Part 12 is NC- 17, if you are not old enough please skip that part!! 

Part 7.  Isn�t living there a big enough fairytale?
William stuck close to Willow as they walked into town, much to the annoyance of Buffy who had wanted the time to talk to her best friend and maybe mend some fences. She had to make do with devising new tortures for Spike once they got home and shooting non-lethal daggers at the back of William�s cute curly head.
As they reached town they went their separate ways, but not before Willow accepted an invitation to dine with him later that week. She drifted into the apothecary with a smile which faded as she was informed that at present they did not have the ingredient she desired, and probably wouldn�t for some time.
�This is not good Buff, we need that to get home.�
�So, we wait until he gets it in and we go home in two months instead of the one. If we cant find anything in that time he said the guy in the next town might have some, so we go for a little carriage ride.�
�We�ll need transport.� Willow sighed scratching at her aching head.
�We could always ask William, he was practically begging for you to use him.� Buffy teased as Willow turned away shyly
�He�s so different from Spike but so similar it�s scary.�
�Tell me about it.� Buffy agreed with a shudder.

As Willow sat in her room the next night she had an unexpected visitor. The door opened slightly and she turned expecting to see a serving girl or maybe Buffy. Oh wait Buffy was out dining with Colonel Morris. She watched confused as the door opened a little bit more.
�Hello?� she called softly and reached for the stake she kept in her top draw. Being a Sunnydale girl meant being better prepared than a girl scout.
But instead of a vampire or monster appearing, a small blonde head appeared around the corner.
��lo Princess.� Simon grinned shyly
�Simon.� Willow returned the smile and put away the stake. Taking her greeting as an invitation Simon wandered in and scooted close to her bed, partially hiding from her.
�What are you doing here?� Willow asked, not really sure how to talk to a child. She gave a small mental laugh. The Scooby�s could deal with Demons and apocalypses but put a small child in their midst and they were clueless. It possibly had something to do with the fact that none of them had younger brothers and sisters so they hadn�t had the experience of children. Still it was funny.
�Wanted to see the Princess.� Simon shrugged still watching her shyly
�Ok.� Silence for a minute then �You think I�m a princess?�
Simon nodded enthusiastically �My nurse used to tell me a story about a pretty Princess who lived in an evil land.�
Willow couldn�t help the little laugh that escaped �Well I do come from an evil land.� The Hellmouth was evil no doubt about it.
�Tell me a story?� Simon pleaded and Willow couldn�t resist his big blue eyes. Actually he looked a little like a mini Spike now that she was watching.
�Alright.� She sat back on the bed patting the space next to her and Simon climbed onto it and lay next to her.
�Once upon a time in an evil land there lived a Princess and her friends. There was King Giles and Queen Buffy and Prince Xander and Princess Willow.�
�Like you?� gigged Simon
�Yeah. But in this evil land there was another King, an evil King by the name of Angelus, he lived in a big Mansion with his evil Queen Darla and they had two children Princess Drusilla who was pretty but quite mad and Prince Spike who was not really as nasty as the rest of them would have you believe. Anyway King Angelus wanted to kill all the good people in the land but good Queen Buffy would never let him. So she got Princess Willow to cast a spell that made King Angelus all good.�
�Was Princess Willow a witch?� Simon asked with wide eyes
�Yeah but a good witch.� Willow hastened to add �So King Angelus became good and fell in love with Queen Buffy, they were going to get married but Evil Queen Darla hated Queen Buffy so she got Evil Princess Drusilla to cast another spell that if Angelus ever got true loves�um� kiss from Queen Buffy he would turn back evil again.�
�Did he?� Simon asked as he snuggled closer to Willow
�Yup, They got married but just as the preacher said you may kiss the bride Queen Buffy kissed King Angelus and the spell was complete. Evil Angelus came back.�
�Did he hurt them?�
�Yes and no. You see Prince Spike decided that he liked King Angelus better when he was good so he decided to help keep the good guys alive.�
�I like Prince Spike.�
�Me too.� She said softly as she wrapped her arms around Simon �So King Angelus decided to destroy the world, which was silly because if he destroyed the world, where was he supposed to live?� Simon giggled �Prince Spike pretended to be injured and in a wheelchair.�
�What�s a wheelchair?�
�It�s a chair with wheels on it so you can wheel yourself around if you can�t walk.� She explained �Well King Angelus needed to find a way to open the He- uh end the world so he kidnapped King Giles and hurt him to make him tell him. I don�t want to go into detail coz I don�t want you to have nightmares here but knives were involved and it hurt King Giles so much that he told King Angelus about how to do it.�
�Oh don�t worry, Queen Buffy got Princess Willow to do the spell again and she went off the fight King Angelus, but she was going to get there too late so Prince Spike got up and hit King Angelus over the head and then Queen Buffy and Princess Willow arrived. She fought with King Angelus while Princess Willow did the spell. Just as Queen Buffy had to kill King Angelus the spell worked but it was too late, in order to stop the world from dying King Angelus had to be put into a deep sleep for over a hundred years. Queen Buffy was very sad. So sad that she ran away. Princess Willow and Prince Xander were forced to take care of the evil place by themselves, even though they didn�t have magical powers. Prince Spike had to go away to deal with Evil Queen Darla and Drusilla. What do you think happens next Simon?� she paused �Simon?� and looked down. He was fast asleep.
When Buffy popped her head in to say goodnight she saw the most adorable sight of Willow and Simon fast asleep.

