Blood Lust

Written by Nick Thomson AKA MinionZombie "King of the Undead"

It seemed as if the summer holidays would never arrive to the students of the John Kyrle High School. They had been cooped up in the common room of the Sixth Form area too long. The sun was shining outside, and everybody was whining or sneezing inside. Especially Nick and Stuart who were both suffering from a bad day of hay fever.

Today was the last day of term as well as the school year and they were all looking forward to a party that was happening that night at Alex's house. He had managed to get his parents out of the house again, and being that it was situated in the middle of nowhere, they could turn the music up loud and let loose. No doubt somebody would make a show of themselves and get drunk and throw up in the bath, but it was all in good, pre-adult fun.

"What's the time Nick?" asked Michael.
"About twenty past two. You asked me three minutes ago for Christ's sake!"
"Sorry, just can't wait to get out of this fucking place."
"I know what you mean. I can't stand this fucking room, this fucking school or these fucking people anymore!" groaned Nick as he dropped his arm down to his side again having checked the time.
"So what time are we going to Al's then?" asked Michael.
"Dunno. When are we getting a lift from Pommie after going to the pool club?� asked Nick.
"About what, six or something?" mumbled Pommie as he scratched his exposed stomach for the umpteenth time that day.
"Pommie! Put your gut away! Please!" shouted Nick and Michael as they averted their eyes.
"We're gonna get you pissed!" teased Michael.
"No way dude. 'Nuff of that talk all right? Work on Sullie instead, he's the next in line," muttered Nick as he glanced over to Sullie.
"Oh yeah, you're all this," replied Sullie as he waved his hand around in the air like a mouth moving.
"Yeah come on Sull, you gotta get hammered. Go on! For the lads! Enjoy yourself!" ordered Michael as he stood up, pulling his wallet from his pocket.
"Not another bag of Wheat Crunchies again?" said Nick in disbelief.
"Yeah, I'm hungry."
"You're gonna be such a fat fuck when you're older you know that? I can't wait to see you at thirty, you'll be such a bloater!" laughed Nick while he glanced around the room. "Hey, where did Emma say she had gone on holiday this week again?"
"Florida, remember?" replied Michael.
"No, that's why I asked you dimwit!" smirked Nick. "She's coming to the bash tonight though right? She'll be back home in like another hour or something so she said."
"Yeah, so she said. I don't think she'd miss a party. Unless she's jet-lagged. But she'll turn up no doubt," replied Michael as he pressed the combination of buttons for a packet of Wheat Crunchies from the vending machine situated just outside the common room doors.
"Fat git! Give me one of them!" said Nick as he dropped his art pad onto the table in front of him.

All of a sudden a raucous cheer bellowed from the other part of the common room. The others were all gathered around the table football machine, as usual, and were yet again either beating the opponent's asses or getting kicked themselves. It seemed as if the game was over and quickly the guys came flooding back into the room in which Nick, Michael and Sullie sat quietly talking to themselves, trying not to disturb the Mr Boyd History lesson going on next door.

"Seven - two victory!" boomed Stuart as he pumped his fists up in the air as he usually did, quickly followed by his Limp Bizkit rhyme he had learned some time before.
As he sat down he blew his nose for the hay fever was still interfering, but obviously not with his 'tableau' skills.
"Another thrashing then?" asked Michael as he continued to munch on his Wheat Crunchies.
"You bet your ass. The other team are just shit anyway," said Stuart triumphantly.

As Stuart continued his celebrations by inserting his earphones and playing more Green Day to himself, Gareth, or 'Knox' as they all called him (Knox being his second name) emerged from the common room, closely followed by Alex who yet again, had his girlfriend hanging and wailing on his arm like some insane mental patient. She seemed as if she was already drunk, and she wasn't even at the party yet, but they all knew she would get worse. Much worse and much louder as the evening wore on and the one bottle of Hooch was slowly drunk.

"Alright boyo's," said Knox in his usual way of saying his favourite phrase, his grin smeared all across his face.
"Alright Knoxy boy!" said Stuart as he raised his hand for a celebratory handshake.
Gareth complied with this ritualistic act that they all seemed to do every now and then, before he sat down on one of the several soft, blue chairs that were neatly placed around the room so that it resembled a McDonald's.
"Seven-two, beat their asses like a bitch!" said Knox as his big grin got even bigger.

"Won again have you boys?" asked Megan as she walked in the room, immediately proceeding over to Michael who let her sit on his leg.
"Too right!" said Stuart as he called for yet another handshake from Knox.
"Are you guys like Americans or something? Geez!" said Nick as he laughed at the sheer reality-TV nature of the conversation that was unfolding in front of his eyes.
"When does Em get back, Michael?" asked Megan as she tossed her Geography books aside, having lugged them from the classroom down the corridor.
"In like an hour or something so she reckons."
"Ah good, good. She'll be able to make it to the party tonight then," said Megan. "Are you going to the party tonight, Nick?"
"You bet your ass I'm going. First chance in ages to get out to one!"
"Unsociable bastard," joked Michael.
"Hey, watch your mouth or I'll give you the back of my hand," smirked Nick as he provided the ritualistic slapping of his backhand against the palm of the other one.
"Oh good. So how many are going then do you think?" asked Megan.
"Probably a good few. Are your stoner friends going to be there, Alex?" asked Nick.
"No, not this time round. They're all busy in whatever they're doing."
"Getting high no doubt," finished Nick before he stood to walk over to the large window behind him.
"God damn! Too sunny for me! I'm going back to my corner," laughed Nick who was always a keen user of chairs that were situated against walls or corners.
Nick quickly leaped back into his seat and went about smudging the dense graphite of the latest drawing he had knocked up.
"Grubby fingers!" shouted Megan in her usual motherly, tisk, tisk kind of way.
"Oh calm down already, you'll go gray slower that way," laughed Nick, having just pulled off yet another cheap come back, a trait he was somewhat known for amongst the group.
"What's the time now then?" asked Michael.
"God Jesus Christ! Why don't you just tear off my arm and keep it with you for crying out loud? It's almost three now!" said Nick as he let his bulging sketchpad drop flat in his lap, rubbing the graphite from his fingers into his palms as usual.
"Alright, calm down mental boy."
"Why don't you get a watch already?" asked Stuart who was now in the process of swapping over tapes, totally missing the point of study periods as he always did.
"I have got a watch boy-o, just forgot to wear it today," replied Michael.

The day was grinding on very slow it seemed, but at the same time, it was going by quite fast and it was the end of the day before they all knew it. The bell was going to ring in about five minutes, but as usual, they had all packed away and were proceeding to head out to their cars, or to pinch lifts to Safeway.

