue in her mouth
�Oh I want. I really want.� He urged as he let her catch her breath.
Keeping his eyes on hers he slid her shirt off her shoulders and let it pool on the floor as he stared at the Goddess in front of him.
�Perfect.� He breathed and Willow�s face split with a grin at his tone.  He lay her gently onto the bed and removed her shoes and mini skirt until she was lying in front of him dressed only in her black bra and panties.
He stood back and stared at the vision in front of him, he wanted to commit this scene to memory forever, so that every day he could take it out and replay it over and over and -
�Spike?� Willow pouted �Did you forget about me� She rose to her knees and reached for his T -shirt �You, Mister are wearing too many clothes.� She said impishly and pulled it off. Now it was her turn to stare at the large expanse of pale flesh revealed.
�Wow.� She ran her warm hands over it causing Spike to suck in unneeded air.
Quickly he shucked off his jeans and stood, naked in front of his Goddess.
Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. Beautiful.
Spike pushed her back on the bed and kneeled over her, his teeth pulling at her Bra straps. He pulled down one and then the other until her breasts were bare to his eyes� and mouth.
Willow�s whole bodied trembled at the feel of Spikes mouth and tongue working his magic on her body, she felt a sharp build up of tension low down. She couldn�t concentrate as he moved from each breast to her collar bone, her shoulders, her stomach, spending particular attention to her belly button before moving lower, right to the centre of tension. Her underwear was ripped off in a hurry as he reached the treasure.
She bucked as his cold tongue touched her-there. It was magic, it was fantastic, it was everything she�d ever dreamed of and more. Her world spun in dizzying circles until the pressure became too much and it exploded. She tried to catch her breath but Spike had begun the sweet torture again and as she climbed the heights to her second explosion she keened his name.
Her hands tight in his hair and his name on her lips was nearly his undoing. Her scent surrounded him and he was drunk on her. He purred and the rumble sent a sensation through his mouth and into her causing her to scream his name in satisfaction.
She lost count of the amount of times he pleasured her and now all she wanted was for him to be inside her, for him to enjoy this as much as she was.
�Spike please.� she whispered hoarsely and he looked up from between her legs.
Her eyes were glazed and dark with desire. She had never looked more beautiful.
He pushed himself up the bed and kissed her deeply.
She tasted herself within his mouth along with the unique taste of Spike and dug her fingernails into his back.
Her hands traced down his skin and began stroking him. Spike shuddered with physical tension before removing her hand and positioning himself at her entrance.
He slid gently in until he felt her barrier. Then he kissed her forcing his tongue into her mouth to swallow the gasp of pain as he thrust into her breaking through.
He pulled his mouth away and stared into her eyes waiting until she had adjusted to him. She nodded to him smiling in her special Willow way that was so exciting to him. He began a slow torturous rhythm showering her with baby kisses each time he slid into her warmth.
The build up was just as incredible and both began to gasp as he pushed harder bringing them sweet ecstasy, as they came he bit into her breast evoking such strong emotion and feeling that it had them screaming each others name in release.