Part 8. You want me to meet WHO?
�Morning Wills.� Buffy said with a smirk
�What?� Willow yawned confused as she helped herself to porridge.
�I saw you last night with your new boy toy.�
Willow was momentarily confused and then grinned as she caught Buffy�s meaning.
�He wanted a story. He�s so cute, just a little adorable bundle of sweetness.�
�Someone has a crush.� Buffy sing song-ed and then caught Willow�s eyes as they both burst out laughing.
�Post Miss.� A serving girl said bringing a letter into the drawing room, she handed Willow a letter and left after curtseying.
Willow opened the letter and a blush graced her features.
�It�s from William he wants me to come for dinner tomorrow at his house.�
Buffy paused in eating her dinner �Oh Will this is not good.�
�Why not?�
�He wants you to meet his parents!�
�He doesn�t have a father, just his Mom, oh Goddess Buffy he wants me to meet his mother!�

Willow spent all day worrying about dinner with William�s mom, what if she hated her? About two hours before the carriage was due to pick her up she excused herself from the others and went to her room where she sat at her dresser lost in thought. What if Mrs Ashton didn�t like her or she threw her out or�or forbade William to see her again or�or...
�Earth to Willow come in Willow!� Buffy waved her hand in front of Willow�s face
�Present.� Willow said automatically and then shook herself �What?�
�Not to panic you or anything but there�s a carriage out there waiting for ya.�
Willow�s eyes went wide �But my hair and� and-�
�Relax!� Buffy laughed �You just spent the last hour doing it, you look fine.� She swept her eyes across her friend who had indeed spent the last hour doing her hair. It was upswept with curly tendrils and was perfectly complimented by her soft green dress.
Willow stood and tried to calm her shaking hands against her dress. Buffy took her flushed face in her hands and dropped a little kiss on Willow�s forehead �Just be the Willow that we all know and love and she�ll be eating out of your hand and calling you her daughter in law in no time.� She paused considering �Although married to Spike- I wouldn�t wish that on my worst enemy.�
Willow put her head on the side �I thought Spike was your worst enemy.�
Buffy grinned �Well maybe I�d wish it on him then.�

Willow sat in the carriage playing with her hands really feeling butterflies in her stomach.
The Carriage drew up outside of a modest house with a large front garden full of beautiful flowers. Willow smiled as she spotted a huge rose bush where her present had been taken from. And standing in front of the entrance was William and a woman who had to be his mother. She was tall with light brown hair swept into a bonnet trimmed with yellow lace, matching her yellow gown. She looked strong but sweet, very motherly; she reminded Willow a little of Joyce Summers.
She took a deep fortifying breath and stepped out of the carriage holding onto William�s proffered hand tightly.
�Hello Lady Willow, you look amazing.� He said with a slight blush
Willow grinned at him �Thank you Mr Ashton, so do you.� and he did. He was dressed in a suit and tie and she couldn�t help the sigh that dropped from her lips as the well fitting clothes showed off his trim figure.
He motioned to his mother �Mother I�d like for you to meet Lady Willow Rosen. Lady Willow this is my mother.�
�It�s truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mrs Ashton.� She dropped a curtsey
Mrs Ashton had heard about nothing but Lady Willow for the past few days from her son and was pleased to find that this light figured woman was the �Angel of light� he had mentioned.
�Likewise Lady Rosen.�
�Please call me Willow.� Willow asked with a small smile �Your garden is so beautiful.�
Mrs Ashton smiled back. It seems that William�s taste in women had drastically improved.
�Shall we go insides and get better acquainted Willow?� and with that she led her into the house and shut the door.