"You lads going to be down the Pool Club with me and Stu later on?" asked Michael.
"Yeah, I'll be down there at like six or something. Gotta get my kit changed," replied Nick.
"You bringing Sullie down then?" asked Michael.
"Yeah, is Knox and Alex gonna be there?"
"Yeah they should be, around six as well. Then we'll all jet off to Al's at around eight or nine, yeah?"
"Cool, see you then I suppose," said Nick as he walked out of the room, following Amy and Stuart down to her car. Today Stuart and Nick had managed to get a lift off Amy, so it was about time to start teasing her with the usual calls of 'gay' and insults of her driving.
"Off already are we peeps?" asked Mr Boyd, who was the head of the Sixth Form and all round 'chummer' with the students as everyone always joked about.
"Alright our ked?" said Stuart in his best young scouser accent, having not let Mr Boyd off the hook for his winter puffer jacket he had been so pleased with the winter of that year.
"Yeah, we're off, see you next year!" said Amy as she smiled as per usual in her happier than happy expression, showing all white teeth.
"Okay, see you later peeps," said Mr Boyd as he waved, laughed and walked away.
"God, does he have to keep saying 'peeps' all the time?" asked Nick. "He's neither black nor an Internet junky!"
"Ah let him have it, he'll be dead soon anyway," shouted Stuart in his joking voice.
"Oi! I heard that!" shouted Mr Boyd. He wasn't that old, but nobody had any idea of how old he actually was. Whatever age he was, they all knew he was a boy racer, or 'mally' as they put it, at heart. His souped up Vauxhall was waiting outside, and with the way he drove it, you would have thought he was a 17-year-old again. Although, hanging around a bunch of 17-year-olds in the Sixth Form all day and all week, all year long was having its affects.

Amy led Nick and Stuart out to her car, which was parked amongst the mass of other student cars, the number of which over the past year had increased by quite a number. The rear schoolyard was no longer a playground anymore with room for two games of football on the go, it was now just another car park.

"Shotgun!" shouted Nick as he ran up to the passenger door of Amy's car.
"What? No way!" shouted Stuart.
"Yeah, shut up boy-o, I'm getting out first you know!"
"Yeah, I suppose your right. Let me in first mind you cheeky git," finished Stuart as they all reached the car.

Amy opened hers and the passenger doors, letting her two friends clamber aboard, lugging with them their huge Head bags filled with art pads, folders and mountains of books. As Amy turned the ignition, music flooded into the car immediately.

"What's this? Linkin Park?" asked Nick.
"Yeah," replied Amy.
"Ah quality," said Nick as he rubbed his hands, a big grin on his face as Amy began to drive her car from the parking spot.

There were already kids leaving early. It always seemed how it was always everyone else who got out early when Amy, Nick and Stuart were their age. But now that they were Sixth Formers, they could leave pretty much anytime they wanted, and having your own transport helped a great deal with that.

"So you're coming to the party tonight then, Amy?" asked Stuart as the car turned the first couple of corners and proceeded through a housing area before descending a steep hill.
"Yeah, of course!" she replied as she smiled in the rear view mirror as the car approached the 'five ways' double round about system.

Popping the car from fourth to second gear in a slightly jumpy manner, or at least what Nick thought, Amy proceeded to swap tapes over quickly as the cars in front began to crawl forward.

"Don't forget about driving you know, Amy," said Nick as he watched the traffic ahead begin to drive away.
"Shit," muttered Amy as she dropped the cassette tape from the player onto the floor before driving up to the head of the entry into the double roundabout area.

Cars drove from every which way, and unless you were offay with the system it seemed rather confusing. But nonetheless, Amy revved her car from its stationary position across both painted circles on the road, signaling left to turn into the road connected to the local Safeway supermarket.

"Where abouts?" asked Amy as she drove her car past the first entrance to the car park.
"Um, about here anytime, thanks," said Nick as he grabbed a hold of his bag in preparation to leap out of the car.
"Here fine?" she asked.
"Yeah, thanks for the lift, see you tonight," said Nick as he burst from the car, traffic already building up behind them on the road.

As Amy pulled the car away, she and Stuart waved from inside as did Nick from outside as he positioned his bag comfortably on his shoulder before walking into the Safeway car park in search of his mother's car. He was always picked up in this car park as he usually walked down from school, but friends with cars who drove past this place proved to be quite a handy thing.

It was Nick's turn to drive now, as he always did from Safeway. He had not yet passed his test and was still refining his skills to pass the test, having failed it once before after getting a foul, smelling examiner to automatically fail him. This was the system that many knew little of, but Nick knew and was bitter about it too. But nonetheless, it was a pleasure to drive.

On return home, Nick parked the car in the garage and proceeded to walk into the house where he conducted the usual things he did when he got home. Dump his bag, take out his empty drink bottle and bag for sandwiches before hoisting himself and his hefty bag up the stairs to his room where he would systematically dump his bag, remove all extraneous accoutrements and change into some more relaxing clothes. In other words changing from one shirt into another and changing trousers from school combats into slacks. After this, a quick refreshing splash of water across the face woke him up after a tiring, yet still quite slack day at school, and then a period of at least one or two hours on the computer playing games or creating images for his websites whilst he listening to MTV 2.

"Hello Nicholas, how was your day today then?" asked Nick's mother.

Nick had already had this conversation with his father, who was always sitting with him whilst he drove.

"Not bad," said Nick.
"Do much?"
"Anything happen?"
"Nope, nothing happened."
"So you just went in a sat did you?"
"Yep, pretty much," replied Nick as he smiled during a pause from a quick game of Virtua Cop 2.
"Ah, good to see you learned so much today then," said Nick's mother. "What do you want for dinner before you go off to the pool club?"
"Um, I don't know really. Just some canned spaghetti I think, and some toast too."
"Alright, I can sort that out I think," said his mother sarcastically. "Is Sullie wanting a lift down there?"
"Yeah I think so. We can pick him up from his house, that'd be best I think."
"Alright then. So when are you going to be back from this party then tomorrow?" asked his mother.
"I don't know really, probably sometime in the morning. Say around ten or eleven."
"Good, just as long as you don't come knocking on the door at half-seven in the morning instead," replied Nick's mother.
"Oh I think we'll all be crashed out at that time. Probably just getting off to sleep," laughed Nick.
"Okay then. So what time do you want dinner then?"
"A bit earlier I think."
"Okay then, dad and I will get ours later," finished Nick's mother as she left the room, closing the door behind her as she always did, otherwise Nick would usually have to do it himself or insist on it being closed. He hated being watched while he sat, played games and watched MTV 2. He didn't know why, he just didn't like it. He was one of those people who like a lot of time to themselves to think, kill hundreds of drones on the computer and thrash his head about to numerous rock tracks on TV.

After having had his dinner about half an hour beforehand, Nick was ready to go by about six and had already phoned ahead to Sullie who was now waiting to be picked up.

"So we'll see you tomorrow at around ten or eleven in the morning then, yeah?" asked Nick's mother who already knew the necessary information, but always liked to check at least twice.
"Yeah, around then."
"Well just don't come knocking at seven in the morning or something, because I'm not getting up, you can just sit outside till I do," laughed Nick's father who was eagerly running out to the car to get it running and reversed into position in the driveway.
"Well I'd better be off, otherwise I'll be getting left behind at this rate," said Nick before he bid his mother goodbye for the night.
"Have a good time," said Nick's mother as he jumped into the car, waving his hand at the same time.

