Chapter 16     �Huh???

Spike was astounded, dumbfounded. He blinked.
�Say what?�
�I�m pregnant.� The words sounded surreal �Oh Spike, I�m pregnant.� Her eyes opened in shock as if by saying it, it was somehow more real.
�Uh okay.� He was jolted out of his shock by Willow�s little body which suddenly started trembling again.
�Hey now Pet. Don�t panic. Old Spike�s here, you�re not alone here whatever you decide to do.�
�How could this happen?�
Spike raised an eyebrow �Well normally there�s a birds and bee�s talk but I think you got that bit sussed pet.�
Willow snorted despite herself �Yeah.�
�I take it this happened during that little vacation you girls had?� he said hesitantly.
Willow nodded and dropped her head into her lap, her hair fell over her face and she clenched her hands in her hair. She rocked back and forth.
Spike pulled a tissue from a box next to her bed and took her hands in his.
�Now, love.� He pushed her hair back and handed her the tissue. Then he took her little body and tucked her into his chest leaning his chin on her head and rocking her.
�Thanks.� She said sniffling as she fought to get herself together.
Spike waited and watched. He had known that there was a guy between herself and the Slayer on the vacation, he had overheard them talking about a �him� and drawn his own conclusions; it was one of the reason�s why there had been such a rift between them when they returned. He�d only asked once but the pain in her eyes had been enough for him. He�d never asked again. Now it seemed that it had been more than he�d ever thought. She was pregnant and he felt conflicted. Part of him wanted to stand up and yell at her, how could she let this happen?
Didn�t she know she belonged to him? Pregnant with another man�s child, a child *he* could never give her. But that jealous part was overwhelmed by the part that wanted- no � needed, to have her happy and here and�and to play house dammit.
�All done Red?� he asked rubbing her back gently.
�Uh huh.� She gave him a sheepish smile �For now. Sorry for blubbering on you.�
�Hey now, the leather�s been waterproofed and you can cry on me anytime.� He leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially �Just don tell anyone I�ve got a reputation to protect.�
Willow gave a little giggle
�There�s my girl.� He grinned at her and Willow felt a rush of pleasure at his words- His girl.
�So what are you gonna do?�
�I can�t kill it.�
�Never even crossed my mind.� And it hadn�t, Willow had such respect for life, even an unborn one there was no way she could ever figure termination. �I meant are you going to tell the daddy?�
For a second Willow adopted her deer-in-headlights look much to Spikes bafflement.
�N-no.� she managed after clearing her throat.
�Why not? Raising a kid ain�t cheap. You could let the bast-guy take some financial responsibility.� Spike gritted his teeth, like he�d want some Don Juan taking care of his Red.
�I have money. I j-just�there�s no way of getting hold of him.� She said weakly and it wasn�t really a lie.
Spike�s eyes narrowed �He didn�t *hurt* you, did he Willow, because if he did I will hunt him to the ends of the earth to make him pay.�
Willow was oddly touched �You�d do that?�
�In a heartbeat.� He vowed �Do I need to?�
�No he didn�t hurt me.� she said, her eyes softening.
Spike relaxed �Good, so no daddy.�
Willow bit her lip �I just hope mom and dad won�t mind me turning the spare room into a nursery. Oh god Spike what if they kick me out?� she turned to him wild eyed.
�Then you can come and live with me.� he promised, his eyes lighting up at the thought �I have enough stashed away that you would want for nothing pet, you and Baby. And I could take care of the kid while you were at college.�
Willow gaped �For real?�
Spike shrugged, unwilling to beg her to let him be a part of this child�s life but desperately wanting it.
With a squeal Willow threw herself into his arms. �Oh Spike.�
Willow wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rested her chin in the crook of his neck; it felt so right to be here holding onto him. For a wild moment she wanted to tell him the truth, how she had gone back in time with Buffy and met him and fallen in love with him and was now having his baby. But he had no recollection of his human life; it was probably not a good idea to dump all that on him at once, she wasn�t sure if Vampires could die from heart attacks or shock- probably not with the whole not beating/breathing thing but she didn�t want to test it. Besides, he wanted to help her take care of it now because he seemed to like her, she�d rather him do that than him do it out of some misplaced Victorian idea of duty- �I got her pregnant therefore I have to stay�, if she told him now she�d always wonder if he was staying for her or for the baby. She didn�t want any relationship they had to start out with doubt. Or his thinking that she was insane.