Buffy was sitting on the bed dying to hear how Willow�s visit with the Ashton�s had gone. She couldn�t imagine Spike ever having a mother. It was like he had been born an immortal pain in her ass. Human William was so different, almost gentle; she couldn�t wait to get back to Sunnydale and tease Spike about it.
She was shocked out of her thoughts as the bedroom door opened and Willow drifted in, almost of her own accord.
�Wills?� Buffy said amused at the hazy look on her friends face.
�Hmm.� Willow replied dreamily
�Did you have fun?�
�Oh yes. Mrs Ashton was so nice and sweet and we had tea and cakes and then we talked and she showed me around Bennett Lodge and I think she liked me, coz I was so worried she wouldn�t and then she�d ban me from seeing William, but she liked me and we walked around the garden and did you know that William does a lot of the gardening, he likes to garden and oh he was so sweet and gentle and-�
�Willow, remember that breathing thing we�ve talked so much about?� Buffy interrupted, knowing full well that if she didn�t stop her friend from babbling then Willow would run out of breath and have to sit down.
Willow dropped to the bed �William and I are going for a walk tomorrow to his favourite spot and we have to take a chaperone with us.� she turned her pleading eyes to Buffy
�Oh no Wills.� Buffy shook her head �Not going there.�
�Pretty please as part of making up for this whole mess?� Willow played the guilt card and Buffy folded like house of cards
�Oh ok.�
�Thanks Buffy.� Willow squealed and threw her arms around Buffy
�I hate Spike.� Buffy grumbled into her shoulder

The next few weeks set a pattern. During the day Buffy and Willow would engage in the activities Ladies were supposed to find so soothing and relaxing- gaining accomplishments. Buffy found, to her chagrin, that she had a natural aptitude for embroidery. She put it down to the fact that she had to sew herself and Giles up so many times that it had become second nature. Willow loved to paint. Then in the afternoon they would go calling on friends or out walking or sometimes gentlemen would come calling and engage them in conversation until dinner when they would dine with Sophie, Simon and Mr Hardwood. Occasionally of an evening they were invited to dine with other families and �hang out.�, it was during this time that Willow discovered an affinity for Poker.
Willow found herself more and more drawn into the company of William. He managed to find her favourite walking routes and waylaid her many times to walk with.
He became a regular visitor at the Hardwood�s and was always inviting Lady Willow to dine with him and his mother; who had become a firm favourite with Willow.
Buffy, had she noticed, would have been concerned at the amount of time they spent together, but as belle of the ball, she was having too much fun.
After they had been in London for three weeks, another grand ball was announced. Everyone was to attend at the assembly halls and Buffy was beside herself. She wasn�t the only one.
William had indeed found that Lady Willow was easy to fall in love with. She was beautiful and sweet and so very intelligent. She understood *him* and wanted to spend time with him. He vowed that tonight would be special.

Chapter 9 Oh did I mention neh neh nehneh neh?

The evening dawned and preparations were made to ensure that the gathering would perfectly reflect that sheer grandeur that higher society afforded.
White soup had been made and poured into large silver tureens with silver serving spoons. The gold inlayed table cloth covered tables with huge pyramids of crystal glasses and large wine and other alcoholic bottles placed in perfect symmetry.
Serviettes matching the table cloths lay gently atop the finest bone china plates.
Hors d'oeuvres had been made and set aside in the kitchen area awaiting the arrival of the many guests. Silver bowls full of exotic fruits lay on each table encouraging any who passed to admire the sheer abundance set before them. From exotic star fruit and passion fruits to the more mundane but not less tasty ripe juicy apples, succulent strawberries and mouth-watering melons; nothing was too much for this soiree.
The Chandeliers had been polished to a shine and they sent off soft light that gleamed against the shiny wooden floor. The dance hall boasted enough room for any activity whether dancing or the sudden arrival of a royal coronation. On one side of the hall sat the orchestra, dressed to impress, warming up to begin the long night of amusement and the Grand Piano stood stately, like a grand lady, whose melodic tones would fill the vast chamber.
Servants, dressed smartly, in black suits, with serviettes over their arms waited in each corner to provide whatever service was deemed necessary for the distinguished masses.
Two footmen stood at the door with a guest list ready to welcome those who were on the list to a magical night but banish those who weren�t to bitter disappointment.
As the carriages began to arrive the anticipation reached new heights and the stars twinkled their merriment at the folly of mortals.