The pool club was somewhere where Nick did not usually go, but on this instance he had decided to go. He wasn't much for going down there as he was shockingly bad at pool as well as snooker and Sega Rally Championship for that matter. About the only thing he was any good at was the shooting games in the arcade there that he played a lot with Knox at times when either out on trips or somewhere where they had ready and carnage-fuelled access to them.

"So you're coming out for a change then tonight, hey Sull?" asked Nick as they both exited his father's car who bid them goodbye for the night.
"Have a good time boys," he said as he pulled the car away, disappearing off into the dark.
"Well I don't have work tomorrow you see. So I thought I'd come out with the lads," replied Sullie as Nick waved at his disappearing father's car.
"Ah you just want to get stuck into booze and chicks don't ya Sull?" teased Nick, Sullie having never been drunk before or been renowned for a womanising feature in his personality.
"Ah well you know, you've got to make time for these things," said Sullie as they both entered the pool club, the sound of MTV 2 on the big screen at the other end beginning to flood into their heads.

As they entered they could see the other guys hanging around the nearest pool table, a couple of whom were thrashing away on the coloured pool balls, sinking them harshly into the pockets and ragging on each other as they did so.

"Hey, hey guys," said Nick as he entered, followed by Sullie.
"Hey, hey!" responded the group in kind, all cheering for the arrival of the final members of the party bandwagon at the pool club.
"Took your time didn't ya? You missed me give a right thrashing to Alex just now," grinned Michael as Alex handed the pool cue over to Knox who was about to challenge the undefeatable Michael.
"Ah damn it! Well, come on boy-o. Give Knox a thrashing already, come on, I wanna see some humiliation tonight," laughed Nick as he rested himself against a set of wooden railings next to the pool table which he and his friends consumed in their masculine-fuelled mayhem of laughter and jokes.

Michael complied and set about getting the cue ball set up after Knox racked up the balls and did his usual show off skill of spinning the middle ball of the triangle as he lifted the rack away from the table.

"Show off," said Nick as he watched Knox grin after having yet again shown off his 'skill.'
"Oi, enough of it fat-arse," smiled Knox, his grin even bigger now than it had been.

But as Michael took his first shot and sank a ball, Knox knew it was pretty much all over, and that was indeed the case. Knox remained on the sidelines as Michael cleared up the table, sinking every ball he hit into a pocket.

"Come on ya bastard, let someone else have a go," said Knox in dismay.
"If you can't stand the heat, son, feck orf!" said Michael in his slightly strange accent that he always put on for the last two words of his slag term.
"Face it Knox, you're rubbish!" laughed Nick.

Then all the others began to laugh and point periodically at Knox as he outstretched his arms giving the 'bring it on' motion as he grinned and beared his humility.

"I'd like to see you do better," said Knox, deflating Nick a little.
"Ah well you see, I'd be so great that I'd simply set the table on fire and we'd all get banned from here," laughed Nick.
"Sure, sure. And keep reassuring yourself like that, just like what you say to yourself in the sho�.ooop! Too far!" roared Knox, the group breaking out into laughter with him.

The 'too far' comment being an add-on to any phrase or ribbing someone would give to another, but then go 'too far' when they beefed up the insult with innuendo or sexual downgradings.
"Well, Knox. We all know yours is the smallest of the bunch, but your ears are certainly the biggest!" replied Nick in quick retort.
"Ah, have that gay-boy," said Michael as he sank the black ball into the right, corner pocket.
"Oh well, Knox. Just to show you I ain't holding anything against ya, how about a game of the old Time Crisis 2?" asked Nick as he fished a pound coin from his pocket.
"Ooh! You paying? Well, I've never been one to turn down a freebie!" roared Knox.
"I could go so far right now that'd the line would be in Canada, you know that don't you?" asked Nick.
"I'm sure you could go the furthest, Nick. You are after all the most sick-minded person here," laughed Knox in reply, the rest of the group, which numbered five, joining in too.
"Yeah, yeah, come on Knox, this offer isn't open all day. Pull a finger out!"

Nick led the way to the arcade room, a small and pokey, black room which contained around five arcade machines all squeezed in beside one another. It was a little cramped and the glow from the screens could make your eyes go crossed, but it was still a good excuse to shoot mindlessly at never ending targets.

The sound of MTV 2 roared into their heads and the flickering of the screens filtered into the eyes of the several young men.

"Oi Knox. Have you seen Emma yet today? Is she back from her holiday?" asked Nick as he picked off three open targets in a crazed, finger-bashing splash of violence.
"Um, yeah. She got back a while ago, but she's all weird."
"Weird? How do you mean? She didn't go all Yank on us did she?" asked Nick as Knox picked off several targets in his usual sparing way, firing one round into each attacker.
"Yeah, I dunno though, she's just not the same I think, she's all, she's all," said Knox.
"All what?" interrupted Nick.
"Sexed up."
"Sexed up?" asked Nick.
"Yeah, she's like all smooth talking and walking and all super-confident and the like. She was dressed all daring today. Not like she usually dresses like, this was like sex-kitten dressing," said Knox.
"Yeah, but she's not a bad looker anyway, Knox. What's the matter? Eyes shut for the past couple of years?" asked Nick.
"No you dope! I just mean she's all like, I dunno. She's like them people on Buffy or something, them vampires. All super sleek and smooth like. She's just different is all," replied Knox as he picked off yet another few easy targets, before being shot by one attacker.
"Die!" laughed Nick as his usual maniacal expression flooded over his face as it always did when he was playing some frantically violent shoot-em-up.

The evening wore on and soon it was approaching eight-thirty.

"Well are we off then lads? We don't wanna turn up after the others. It is at your house you know Alex?" said Stuart as he placed his pool cue back on the wall.
"Yeah I suppose," said Michael.

Alex agreed and the group quickly gathered their coats and left the pool club, piling outside to all cram into the two cars waiting outside, Alex's Fiat and Pommie's Golf.

"Right, whoever in whatever car," said Alex as he climbed into his, everyone else wanting to ride with Pommie who was renowned for standing starts and wheel skids as well as a good thrash about on the country lanes.

Nick, Stuart and Knox all piled into Pommie's Golf, leaving Michael and Sullie to catch a lift with Alex, but before Alex's car was full, Pommie and his car-load were already screeching out of the car park and proceeding to roar onto the road, the sound of the engine grumbling as the accelerator was pushed down flat and the clutch was dropped in a second flat.

"Yeah! Come on!" shouted Knox, enjoying the speedy ride they were now getting in the thirty zone, but they were soon onto the country roads, the sight of Alex's car a small dot in the distance it seemed.
"Bugger that!" said Pommie as he saw a sign denoting "slow" on the roadside.

Pommie forced his foot further into the foot weld and dropped his car into fifth gear, disappearing off into the darkness of the country lanes, only illuminated as the car came tearing through the winding roads.

