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What is Homeless?
by Dino
Homeless is when you wake up one day with nothing to eat.
Homeless is when your stomach cramps up and you don’t know how your gonna eat.
Homeless is when you are so cold your don’t know what to do or where to go to get warm.
Homeless is when you get kicked to the curb, society says you cant live here anymore.
Homeless is when you hit rock bottom, crying why me Lord, why?
Homeless is when you wake up and think of putting a rope around your neck because there is nothing left to live for.

click the box to see image "my home"

I Walk Down the Road
Song To the tune of “Down in the Valley”, or for you youngsters
“On top of Spaghetti”

I walk down the road,Lonely and cold
And feeling incomplete; No one to help me.

Not a sin-gle soul; I’m tired and hungry
No bed of my own;I Walk for shelter
I take a look around;There is a shadow
That’s on the moon;Light shines on the ground
I remember thinking;The shadows so dark
It could be lost;I watched and shivered.
Just knowing it was lost;The tears came running down
Looking to heavens;The shadow is mine.

I hold my hands out;And cry why me?
Please take me home Lord;I’m only sixteen

So hungry and lonely;I’m begging of thee
Please take my hand lord;Will you hear my plea?

I’m one of your homeless;I know you can see
I’m hungry and cold;Please hear my plea!

I’m on this journey;With no one by my side
I’m walking down the road;So lonely and cold.

I hear a voice say;I will never leave
So don’t you worry;I will walk with thee.

I can’t take you home now;It’s not meant to be
Just take my hand;And trust in me.

I will take you home;When your mission is complete
Not until then;Will you fully see me

Thank you Lord;For bringing me through
I’ve made it until now;And I’m forty-two

By Joan Rose

click the box to see image "a lone sleeper site"


They travel singularly or in pairs,
not likely to have friends or family to help.
They nest in the woods or even abandoned buildings.
When storms knock out their nest they
return to rebuild.
They are successful insofar as they can procure resources from the environment
and convert them for use.
They must maintain a constant internal environment and avoid becoming a
resource for others.
Late fall the colorful leaves now on the ground.
The migrant birds have left.
The woods quiet except the punctuated
calls of crows and croaks of ravens
here and there as they flap determinately towards some unknown destination.
They remain North in summer and winter going about their dubious affairs
regardless of the heat or bitter cold.
And they are everywhere; they are successful as they continue to live,
even as they are convenient scapegoats
for crop failures and the spread of disease
and are relentlessly persecuted as vermin.

Cindy C. Copyright- Under The Bridge Stories and Poems by Manchester's Homeless ISBN 0-9707247-0-5


- by David Colburn
Out on the street and
maybe under a bridge,
walking with blistering feet,
lately it is just hard to live.

Homeless once again, my friend
everyday I struggle with eviction
not enough rent to send
no rent control
now listen!
Maybe someday
they can walk in my shoes
It's not a game to play,
So many homeless lives we lose
Because of you.

Because of you the system,
many people are hurt
when will they listen
how it feels to sleep in the dirt.

I know there is an answer
a way outta of poverty
its mostly because of you.

click the box to see image "all I have"

Today’s Lesson

Today the seasonal storm beats
On my windowpane
I feel inconvenienced by the shower not wanting to get errands done
not wanting to get into the frenzy of traffic
bright umbrellas that hurry past
Puddles splash as car rush
downtown people huddled under doorways
waiting for rain to lighten up
so they can scurry off to somewhere else
blocking my entrance to the office I need to go
unconvinced by the huddled masses
feeling pity for my own plight
walking in the rain
I turn the corner to the main street
more huddled masses
with no place to scurry to
no hot coffee in their hands
no jackets on their backs
rain pelts down
between the cracks of their bus stop shelter
drip…drip… Drip…
Barry, a man waiting on his pension
Danny, disabled evicted when his building was condemned last February
has cash but no housing he can afford
Mitchell, a chronic alcoholic, barely 30 years old
Gus, taking a break having walked in the rain
after registering his car with hope of better employment with wheels
Brian sits apart from the group reading his Bible with his magnifying glass
Nancy waits for a doctors appointment her legs swollen from some unknown cause
and then there's Mark the old vet
hunched over in his wheelchair
no place to go no one who cares
shivering from his many nights on the street
a thin blanket wrapped about his legs
trying to listen with old ears to the voices around him
"where is my friend? ", He asks
I count heads and walk on past
faster is my pace, less troubled by the rain
a mission in mind D & D two blocks away
As I walk faster and think does anyone else care
do they care and not know what to do?
Its really simple, have they ever heard of
random acts of kindness? -anonymous

click the box to see image "some of the group"
I used to laugh

I used to laugh
Life was good
I used to worry about
What new big boy toy
I could afford this week
Now I worry if
I’ll find the housing
I seek
And I don’t laugh

click the box to see image "its not fun and its not camping!"
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