What's Been Going On
    For those of you who have been interested in what's been going on in my life, I'll go ahead and tell you.  As I had mentioned in another article, I have met a girl that knocked me off my feet.  I fell in love in the first hour that I spoke with her, and I knew then this girl would be the one that I would do anything for.  And I have been doing a lot just so I can be with her.  For one, I uprooted myself from my former residence in North Carolina and moved over 800 miles, so I could be with her.  I am now in a completely different state, and its cold, the people don't have any patience whatsoever, and the roads are in such disrepair that its a wonder my car hasn't blown a tire.  I will say that while everyone is in such a rush, they do have their own bittersweet manners about them.

     I know, you're probably more interested in hearing about the girl.  She is pretty much my exact opposite, and ya know they say opposites attract.  She is quite petite, and I am, well, not.  She is the type of person that will speak whatever is on her mind, while I will generally keep quite and let it pass.  She is a native northerner, and I am a southern boy at heart.  And the list just goes on.  To me she is everything.  In November we started living together, in the one bedroom apartment that I found, and since then, its just been great.  She truly is a wonderful person.  These past two days (she went home to visit her mom and dad), have been killing me, I am so used to her being around, that I miss her an incredable amount.  I can't wait until she gets back on Sunday, the only thing though is I gotta think of something special to show how much I appreciate her.  I don't have to do it, but I want to...  its time I did something for her.  I haven't done much that totally focuses on her since I moved here in October, but I had to worry about finding a job and all that.  So any ideas?

     As for what's going on with me.  I am working full time in a small restaurant/bistro, and as of right now it agrees with me, though I do see myself maybe trying to get back to the coporate type of hotel or something as the benefits are much better.  I have quite smoking all together, my girlfriend doesn't smoke, and doesn't like it, so I quit at the end of September.  I don't drink hard liquor anymore...  just an occasional beer, and by occasional I mean maybe one a week.  I have been eating a lot more vegetables, go ahead laugh, but I feel better because of it.

     Alright, that is enough for tonight, maybe I'll be able to give you a few more insights before Sunday, but once m girlfriend gets back, I won't have time anymore.
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