"Come on Alex, get a move on son," said Michael as Sullie sat quietly in the back of the car.
"I can't help it. I'm in a shitty Fiat Panda and Pommie's in a fucking Golf!" replied Alex, realising he didn't like his car at all for the thirtieth time that day.
"Well get your foot into the floor at least, I could drive better than this with my eyes shut!" laughed Michael, Sullie joining in on the joke too.
"I have got my foot down!" shouted Alex.

Alex's house was far into the countryside, around the area of Llangaron, and it was hidden amidst the darkness and therefore hard to spot. As Pommie 'ramped', as he called it, his car around the bumpy country roads, they eventually caught up with another car on the road. It was a small black Clio and was clearly identified as that of Amy's from the nodding dog in the back window, otherwise known as 'Wolsey.'

"Hey! It's Amy!" shouted Nick.
"Revving time I heard," said Pommie in his usually maniacal way of thinking and driving as he pressed his foot into the foot weld, dropping into a lower gear to combat the hill they were now beginning to climb.

They approached the rear of Amy's car that was going considerably slower, and as they did so, Pommie began to flash his high beams on and off to intimidate Amy.

The group inside the car laughed as they saw Megan and Emma, who were occupying the back seat of the car, turn around and give them a menacing look. They knew who it was, and were familiar with the not at all serious, yet rather, intimidation tactics often employed by Pommie and his car cronies.

"Oh my god, boys will be boys," said Megan as she watched the glare of the flashing headlights behind them wind back and forth and side to side as Amy continued about her cautious driving.

Pommie continued about his tactics as Emma turned around once more to glare at the group in the car, but something seemed different. As Knox had said, she seemed very super-confident and kind of extra-smooth about her movement. There was something about her gaze that was evidently not Emma-like, but they dismissed it as part of her comedy routines they often got to witness at school.

"You see what I mean?" asked Knox.
"What, she's all extra-confident and sexed up, you mean?" asked Stuart.
"Yeah, she's different somehow."
"Well, what ever it is, she's still got the glaring skills," laughed Nick.

Alex's house was hard to find, but they still managed to get there. Slowly, the cars began to fill the driveway. First Amy's and then Pommie's, which followed on right behind, and then Alex's, which arrived last and a good few minutes later.

"Oh it's about time!" roared Nick. "We've been hanging around out here for ages!"
"Oh settle down, you've only been out here a couple of minutes," replied Alex as he exited his car, quickly followed by his two passengers.

Everyone was now standing outside, clutching at their bottles of alcohol and jackets, or sitting around on the wall beside the small garage. Alex quickly walked up to his door as he removed the key from his pocket and unlocked the old, squeaky door quickly. As the lights began to flicker on, the others all followed him in, closing the door behind them, dumping their coats any where and everywhere before opening their bottles of spirits, wine and cans of lager.

The party had been going for around an hour and everyone was beginning to get into the swing of things, relaxing and unwinding after a busy year of work, exams and numerous fights and quarrels with other members of the group during the course of their time in the Sixth Form. Nobody was drunk as yet, or even merry, but the majority of them were already experienced drinkers and could hold their own for a good while yet. It was usually around the latest hours of the night and earliest of the morning when someone would end up on the floor. But after only a couple of hooch's, Aimee, Alex's girlfriend, was already very merry and as usual was screeching and shouting at the top of her voice everywhere she went, often annoying the hell out of the others who had already experienced this racket several times before. But it was something to laugh at, at least.

"God damn! Shut the fuck up already!" said Nick as the screeching Aimee stumbled past with Alex on her arm who was guiding her around the house.
"God I know!" replied Michael as he took another swig from his can of lager.
"Alright lads," said Stuart as he staggered inside after having nipped out for a quick smoke.
"Alright Stuey, have a nice fag?" asked Nick just as Sullie joined them, a three litre bottle of cider in his large hands, a feature that a lot of people usually commented on with the term 'shovels.'
"Sullie!" said Nick as he took another large swig from his fourth bottle of Smirnoff Ice, he liked it, as it tasted good, he wasn't a big drinker and was yet to progress into the world of lager like the rest of his friends.
"Alright lads," replied Sullie. "How are we all doing this fine evening?" he asked.
"Um, okay I guess," said Michael, slightly hesitant.

Sullie seemed slightly louder and more confident than usual, his large-necked jumper covering his apparently cold neck.

"Where have you been then boy-o?" asked Stuart.
"Just in there," pointed Sullie, to a door just behind them and to the side a little.
"Oh aye," said Michael as he took another swig from his can of lager.

Just then, the door to the said room opened and Emma came sliding out, super-confident as previously commented on before, her lipstick was slightly smudged and her look was cold and unflinching as she walked past the group of young men to get herself another bottle of wine. The group was speechless. Sullie wasn't known for his activities in that field and this came as quite a shock.

"Way to go Sullie!" roared Michael as Emma left the room, nudging his elbow against Sullie's arm in a suggestive tone.
"God damn Sull!" added Nick.
"Holy shit, you were in there with Emma? You sly dog," said Stuart as Knox joined the situation.
"Well what can I say lads, I guess I just have that animal magnetism," said Sullie as he let a slight, yet cold grin emerge on the side of his mouth. "Now if you excuse me lads, I'm gonna go find Pommie."

Sullie turned from the group of gawping boys, carrying his large bottle of cider with him before he proceeded to climb up the stairs.

"What did I miss?" asked Knox as Sullie came down the stairs again before stepping outside and into the darkness of the night, Pommie was checking on his car so it seemed.
"Sullie and Emma, that's what you missed! That sly dog!" shouted Nick.
"What?" asked Knox. "You've got to be having a laugh."
"No way dude! She came out of there just after Sullie! Her lipstick was all smudged and everything!" said Stuart.

Knox looked on in disbelief, this was something irregular for Sullie, and was therefore quite a shock. They never really thought of Sullie as the sort of guy to just suddenly disappear into a room for a few minutes like that.

It was crisp outside and as expected, Pommie was outside fiddling around with the leads of his car's engine under the bonnet. He was hunched over and his arms were thrust down into the guts of the vehicle, getting all greasy and oily as they fiddled around amongst the complex engine parts.

It was quiet outside, only the hum of the party and the loud boom of the music could be heard, and therefore Pommie could easily hear anyone sneaking up behind him on the gravel surface on which he and his car stood.

Wrestling with a certain troublesome part of the engine, Pommie slipped and caught his finger on a jagged edge inside the mass of engine parts and metal.

"Shit!" he muttered as he whipped his arm from the engine.

Turning as he did so, he lifted his finger up to his face to see a thick stream of blood ooze from a deep cut, the crimson sliding out effortlessly, staining the oil that otherwise coated his hands.

"Fuck," he muttered as he stepped back, turning around as he did so.

Suddenly Sullie's figure appeared before Pommie as he turned around. It seemed as if Sullie had been waiting there all along.

"Oh, hi Sullie. I cut my fucking finger," said Pommie as he lifted his hand up so that Sullie could take a closer look at the dripping finger.