They lay side by side intertwined in each others arms. Spike played with Willow�s hair and breathed in time with her. Willow smiled at his gesture.
He stroked his arm and leaned up to brush her lips against his.
He cleared his throat � Willow?�
�Hmm?� she watched him as he watched her, he seemed almost nervous.
�About the bite?� he gestured to her breast where the evidence of their liaison was apparent. �I never meant to hurt you.�
�I know, and I know all about Vamp bites, I have read the Watcher diaries, you know.� She grinned a bit but it faded as something puzzled her �Why didn�t you do it on my neck?�
She knew from her readings that Vampire bites during sex were to show claiming to others, so why had he done it where no one could see, was he ashamed of her?
�I want you, all of you. I�m not ashamed of you. Bloody hell I�d scream it from the top of the Hellmouth but I want you to tell everyone about us before I do it there will be no secrets.� He knew what she was thinking.
�Willow, I want you to tell the Slayer. I don�t want to be dusted if she sees my mark before she knows. I could care less actually if she dusts me, but she�d hurt you too. I would rather die than let that happen, pet.�
Willow smiled, her fears rested �Me too, I�ll tell her soon, I want everyone to know I�m yours and you�re�mine?�
�Totally, heart and �well I don�t know where my soul is, but you can have that too.�
She giggled.
�I like it when you say my name. But I like Red too, its special.�
�Like you.� He stared down at this amazing girl that belonged to him. �I- I love you.�
She turned and looked straight at him. His face was open and vulnerable for the first time ever. She could see Love and lust and fear of rejection all there laid out for her.
�I love you too. More than I ever thought possible.�
The way his face lit up she knew she would never forget as he crushed her to him holding her tightly and silently vowing never to let her go.
Emotions were high and hearts were open and although it was sweet and romantic Willow wanted to inject some lightness back into their relationship.
�Spike?� her tone was troubled and he felt his heart drop
�Do we have to tell the Slayer now?�
�Not right this second, why?� he relaxed as she pouted playfully
�Good, I wanted to spend a while in bed. How long would you say is practical for a new couple who love each other to spend proving it?� Spike grinned and raised his eyebrows
�How�s forever sound to you?�
�I like that.� She grinned back �But lets start with the weekend.�
And they did. 

Part 16 Pain and Friendship saga. The Morning after.

Willow was rudely awakened by the obnoxious ringing of the telephone. RING!!
She huddled down under the soft covers and hoped that it would stop if she ignored it. RING! Maybe not.
<Dammit> she heard a groan from under her cheek and the cool chest she had been using as a pillow rumbled.
�Bleeding phones, should a killed that Alexander Bell twat when I had the chance.� Spike growled at the offending contraption.
Willow giggled and reached over to him to pick up the receiver.
�Hello?� she grimaced �Hey Buffy.�
Spike swore at the revelation of the caller�s identity.
�What? No I�m fine, I realise you haven�t seen me all weekend. No I�m not sick.� Willow coloured as she glanced shyly at the hard male body currently lying next to her. �I�ve been �busy.�
Spike raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face. Her traced the curve of her shoulder and back with one hand and was rewarded with a shudder; he raised himself up on one elbow and nipped at her shoulder with his blunt teeth.
�B- Buffy it�s only been two days. Xander knew where we-I was. Okay I�ll be there tonight. Yeah me too, bye!�
She put the phone down and scowled at it.
�Two days. It took her two days to notice I was missing.�
�Disgraceful.� Spike murmured as he kissed his way down her spine �You could have been kidnapped by a big bad evil who wanted to do all sorts of delicious things to your helpless little body.�
His low voice sent more shivers down her back.
�A big bad evil huh?� she bit her lip
�Oh yeah.� Spike let out a predatory grin as he captured her bottom lip
�How long would he kidnap me for� Willow closed her eyes lost in the sensation �I have to meet Buffy later.�
�For eternity.� Spike moaned into her warm mouth �But if you�re good, I�ll let you meet Slutty later.�
�What if I�m really bad?� The wicked edge to her voice made Spike swallow as images inundated him
�Then you come home and go straight to bed.�

�You think they�re coming?� Xander asked and Anya�s face split into a huge grin
�Quite possibly, after all they have spent the entire weekend in bed. Having orgasms and I think that they should come up for air for a while.�
�Yes let�s talk about this- again.� Giles rolled his eyes �Just lobotomise me first.�
�I�m just saying�� Xander began but Buffy entered the room and he stopped.
�Hey guys Wills here yet?�
�What has been up to all weekend,� she paused as a thought struck her �I hope we don�t have a test I was supposed to study for.�
Anya looked at her in disgust �Maybe she spent all weekend having sex?�
Buffy rolled her eyes �Yeah.�
�Actually I think she was studying biology, anatomy.� Xander quipped and Giles tried to smother a smile.
Buffy frowned �Is Willow even taking Biology?�
The bell above the door jangled as Willow entered the room
�Hi everyone.� She beamed
�Wow someone�s happy.� Buffy remarked
�Happy to see everyone. Happy me, happy you,� she sing songed and everyone grinned at the display of Willow happiness. �So what�s the what?�
�I trust you are- fine?� Giles asked warily
�Fine, really fine.� She let loose a yawn, �If a little tired- bust weekend.� She blushed as Xander and Anya chuckled and Giles cleaned his glasses.
�Really Wills you should take it easy, get a little R and R.�
Willow looked a little guilty �I�m not overdoing it Buff. So what are we researching?�
As Giles proceeded to show Willow what she had missed during her fun filled weekend Buffy watched her bubbly friend.
*she�s practically glowing; I�ve never seen her so happy, not even when Oz was around. Oh boy, she has a new guy! Was Anya being serious?� she watched as Willow winced as she adjusted herself on the sofa and her jaw dropped as she registered the large hickey partially hidden by Willow�s sweater. *Willow is having sex! I wonder who the lucky guy is, and why hasn�t she told me? I�m her best friend for goodness sake.* Buffy was a littler hurt that Willow hadn�t confided in her. She picked up the nearest book and slumped in her chair occasionally glancing at Willow from over the top of her book.
Two hours later the sun had set and the Scooby�s were in full research mode. The only sounds were the turning of pages and the scrunch of food wrappers from Xander�s junk food stash.
Giles took off his glasses and rubbed at his eyes �I believe we have amassed enough information on this threat Buffy.�
�Ok Giles I guess I�m patrol bound.�
�Evening all.� Spike announced as he entered through the back �Miss me?�
�Like a hole in the head.� Buffy looked disgusted as he sat down next to Willow on the sofa and put his feet on the table �I was hoping you�d gotten run through by a stray pencil.�
�Aw I know you�d miss me if I dusted Slayer.� His eyes glinted and as she opened her mouth to retort the phone rang.
�Magic box.� Giles greeted. �Oh it�s you lot.� His tone dropped several levels and they felt frost in his next statement.
�What do *you* want?� he pulled off his glasses again- a sure sign that he was harassed �Of course I bleeding well have it, no I wasn�t aware. It was never very accurate- now?� he sighed and put the phone down on the table as he sauntered over to a shelf and removing an old red bound book, muttering all the time about asses and pompousness �Yes got it, page 602- oh great another prophecy, I don�t suppose you� no too much to bloody hope for wasn�t it. Yeah yeah bye.� He slammed the phone down and stared at it in disgust �I need a drink.�
�If you�re offering.� Spike perked up as Giles dragged a bottle of scotch from under the desk and poured himself a drink. Then another. And one for Spike.
Buffy frowned as Spike grinned and gulped back the shot before turning to Giles �The council?�
�Yes they seem to have uncovered a prophecy that might relate to us, the bare bones are to be found in this volume but the lager prophecy is held at the council in London. They are sending the full text over. But they have no idea what it means. Bloody useless bunch off�� he bit off a curse as swallowed the alcohol letting it burn away the obscenities in his throat. He decided to ignore the glass and drink straight from the bottle to save time.
�I guess this means more research.� Willow added tentatively. Xander groaned and let his head fall onto the pile of books in front of him

�You know when I was drafted into saving the world; no one mentioned how much paperwork there would be.� Buffy stared bleary eyed at the mountains of volumes in front of her.
Everyone had been working flat out to discover anything about the prophecy. Even Spike had sat uncomplaining next to Willow on the sofa engrossed in a book. Buffy was impressed- she would have been less impressed and possibly more hysterical if she could see under Spike�s duster draped over their knees where his hand traced patterns on Willow�s thigh and she held his hand.
�I need a smoke.� Spike got up and taking his duster walked out back to have a cigarette outside.
�Caffeine!� moaned Willow, her exhaustion winning her over.
�Me too.� Xander, Anya and Giles chorused although Giles� was a little slurred as he continued to drink the scotch- neat.
�I�m kitchen girl.� Willow stood- her muscles screaming in protest. �Buff?�
�Nah- Slayer stamina.� She grinned �I can be bored for hours yet.�
Willow shot her a returning grin as she made her way to the kitchen behind the Magic Box�s shop area. Giles had it put it in after too many late night research parties with no coffee.
She switched the coffee maker on, placed five cups on the side and waited staring at the window at her reflection.
She smiled as she felt strong arms circle her waist- even though she was alone in her reflection.
Spike kissed her neck �You smell nice pet.� He nuzzled into her throat
�So do you.� she said �Cigarettes and leather is quite the turn on though, sorry about this research, I know your bored and have got better things to do.�
He placed his finger over her lips and turned her to face him.
�I�m here with you, love.� He swept a soft kiss over her lips �I can�t think of anyone I�d rather be with, of course I�m sure we could be doing something far more interesting.� He waggled his eyebrows and cut off her giggle with his mouth.