Maybe once she was sure that he liked her as much as she did him, she�d start to let subtle hints drop but for now she was content to keep it a secret.
Spike was taken aback when he felt her arms around him but wasn�t about to let an opportunity pass by. He hugged her back revelling in the feel of her small soft body held close to him. He laid his cheek on her soft hair and took in her sweet vanilla strawberry scent.
He pulled back reluctantly when he heard her sniffing again.
�Sorry.� she said �I just don�t know what I�d do without you and�I�m guessing this is the start of crazy pregnant lady hormones.�
Whilst feeling warmed by her words Spike gulped
�Pregnant woman hormones? I may just regret this love.�
�You might,� she teased �will you come with me to tell the gang?� she was suddenly serious and worried.
Spike took her face in his hand and pressed a kiss to her forehead �Of course. But we have an appointment with two of our friends first.�

Chapter 17 Do you want me to kill the father?

Willow held Spike�s hand tightly as he opened his front door with his key and ushered her inside.
She felt rather than heard the voices rumbling from the next room and took a deep breath.
�Here goes.� She gritted her teeth and walked in.
�Willow.� Darla stood up and embraced her, after a second she stiffened and then pulled back staring at Willow in surprise.
Willow nodded as Darla caressed her stomach
�Oh darling.� She soothed and kissed Willow�s forehead.
�What�s up?� Wood asked puzzled from his place on the couch.
�Never you mind.� Darla said not taking her eyes away from Willow.
�Hey Red, who knocked you up?� Wood said with a smirk as he cottoned on to the tension.
Spike smacked him upside the head and dragged him into the kitchen.
Darla took Willow�s hand and led her to the white leather sofa and sat her down.
�Darling, is this who�s I think it is?�
Willow nodded. And Darla gave a huge sigh.
�I must say that life with you mortals is never boring.�
Willow gave a small start of laughter.
�I thought I was sick, that I�d contracted smallpox or something from going back in time with no inoculation. I kinda wish I had.�
Darla stared at her for a moment �Willow there are ways of getting rid of an unwanted child that the doctors know nothing about.�
Willow looked horrified �Oh that�s so not what I meant. I wouldn�t- couldn�t do that, its just kind of a shock I mean one second I�m-� she sighed �I don�t want it gone.�
Darla smiled �It will be new, having a child around.� They heard a loud thump and bang come from the kitchen �At least it will be well protected.�
They grinned at each other.

Spike slammed Wood up against the wall
�Pipe down childe.�
�Oh come on Sire, I was only playing.� Wood tried to knock Spike�s hands away from his throat.
�Playing or not, that�s not the kind of thing she needs to hear right now.�
He glanced towards the door separating them from the girls.
�Spike- Sire, you really love her don�t you?� Wood stared down at his Sire who was lost in thought.
�So damn much.� Spike confessed, lowering Wood to the floor. �But I think she�s still in love with whoever the damn father is. She won�t let me hunt him down but when she talks about him her heart races and her breathing changes.� Spike clenched his jaw.
�Could be fear?� Wood offered �If he raped her, she would be afraid of him and that could account for it.�
�She says no.� Spike dropped his hands from his Childe�s neck and ran them through his hair.
�Well she never forbade me from doing it.� Wood grinned �I could hunt him down and feed him his own testicles. If she won�t have any contact with him, how is she to know?�
Spike laughed, his childe taking away his anger in characteristic fashion �Damn Simon, you still remind me so much of me its scary.�
�Like Sire, like Childe.� Wood patted Spike on the shoulder �At least I don�t take after Angel.�
�Too right.� Spike leaned against the counter �You know I think that something is wrong with Red, other than the obvious.�
�What?� Wood cocked his head to the side and watched Spike.