But he gave no response; he just stood there and look at the now dark crimson drip from the open wound. Sullie's eyes seemed to focus on the digit confronting him, the blood was thick and dark and dripped seductively from the flesh onto the floor. It seemed such a waste. All that blood just disappearing into the gravel and soil underfoot.

"Sullie?" asked Pommie.

Before he could scream, Sullie lunged at Pommie, his canines protruding from his gums, accompanied by a hiss, Sullie thrashed Pommie to the ground with a mighty blow to the face. Sullie's victim collapsed to the ground like a sack of potatoes just before he kneeled down, licking his razor sharp canines.

Sullie's gaze was cold and long, unflinching, he never blinked as he dived down, bit into the flesh of Pommie's neck, sucking the blood from his veins, drinking him dry and leaving his cold, blue corpse to the wolves. But he wasn't going to leave the body out in the open, instead Sullie grabbed hold of Pommie's limp body and flung him effortlessly into the darkness of the night, the sound of a large crashing and cracking sound echoing into the still air.

"Anyone seen Baker lately?" asked Knox, 'Baker' being Aimee's sir/nick name.
"Little while ago, yeah," replied Stuart.
"Pissed as a bastard!" laughed Knox as he took a hefty swig to finish his third can of lager. "Ah, that's the stuff."
"Hey, where did Sullie go?" asked Nick.
"He went outside didn't he?" said Michael.
"Think so yeah," replied Stuart.
"What are we talking about lads?" asked Knox on his return from the kitchen table to fetch yet another can of lager.
"Sullie, you seen him lately? He disappeared off somewhere like an hour ago or something," said Nick.
"Shit, he's been gone that long?" asked Knox.
"Yeah. Come to think of it, where's Amy? I ain't seen her in a while," said Stuart.
"Maybe Sullie's scored again?" laughed Knox.
"Well, he's certainly doing the rounds if that's the case. Randy bugger," grinned Michael.
"How about Emma?" asked Stuart. "Where'd she go, I can't hear her laughing or anything."
"Threesome!" shouted Knox.
"Randy bastard!" finished Nick.

The air outside was still and the sound of silence filled the atmosphere. It was summertime and so the ground was dry, the trees full of leaves and the smell of the countryside crisp.

"So how are you this evening, Amy?" asked Sullie as he and Emma were approached.
"Not bad thanks, what about you?" asked Amy in reply.
"Couldn't be more alive," grinned Sullie in his newfound and chilled way of acting.
"Have you seen Megan or Baker, Emma?" asked Amy.

Emma looked at Amy for a moment, her stare was cold and relaxed, her eyes seemed almost pitch black, but she suddenly replied.

"Megan's inside, Baker is with Alex. What time did Baker get here again?"
"About an hour ago now I think it was. Maybe more, her mother gave her a lift in I think."
"Ah I see," said Emma quietly. "And the guys, are they inside?"
"Yeah, they're in the kitchen, Nick, Michael, Knox and Stu are in there," said Amy, feeling a little like she was in the Spanish Inquisition. "So what are you two doing out here alone anyway?" grinned Amy, suddenly wishing to ask questions of her own.
"We're thinking," said Emma and Sullie as they both gave Amy a cold stare.
"Are you guys okay? You've been acting all weird lately, especially you Emma, are you alright, is there something wrong?" said Amy ever quieter as the pair in front of her began to stand.
"You do ask a lot of questions don't you?" said Sullie as he placed his near empty bottle of cider on the edge of the nearby wall beside the garden.
"What?" said Amy.
"You see, always questions, doesn't she ask a lot of questions David?" asked Emma as she stepped closer to Amy.
"What are you guys on about?"
"There, you see, even more questions," interrupted Sullie.
"What's wrong?" smiled Amy slightly unnerved.
"What's wrong? There's another question, stop asking questions," whispered Emma into Amy's ear as she stood right up against Amy.
"Wha � what's going on?" trembled Amy.

Emma pulled herself back from Amy a little so that she was standing directly beside Sullie who was beginning to approach. Opening their mouths with a quiet hiss, they revealed their fang-like canines, which began to protrude from their gums.

"Wha�" muttered Amy as she began to back away from Emma and Sullie, or David as he was very occasionally known, that is why it was strange for Emma to call him David previously.

Emma and Sullie began to step nearer towards Amy as she continued to back away, eventually running into the front of Pommie's car. She gasped in fright and looked down to the bonnet on which her hand now rested. The once dark blue paint on the car was now deep crimson, which was smeared all over. She extracted her hand from the deep crimson as the other two continued to approach her. In the sharp beam of the motion-sensitive light, Amy lifted her hand to her face to see her skin coated in thick, dark crimson blood. It trickled from her hand and fingers onto her arm, tickling as it slid along her exposed forearms.

Amy gasped once more before she let out a short, sharp scream. She turned quickly and began to run towards the gate at the end of the driveway. Emma looked at Sullie and Sullie looked at Emma, they both began to charge after their fleeing victim.

"Alex, did you hear that?" asked Aimee as she sat on Alex's bed.
"What?" replied Alex while he fiddled around with his massive collection of vinyl records, picking out a couple here and there for the next day when he planned to listen and mix some music up for his growing CV of home-made music.
"Didn't you hear someone scream just then?"
"This is a party, Baker. There's going to be at least one scream throughout the entire thing. It was probably Nick scaring Amy or something. They'll be watching a movie no doubt and Nick will be doing his best to scare her by placing his hand on her shoulder when a scary bit comes along."
"Well it sounded like it was coming from outside," said Aimee.
"Maybe they've got the window open."
"No, it definitely sounded like it came from outside."
"Well then the guys are probably trying to scare Amy or Emma or someone in the dark no doubt," said Alex as he dismissed the conversation.

"What the hell was that?" said Knox as the sudden sound of another scream whispered into the kitchen.
"That'll be that Sullie kid and all his womanising no doubt," laughed Michael.
"Get them shovels out!" grinned Stuart in his usual, perverted way when stating such things.

The group roared into laughter and continued about their drinking as they moved into the sitting room where Megan lay, half-asleep on the sofa.

"God girl! Come on get up! It's not even midnight yet! Pull a finger out!" shouted Nick, being the first one to enter the sitting room.

Megan muttered something incomprehensible and flapped her arm at the group who entered the room, sitting everywhere, collapsing on the soft chairs.

"What are you on about, mental girl?" said Nick.
"Ah she's just knackered out no doubt," said Michael as he stepped over and pulled her up so he could sit down, letting her flop back over his legs.
"God, why are you wearing that scarf?" asked Stuart. "It's summertime for Christ's sake!"
"I like it," replied Megan.
"Fair enough," said Michael.
"Girl's got some freaky fashion sense for the summer mind," said Stuart.
"Ah, leave the poor girl alone," replied Michael as he made himself a little more comfortable.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," said Emma rhythmically.
"You can't get away, Amy. You can't run and you can't hide," added Sullie.

Emma and Sullie were now scouting the darkness, only illuminated at intervals by house lights or the moonlight in certain areas. Amy had disappeared off into the night and her two pursuers had not yet found her.

