M I S C E L L A N E O U S  S T U F F!



A little of this, that, & the other. Some stuff you may be interested in having, downloading, sharing, or using on your own website.  Got something you'd like to share here? Please email it to Coach Rose. Enjoy & have fun!
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Cheer Dolls !
I am a bit of a doodler on the computer and I doodled up these cute little cheer dolls for download. You can put them on websites or in email or just on whatever you want! If you use them on your own website you must provide a link back to this website and give credit. Don't claim them as your own and don't alter them! And yes I will make other hairstyles and colors sooner or later!
competition uniform
Newton Cheer Dolls !!
Other Cheer Dolls !!
These dolls are inspired by other teams and squads in our conference and on the net!
Muscatine High School
Muscantine High School
The dolls above are stlyed to resemble our varsity uniform. The doll on the far left is with a bodysuit.  The dolls below are some of the first ones I made that are kind of cuteish and my first attempts at cheer dolls.  If I get the urge I may make our JV black uniforms.
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