�Actually I�m kinda wired- I�m gonna work off some tension out back.� Buffy got up and headed towards the workout room.

Willow broke the kiss �C�mon Spike. Buffy could walk in.�

Buffy stopped in her tracks as she heard her name come from the kitchen.

�So?� Spike said littering kisses over her cheeks and jaw line.

Buffy walked into the workout room and peered out from behind the door. From this vantage point she could see into the kitchen where the door was open. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. Spike had Willow pinned up against the sideboard and was raining kisses upon her face and neck.
�Stop it.� Willow snickered �You�re tickling me and what do you mean so? If Buffy finds out about you and me- being friends let alone the other,� she blushed furiously causing Spike to chuckle
�Love, if you�re doing it- you can say it.�
�I can say it.� Willow pouted
*Don�t say it!* Buffy pleaded *please*
�Say it then, sex.� Spike kissed her nose �Sex, shagging, making love, humping, beast with two backs, getting jiggy with it!�
�That�s it no more MTV for you.� Willow laughed
*Spike and Willow!* Buffy was furious
�Anyway if Buffy finds out she�ll freak.� Willow pushed Spike�s wandering hands away, Spike heaved a sigh
�Yeah and Little Miss trigger happy would stake me.�
*Too right!* thought Buffy and searched around her for a stake
�Exactly and that would kill me.� Willow stated sadly
*What?* Buffy stopped
�Why should she even care, bloody hypocrite- it�s okay if Queen Slutty and the Poofter want to go at it, but woe betide you get a happy.�
�Spike.� Willow touched his face �She cares about me.�
�But she�d stake the Vamp who loves you without even a by-your-leave.�
*Love?* Buffy was floored
�So she�s overprotective. I won�t let her hurt you Spike. I�ve waited for you for too long. I love you, you know that.�
�I love you too pet. I just don�t want to have to keep it a secret, flitting about like we had something to be ashamed of. I want to scream it to the world. Sod the Slayer.� Willow nodded her eyes shining with tears at his impassioned words.
�We will tell her, I just want to be stress free for a while before the fight starts, ok?�
�Ok.� Spike conceded �I�d die for you, I guess I can wait for a WHILE.� he emphasised grimly.
�I�ll make it up to you baby.� Willow cooed.
�Oh yeah?� Spike smirked
�And if she can�t deal, then we�ll leave.� Willow added shocking both Buffy and Spike
�We�ll leave, I love you and I�ll follow you anywhere. If Buffy can�t accept you, then she can�t accept me because you�re a part of me now. Besides I always wanted to travel.�
�Mexico, Italy, Paris, London- I�ll show you the world.� Spike spun her around and then crushed his lips to hers in delight.
Buffy stood in the doorway in amazement *Willow loves Spike, Spike loves Willow, kissing- sex leaving? Willow would leave?* She ducked back into the training room as Xander came down the hall, she grinned maliciously *Oh boy Xander�s going to flip, he hates Spike*
Xander passed the workout room and entered the kitchen; he stopped when he saw Willow and Spike.
*Here goes!* Buffy winced in anticipation of his outburst
�Hey Blondie, you may not need to breath but Wills still has oxygen issues.�
*huh?* no explosion?
Spike pulled back and Willow gasped for air
�She doesn�t normally complain about me not coming up for air.� Spike smirked �It makes her moan.�
�Add that to the list of things I never wanted to hear.� Xander shuddered �Besides the Buffster is in the next room, you want her to go supernova when she finds you two?� He headed for the biscuit tin.
�We were just saying about that daft bint.� Spike nodded and made way for Xander
�Look guys Buffy is my best friend- best girl friend.� She amended �Don�t insult her.�
�Sorry sweets but she is borderline psychotic- it�s a Slayer thing. It explains why she�s so obsessive about you.�
�Protective not obsessive.� Willow stirred sugar into the coffee and picked up the mugs
�Whatever, let me carry those, is one for me?�
�Of Course.� She sent him a loopy grin
�Oy Harris, you coming over tomorrow? I�ve been practising.�
�Sure thing Blondie, I�ll bring tomb raider.�
Willow put on her resolve face �No leering over Lara Croft while I�m in the vicinity or I�ll take you both on and win- again.�
Spike groped her ass �If I leer at you will you take me on?�
Xander shuddered again �Wills make him stop.�
�You don�t think I�ve tried?� They went back to the tables chattering.