�I mean the chit knows all about the whole family history thing and yet she made me sit there and tell her all about the accident and Angelus and all but it was like she was hearing it for the first time. She�s just different to how she used to be before her vacation.� He tried to put it into words �Before she was sweet and innocent and blushed if any guy got too close and now she�s still sweet and innocent but it�s like she�s stronger- can handle that much more.�
�Broken heart�ll do that to ya.� Wood said absently �Besides you said she�s more relaxed around you now so it can�t be too bad.�
�It�s not bad.� Spike said �I never said it was bad, in fact the fact that she doesn�t cringe around me now is great. I think we might be actually getting somewhere- until this whole baby thing threw me for a loop.�
Wood stared at him for a moment
�She cringed around you? I thought she was Darla�s daughter, why would she be uneasy around you?�
�You mean despite the fact that I never had a soul and am down in all the Watcher�s diaries as the most dangerous member of the Scourge of Europe? How about the fact that I am a Vampire? Or maybe it�s the fact that I�m a man? According to what I could see she�d never even been looked at by a man, like that, before. When she left all she�d had were some random kisses with that Wolf boy who went off with some witch-rat girl.�
Wood raised an eyebrow �You have to tell me that story sometime.�
Spike shook his head �From the second I saw her I wanted her and I watched her, flirted with her and she knew it, I think I made her nervous.�
�A master Vampire who watched her all the time making her nervous, how could that be?�
�Watch it.� Spike cautioned his smirking childe.
�So she�s up the duff,� Spike glared warningly at him �Sorry- in a family way, she still seems more open to you, so what�s the problem?�
�Its more than that, she�s older, wiser and more experienced. How is that possible in four months?�
Wood shrugged �Maybe the whole vacation from hell thing changed her- or it could possibly have been a spell.�
Spike scoffed �With this lot anything�s possible.�
�So do you want me to find out what�s with the new improved Red and get some dish on that guy?�
Spike nodded thinking deeply �Yeah, she doesn�t know you too well, maybe she�d open up more.� He paused �Just don�t letch on her, the girl�s mine.�
�No fear dad,� he sassed �I got my eye on the cute piece of Slayer ass.�
�Faith?� Spike let loose a wolfish grin �She�ll eat you alive.�
�Good luck.�

Chapter 18.  You can choose your family.

�Hey Wills, Blondie.� Faith grinned as they walked in she noticed how Willow was clinging to his arm and she also noted how right it seemed. She turned back to her book rapidly flicking through the pages pretending to research.
Spike nodded his greetings without opening his mouth.
�Guys.� Willow said, wringing her hands.
�You�re late.� Jenny said with a grin at Willow �Hannah wanted to stay up to say hey but I sent her to bed.�
�Thank goodness.� Anya said �in my day children that talked as much as her would have been placed in the stocks.�
�I bought donuts.� Xander said into the embarrassed silence
�Great.� Willow smiled and stood awkwardly in the door. Spike took pity on her nerves; he knew full well that she was more terrified of what her friends would say than anything Darla and Wood would have. He also knew that she wanted nothing more than to run away. He took her coat off and hung it on the stairs before taking her by the hand and pulling her over to the sofa.
Sitting beside her he draped an arm over the back of the sofa.
Jenny looked amusedly at Giles who frowned at the possessive display. Anya beamed knowingly at Spike who ignored her.
He was far more concerned with the trembling redhead at his side that was emitting waves of fear and anxiety than at any supposition Anya had about his sex life.
�So why are we all here at Chez G-man?�
Giles grimaced �Xander-� he sighed, giving it up as a lost cause �Both Buffy and Faith have noticed a distinct lack of Vampiric activity the last few nights and that normally precipitates a dramatic event.�
�Not even enough to get a good exercise.� Faith moaned
�They did seem slightly off, me and Riley got them without even breaking a sweat but nothing to indicate oogyness.� Buffy said
�Oogyness?� Giles frowned �Your use of the English language is, on occasion, quite frightening.�
�Oogyness, noun, to indicate a nervous feeling of discomfort or predetermined anxiety normally indicative of building contention, in the family of weirdness, wiggins and willies.� Buffy laughed at everyone�s shocked faces �What? Did people forget that I actually did well in my S.A.T�s?�
�It�s one thing to know it; it�s another to see it in all its Buffy glory.� Xander shuddered �And can we please not mention S.A.T�S I still have nightmares.�
�He does too.� Anya volunteered �He wakes up believing he is being chased by pencils it�s very disturbing.�
Xander blushed as Spike scoffed �An, that�s one of those lets never mention moments.�
�Oh like that thing we did with the hairbrush and the jello.�
If possible Xander began to glow as everyone gaped at him.
�Kinky.� Faith winked and laughed as Xander went even paler
�I feel sick.� Willow said
�I understand.� Giles said polishing his glasses �I too-�
�No *really*.� Willow jumped off the sofa and raced to the bathroom.
