Jordan Newsletter
September 2002

Alex Bateman 9-6
Matthew Bateman 9-6
Randy Blair 9-8
Micheal Kidder 9-25
Charles Smith 9-25
Stacey Bateman 9-26
Chessa Dalton 9-30

Have we missed your birthday? If so, please contact Charles or Ellen to update our records, thanks!

1/2 Chronicles 4-62/2 Chronicles 7-9
3/2 Chronicles 10-134/2 Chronicles 14-16
5/2 Chronicles 17-196/2 Chronicles 20-22
7/2 Chronicles 23-258/2 Chronicles 26-29
9/2 Chronicles 30-3210/2 Chronicles 33-36
11/Ezekiel 1-312/Ezekiel 4-7
13/Ezekiel 8-1114/Ezekiel 12-14
15/Ezekiel 15-1816/Ezekiel 19-21
17/Ezekiel 22-2418/Ezekiel 25-27
19/Ezekiel 28-3020/Ezekiel 31-33
21/Ezekiel 34-3622/Ezekiel 37-39
23/Ezekiel 40-4224/Ezekiel 43-45
25/Ezekiel 46-4826/Daniel 1-3
27/Daniel 4-628/Daniel 7-9
29/Daniel 10-1230/Esther 1-3

A minister was asked to dinner by one of his parishioners who he knew as being an unkempt housekeeper. When he sat down at the table, he noticed that the dishes were the dirtiest that he had ever seen in his life.
"Were these dishes ever washed?" he asked his hostess, running his fingers over the grit and grime.She replied, "They're as clean as soap and water could get them". He felt a bit apprehensive, but blessed the food anyway and started eating. It was really delicious and he said so, despite the dirty dishes.
When dinner was over, the hostess took the dishes outside and shouted, "Here Soap! Here Water!"

Church Marquee Signs:

Can't sleep? Try counting your blessings

To belittle is to be little

Don't let the littleness in others bring out the littleness in you

Beat the Christmas rush, come to church this Sunday!

A clear conscience makes a soft pillow

The wages of sin is death. Repent before payday

August was great, we got to visit with Bro. Bill Marshall again. He preached on the 4th, morning and evening services. Bro. Marshall is always a blessing to us. Everyone enjoys his bringing of God's message. The 25th brought Pastor Don Eppler and his wife our way. Again, another great man of God, doing such a wonderful ministry in a third world country.
Did you know that September marks our newsletters' one year anniversary? That's right, we began this one year ago. By now you've formed some opinions of your newsletter. Is there anything you'd like to see changed, anything you'd like done differently? This is everyone's newsletter and we need your input if you want to change anything. Please see Charles or Ellen for any ideas you might have, and we can see if we can implement them into future newsletters. Thank you so much for your support during this past year. We hope to be doing a service to the church, and that we can continue doing this for as long as possible.

God's Will
by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

"Thou couldst have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above" (John 19:11).

Nothing that is not God's will can come into the life of one who trusts and obeys God. This fact is enough to make our life one of ceaseless thanksgiving and joy. For "God's will is the one hopeful, glad, and glorious thing in the world"; and it is working in the omnipotence for us all the time, with nothing to prevent it if we are surrendered and believing.

One who was passing through deep waters of affliction wrote to a friend: "Is it not a glorious thing to know that, no difference how unjust a thing may be, or how absolutely it may seem to be from Satan, by the time it reaches us it is God's will for us, and will work for good to us? For all things work together for good to us who love God. And even of the betrayal, Christ said, "The cup which my Father gave me, shall I not drink it?" We live charmed lives if we are living in the center of God's will. All the attacks that Satan, through others' sin, can hurl against us are not only powerless to harm us, but are turned into blessings on the way.--H. W. S.

In the center of the circle
Of the Will of God I stand:
There can come no second causes,
All must come from His dear hand.
All is well! for 'tis my Father
Who my life hath planned.

Shall I pass through waves of sorrow?
Then I know it will be best;
Though I cannot tell the reason,
I can trust, and so am blest.
God is Love, and God is faithful,
So in perfect Peace I rest.

With the shade and with the sunshine,
With the joy and with the pain,
Lord, I trust Thee! both are needed,
Each Thy wayward child to train,
Earthly loss, did we but know it,
Often means our heavenly gain.
--I. G. W.

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