"Dammit, where the fuck is she?" said Sullie.

Emma stared at her partner in vampirism for a moment. Sullie had never sworn, especially that harshly ever in his life, it came as quite a shock to Emma.

"David," she said.
"What?" he asked.
"You just swore."
"So fucking what?" he finished before he began to walk faster into the darkness.

Emma paused for a moment and shook her head; it was hard to imagine Sullie as an over-confident, sex-crazed vampire who couldn't stop swearing. Despite them both being a part of a small clan, she still had enough remaining humanity to find Sullie's transformation somewhat bizarre.

As Emma began to follow Sullie, she heard a rustle behind her and just as she turned to see what it was, she saw Amy run from the bushes and undergrowth, taking glimpses at her near-by pursuers.

"David!" shouted Emma. "This way," she signaled as Amy's frightened figure disappeared off up the road.

Starting at a slow jog, then a medium paced run, the pair then slipped into a full-out charge, faster than any human could achieve. Their target was in sight and they were closing in. It was just like a lion running after its prey. They were almost there and suddenly, they had her.

Simultaneously, Emma and Sullie began to feast, biting into her neck and wrist respectively. Amy tried to scream, but Emma held her strong hand across the victim's mouth.

"God, why are you so tired?" asked Michael.
"I'm not tired," said Megan.
"Yeah you are."
"I'm not," replied Megan. "Look, I'm getting up now."

Megan proceeded to stand in a smooth and un-rushed fashion, giving the group in the room a cold stare as she began to leave.

"I'll be back in a minute," she said.

The group glanced back over their shoulders out the doorway to see Megan disappear up the stairs.

"Is she drunk?" asked Stuart.
"I don't think so," replied Michael.
"But she has to be at least very merry," said Knox.
"Yeah, that's it, she's pissed as a bastard," laughed Nick.
"Speaking of pissed as a bastard, where's Alex and Baker?" asked Knox.
"They're still upstairs," said Michael as he rolled his eyes.
"Randy buggers!" grinned Stuart as he rubbed his knees in his typically suggestive manner.

The one light in the landing illuminated the stairway and Megan disappeared down the short walk towards Alex's bedroom. His parents and his sister were away for the evening, so it was just him and his friends there in the house.

Megan approached the door, sly and coy in her movement. Stepping up to the closed door, she placed her ear against it and listened carefully over the laughs and grunts of the half-drunk rabble downstairs. She could only hear a couple of muffled wails and laughs, but they were definitely in there.

She glanced around the immediate area for a moment before she placed her slithering hand on the door handle. Quietly, she began to twist the handle and then push the door open. But the lights, she remembered, Megan let go of the handle and reached for the light switch. Flicking it off, the lights died and the first floor was plunged into total darkness, only a small amount of illumination seeping from the kitchen below. She continued to open the door.

Alex and Aimee were laughing and giggling inside the room, as they always were. Aimee seemed to be attacking Alex as she always did, and Alex was yet again drunk, as was Aimee. They didn't notice the door open; they didn't notice the door close.

"Where is that girl?" asked Michael.
"Run away with the circus?" said Knox.
"Well I reckon you should give her the back of your hand," laughed Stuart as he accompanied his comment with the slapping of the back of his right hand against his left palm.

Megan opened her mouth slowly, revealing her razor sharp canines to the darkness that enveloped her. Licking the sharp tips of her weapons, she pounced onto the laughing and wrestling couple, placing her brutishly strong hand over Alex's mouth as he gasped in fright. As she wrestled with Alex, she crushed her knee into his chest to subdue him as she smashed her elbow into Aimee's face, sending the helpless girl crashing to the floor.

"God damn! Randy buggers!" shouted Stuart as he heard the thud from upstairs.

Aimee began to crawl for the door, trying to scream, but her jaw was broken and blood was beginning to trickle from her aching mouth. Gasping in terror at this sudden attack, Alex tried to raise his arms to fight off his attacker, but before he could do so, Megan twisted his neck with a loud snap.

Leaving Alex's lifeless body behind, Megan then leapt onto the floor, grabbing hold of Aimee's leg, pulling her nearer.

Aimee turned around as she was being dragged along the carpet. In the moonlight that peeped through the curtains, the glimmer of Megan's bloodthirsty fang-like canines stuck out from the darkness. Again, Aimee tried to scream, but her broken jaw prevented her from screaming in fear or even wailing in pain. She just tried to breathe, but as Megan plunged her head down to Aimee's neck, it was all over.

Megan tore her viciously bloody canines into her victim's neck; blood gushed from the wound in a sharp jet under the pressure of the puncturing. Growling in greed, Megan subdued her writhing catch by placing a chokehold on her and cramming her knee into Aimee's stomach. As the blood poured from her neck, Aimee fell into a sleep and died quickly, her body still being fed on till it was almost totally dry.

The carpet was wet with blood and squelched underfoot as Megan leapt over to the bed where Alex's twisted body lay in terrified pose and expression.

In a bloodthirsty force of extreme strength, Megan plunged her fingers into Alex's twisted and broken neck sending jets of blood exploding outward, splattering the bed sheets and walls around him. Bathing in the bath of blood, Megan ripped out her fangs once more and opened her mouth to drink the jets of thick crimson that splattered across her psychotic face.

She was soaked in blood, and thirsty for more crimson to quench her savage needs.

"God that girl is taking her time," said Knox.
"Yeah I know," replied Michael.
"She's probably fallen asleep on the floor or something," said Nick as he took another swig from his bottle.
"Ah well I need a slash, I'll see if I can find her on my travels," said Stuart as he stood up from the soft sofa, slightly wavering as he stepped out of the room.

Stuart climbed the stairs, sliding his hand up the wall to keep his balance, he was a little worse for wear, but he didn't mind. For Stuart, it was a usual occurrence and all part of the party fun.

"What the fuck," he muttered to himself as he saw the lights were out.

Reaching for the light switch, Stuart wavered once more but retained his balance. Flicking the switch, the lights remained off.

"What the�" mumbled Stuart as he almost stumbled over on his way to the bathroom.

Crashing through the door he staggered onto the floor. Quickly opening the lid of the toilet, Stuart forced his head into the porcelain bowl and promptly vomited rather noisily, not realised he was being watched from behind.

"I wonder where that Stu kid has gotten to," said Knox, glugging the remainder of his fourth can of larger away.

The bathroom was dark and only the glimmer of the moon through the frosted glass window highlighted Megan's figure standing in the bath just behind Stuart who was slowly beginning to regain his composure. As he stood he wiped his face with his hand and proceeded over to the sink next to the toilet that he flushed quickly to rid this vision of his plight. Washing his hands and then face in the sink, Stuart slowly began to feel refreshed, but as he stood upright and looked in the mirror he could see the moon-lit figure of Megan standing, drenched, in the shower.


He received no response.

"Megan, what are you doing in the bath?" he asked.

Again he received no response as he continued to gaze upon Megan's soaked and fully clothed figure standing in the bath. Stuart turned around.

