Blood Lust 2:

Crimson Moon

Written by Nick Thomson AKA MinionZombie "King of the Undead"

The initial phase on conversion was complete and amidst the carnage, Emma, Megan and Nick stood in bloodthirsty vigor. Megan was coated from head to toe in blood having bathed in it as she tore her victims apart earlier on. Emma was splattered across the face and was still dripping having just converted Nick to the clan only mere moments before. His neck was torn to shreds on the right hand side and blood stained his clothes, but Nick was determined to get his first drink of blood soon.

"That's everyone right?" asked Nick as he licked the remaining stains of blood from his finger.
"That's everyone," replied Megan and Emma in unison.
"Good," said Nick as he glanced around the room, darting his eyes around the scene from one dead body to the next. "When does Alex's parent's get back?"
"What's the time now?" asked Emma.
"Half past two."
"They'll be back in about half an hour," replied Emma, licking her fang-like protrusions in readiness for what she could see coming.
"Shut off the lights. You two stay inside and I'll hide out there. Wait until they're inside," ordered Nick.

Looking down at Knox's white-fleshed body, Nick glanced back at the crimson-faced Megan who stood in front of him.

"You really are a messy eater."

Megan grinned devilishly, wiping a trickle of blood from her face, guiding it down towards her mouth.

"Did you drain him completely?" asked Nick.

Megan did not respond, but finished guiding the trickle of blood into her mouth by sucking it from her taught finger seductively.

"I left a little in his head I think," she responded, grinning once more, her eyes pitch black.
"You really ought to use a napkin or a bib when you eat a meal, Megan. You really are a very, very messy eater."
"What about him?" asked Emma, pointing to the twisted corpse of Sullie that lay amidst the debris to their left.
"How did he end up there?" asked Nick, immediately staring at Megan.

She grinned again, hissing as she opened her mouth a touch to reveal the tips of her fangs.

"That wasn't a smart move, you'd better watch your back if you have those sort of thoughts around me, and possibly Knox if the lazy fucker ever wakes up!" finished Nick, stepping over to Sullie's body. "Emma, dispose of him."
"Where?" she asked.
"Someone, anywhere but not in here!" Nick ordered, clearing the shards of glass and splintered wood from the floor so that all would seem at least a little respectful when Alex's parents got home.

Walking out through the front door, Nick glanced around the immediate area. All was still quiet and nothing moved an inch. It was perfect almost; not even the wind dare blow in his direction. It was perfect now.

First thing was first; he had to shut off the safety light on the side of the house. But instead of finding the switch, Nick picked a rock up from the nearby wall and thrust it into the air, shattering the glass and filament inside the lamp. As the glass tingled to the ground around Nick, his face was sprayed in tiny shards that either bounced off his flesh or embedded themselves. He could feel pain, but in this new order of things, pain was pleasure. Screaming was merely a reaction.

Scuffing the glass shards away from the door with his foot, Nick's neck continued to pulsate slowly, his heart rate was now slow and calm ever since his turning. The wound was even healing already. It had stopped bleeding. Dabbing the large wound on his neck with his fingers, his removed himself from the front door pathway and flung himself into the darkness that enveloped the house.

His orders were being followed according to plan and the lights within the house were all soon dying. Everything was now in total darkness.

"What time do you think it is now?" whispered Megan as her and Emma hid in the kitchen, just a couple of steps away from the front door.
"It's probably coming to three soon I'd think. Where did Nick go?"
"He's hiding outside in the shadows," replied Megan.
"Good," smiled Emma. She was thirsty again.

Suddenly a light grew from the distance and eventually winded its way from the twisting road outside in through the open gates. Stopping some distance adjacent from Nick's position, Alex's parents exited their car unaware of what lay in store for them or what terrors their house now owned.

"Why are all the lights out?" asked Alex's mother.
"They can't be all asleep by now surely to god," replied his father.
"What's going on?"

They began to walk up the slippery pathway, the warm night and darkness swallowing them whole.