Willow and Buffy stepped out of the carriage and stared in wonder at the finery.
�I feel like Cinderella.� Buffy said awed
�I�m still having Alice issues.� Willow added sarcastically, breaking the moment �I�m late I�m late for a very important date.� Buffy had taken forever in getting ready for this dance and Willow was aching to see William whom she hadn�t seen for over a day.
�Chill Will, you�ve seen William almost everyday.�
Willow replied archly �Only because my best friend keeps deserting me.�
Buffy had the grace to blush �Sorry Willow, but Captain Finn is so sweet and he�s just really attentive.�
�Attentive?� Willow gave a sly grin �Someone�s catching on to the language
�Oh hush and let�s go in.� Buffy said uncomfortably
Willow agreed Captain Finn was nice but a total doof and she had certainly heard enough about him recently.
Buffy hurried in a swirl of blue silk before Willow could tease her even more and Willow followed more sedately in her forest green gown.
The ball was in full swing. Couples danced in the centre of the room. All around people watched and conversed and generally felt elevated by the sheer power that being one of the wealthier classes afforded. Those who common decency prevented association were in awe of the splendour of the occasion.
Buffy spotted the regiment and scurried off to find Captain Finn safe in the knowledge that her friend was more comfortable in this time than she had ever been in her own. Willow couldn�t help the grin as she recalled her earlier comment about Buffy being like Lydia Bennett; it was so true.
Willow was encouraged to join a group of gentlemen and Ladies she was acquainted with and discussed the merits of that new fangled invention The Telephone.
After a while Cecily joined the party and sniffed dismissively
�It is merely a passing fad, a novelty. In a few years no one will care and they will be a thing of the past.�
Willow smirked to herself *right!*
�You disagree, Lady Willow?� Cecily purred
�Yes actually, I for one, can see the benefits of such a contraption. Convenience and expediency will always be beneficial and perhaps one day when our modern technology has advanced we will be able to carry them around in our pockets and call our mothers to tell them we will be late for supper.�
*And I�m right so neh neh nehneh neh* she thought childishly
The group tittered appreciatively.
�I see.� Cecily sneered and once again Willow fought the overwhelming urge to slap her.
Just then Cecily groaned with dramatic flair
�Are you unwell Miss Adams?� inquired one of the gentlemen conciliatorily.
�No, only my admirer has arrived and I fear I am to forgo my peaceable evening.� She rolled her eyes and there was gentle laughter. Willow tensed.
�Good evening Ladies, Sirs.� William greeted and stepped into the circle.
�Good evening Mr Ashton.� A few of them answered and Cecily stood there with an expectant but bored expression on her face. William turned to Willow and gave her his sweetest smile
�Lady Willow, if you are not otherwise engaged perhaps I might request a dance?� his blue eyes sparkled
�Nothing would give me greater pleasure.� Willow smiled expressively and took his offered hand, letting him lead her to the dance floor.
Cecily�s jaw dropped and there was a look of shock on her face as William had not even acknowledged her existence, let alone sought her out specifically.
�Well Cecily, it looks as though you�re admirer admires another.� Sophie loved it. She hated- despised the way Cecily made fun of the smitten young man and was pleased that he had turned his attentions to one as worthy as Lady Willow, who, apparently, returned his regard.
So intent was she on her musings that she missed the look of malicious intent that crossed her friends face.

Willow felt like she was dancing on air. William twirled her around in his arms and met her steady gaze with his own crystal blue one.
�You are a vision.� he breathed, his eyes never leaving hers. He gave her a smirk so reminiscent of Spike it stole her breath.
�Thank you William.�
He swallowed and suddenly looked nervously at her �Lady Willow, I have�I wan�need. Ahem.� He cleared his throat �I need to ask you something.�
�Ok.� She said surprised. He took her to the end of the line and back before he spoke again
�In private if that is quite alright?�
�Sure.� Willow shook herself �I mean that is fine with me.� She replied somewhat confused
They finished the dance, bowed to their partners and went to walk out into the gardens.
Cecily stepped in front of Willow as they reached the ornate door way.
�Lady Willow, I recall you saying that music in the America�s was far superior to anything we had to offer here.� She spoke louder than was necessary calling attention to the conversation from all in the room.
Buffy turned away from Captain Finn and stared warily at the scene, unsure whether intervention was called for at this juncture.
�You misheard Miss Adams. I said it was different, that does not equate with superiority. Different styles.�
�Different how?� Cecily thrived in the limelight and William looked uncertainly at the love of his life and his previous crush.
�Perhaps a little less reserved and more shall we say unregimented.� she bowed at the officers who graced her with a laugh, relaxed as they realised she could more than take care of herself.
�Perhaps you would demonstrate.� Cecily replied tightly
�I wouldn�t wish to cause offence.� Willow responded equally as tightly, she had faced Angelus and Cordelia, no way was she backing down from this snotty wench.
�I insist.� Cecily pressed
�Fine.� Willow stalked over to the Grand piano, silently thanking the stars for the piano lessons that her parents had thrust upon her, before her natural shyness had made public performance impossible.
*what to sing?* she mused *love songs are pretty much out- too sexy for this crowd, although I�d love to see their reaction to Madonna�s Like a Virgin.* She looked at Williams face who showed his support through his dreamy eyes *dreaming? Perfect*
She took a deep breath and let her fingers dance over the keys.