�Oh!� Jenny looked concerned �I take it Willow still has that stomach bug?�
�It�s either that or the jello.�
�Enough Faith.� Buffy too looked slightly sick at the thought.
Spike said nothing and stared at the bathroom door like he could see through it.
�So if there is no specific creature feature can we go home?� Xander wanted to talk to Anya about private conversations again.
Willow came out of the bathroom and leaned against the door.
�You okay Willow?� Jenny asked �Let me make you some tea.�
Willow nodded as she sat back next to Spike and curled against his side looking green.
�I�m afraid not Xan, while we were playing with this Vamp he said something about a Packback demon coming to town, according to Mr now- dusty, this guy was some serious fiend. Riley was going to check with his guys but he�s been called away tonight on assignment.�
�Pack back? Do you mean a Paq-B�c demon?� Spike said abruptly.
�Yeah something like that.� Buffy nodded
Giles sighed and rolled his eyes �How many times do I have to caution you to pay attention to the names if these creatures. I take it you have heard of them Spike?�
�Yeah Paq-b�c �s are bloodsuckers, not like Vamp�s they�ll suck anything most have a yen for high power blood, my guess is he�s here for the Slayer. But if you know one�s coming to town usually a warning barrier will stop it.�
�Warning barrier?� Faith perked up
�Yeah they�re scared of a bit of magic show, putting a barrier around town should stop him coming in at all. Its pretty standard fare.�
�Willow can do it.� Buffy nodded encouragingly as Jenny handed Willow some tea.
�Sure, I�ll just need to look up the-�
�No.� Spike said firmly keeping a hand on her arm.
�No?� Willow frowned
�No.� he stated again �Red can�t do it, get someone else.�
�Hey.� Willow said insulted �I could too do it.�
Spike placed a hand on her flat stomach and stared pointedly at her �It�s not a good idea.�
�Oh?� Willow suddenly understood �Oh!�
Spike nodded, satisfied that she understood.
�Oh what? Wills you could, Spike said it�s a simple spell.�
�She�s not doing it. Magic comes from a person�s energy and life force, it can drain the body.�
Buffy shrugged �Wills done big magic before, she�s a kick ass Wicca.�
Spike stood up �Back off.�
�You�re not the boss of her.� Xander argued
�Guys keep it down Hannah�s asleep.� Jenny shushed them.
�W-Willow I do believe that Buffy is correct, with Jenny�s help your magical capabilities far exceed that which the spell actually calls for, you would be in no danger.�
�I could do it.� Willow began but Spike rounded on her, his eyes flashing
�No you can�t I wont let you risk-�
�But I won�t.� she said and Spike seeing the resolve in her face backed down.
�Why not?� Faith asked curious at the byplay between Willow and Spike.
Willow took a deep breath and reached for Spike�s hand.
He jumped at the contact but held her hot damp palm in his cool soft one and gave her the courage she would need.
�Because the magic might hurt the baby.�

Xander froze- a donut halfway to his mouth. Giles� jaw dropped to match the tea cup that Jenny let fall to the carpet. Anya, Faith and Buffy�s eyes were wide open.
It was several moments before anyone spoke.
�Huh?� Buffy managed. �The what?�
�Baby. I�m pregnant.� She gripped Spike�s hand so tight he felt his bones creak.
�Holy shit.� was Faith�s addition to the conversation
�Language.� Jenny admonished absently as she watched Willow.
�A baby? Well Yay you.� Anya cheered with a grin.
�Just think Red, when the kid arrives, Xander will be able to communicate with it- same level of intelligence.� Spike teased trying to ease the tension.
�Pregnant.� Buffy repeated a growing look of horror on her face
�Good Lord.� Giles peered at her over his glasses �Are you quite all right?�
Willow gave a nervous giggle �Yeah I�m fine, just a little morning sickness, which doesn�t just happen during the morning by the way.�
�Tell me about it.� Jenny said walking over �When I was having Hannah I was heaving all over the place day and night.�
Xander stared at his donut in distaste and placed it back in the box.
Jenny threw her arms around Willow in much the same way Darla had done.
�If you need anything Willow, please tell me.�
�Thanks.� Willow felt tears spring to her eyes.
Buffy watched her and when she spoke her voice was hoarse �Is it-?� when Willow nodded in conformation Buffy paled and sank to the sofa.