"Mega�" he was cut off.

Megan had suddenly leapt out of the bath and was now standing straight in front of Stuart.

"You're soaking," he said.
"I know," she replied.
"Okay, but why?" he asked as he prodded her shoulder with his index finger.

Retracting his digit he rubbed the liquid across his fingers. Unaware as yet that it was in fact blood, Stuart was still somewhat dazed and confused from his previous engagement with alcohol, he shook his head, unable to comprehend why she had been standing in the bath, clothed and soaking wet.

"Megan, why were you standing in the bath and why are you soaked?" he asked.

He received no reply.

"Megan, what's wrong?"

Before he could ask another question, Megan opened her mouth and lunged at her latest victim.

Puncturing his neck in a bloody onslaught, Megan proceeded about her brutal slaying and tore a large section of Stuart's neck from his quivering body. Megan gripped the chunk of flesh with both hands while Stuart collapsed to the floor in shock as his sanguineous fluid gushed onto the floor. Megan continued to feast on the pound of flesh until she had sucked it dry, now she was to drain Stuart dry in a bloodthirsty orgy of savagery.

"Now where the hell has Stuart gone?" asked Knox.
"They're dropping like flies, Knox, don't you watch horror movies. They're so getting hacked to pieces right now," laughed Nick.

Gripping her victim's head tightly, Megan twisted Stuart's neck, breaking his spine like a twig in her small, yet viciously strong, blood-caked hands.

"Yeah, they're all lying in pools of blood, twisted and torn," continued Nick.

Amy's body lay at the side of the road; blood stained and twisted her face a vision of horror, but it soon changed as her killers looked on, wiping the blood from their mouths with their ravenous tongues.

"Get up Amy, we got to finish the rest of them," stated Emma.

Amy opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times to familiarise herself with her whereabouts. Standing from the dry and dirty ditch, Amy dusted herself off and felt her wounds.

"Do you think they'll notice?" she asked.
"They will," replied Emma.
"Have you got anything I can cover myself up with, David?"
"No, just roll down your sleeves and keep that side of your neck out of sight."

The remaining three in the group of semi-drunken young men all sat around laughing and joking, blissfully unaware their friends were either dead or feasting upon others. The events that were unfolding were just like that of the horror movies Nick watched on such a frequent basis.

"But what if this wasn't a slasher movie?" asked Knox.
"Yeah," added Michael.
"Well then it'd have to be something else then wouldn't it."
"Yeah, but what?" asked Knox.
"Ooh! What about a monster movie? Or perhaps a zombie movie! Oh yeah, that'd be sweet, you guys would of course die and I'd reign supreme above all the undead. I know the score!" shouted Nick.
"Um, sure you would Nick, sure you would," said Knox as he patted Nick on the shoulder.
"Oh come on, I'd be great against a hoard of the undead. I've watched all the great zombie movies, they're like bibles or something for zombie survivalists!"
"Yeah, but the fact that zombies, ghosts and vampires don't exist kinda dampens your chances of actually using these, 'skills,'" said Michael as he accompanied his statement with air quote marks.
"Ah, up your arse with broken glass I say," said Nick as he finished his fifth bottle off.
"Ooh, cat fight!" said Knox, eager to see something exciting happen for once.
"Ah well, I'm off outside for some fresh air. Won't be long," said Michael as he stood and began to walk out of the room.
"Going for a fag, eh?" asked Nick.
"Yeah," laughed Michael. "Always is nice to get some fresh air."

As Michael exited the house and walked out into the garden everything seemed very quiet. The music was now only on at a low volume and he hadn't seen anyone else except for the other two inside for the past half an hour, and before that and hour at least for anyone else.

"Mental," Michael muttered under his breath as he reached into his pocket for his cigarettes.

Placing one in his mouth, he lit it quickly and placed both the packet and lighter back into his pocket of his torn and saggy jeans.

"Ah yeah," gasped Michael as the smoke filtered into his lungs, escaping from his nose as he breathed out. "That's the stuff."

Suddenly, a rustling noise sounded from the road just ahead. It was all quiet and so Michael was able to hear the slightest noise in the near surround. He looked out into the darkness and slowly began to step towards the open gate at the end of the driveway. Proceeding slowly, he kept thinking of what Nick had been saying about horror movies just beforehand.

"Mental boy," he muttered under his breath as he continued to walk nearer and nearer to the open gate, submerged in darkness.

The rustling noise sounded out again.

"Hello?" said Michael quietly. "Who's there?" he asked, not realising he was falling into the trap that all horror movies seemed to contain.

"I bet that boy ends up getting slaughtered next," said Nick as he opened another bottle.

Knox laughed in response, swigging from his fifth can of lager.

"Never mind, if he did come a cropper of some maniac, them skater kid jeans of his would scare them off. Has he ever washed those damn things?" asked Knox.
"God knows."

Michael continued to walk towards the gate, now growing ever curious to what the noise was. Reaching the gate and then stepping up to the road he couldn't see anyone. It was all quiet.


A whispered voice sounded out into the night. Michael turned around, wondering what was going on. The whisper sounded out again.

"Michael. We're here Michael."

"Amy? Is that you?" he said quietly.

This time the whisper was from someone else.

"Michael, we're all here."

"Okay, stop fucking around you guys, I'm going back inside," he said as he turned around.

"Hello Michael," said Emma who had suddenly appeared behind him.
"Shit! Fucking hell! You scared the fucking crap outta me!"
"I'm sorry I scared you Michael," said Emma as she reached out with her hand to stroke his shoulder in comfort.
"What are you doing out here anyway?" he asked, slightly unnerved.
"We're doing what you're doing, getting some fresh air."
"Oh yeah, you and who?" asked Michael.
"Me and�" said Emma, the figures of Sullie and Amy emerging from the darkness.
"Oh, hi guys," said Michael as the confrontation of his three friends, all staring at him coldly began to make him even more nervous. "What the fuck is going on out here? An orgy?"
"Oh dear Michael. Such naughty thoughts for such an innocent mind," said Emma as she stepped right up to Michael who was now trying to pull himself away, retracting his head back away from Emma's cold stare that came closer and closer to him.
"What are you lot on about?" he asked.
"Why do you ask these questions Michael? Do you never know anything for sure these days?" asked Sullie.
"What young David is trying to say here is that you ask too many questions," said Emma as she began to stroke Michael's hair.
"David? What? You never call him David."
"Stop asked questions Michael, learn to know instead, know the truth," said Amy as she stepped out from the shadows more, now knowing their prey was easy to catch.

Michael saw the bite in Amy's neck, but was lost as to why it was there.

"Shit, are you okay Amy?" he asked.
"You are referring to this?" said Amy as she wiped the wound with her fingers gently and slowly, stepping towards Michael more and more.
"Yeah, what the hell happened to you?"
"I slipped."
"There's another question, stop asking questions. Learn to know for Christ's sake!" shouted Emma.
"Woah, what the fuck is your problem?"
"Michael," said Emma.
"What on earth are you on about? Have you been smoking something?"
"I said run!" ordered Emma as she opened her mouth, revealing her growing canines.