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper I love you
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me

Willow closed her eyes to the stares of everyone watching. Buffy was never so proud of her friend.

Say nightie night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you miss me
While I�m alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading while I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I�m longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading while I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I�m longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this-is
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
Sweet dreams
Sweet dreams

She finished and opened her eyes. The walls echoed with applause as everyone praised her. Buffy and William were the loudest. Cecily seethed. *Neh neh nehneh neh* Willow mentally stuck her tongue out at her.
Willow curtseyed and made her way into the garden to cool her blushing cheeks, she was closely followed by William.

Chapter 10 Oh. My�how did I miss that?
The gardens were beautiful, in full summer bloom with fragrant flowers and candlelit arbours casting shadows in each corner. Willow sat herself in one of the swings that sat beneath the trees.
�What is it you wanted to say William?� he got up and began to pace- like Spike did when he was uneasy.
�I�we, you know I have. I mean to say that I �I.� he bit off a curse under his breath. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed heavily.
*Oh boy, this is scarily familiar, is William going to tell me to do a spell before threatening with bottle in face?*
�Sp- William, whatever it is- it�s okay.� He stared at her for a long minute.
�I- I love you, Lady Willow. Completely and totally and although I am talking above my station I believe that I would be the happiest man in all of history if you would consent to be my wife.� The look of quiet desperation echoed in his eyes.
�Oh.� She breathed in wonder. Her face lit up *he loves me, he wants to marry me. We could, I could!*
She grasped his hands and replied fervently �There is nothing in the world that would make me happier, I�d be on cloud 9 no cloud 14,� she giggled �I am so happy I can�t even just wait until I tell-�
*Buffy. Spike.* Willow�s world crashed around her ears, leaving her heart shattered in its wake and shaking in the aftermath. Her face fell.
�What is it my love?� William said after a moment
�I can�t marry you.� Her voice showed her severe heart ache. And she clasped her hand to her chest as her breath became laboured
�Why not?� William asked
*I have to get Buffy back to the future so she can defend the Hellmouth and I need to let you die so you can become Spike and save the world from Angelus.*
�I have obligations.� Willow thought she was going to be sick
�To whom?� his voice was soft as he could see the distress in her very bearing.
*Oh this is gonna hurt, for the first time I appreciate how making up stories on the spot is good training, like why we are in the library at 3am on a Sunday or why I have to break the heart of the man I love.*
�My family, I am betrothed to another, a f-friend of my father, a political marriage. We left America to- but my father has found us and myself and Lady Buffy are to travel back to the America�s in two days time.�
�Two days?� his jaw dropped
�I thought we had at least a month more but he found us rather more quickly than I had anticipated, indeed I had hoped we could be elusive for ever.
She looked up to see William distraught
�Please don�t hate me.� She begged
He was surprised �Hate you? I could never, why you think that?�
�I never intended to hurt you or- or lead you on. It kills me to have to leave you; I think my heart is breaking.�  He held a finger to her lips stemming her flow of words
�I need to ask you three questions, will you answer them?�
�Yes.� The tears fell down her cheeks at the unfairness of it all
�What is *his* name?  You�re betrothed?�
�Sir Daniel Osborne.� *well why not* she thought wretchedly
�Do you love him?� his eyes bored into hers
�No.� she replied honestly, any feeling she had had for Oz left the minute he called for his stuff and refused to tell her where he was.
�D-do you love me?� he held his breath
�With all my heart and soul.� He pulled her into his embrace and held her tight. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. He pulled back as she asked
�Dance with me?� They stood up and Willow moved into his arms to the music straining from the inside of the grand hall, they danced a Waltz, years before it�s time.

