"under the bridge isn't just a place, it's a way of life some have to face, cold and alone outside the fortunate; can't live life, 'cause they can't afford it. Under the bridge isnt just a place. Its a feeling you get ewhen you are all alone, no rescue in sight and the only thing on your mind is where will you sleep tonight?"-Jamie Kupchun 1999
They used to tell the folks to go down by the river, stay out of down town. Now they "stepped up patrols" along the river. Where would they like people to go who have no place to be home? The city has begun a "purposeful clean up" old places once used have now been fenced off. Trees and bushes throughout the city are being cut down as to leave few hiding places.
unfit for human habitation
families in the park trying to stay out of friends way during the day
A nap in the park, watch out for communitypolice. Public Lounging $55 fine
go to page 3
the facesless, female (WT) 18 yrs old, Male 47 (BL) Veteran, Male 63 (WT) Male 45 (WT)
althoug today Nationally the average age of a homeless person is 9 years old. Picture that!!!
reading fine print: this hole is as long as a box car and 4 ft deep. ir was home to one man for over a year. others used it for storage. It has now been paved over to make room for a parking lot for Singer Park
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