Buffy walked slowly away from the door and sat down on the mat, all fight drained out of her.
*Ok let�s process, Willow and Spike are together- as in a couple, with love and sex. Ew. No mental pictures. Xander knows therefore Anya knows- does Giles know? But Xander wasn�t freaked, he�s bonded with Spike! Major weirdness. They won�t tell me, they�re afraid I�ll freak out- totally wig, which I am doing. WILLOW AND SPIKE!! Am I really obsessive, she loves him but can�t tell me- her best friend because she�s afraid I�ll stake him.
And I want to stake him- he�s a vampire, I�m a Slayer, and yeah ok Angel but that was- oh God Spike�s right I�m a hypocrite.  I am an obsessive hypocrite and my friends can�t confide in me because they�re afraid I�ll explode!*
She sat in the dark thinking deep thoughts. 

Part 16/17 Pain and Friendship.  Visitors.

The dark street was deserted at this time of night, people, fearful of what lingered, crawled or lurked in the dark stayed safely indoors and allowed the city to belong to the creatures of the night.  Imaginative citizens might conjure images of slant eyed murderers or gangs on PCP, realistic citizens- not that there were many- played with images of demons with horns, vampires with dripping fangs and death in demonic guises.
Both types of citizen would be surprised to see a cute little Redhead and her tall blonde boyfriend walk down deserted alleys and the worst parts of town unscathed and unbothered.
�You don�t have to come if you don�t want to Spike.� The redhead told her guy �You�ll just be bored.�
�Yeah, but I think I can find something to keep myself occupied love.� He leered down at her and reaching a hand down to cup her ass.
�Oh no you don�t mister.� She warned skirting away from his wandering hands �There will be none of that in front of the others.�
�What�s *that* then?� he asked clearly amused.
�You know full well what I mean.� She blushed lightly and hoped he couldn�t see it in the darkness.
He brushed his fingers across her rose tinted cheeks which- due to sneaky vamp powers- he could see quite clearly thank you very much.
�You mean *this*.� He laid a lingering kiss on her lips causing her to lean into him and close her eyes in acceptance and need.
�Or this?� his hand snaked down below her waist.
Willow�s eyes snapped open and grabbed his hand before it made its merry way under her skirt.
�That is exactly what I mean Mr Smarty pants.� She tried to sound menacing �None of that while we are around the others or I�ll sleep in my own room tonight.�
�And find me on top of you when you wake up.� He said deliberately and then turned sheepish when she frowned �I can�t help it pet, it makes me hot when you get prissy.�
She giggled �You get hot when I breathe!�
�Hmm.� He pretended to consider it �It must be you then pet.� He grinned and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. �Alright then love I�ll behave.� He spat out the word in disgust.
�You�ll be rewarded.� She smiled as his eyes sparkled in anticipation at her tone.
Willow held out her hand
Spike was more than happy to accept the hand and they continued hand in hand.
*He�s so quiet today* Willow though *something must be bothering him- really bothering him.* she shot a sideways glance at him.
�What?� his acute senses knew when Willow looked at him- plus he knew when his Red had a question. He had become so attuned to her moods and expressions, he turned his head, and she was concerned and apprehensive.
�C�mon love what is it?�
�You, you�ve been on edge all day. Is something wrong?� he frowned and her heart sank �Is it me?�
�No.� he pulled her into his arms close to his body so she could feel his reaction to her proximity �It�s not you, it�s never you. You are the only thing in my life that inst wrong. You know that.�
�So what is it?� She bit her lip
Spike looked around at the deserted street as if there was someone lurking in the shadows; the only sounds were of Willow�s soft breathing which never failed to calm him.
�Just a feeling. It�s the one I get when someone�s following me or if there�s something supernatural nearby. It�s been growing all sodding day, but there�s nothing causing the damn thing.�
�Are you worried?�
�Nah.� He turned back to her with a dismissive gesture �It�s just bleeding annoying.�
She grinned up at her big bad scary boyfriend. �Did I tell you today that I love you?�
�Yeah.� He bit his lip in that sexy way that set her pulse racing �But you can tell me again.�
�Love you.� She reached up on tiptoes and kissed him thoroughly �Let�s get to Giles.�
As they walked towards the Magic Box the uneasy feeling in Spike grew in intensity. He became more fidgety and pulled Willow closer to him casting dark glances around him at the street. Willow was accustomed to Spike�s hyperactivity and protectiveness but as they neared the Magic Box he was so tense he was practically vibrating. He stopped so suddenly across the street from the shop that Willow was cut short.
�What?� she asked confused
�Bloody. Everlasting. Hell.� He bit out furiously, his game face flickering.
�Spike you�re freaking me out.� Willow said pulling back a little 
�We have to get out here pet.� He stated behind clenched teeth his eyes fixed on the window of the Magic Box �Now.� He turned abruptly, his grip tightening on her hand and marched back the way they came dragging Willow behind him.
�What is it?� she tried but her only answer was the tightening of his jaw and she started to get scared at his expression of pure fury. His grip was starting to hurt her hand.
�Spike please?� she had to jog to keep up with his wide stride. He started to growl viciously under his breath and Willow�s heart pounded in her chest as Spike scared her for the first time in months. Tears of pain and fear ran down her cheeks and they were several streets away before she tried again
�Spike, Spike please?� she tugged at their joined hands and the pressure forced Spike out of his fierce reverie.
He looked down at her scared face and the tears that ran down her face and felt a stab of remorse that shocked him into normality,
�Will?� he said as if seeing her for the first time. She breathed a sigh of relief and sent up a grateful prayer.
�Spike.� she smiled tremulously and stroked his face with her free hand trying to sooth him. He nuzzled into her palm and released his death grip on her hand.
�Sorry baby. I never meant to hurt you.� He turned over her hand and saw the bruises already forming on her wrist. He kissed the tender flesh �So sorry love.� He wiped away her tears and gave her a soft kiss pulling her close to him and holding her tight �Forgive me?�
�Of course, just tell me what was wrong.� She pleaded
�That feeling I�ve been having?� she nodded �Vamps also get it when their Sires are close.�
�Angel?� she whispered
�I thought the bloody poof was in LA but he�s here, right sodding here.� He growled
�Ok so I get why the tense,� she said slowly �But I need to help Giles with that Prophecy, so you can go home and I�ll go see Giles.�
�You really don�t get it.� Spike was frustrated with himself for not picking it up earlier and so he was a little more sharp than usual �Right now, I can smell you- all over me and I can smell my scent �all- over you. The SECOND we walked in there the Poof would know about us and he�s a mite more trigger happy than the bloody Slayer.� He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair �I�ll be dust before you can say shagging. Plus the fact that I�ve claimed you will be bloody obvious and probably lead him to stake my ass outside and wait for the sunrise.� He kicked a nearby tree �Bugger.�
Willow�s hand touched the healing bite mark above her breast, Spike didn�t want to do it on her neck until the Slayer knew about them, not wanting to be staked by her; but it looked like he might have not bothered if Angel was going to do it for her. Vampires could sense the claim which is one of the reasons he did it in the first place, to make sure that the Vampires around knew that she belonged to him.
�Alright, so we have to stay out of the way while he�s in town. He probably wants to see you as much as you want to see him so you just need to stay away until he leaves.�
�What about you? The poof will want to see you and even if we don�t have sex between now and then, I can smell you on me all the time love.�
�I know I wanted to see Angel too but it�s such a shame that there is this horrid stomach flu going around.�
�Say what?�
She let loose a mischievous grin �I�ve come down with this horribly contagious stomach flu and have to stay home and away from the gang because they don�t need what I�ve got if they have to fight the prophecy. Couldn�t do with having a sick Slayer!� his grin matched her at the deviousness of his love
�Will it work?�
�Xander and Anya will be behind me and I can still research for Giles at home, while I get plenty of bed rest.�
Spike eased up �You are a genius pet.� He lowered his head and his lips descended
�Wait! I�m contagious remember.� She teased
�Yeah you got the big bad, very lethal- you�ll be in bed for days.� He growled playfully �And enjoy every minute of it.�

�Hello Magic Box, Buffy speaking.�
�Cough Buffy?�
�Wills is that you?�
�You sound terrible.�
�I caught that stomach flu that�s been going around campus, I feel really bad.�
�Oh poor Wills, you want me to come over?�
�NO. no, uh if this prophecy is as dangerous as we think we can�t have a sick Slayer on our hands, I don�t want to put you out of commission.�
�How are you doing?�
�I�m all� hot and flushed and I can feel�it crawling all over me, I�m dizzy and I-I can feel fluttering in my tummy.�
�You�re out of breath too; I can hear it, sounds bad.
�Here, Stop it. (whispers)�
�Stop what?�
�Not you� my tummy. Listen is Giles there?�
�Yeah Giles.�
�H-hello Willow.�
�I�ll carry out more research while I�m in bed and if I find anything I�ll email it to you okay?�
�That would be appreciated Willow if you�re sure your up to it.�
�Everyone�s a comedian.�
�I didn�t quite catch that Willow.�
�Get plenty of bed rest.�
�Ahem, ok Giles bed REST.�
�Here�s Buffy.�
�Hey sorry your sick Wills, get better quick, I wish you were here we got some visitors and I could use you, I really need my best friend but you concentrate on getting better. Call if you need anything. Love ya.�
�Bye Buffy, love you too.� Click.

Willow turned to a smirking Spike �That was mean.�
�What?� he asked not quite pulling off the innocent act.
�Do I try to seduce you when you are on the phone?�
�I wish you would.� He leered at her �So what now?�
�I turned on my machine to pick up messages but right now all I want to do is relax.�
�I got the perfect thing; we haven�t had a movie night for ages. I�ll pop out and get us something how�s that sound?�
�Perfect I�ll do snacks, make it a comedy.�
�Silence of the Lambs it is.� Spike grinned impishly and moved before the flying pillow could hit him, racing down the stairs.
�*My* type of comedy!� she called after him

The bowl of sweetened popcorn lay half empty on the table as Willow snuggled closer to Spike. She alternated between giggling and awed sounds from the special effects and stunning scenery.
Both Willow and Spike got totally immersed in whatever they were watching and often cheered or yelled at the screen. Tonight they were appreciating the activities of the O�Connell family
�Where�s Benny he was funny in the first one?�
�He got smooshed for being greedy under the ceiling.� Willow reached for more popcorn �I like the little goblin things.�
Spike shuddered �Remind me of baby chaos demons.�
Willow chuckled around the mouthful of corn �Ooh gotta get in the temple before the sun, run!�
�He�ll make it; we manly types always take protect what�s ours.�
�That right?� she raised her eyebrow
�Sure.� he kissed her cheek, and they watched as Rick O�Connell threw himself and his son into the temple �See told you he did it.� The smug look was soon wiped off his face
�BITCH!� they both yelled at the screen
�Get up and kill that vacuous Harmony wanna-be!� Willow growled to Spike�s surprise. Off his glance she stared back
�What? Anack-sun-amen killed Evie!�
�You growled.� He stared openly
�Did not.� She denied
�Did too, it was right vicious too.� He teased
�I have no idea what you are talking about.� She huffed in her best school marm voice
�Don�t get prissy love, you know it makes me hot and I want to watch the end of the movie.� He eyed her briefly before returning to the movie.