Willow slept fitfully that night. Her dreams were snatches of memory of Spike and William intertwined and mixed beyond recognition. William threatening to shove a broken bottle in her face, Spike dancing a waltz, William throwing her on her bed in the dorm and holding her whilst Spike drained her crying about Drusilla and Cecily.
When she woke up, the first port of call was to find that elusive spell ingredient.
Originally the plan had been to wait for the apothecary to order in the ingredient, if it didn�t take longer than two months. They had been having so much fun that the idea of staying the full two months was agreeable. However Willow didn�t want to spend another day in this time let alone a further month. Having ones heart broken is a definite cure for procrastination.
The very idea of being unable to escape the reality of having her desire for William thwarted by happenstance and circumstance was just too painful.
At that moment, however, it seemed that fates conspired to prolong her torment.
�I am sorry My Lady but we still have none in store. We may be getting a delivery in a fourteen night hence.�
�I �m not waiting two weeks. I am quite desperate, do you know of any hereabouts that stock it?�
�Sorry, some may have it in private stores but the nearest town that may have it is in Leicester, two days ride.�
�Two days is passed the full moon.� She breathed in frustration and left the apothecary. She blinked in the bright sun and waited for her eyes to adjust, which is why she didn�t see the approach of-
�Lady Willow!�
�Cecily.� she bit back a groan, she really wasn�t in the mood for this right now.
�Well fancy a chance meeting, are you well, you left the ball so abruptly last night.�
*Screw being polite- as soon as I am gone she will attempt to sink her filthy paws into William. I will be damned before I give the bitch the respect of courteous society.*
�Look Cecily. I am having a truly crappy day. Meeting you has just dropped it to new levels of sewage, so why don�t you take your false smile and piss off, and go simper elsewhere.�
Cecily gaped �I beg your pardon?�
�Beg all you like, you ain�t getting it. But feel free to gloat you vapid�I�m leaving tomorrow so William will be free. No doubt you will attempt to dig your skanky she-bitch claws into him, but just remember this.� Willow spat �No matter how well bred and sophisticated you *think* you are, you are beneath him and will never be good enough for him, ever!� with tears of anger and frustration in her eyes she stalked off down the street with a stunned Cecily staring after her.
�Willow, wait!� Willow turned to see Mrs Ashton hurrying after her
�Mrs Ashton, I-I didn�t see you.� She struggled to regain her composure
�I know, I was in the apothecary and overheard everything.� Willow closed her eyes �And I�m glad someone finally put Cecily Adams in her place.� Willow�s eyes snapped open and she pinned Mrs Aston
�I thought you liked her?�
Mrs Ashton snorted �Idea�s above her station and always mocking my poor William no matter the sincerity of his affections. I am glad be bestowed them on a more willing and welcoming participant.� Willow ducked her head
�I know what happened between the two of you, my William and I have no secrets.�
�I never meant to hurt him.� Willow whispered
�I know that, my dear, a woman can tell plain as day that your heart is aching. The fact that you would forfeit your own happiness for familial loyalty tells me all need to know about you my dear. I like you and I have the ingredient that you desire. I will send my man with it to the Hardwood�s directly.� She smiled and Willow felt connected to this woman in a way that she had never done to her own mother.
�I love him so very much, I don�t want to leave. I want to stay and keep him safe and have his children and grow old with him. I hate that I have to go just when I found my soulmate.�
�Fear not Child. The fates decree what will be, we are but pawns in the game of life. Perchance you will be together in a different life. His soul will wait for your own. Carry him in your heart always and take him out every now and then to show how much you were loved.�

Chapter 11 Words to the not so wise.
True to her word Mrs Ashton sent a servant over with the ingredient. Willow was in the middle of packing her stuff when Buffy came in with the mail. She had decided to leave most of her gowns for Sophie and only picked her few favourite ones to take back, it�s not like there was anywhere to wear them in Sunnydale anyway.
�Hey Wills this just came for� what are you doing?�
�Packing and you should too.�
�Yeah I see that and why are we doing that?� Buffy sat on the bed an eyed her friend �I thought we decided to hang for another month?�
�We have to leave.� She answered distractedly as she picked up the things she had bought as souvenirs for the guys back home.
�Earth to planet Willow. Why the jam o gram?
Willow turned to Buffy �Look, don�t make this any harder than it already is. I�m this close to saying screw the future and staying here for good.� Buffy raised an eyebrow �What bought this on?�
�William proposed.� Willow slumped to the bed
Buffy�s jaw dropped �Oh my- no way.�
�I was half I love with Spike before we even left home and now, I want to stay so much. I love him Buffy.�
Buffy sat there for a second �And I can�t even bake cookies.�
�What?� confused wasn�t the word to describe Willow�s state of mind
�I figure this on the Buffy screw up scale is about on a level with the My-will-it-so spell going up to Amy as a rat and I cant even bake cookies to ease my pain.�
Willow gave a half giggle- half sob and hugged Buffy. �You are so lucky I�m a forgiving friend.�
�You�re the best. I better go pack. This is for you.� she handed Willow the package
�Its probably the ingredient we need, Mrs Ashton said she had some and would send it-� her voice trailed off as she unwrapped it, the small vial fell on the bed and Willow held a small red leather bound journal in her hands. There was a letter inside the first leaf

My Dearest Lady Willow
I held myself an accomplished writer but words now fail me as I attempt to so justice to the emotion that course through my veins. Without you the words mean nothing and so I hand to you the words along with my heart. The early verses are about Cecily but those words and sentiments pale to how I feel about you, each breath you take adds inspiration and every moment with you touches me. You are my muse. I want you to have this book as every syllable is forever etched into my heart along with the love I feel for you. Even if the verse is bad, the sentiment is pure. I am a good man and I shall remain, forever yours. I have no doubt that we shall meet again and will be together forever.
Eternally Yours
William Ashton.

