Jordan Newsletter
December 2002

Brittany Bateman 12-6
Anne Chaffin 12-6
Allen Dalton 12-6
Imogene Kinsey 12-8
Joseph Mangham 12-10
Joshua Mangham 12-10
Lacee Penner 12-13
Amber Penner 12-14
Hannah Bateman 12-29
Kathryn Pettit 12-30

1/Romans 5-82/Romans 9-11
3/Romans 12-16
4/Acts 20:3-225/Acts 23-25
6/Acts 26-28/7/Ephesians 1-3
8/Ephesians 4-69/Philippians 1-410/Colossians 1-411/Hebrews 1-412/Hebrews 5-7
13/Hebrews 8-1014/Hebrews 11-13
15/Philemon., 1 Peter 1, 216/1 Peter 3-5
17/2 Peter 1-318/1 Timothy 1-3
19/1 Timothy 4-620/Titus 1-3
21/2 Timothy 1-422/1 John 1, 2
23/1 John 3-524/2 John, 3 John, Jude
25/Revelation 1-326/Revelation 4-6
27/Revelation 7-928/Revelation 10-12
29/Revelation 13-1530/Revelation 16-1831/Revelation 19-22

You Cant Take it With You
Trying to disprove the saying "You can't take it with you, " a stingy old lawyer, diagnosed with a terminal illness, finally figured out how to take at least some of his fortune with him when he died. He instructed his wife to go to the bank and withdraw enough money to fill two pillowcases. He then told her to take the bags of money to the attic and leave them diretly above his bed. When he passed away, he planned to reach out and grab the bags on this way to heaven. Several weeks after the funeral, his wife, up in the attic cleaning, came upon the two forgotten pillow cases stuffed with cash. "Oh, that old fool!" she exclaimed. "I knew I should have put the money in the basement."

What did Jesus Think

What did Jesus think when He was born?
Was He angry at us, and filled with scorn?
Was He mad at us for setting His death day?
Was He mad the price was His to pay?
Was He mad that His Father had sent Him down, in an unworthy barn, in an unworthy town?
Was He mad that we didn't all rejoice and praise Him at the top of our voice?
Was He mad that the people He intended to save would hate and crucify Him one day?
Does God think like that? NO, HE DOESN'T!
Was Jesus thinking that? NO, HE WASN'T!
Thank you God for all you have done.
You sure wasn't treated like the Holy One.
Thank you for all you did do, and I'll do my best to glorify you!

By: Reanna Welch, age 13

Can you imagine that another year is almost gone? Hard to believe I know. It's been another wonderful year here at Jordan. We have seen new friends come, and sadly said goodbye to some dear friends and loved ones. Here's hoping that your year has been greatly blessed. May God richly bless you this Christmas and all through the coming year.

Just a footnote, this will probably be the last month for the "Special News" segment.

Christ our Consolation
by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

"His name shall be called Emmanuel . . . God with us." (Matt. 1:23) .

"The Prince of Peace" (Isa. 9:6).

"There's a song in the air!
There's a star in the sky!
There's a mother's deep prayer,
And a baby's low cry!
And the star rains its fire
While the beautiful sing,
For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King."

A few years ago a striking Christmas card was published, with the title, "If Christ had not come." It was founded upon our Saviour's words, "If I had not come." The card represented a clergyman falling into a short sleep in his study on Christmas morning and dreaming of a world into which Jesus had never come.

In his dream he found himself looking through his home, but there were no little stockings in the chimney corner, no Christmas bells or wreaths of holly, and no Christ to comfort, gladden and save. He walked out on the public street, but there was no church with its spire pointing to Heaven. He came back and sat down in his library, but every book about the Saviour had disappeared.

A ring at the door-bell, and a messenger asked him to visit a poor dying mother. He hastened with, the weeping child and as he reached the home he sat down and said, "I have something here that will comfort you." He opened his Bible to look for a familiar promise, but it ended at Malachi, and there was no gospel and no promise of hope and salvation, and he could only bow his head and weep with her in bitter despair.

Two days afterward he stood beside her coffin and conducted the funeral service, but there was no message of consolation, no word of a glorious resurrection, no open Heaven, but only "dust to dust, ashes to ashes," and one long eternal farewell. He realized at length that "He had not come," and burst into tears and bitter weeping in his sorrowful dream.

Suddenly he woke with a start, and a great shout of joy and praise burst from his lips as he heard his choir singing in his church close by:

"O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold Him, born the King of Angels,
O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord."

Let us be glad and rejoice today, because "He has come." And let us remember the annunciation of the angel, "Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people, for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:10, 11).

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