"What's wrong with the light?" asked Alex's mother.
"Damn thing. Broken again by the looks of things, I'll take a look at it in the morning."

As they stepped in closer to the front door, Nick readied himself as did Emma and Megan. The key was pulled out and inserted into the door, but it was already unlocked. Not thinking anything of it, just a matter of drunken forgetfulness on a part of their son, they entered the house and flicked on the lights.

"What the hell!" yelled Alex's mother.

Leaping from the shadows and slamming the door behind him, Nick jumped in to catch his prey. Tackling them to the floor, Megan and Emma emerged from the shadows of the kitchen and joined in. There was no use in screaming.

It was some thirty minutes later when the three of them had finished feasting. Their appetites were once again quelled, but Nick was still on the look out for more. As before, Megan had been bathing in the mayhem and was still covered in blood.

"For fuck sake!" shouted Nick. "Stop wasting it, we need every drop we can get!"

Megan didn't reply but simply glared at Nick as she wiped a fingertip of blood from her face and licked it slowly, taunting Nick and his thirst for blood. His eye twitching in frustration, Nick thundered out of the utility room and into the kitchen, proceeding over to Knox's drained corpse.

"Are you sure you left some in him?" he asked, hauling the limp corpse of his friend up to rest against a nearby cabinet.
"I didn't drink him all," replied Megan.
"Yeah, you probably got the rest of it on your fucking face!"

Feeling the rage from the situation, Nick slapped Knox about the face as if trying to revive someone from unconsciousness.

"Wake up you bastard!" he roared, his fangs now jutting out from his gums with the rage. "Get up!" he ordered.
"Maybe he's dead," said Emma slowly, almost whispering it to Nick to further enrage him.
"Maybe he's dead?" said Nick, slamming the Knox's corpse against the cabinet so that it shook violently. "Maybe he's dead? How did you figure that out, Einstein? Of course he's fucking dead! This stupid bitch fucking drained the son of a bitch!"
"Well I didn't mean to drain it all," said Megan as she approached Nick with a sarcastic puppy dog look on her face.

Stroking Nick's shoulder in a false face of sympathy, Megan grinned slightly.

"Get the fuck off me! Next time you get a feast I'll be watching you! You're fucking crazy!"

Shrugging Megan's devilish hand from his shoulder, Nick stormed from the kitchen and outside into the warm night.

"Where are you going now?" asked Emma.
"I'm going to get me something to eat!"

Immediately, Megan and Emma tagged along, staying a few steps behind Nick who led the way. Coming to a stop at the gate, Nick looked up and down the road.

"This one first," he said as he pointed to the left. The house up the hill was their next meal.

It was approaching four in the morning and eventually dawn would be coming. They had to act fast, with their eyes permanently dilated in their vampirical state of limbo; the sun would be too much for them to act effectively during the day. The night was their time.

The first house they were to target was just a short walk of about two hundred yards up the shadowy hill. The moonlight still highlighted the cracked tarmac and as Nick leapt over the gate at the end of the driveway he grew more and more anxious to make another kill. The thirst was killing him.

"How's he getting in?" asked Megan as she walked beside Emma.
"I don't know," she replied as Nick reached the front door to the house.

Feeling his way around the door he inhaled the smell inside the house. Someone was home indeed and he wasn't going to wait around. Stepping back one pace and hunching his back over so that his shoulder jutted out awkwardly, Nick charged at the door, crashing through in blood hungry rage.

"Shit," said Emma as she picked up her pace, running into the house closely followed by Megan who was on the warpath of her craving.

Locating the master bedroom with ease as Nick stormed and crashed through the house, the dark figure of the man of the house appeared in front of him.

"What the fuck is this?" he shouted.

Without a second's thought, Nick lunged at him, his fangs protruding like samurai swords soaked in blood. Ripping into the man's neck in violent desperation, Nick began to suck the sanguineous fluid out and down his throat quickly, leaving Megan and Emma to subdue the man's wife.