Michael's eyes widened in terror. It was strange, but Nick was right for a change. However, that was the last thing on Michael's mind as he began to run away from the three cold figures in front of him, all now showing their glistening fang-like protrusions.

Scuffing the floor as he ran, Michael gasped in fear, but before he could reach the first corner in the dark road, a sudden force landed on his back. Emma had leapt on him and the others were closing in, readying their bloodthirsty weapons for another feast. As Emma slowly lowered her head, Michael screamed.

"Woah, did you hear that?" asked Knox.
"What?" said Nick who was changing CD from Linkin Park to Green Day.
"A scream, did you hear a scream just then?"
"What? You've got to be mental. I didn't hear anything."
"Yeah, I must be hearing things," finished Knox as he walked into the kitchen to get another can.
"If you drink anymore of that your water content is going to be lager instead!" smiled Nick.

Michael was dry, feasted on by three vicious capsules of what was once before. They were no longer his friends, they were empty shells and all they could do now was feast. Letting go of his limp body, Emma proceeded to wipe the blood from her lips with her crimson tongue.

"Go inside and finished off the other two," ordered Emma.
"What about him?" asked Sullie.
"Don't worry about him, David. I'll get rid of him."

As Sullie and Amy slowly disappeared into the darkness again, walking towards the house that was now a house of horrors, Emma lifted Michael's white body into the air and thrust him into the air. Gliding through the air, Michael's body disappeared into the darkness, a sharp thud sounding out into the night when he landed somewhere in the woods.

Emma turned around and proceeded to follow the others who were slowly creeping towards the lonely house.

"Hey, there they are," said Knox as he looked out of the kitchen window.
"Who?" asked Nick.
"Emma, Sullie and Amy, they're outside now. I guess they're coming back inside."
"Oh right."

Knox walked out of the kitchen and went to open the back door, but before he reached it a crashing noise could be heard coming from the sitting room.

"Nick? What the fuck have you done now?" he asked.

The crashing noise continued echoing from the sitting room as Knox began to approach the door, which was now closed.


Opening the door Knox was confronted with Nick wrestling both Emma and Amy.

"What the fuck?" said Knox, confused and shocked.

Suddenly it turned very violent and Emma raised her head, exposing her razor-like weapons to the air. Hissing as she dived down, she tore into Nick's neck.

"Fuck!" shouted Knox as he leapt into the fray, but before he could pull Emma away from Nick's blood-gushing body, Amy pounced on Knox, her fangs stuck out and coming towards him.

In shock reaction, Knox grabbed hold of Amy and pushed her away, but she kept coming back.

"What the hell!" he panicked.

Suddenly, Knox's survival instincts he had been refining in the Air Training Cadets over the past few years kicked into action and he pushed Amy back, kicking her further back so that she fell away from him.

"Knox!" gargled Nick.

As Amy crashed backwards, she was skewered on one of the fire pokers that were hanging out from the rack. Screaming and wailing in pain and anger, Amy thrashed about, her dark blood spewing from the wound through her stomach. Knox gasped in fear as he glanced around the room. Amy was skewered and Nick was being torn to shreds by Emma who was now tearing at the flesh of her victim in a truly barbaric nature.

As Knox lunged to pull Emma away the window to his left exploded into the room as Sullie came hurtling through the glass.

With shards of glass stuck in his flesh, Sullie looked at the carnage within the room and immediately extracted his fangs, running for Knox in livid anger.

Knox screamed in terror and backed out of the room, collapsing to the floor as Sullie tackled him. They wrestled as Nick's screams ended and his blood continued to soak the walls and be drunk by Emma.

"Help!" wailed Knox.

"There's nobody here left Gareth, nobody is going to help you now!" growling Sullie who was now pushing Knox's head back, exposing his pulsating neck.
"Stop!" shouted Megan as she appeared at the foot of the stairs.

Her face was caked in blood and her clothes were drenched, despite having removed her jumper. She began to descend the stairs.

Sullie backed away from Knox's pounding neck, but still held him to the ground.

"Good boy," said Megan in a seductively calm voice.

Now standing beside Knox's terrified body, which was held in place by her lower-order servant, Megan kneeled to the ground and stroked the flesh of her next victim's neck.

"Get back," she ordered. But Sullie refused, wanting more and more blood still. "I said get back!" she shouted.
"Fuck off!" replied Sullie as he pushed her over and dived down to puncture Knox's neck.

But before he could do so, Megan grabbed hold of Sullie's neck and pulled him away from Knox who was now paralysed in fear amidst the sudden and terrifying carnage.

"Now David, respect your elder!" roared Megan, lifting Sullie's form above her head with her super-strong arm. "Play nice!"

Sullie was thrown from the height and crashed through the door, piercing himself twice on the large shards of splintered wood.

"You fucking bitch!" he screamed, his blood now gushing from his wounds and onto the muddy floor.
"Such language for such a sweet mouth," she finished, grabbing hold of a loose shard, ramming it through her minion's chest and into his heart.

Sullie roared in pain as more sanguineous fluid poured from his figure.

"Take that you fucking impertinent demon!" replied Megan, now slithering her way over to Knox's paralysed form on the floor.

Nick was still being devoured but Emma's feast was almost through and as Megan dived down to feast on Knox, Emma emerged from the room licking the blood that coated her hands and face like a cat would clean itself almost.

Knox's neck was pierced and he roared in agony, the blood squirting into his eyes. Megan bit down savagely and more bloodthirsty than ever. She was unstoppable and was crazy with the taste of blood. She could not be pulled away until she had drained every single drop from her victim's body. She bathed in blood and lapped it up like a thirsty dog would suck down its bowl of water.

Her victim turned white, the last drops of blood being sucked from his veins and into Megan's crimson coloured mouth. Pulling away from her dry prey, she gulped the last mouthful of blood down and licked her lips, turning to face Emma who was standing in the doorway of the sitting room next to the scene.

"Did you get Nick?" asked Megan.

Emma grinned, the blood still staining her teeth, a rustling now sounding from the room behind her.

"Oh she got me alright," came a voice.

Megan grinned, as did Emma. Nick stood and stepped up behind Emma, pulling her aside with his bloody hands.

"So this is what you lot have been up to is it?" he said, looking down at Knox's pale form.

Nick stepped over to Megan's blood drenched form. Nick himself was drenched in blood as his neck was torn to shreds and a large chunk was missing from the left side.

"You missed a bit," he said, taking his finger to wipe more recent blood from her chin. "You really are a messy eater aren't you?"

Nick stared at the blood trickling down his index finger for a moment and then he opened his mouth, poking his tongue out a little, exposing his fangs too. Licking the blood, Megan and Emma grinned maniacally at Nick as his eyes turned black, the other side had him now. The three of them stood there, licking the blood from themselves, their feet standing it patches of fallen blood. They were surrounded by their dead friends or what had once been. This was their new life, this was their new order, and this was their eternity.
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