Willow looked up to find that Buffy had gone and left her to her precious treasure.
She sat and read through the entire book, most of it was verse but some were diary entries about significant events in his life, she was entranced by the poetry, not noticing when the shadows got longer and the night crept under the door like a thief. She read about his hopelessness after his father�s death, his growing regard for Cecily and finally his feelings for her. The final poems touched her heart and melted her soul. He was so in love with her, she was his world just as he was hers.
A hooting owl snatched Willow out of whatever trance his words had sent her into and she closed the book with quiet deliberation. What she was about to do was more than just altering the timeline; other things would be affected by this. She left the house quickly before common sense could catch up with her and she walked through the darkened streets of London like a spirit.
The night air was cool as she made her way to Bennett Lodge and for once Willow was glad that they weren�t in Sunnydale where walking in the dark was tantamount to suicide. Maybe this was too.

Chapter 12. Not so ill met by moonlight. THIS PART IS NC-17, IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE PLEASE DO NOT READ!
William couldn�t sleep, the woman he loved more than all else was leaving tomorrow. Did she get his journal, what did she think? Did she laugh or was she touched?
He was roused from his thoughts as something struck the window pane.
*Clack* he stared out into the darkness *Clack* a little stone had it the window next to his face.
He opened the window and peered outside. At first he thought he was till dreaming. His Lady stood silhouetted by the moonlight with her red hair shining like fire and her white dress flowing like waves on the breeze.
He fled downstairs to open the door lest the servants should wake or she should disappear.  He motioned her inside and taking her hand led her up to his bedroom.
He shut the door behind them and turned to ask her what she was doing here and apologize for not receiving her correctly, he knew taking her to his bedroom was terribly improper.
�Wh-!�she pressed her fingers to his lips cutting off his words.
�Shh!� she breathed and leaned forward sweeping her lips across his. �Shh!�
William closed his eyes as she kissed him deeply and linked her hands behind his head pulling him down to her.
He returned the kiss with equal passion and ran his fingers through her soft silken tresses.
She pulled herself away slightly and locking eyes with him began to unbutton his shirt. As the smooth expanse of his chest appeared she ran her fingertips over it drawing a hissing breath from William whose eyes darkened into a stormy sea blue.
He stalked towards her, every bit like the predator he would become until the back of her legs hit the bed and she sank onto its softness.
William sat so he was behind her and kissed her neck as he unlaced her dress with fingers that trembled. Willow tilted her head back allowing his warm lips access to her collarbone. He nipped and sucked at her skin and dragged the dress off her shoulders. She stood and let the gown fall to pool at her feet. William�s jaw dropped and Willow smiled a smile of pure feminine satisfaction and was so glad that she�d kept her underwear from her own time and not gone for the heavier petticoats and corsets of this time. She stepped out of the fabric and pushed William back, leaning over him until he was pinned under her on the bed. She also was glad that William was dressed only in a nightshirt. That way she could ran her hands over him, giving thanks to whatever had created such a sculpture of perfection.
William tried hard but couldn�t think of a single thing that he had done in his 24 years that would merit him deserving of such a paragon of beauty as Lady Willow, and right now it didn�t matter, she was here with him and nothing had ever felt so right. She let her mouth and tongue follow her fingertips in caressing his skin, tracing the contours of his body, committing each detail, each curve and each flaw- if indeed there were any- to memory.
William flipped them both over in a move that surprised them both and returned the favour of touching and tasting her, brushing across her body like a whisper.
He peeled away her black lace bra, staring at it in delighted wonder before casting it aside to feast on what lay below.
�May I?� his gentle words jolted Willow out of her daze and she nodded her acquiescence.
In this time William was an innocent, this was *his* first time, at least with a Lady. Propriety dictated that he ask permission to touch her. It almost made her chuckle.
�Everything I am, everything that I have is yours to do with what you will sweet William. So go for it.� She added mischievously enjoying the blush that spread across his face. He lowered his mouth to her breast taking it in his mouth and laving with his tongue.
For an inexperienced man he sure was doing all the right things. His gentle assault on her body inflamed her senses making her cry out.
She reached between them and began stroking him in time to his ministrations. He jolted, surprised by the intrusion but quickly became accustomed and welcomed the sensation. He arched into her touch and his breaths began raspy. He edged down the last remaining barrier between the two of them and threw the flimsy piece of lace away.
Willow opened her legs and guided him to her entrance. Neither were prepared for the feelings of completion that came when they joined together, it was like finding your soulmate, the missing piece of the human cycle. Birth-life-death. As the tempo increased and whispery breaths became guttural moans and ecstatic whimpering the world spun and the Universe stopped for the two time crossed lovers until in names screamed- it shattered.