Xander finally managed to stand �Wow Wills is gonna be a mom! I�m gonna be Uncle Xander again.�
�Yeah.� Willow said as he hugged her with one arm, she still refused to let go of Spike�s hand. �You can teach him- or her about the joys of donuts.�
�And twinkies.� He said seriously.
�Damn Will, don�t let the walking garbage can near the kid.� Faith sauntered over and clapped Willow on the back, her eyes soft.
Anya awkwardly hugged Willow too
�Pregnant women get hugged a lot, I read about it in Cosmo. It�s traditional.� Anya nodded sagely.
Jenny smiled at the group of them surrounding Willow, she always knew that they were a close group but the way they rallied around one of their own was still a sight to see. Except Buffy.
�Buff?� she asked and everyone turned.
Willow gave Spike�s hand one last squeeze and sat next to her friend.
�I�m so sorry Willow.� everyone was surprised and shocked to see tears in Buffy eyes and trailing down her face.
�Don�t be, I�m not.� Willow stroked her shoulder �How can I be?�
�You were supposed to have a full life, go to a prestigious college and have a great career and get married and have a proper family and I screwed it all up.�
�No you didn�t, I�m just doing things in a different order.� Willow smiled slightly �Really its okay.�
�What�s going on?� Spike asked annoyed, he had a feeling that this had something to do with the father of the baby and the jealous part of him reared its head.
�Willow, who is the father?� Giles asked sitting on the edge of the sofa, looking so very much like an overprotective father. He unconsciously echoed Spike�s thoughts.
�Yeah where�s daddy?� Xander growled at the thought of someone using his Willow.
�Gone.� Willow said at the same time Buffy replied
�Dead? Good Lord!� Giles looked at Willow with sympathy.
Spike found himself moving towards her even through his shock. He knew she was finally going to have to tell them what happened on this vacation and that she would need his support� although this did bugger up his plans for having Wood torture the guy.
Willow felt his hand on her shoulder and couldn�t help the lift that her heart felt from just knowing that he was there for her no matter what.
�It happened when we were on vacation. I already, sort of, knew him from way back. But we just kinda clicked; we had so much fun and so much in common.� Her voice softened as she thought about William, about their long walks and talks about poetry and nature and life. About how they danced together and could have witty conversations that would keep them in hysterics for hours.
Spike managed to choke back a growl at her reminiscing. She still sounded like she was in love- it was killing him.
�He was so great and then we-� she looked down at her stomach and blushed �Obviously.�
�So what happened?� Faith asked sitting on the floor by her feet, Faith knew what had gone on with the spell and going back in time but this was the first time Willow had mentioned a guy being involved but from the way Buffy had reacted when she came back to what Darla had let slip and the way Willow acted around Spike things were falling into place.
�He was turned.� Willow�s quiet words left them all stunned again �He was killed and turned.�
Spike ignored any looks that he might get from the others. He knelt down and pulled Willow into his arms offering her comfort. He gave her his strength whilst his mind reeled, no wonder she had been so pissed at the Slayer- the stupid bitch was probably too busy off flirting with whomever and whatever took her fancy to keep an eye out for Vampires.
�Is he-?� Giles didn�t know how to phrase the delicate question.
�Dust?� Anya asked archly, frustrated at these humans for being so damn fragile, especially when it came to asking pertinent questions, and yet annoyed on Willow�s behalf for what she was going through.
�N-no.� Willow said �He�s still around.� And not three feet away from you all. She added subconsciously.
�Anyway I don�t want to do the spell in case it damages the baby in some way.�
�Yes of course.� Giles -the ever understanding.
�You okay pet?� Spike noticed that Willow was starting to look drained.
�Tired.� She admitted quietly, it had been quite a day, all told, finding out she was pregnant and then having to inform the father of her baby without actually telling him that it was his. Then having to tell her Vampire surrogate mother and her surrogate parents and friends, no wonder she was shattered.
�Let�s get you home then Love.� Spike said taking her hand and dragging her to her feet.
Buffy glared at him irritated �Maybe one of us should drive her, or she should at least stay here where we can look after her.�
�I�ll be okay Buffy. Besides I still have to tell my parents.� Willow said unenthusiastically. 

Chapter 19 Hey�don�t I know you?

