Jordan Newsletter
June 2003

Diana Pettit 6-1
Don Fairchild 6-3
Stephanie Goff 6-3
Geneva Osban 6-7
Amanda McCoy 6-13
Bobby Rogers 6-16
Tony Wade 6-24
Dale Tate 6-28

1/Proverbs 1-32/Proverbs 4-7
3/Proverbs 8-114/Proverbs 12-14
5/Proverbs 15-186/Proverbs 19-21
7/Proverbs 22-248/Proverbs 25-28
9/Proverbs 29-3110/Ecclesiastes 1-3
11/Ecclesiastes 4-612/Ecclesiastes 7-913/Ecclesiastes 10-1214/Songs 1-4
15/Songs 5-816/1 Kings 5-7
17/1 Kings 8-1018/1 Kings 11-13
19/1 Kings 14-1620/1 Kings 17-19
21/1 Kings 20-22222 Kings 1-3
23/2 Kings 4-624/2 Kings 7-10
25/2 Kings 11-14:2026/Joel 1-3
27/2 Kings 14:21-25 Jonah 1-4
28/2 Kings 14:26-29 Amos 1-3
29/Amos 4-630/Amos 7-9


Have you ever had this happen to you when you went to purchase a new vehicle? A wise old farmer went to town to buy a pickup truck that he saw advertised in the paper for a certain price. After telling the salesman which truck he wanted, they sat down to do the paperwork. The salesman handed the farmer the bill, and the farmer declared, "This isn't the price I saw!"
The salesman went on to tell the wise old farmer how he was getting extras such as power brakes, power windows, special tires etc. and that was what took the price up. The farmer need the truck badly, He paid the price and went home.

A few months later, the salesman called up the farmer and said, "My son is in 4-H and he needs a cow for a project. Do you have any for sale?" The farmer said, "Yes, I have a few cows, and I would sell for $500.00 apiece. Come look at them and take your pick."
The salesman said he and his son would be right out. After spending a few hours in the field checking out all the farmer's cows, the two decided on one and the salesman proceeded to write out a check for $500.00.
The farmer said--------"Now, wait a minute, that's not the final price of the cow. You're getting extras with it and you have to pay for that too."
"What extras?" asked the salesman.
Below is the list the farmer gave the salesman for the final price of the cow..........

BASIC COW...............................$500.00
Two tone exterior.......................$45.00
Extra stomach............................$75.00
Product storing equipment.......$60.00
Straw compartment...................$120.00
4 Spigots @$10 ea...................$40.00
Leather upholstery.....................$125.00
Dual horns..................................$45.00
Automatic fly swatter.................$38.00
fertilizer attachment...................$185.00

GRAND TOTAL.......................$1,233.00

Well, here we go! The year is half over, can you believe it? Hopefully you are right on target with God's will in your life. I know Bro. Tim's sermons sure have been uplifting and so helpful to walk in the right pathway. Remember Father's Day, June 15th. Those fortunate enough to still have your father's with you, please cherish them and take special care of them on that day, and everyday.
Although we miss Bro. Jonathan dearly, it's so good to see Bro. Stephen playing the bass guitar. Jonathan trained him well. Hopefully he will come back for a visit soon, he has planned for a 3 year stint in the Army and we wish the best for him. Isn't it great seeing some of the troops coming home to be with their families again. I know I speak for everyone when I say "Thank you for a job well done!"
We have the new spring flowers planted in front of the church, they will look so pretty once they take hold and start flourishing. Please remember if you have any upcoming event or something you'd like announced in the bulletin, please see me and I will gladly accomodate you. Remember this is YOUR newsletter! The newsletter is normally out the last Wednesday of the month.

Praise in Advance
by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

"Then Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well; sing ye unto it" (Num. 21:17).

This was a strange song and a strange well. They had been traveling over the desert's barren sands, no water was in sight and they were famishing with thirst. Then God spake to Moses and said:

"Gather the people together, and I will give them water," and this is how it came.

They gathered in circles on the sands. They took their staves and dug deep down into the burning earth and as they dug, they sang,

"Spring up, O well, sing ye unto it," and lo, there came a gurgling sound, a rush of water and a flowing stream which filled the well and ran along the ground.

When they dug this well in the desert, they touched the stream that was running beneath, and reached the flowing tides that had long been out of sight.

How beautiful the picture given, telling us of the river of blessing that flows all through our lives, and we have only to reach by faith and praise to find our wants supplied in the most barren desert.

How did they reach the waters of this well? It was by praise. They sang upon the sand their song of faith, while with their staff of promise they dug the well.

Our praise will still open fountains in the desert, when murmuring will only bring us judgment, and even prayer may fail to reach the fountains of blessing.

There is nothing that pleases the Lord so much as praise. There is no test of faith so true as the grace of thanksgiving. Are you praising God enough? Are you thanking Him for your actual blessings that are more than can be numbered, and are you daring to praise Him even for those trials which are but blessings in disguise? Have you learned to praise Him in advance for the things that have not yet come? --Selected

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