<BGSOUND SRC="topgunwlkpark.wav">
What Makes Nick Tick?
    I know that you all are asking one important question, What makes Nick tick?  This page is dedicated so that the legions of my fans can learn a little more about what my life is all about.
TOPGUN ----  This is quite obviously the best movie of all time.  I've lost count on how many times I've seen this magnificent movie, but I do know that it is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 75 times.  It has inspired countless sayings such as "I feel the need, the need for speed".   Anytime I need a high octane pick me up, I immediately toss in Top Gun and and the good times ensue immediatley.  Just for fun try a drinking game with this, every time anyone says the word "bogey", take a sip of your drink, make up your own rules as you play.  This game always has Hilarious consequences.  Whether you like Maverick or Iceman, I garantee that a first step to being unreal like myself is purchasing this brillant movie at once.
A cool Top Gun link for you fans out there
Name: Nick Cochrane
Age:    21
I hail from the great town of Coquitlam, British Columbia.  I am currently attending the University of Victoria so I'm not just another pretty face. Dig That !!!
Pet Peeve:  I can't stand it when the hockey linesmen insist on breaking up a fight before it gets going.  That really burns me up. 
Favorite Pass-times: In my spare time I like to kick it with my buddies.  This usually involves copious amounts of beer/alcohol which in turn fuels mayhem.  I also like to dominate hockey with my team at 8-Rinks.  We are known as the Albino Crackers and I wear the "C" and get the boys fired up for big games.  I love camping over long weekends with the Boler.  Every long weekend is a reason to get away and let loose for a few days.  Some of these pictures are scattered throughout the site.
Some of my fans send me christmas cards.  I encourage you all to do the same and who knows, you could be up here next to Bobby Goulet.
Some of my more famous fans
Coming Soon:  More mouthwatering monkeys !!!
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