Willow closed the door and waited until she heard Spike�s footsteps get further and further away. He was being so great about this whole thing; he hadn�t crowded her or demanded the name of her lover or anything like that. He�d kissed her gently on the forehead before he left and promised to be over as soon as the sun set. Willow sighed as she put her bag down, she really had to tell him about the past but wasn�t really sure how to broach the subject.
As she turned to go upstairs the shadows moved and she screamed.
�Woo! Time to switch to decaf Princess.�
Wood smirked at her as she smacked his arm
�You scared the crap out of me.� She put her hand over her heart and faced him as his grin evaporated. Something had just clicked.
Wood bought his hand up from behind his back where he had been hiding something. It was a gilded photo frame that had rested on the mantelpiece; the photo was one from her first years in Sunnydale. She lay in the sun in the high school courtyard on Xander�s knee with Buffy sitting by their feet; they all looked so young and carefree.
She was confused for all of three seconds before it hit her, Buffy was in the picture.
�Princess?� She looked up into the cold mocking eyes of a vampire. �I think we need to talk Lady Rosen.�

�Oh shit.� was the only thing that Willow could think of.
�Indeed.� Wood gestured to the couch. He sat down next to her �Now how about we have ourselves a wee talk love.�
�Can it Simon, you were bought up in elegant Victorian London, not the cockney slums.� She regained some of her spirit and Wood grinned rapaciously.
�Now how do you know that love?, in fact while you explain that would you mind filling me in on exactly how one Lady Willow Rosen and one blonde Lady Buffy Summers happen to be in both Victorian England and in modern day Sunnydale California?� he motioned to the picture.
�Fine. As soon as you tell me how you know, what are you doing here?�
Wood put the photo frame down
�Easy Red, I was going to talk to you about the baker of the bun in your oven. Darla�s concerned.�
Willow knew for a fact he was lying, Darla knew who the dad was.
�Liar. Lemme guess, Spike promised not to harm him but sent you for the job.� Her eyes hardened, she guessed this Spike was more like the other than she thought, totally manipulative.
Wood swallowed hard as her eyes got cold, It wouldn�t do for her to get mad at Spike, Sire or not, Spike had been a product of Angelus and he had been a sadistic bastard by all accounts, before the soul. The last thing he needed was a repeat of the punishment he had gotten during the last civil war for his last indiscretion. If Wood somehow screwed things up for Spike with the only woman he had ever shown an interest in then his ass would literally be in danger.
�I volunteered when I heard that you were pregnant and the father wouldn�t be involved.� He said trying to take that look away from her �Spike had nothing to do with it.�
�Whatever.� She obviously didn�t believe him and he cursed
�For hells sake Will, Spike would kill me if he knew I was here, don�t tell him okay.�
Willow jumped at the vehemence in his voice �Fine.�
�Now it�s your turn to talk, pet.�
�Not so fast Simon, you haven�t finished yet.� She folded her arms over her chest.
�Fine, I came in and sat waiting for you when I saw the picture. Then it clicked. Two redheads called Willow could be a coincidence but the photo? I knew I knew that face, that bouncy blonde hair and disgustingly cheerful and selfish attitude? I took it out and read the back and I figure either the boy has such an effeminate name he got his ass kicked everyday in school or the blonde is called Buffy. Two blondes with such a bleeding daft name? Not likely. You are the same Ladies who stayed with us in London. Now Red, enquiring minds want to know how and why.�
Willow swallowed hard and stared at him.
�Are you sure you want to know Simon?�
�Wood.� He corrected �And yeah I do.�
�Spike�s name used to be William Ashton.� She waited for the penny to drop but there was nothing in his face that betrayed the revelation.
�He was enamoured of one Cecily Adams.�
Something flickered in his eyes and he frowned �Cecily?� his expression cleared �Bitch Cecily? My sister�s friend?�
Willow nodded and he inclined his head �Go on.�
�Buffy and me lived in Sunnydale California in the year 2000. But it wasn�t this Sunnydale. In our version things were different, radically different. She wanted to go back in time to see her one true love.�
�Went too far back?� he asked mockingly
�Not far enough. Buffy was dating Angelus.�
It was fun to watch his jaw drop �Angelus?�
Willow smirked �He lost his soul, same as he did here. We restored it, same as here but Buffy wanted him. In a big way, she wanted to sleep with him again, human Angel, so she talked me into going back in time.�
�He can�t be that good in bed. Besides you did a dangerous spell so that she could get screwed?� Wood rolled his eyes.