Screaming as the sight of two fanged and crazed girls storming into her room, the woman leapt out of the bed and ran for the bathroom door. But she was too late. Megan leapt after her prey and tackled her to the floor.

Yelping in terror, the woman slapped and kicked at Megan as Emma attempted to stop their catch's writhing.

"Stay still and enjoy the end of your life already," whispered Megan slowly into her victim's ear.

And without pausing to savor the moment, Megan tore her sharpened teeth in her victim's jugular; ripping it out completely in one fell swoop. Suddenly, a geyser of blood erupted like a volcano from the large wound. Not wanting to spare a drop, Megan and Emma stuck out their hands to form cups, leaving their mouths wide open and tongues hanging out to catch as much as possible.

Like ravenous and rabid dogs, the two girls bit down into their meal, growling as they tore their teeth into the flesh of their catch. With their hair soaking and their faces caked in blood, the pair continued to feast competitively, draining their poor victim in a matter of a minute and leaving a twisted and pale corpses behind. And this time there was absolutely no blood left inside.

Turning their attention to Nick outside the room in the corridor feasting on the man of the house, the girls hissed in jealousy. He had an entire person to himself and they had to share one.

Climbing to their feet and creeping towards their colleague in vampirism, Megan and Emma attempted to pounce on Nick to drag his feast away, but anticipating this move, Nick thrust his head into the air to catch a glimpse of them approaching. As Emma leapt, closely followed by Megan, Nick thrust his left leg into the air as the descended on him.

Taking the hit in their stomachs, the two girls yelped in shock and grew ever angrier.

"Stay the fuck away!" ordered Nick as he bit down for a final drink. In a matter of just over a minute, Nick had managed to drain an entire body on his own.
"That's not fair! You had one to yourself!" shouted Emma.
"Begging your pardon, but aren't you two the ones who have been busy drinking all night, and you Emma, you were the one who bit me for Christ's sake! If you didn't want competition, I guess you shouldn't have left some blood in me!"

Jumping back to his feet, Nick thundered out of the house and into the night again.

"Close the fucking door when you come out!" he ordered.
"Yes sir!" replied Megan sarcastically; her face still coated in yet another layer of crimson fluid, saluting as she did so.

Walking down the road slowly and calmly, Emma and Megan caught up with Nick who was now approaching the house at the other end of the road. The lights were off and the occupants were asleep. Perfect.

"Hey!" shouted Emma. "I'm not finished yet!"
"What do you mean? Aren't you all drunk out yet?" asked Nick.
"No!" they both shouted in response.
"Megan, you've devoured and drained like three or more people already and Emma, for Christ's sake, if you want some more blood, lick it off Megan already!" roared Nick in frustration.

Emma turned to look at Megan, her face lighting up at the sight of fresh blood dripping from her friend's fa�ade. Sticking her deep red tongue out, Emma pounced on Megan, almost eating the steams of blood off her friend's face.

Turning round for a brief moment, Nick couldn't believe his eyes.

"I didn't actually mean it you know," he said as he approached the second house.

The lights were out, the air was still and everything was silent. But it soon changed as Nick broke through the front door, running up the stairs in a bloodthirsty dash.

"Fuck!" shouted Emma, realising they were being left behind and might be missing out on another meal.
"Bastard!" Megan responded, the pair of them charging into the house and up the stairs after Nick.

From the master bedroom the sound of blood curdling screams rang out like a vicious chorus of terror. Nick was single handedly ripping apart one person in the darkness as the other wailed in total and uncut fear.

Realising the carnage, Megan and Emma leapt into the fray and proceeded to follow suit, tearing into their screaming innocent. The blood ran thick and fast, erupting from the wounds and torn jugulars as if crimson fountains were sprouting amidst the chaotic tangle of bloody figures and soaked bed sheets. It resembled an orgy, but it was sinister and gut-searingly grotesque. It was the Grand Guignol re-enacted in an appetite for destruction.

On return from their latest kill, the trio entered what was once the Ross family home. Bodies and the debris of battle lay strewn around the immediate area, but while Emma closed the door behind her, Nick noticed everything was not sound. Something was missing.