Chapter 13. While you were sleeping.
Casting a look at her sleeping love, Willow gathered her clothes and dressed noiselessly.
William murmured in his sleep and cast an arm across the broad expanse of his chest. Willow would have given anything in that moment for a camera.
She placed the single sheet of paper next to him on the still warm pillow and left as silently as she had arrived.

William stretched his arm out to caress his love but encountered only air and cold sheets. He snapped his eyes open and bolted upright. It was not a dream, please don�t be that cruel. It was not a dream. He half pleaded and half insisted.
Her scent still hung in the air, Strawberries and Vanilla and he breathed deeply, it hadn�t been a dream.
William brushed his hand along the sheets and caught sight of the paper on the Pillow.
His eyes scanned the words, took in the tear tracks and before he could rationalise, he was dressed and running through the streets of London.

Miss Sophie was startled to see William, unkempt and panting at her front door as she went to leave.
�Mr Ashton!�
�F-forgive me, Lady Willow?� he panted
�The Princess had to go.� Said a tearful voice from her skirts. Simon peered out from behind his sister. He had a red face meaning that he had spent hours crying, he held a silver trinket in his hands that William recalled Willow buying.
�Lady Willow and Lady Buffy took their leave a few hours ago; they were to meet their ship in Dover. They travelled an hour ago by post-�
Before she finished William bolted from the door and raced towards the horse hire.

�Ok this is as good as any place.� Willow said as they entered the small cabin in the woods. They had taken the post carriage as far as the crossroads and then paid the driver to say they had travelled to Dover.
Taking only minimal luggage Buffy and Willow trekked through the forest until they came a crude wooden hut.
�We need to do the spell at midnight, get some rest.� Willow�s voice was flat
Buffy stared warily at her friend. The tone devoid of all feeling was so unusual for Willow that it frightened Buffy.
�Don�t.� her expression brooked no argument. Buffy nodded- when she�d had to send Angel to hell she had felt the same way. Any talk, any emotion, would send her spiralling into oblivion. Stoic determination covering a shattered soul. Of course that is what Willow had to do. Condemn the man that she loved to death.
Oh this was so beyond cookies.

William had raced like a man possessed to the Post hall and demanded to know the destination of the carriage that the two Ladies had purchased.
�They switched drivers to take �em ta Dover.� Came the course reply that spurred William back to his panting horse.
He rode until both he and the horse were shaking with exhaustion and dripping with sweat.
As he reached the port he handed the reins to the nearest stable hand and ran for anyone who could help him.

Willow sat in the dust and placed the sacred amulet within the sand circle.
Buffy nodded sadly �As ever.�
Willow closed her eyes and pushed back the pain
�Think you can concentrate on 2000 Sunnydale?� Buffy bit her lip and nodded.
�Tempus fugit,� her soft voice was a far cry from the confident spellcaster of a few weeks ago �Rights aligned, return us to our own time, tempus temporis, our will is done, turn the clock and let us return. Praeteritus, Injuries righted, tempus fugit, return!� Willow turned in a clockwise circle and her whispered words were snatched by the wind as she smashed the vial on the floor �Time to time, Return!�

�Sir, the ship to the colonies?� William�s eyes begged.
�There she blows.� Said the Harbour Master and pointed to the horizon where the ship sailed to its home. �Sorry Sir.�
Williams� eyes filled with tears and he sank to his knees.
The Harbour Master stared in pity at the broken man at his feet.
William�s heart was broken and he neither felt nor cared about anything in his misery. Including the piece of the paper clutched in his hand fluttering in the breeze.

Dearest William
By the time you read this I will be gone, do not try to find me. Let the fates decide if we shall be, but never forget me as I shall never forget you.
Don�t ever let anyone put you down, you are worth so much more than any of them and your dreams will someday help you reach the stars. Never believe that you are inferior, your heart is worth more than the earth. Your words have power, you are special and you will always be cherished.
In times of pain remember these words and never forget that I love you.
Yours Forever and for all of eternity

The End. 
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