�No, she told me that she wanted to prevent Angelus from getting turned in the first place. That way Millions of lives would be saved, she appealed to my humanity and my trust in my friends.� Willow chuckled derisively �I lost that, as well as other things during the trip.�
�I bet.� He glanced at her stomach.
Willow glared at him �I didn�t mean that. I meant like my heart and faith in true love�I guess my innocence.� She sounded so sad yet resigned that even Wood felt sorry and wanted to hold her.
�So you ended up back in my time?� he prompted, hoping to get over the sentimental part of the evening.
�Yeah, your sister invited us to stay and since we were there anyway and we had to wait for the full moon to cast the reversal spell, Buffy wanted to have a real vacation so we joined the social circle. That�s when I met Spike�William. �
�Wait- wait- you met Spike?� Wood peered at her almost afraid.
�I fell for him and he fell for me.� She smirked at Wood. �I made him forget about that Cecily bitch and we fell head over heels. But unlike Buffy, I had considered the timeline. If William wasn�t turned and Spike wasn�t there to help save the world then the world would be destroyed. I had to let him die, which meant not staying there with him and being in love and playing happy families. By giving up the one man I have loved in all realities, in all timelines and in all incarnations to be butchered and turned into a monster, just so the world didn�t get sucked into hell.� She looked away �I�m not sure it was the right choice.� Her voice was bitter and Wood felt it along with her.
�The Slayer would have said to screw the world and be selfish and this whole saving the world crap is her duty. What makes you so damn noble?�
�In what?�
�In myself.� She answered quietly �She doesn�t have it.�
�I don�t understand.� He confessed, shaking his head.
�Me neither.� She shrugged sadly �doesn�t make it any less so.�
�So what happened?�
�We came back to this reality. Apparently William ran after me and got himself killed by Angelus on the docks. He doesn�t remember me because of his accident.�
�Wait, I remember that. When I got older I remember Sophie saying something about some guy we knew actually disappearing, dying of a broken heart. Pining away or something. That was Spike?� he did a double take �You�re the phantom redhead? The one that stopped him from getting Souled?�
Willow shrugged �Apparently.�
�Wow.� He shook his head again �intense.�
�Things are so different in this reality, we screwed up big time, but Spike is still here and he�s� different from the last reality. But he�s still here.�
Willow bit her lip.
�Is that good?� he asked warily
�I still love William and our Spike.� she stared at her hands �I could be falling for this Spike too, but it�s all complicated.�
�I was in love with my Spike even though he didn�t care for me, then I went back in time and made that William fall for me, so if this Spike has any feelings for me, its probably because I forced the issue by forcing William to be with me. Spike never loved me and this one wouldn�t if I hadn�t interfered.�
�Complicated.� She nodded ruefully
Wood seemed to be deep in thought about something and nodded as if he had made up his mind about something.
�Buffy�s a bitch.�
�Old news.�
They shared a smile.
�Spike doesn�t know you�re his red.� Wood knew the answer but wanted her to back it up.
�No, I don�t really want to land it all on him, you know. Especially since he doesn�t remember it anyway.�
�Makes sense�as much as any of this does.�
�Thanks Simon.�
�You�re Welcome Princess.� He smirked at her, regaining some of his charm now the shock was wearing off.
�Just don�t mention any of this okay?� she asked him
�Sure.� Wood wouldn�t even know where to start.
�Especially about the whole baby thing.�
Wood looked down �Oh shit, I forgot about that.�
Willow raised an eyebrow �Gee I wish I could.�
�Spike wanted to know who the father was so he could kill him.�
�Funny he doesn�t look suicidal.�
Wood paled- as much as a Vampire could and then the corner of his mouth twitched, his lips followed and an explosion of laughter burst out from his lips. He fell to the floor clutching his sides in hysterics and Willow couldn�t help laughing too.
�Priceless�my Sire is jealous�of himself!� he managed between guffaws �He wants to kill the father of your baby�which is him� because he�s jealous. Oh damn Princess this is better than Springer.�
�Glad my life amuses.� Willow pouted, her eyes dancing.
Wood leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips �Its better than those daft soaps my bleeding Sire makes me watch.�
�This Spike still watches Passions?� she grinned at him.
Thats all folks. I didnt write any more to this. HOME
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