



NI2C is our first Robot which we have prepared as the Course Work of Artificial Intelligence under the supervision of our Supervisior Mr.Saud Alam.

This Robot can be used as

  • Fire Fighter
  • Private Gardnor

As Fire Fighter it is cabpable of

  1. Detecting Envirounment Temprature
  2. Taking Necessory action i.e if the Temprature rises from 50 degree then it beeps to inform that there may be Fire within the predefined area i.e 50 sqr. yards
  3. After cettain delay it throughs water stream in specified direction (which is guided by a Laser beam)
  4. A mini Camera in built in this Robot which helps the user on the Romote location to Watch what is going on ?
  5. Finally it is able to move forward,backword,right & left & all of these movements can be controlled both by Human and Machine (PC).

As private gardner it works in such a fashion that

  1. First it detects the level of Temprature as well as the water level in the Soil
  2. If it founds there is a low level of the water in the Soil it beeps & if the operator is not available then it starts after certain time.
  3. As it reaches the desired level of the water in the Soil it stops its working automatically
  4. It can also to schedulled for gardning i.e. Suppy water from to plants during 6:00 - 6:15 AM and then 9:00-9:15 PM








Copyright © 2004-2005 Penta College of Information Technology & Management

Last Updated

Thursday, June 02, 2004 3:55 AM


Developmet Stages of NI2C:

The developmet of NI2C was based

on four Stages Listen what we have

done in each Stage ?

  • Information gathering stage

In this stage we have.....

  • Mechanical

This was ........


  • Electrical

After successful..........

for complete Video click here