Later that night they lay in Spike�s bed under his black satin sheets gently caressing each other.
�Are you thinking about Angel?� Willow asked sleepily
�Peaches?� Spike shrugged �Sort of- I was thinking about the movie.�
�Mummy returns?� she was confused �And Angel? In ten steps or less.�
He chuckled �When the chit died Rick�s world fell apart, he went on a vengeance gig. I was wondering what would happen if Peaches killed me.�
�I�d kill him.� She said simply �Painfully and slowly.�
�Yeah?� he looked down at her tousled head
�No one messes with my guy. Ok, scenario, Angel screw Cordy and loses his soul and comes after me for restoring the soul, he kills me.�
�I turn you, and we kill him together. Bloody great poof that he is.�
�Can you kill your sire; I thought he had power over you.�
�Not as much as you do, if he hurt you he�s lining for a cat litter tray.� He was certain
*What if Dru hurt me?* she wanted to ask but didn�t dare.

Instead of going to classes the next day Willow spent the day trying to research the prophecy like she should have done last night.
She sat at the computer while Spike slept but her mind wandered over their conversation. She knew Spike loved her, he�d proven it in so many ways. But how did he feel about Drusilla.
He�d been with the Crazy Vampiress for over a century, they�d forged a bloody swath through Western Europe; they were the Sid and Nancy of the Vampire world. When you are with somebody, basically worshipping them for a hundred years there is bound to be some residual feelings. *Duh* she chastised herself *he refuses to talk about her or even say her name and she dumped him.*
Willow was so intent on her internal torment that she didn�t notice the passing of time and was therefore surprised when she suddenly felt Spike�s hands drifting over her shoulders.
�Spike, I thought you were sleeping.�
He frowned �Red, it�s nearly sunset.�
She swung in her chair and stared at the darkening sky �Huh.� She seemed bemused by the dusk
�Have you been researching all day?� he asked amused at her dedication
�I-I guess.� Had she really spent all day at the computer screen and not known it? There were reams of paper at her feet testimony to the fact that, at least subconsciously she had been researching while her mind wandered.
�Are you hungry pet, I�m famished? Tell you what.� He squatted to look her in the eye �I need to drop by Willies how about I pick you up something?�
�Sure.� She answered absently
Spike frowned, he knew Willow�s research haze and this wasn�t it. This was new.
�Red, hello anyone home?� he waved his hand in front f her face �Pet, love?�
�I�m here.� She replied and tried to slide a grin on her face but Spike could tell it was forced
�C�mon love what is it?�
She shook herself �Nothing I�m a little dazed, tired and hungry- and I think I need to pee.�
Sensing she wasn�t about to divulge her feelings he decided to pursue it later
�Ok I�m off.� He kissed her forehead �Later, I love you.�
Willow watched his duster swirl around him as he left.
*If she came back would he choose her?* she prayed she�d never have to find out.

Spike wandered around the small town glad to be out after being cooped up all day. *The only thing to make the night better would be to have my Red here with Me.* he grimaced good naturedly at himself *Sap, I�m whipped* but of course being loves bitch had its benefit�s; he could smell the Chinese that he�d picked up for Willow. He let loose a Wolfish grin thinking about Willow. She exceeded his wildest fantasies and the best part was that she loved him back! That part was new; he would be dancing on cloud nine playing rock and roll on harps if only his bleeding Sire wasn�t in Sunnydale.
He scowled at the thought of Angel *Stupid Sod can�t even stay in LA, where he belongs. He has to come back to Sunnydale to muck up my unlife- I should have got Marcus to skewer the bloody pansy when I had the chance* he muttered curse and plagues upon his Sire as he made his way home. On reaching the front door he dug the keys and inserted them in the lock.
�Honey I�m home.� He called into the silent house he sensed Willow in the kitchen �I hope you�re hungry, pet because I bought-�
He stopped dead in his tracks as he stared at the scene in the kitchen
�Oh balls!�
�Spike.� growled Angel.
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