"Where's Knox?" he asked.

The two girls behind him looked on blankly, still working the blood from under their tongues out and down their throats in a post feast ritual of not leaving anything to spare.

"I said, where's Knox?" shouted Nick.
"Well how the hell do we know? We've been out wining and dining!" growled Emma.
"Knox!" shouted Nick, stepping over to where he had left the body.

Looking around the immediate area as Emma and Megan entered the kitchen, Nick called out again.

"Stop shouting! It won't do your throat any good!" came a sudden reply.
"Knox, is that you?" asked Megan.
"Well it's not Mary fucking Poppins is it?" said Knox as he leapt down the stairs.

Now standing in front of his vampirical peers, Knox glanced around.

"So when's breakfast then?" he asked.
"Jesus Knox! You took your fucking time! I thought Megan, the stupid bitch, had drained you completely!" roared Nick.
"Not completely, she at least left my brain moist," grinned Knox, revealing his impressive set of lethal canines.
"If you had come around sooner you could have joined us," said Emma.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"We've just been out getting us some food," grinned Megan as blood dripped from all their faces, clothes and hair.
"I was gonna say, it's not everyday one gets drenched in blood. You cheeky fucks! I'm fucking thirsty as hell here!" moaned Knox.
"Go on, lick Emma or something. You'll get your first taste then," replied Nick.

Knox stepped over to Emma and looked into her blackened eyes. His were just as dark as hers were and his grin was ever wider. Sticking out his tongue, he lifted his fingers up to Emma's face, wiping the blood from her cheek and down to her chin. Retracting his tensed hand, he inserted it into his mouth, sucking the blood from his flesh eagerly. Suddenly the wave of pleasure struck him like a tidal wave. He wanted more and he wanted it now.

"You didn't happen to bring take away at all?" he asked.
"You should be so lucky. These two have been eating everything in sight. They were licking each other a while ago for Christ's sake! I only meant it as a fucking joke!" replied Nick.
"Well that's fine and dandy then isn't it? Get me hooked and then expect me to wait until the fucking postman gets here?"
"That's it!" shouted Nick, a sudden devilish grin appearing on his face. "We'll wait until morning and when the postman comes, you can have him!"

In response, Knox simply returned the grinning gesture, as did Megan and Emma. The potential for more food was coming.

"One question, what are we going to do about all these bodies?" asked Knox.
"Fucking leave them. I ain't dragging their dead asses all around god knows where. Let them fucking rot. Besides, we can use them as bait," laughed Nick.
"When the postman comes, we have it so the door is ajar and lead him in with a noise or some shit, like in the horror movies, stupid bastard will come waltzing right in and can say hello to death!" said Nick, his gleaming expression smeared all across his face.
"But what if he doesn't fall for it?" asked Emma.
"Oh come on. Before today would any of you thought there was anything such as fucking vampires for real?"

The other three all looked around at each other and back at Nick, the blood dripping from their faces or their razor sharp canines showing.

"Guess not," replied Emma.
"Exactly. So it's bound to work!" finished Nick. "Now we've just got to wait for the son of a bitch to turn up. Do any of you happen to know when that might be?"

Nick received a blank look.

"Guess not then. Well whatever, we can wait as long as it takes. I'm fucking thirsty just thinking about it!"

The morning came quickly and the sun began to rise, all the time increasing the amount of light inside the house. As the birds began to tweet in the trees and the sound of an occasional car pass by on the road outside, the four vampire teens just stood and waited for their meal to arrive.

"God damn, why are my eyes fucking hurting?" asked Knox as he flinched at the natural light filtering into the house.
"Your eyes are dilated, permanently, that's why," replied Nick.
"One of the draw backs. If you get bit at night, your eyes are dilated. If you get bit during the day they're all closed off and you can't see shit at night. What we've got here is what it's like to put a lamp on after having been in the dark for a while. It hurts your eyes, there's too much light getting in."
"Oh," replied Knox as he saw Emma and Megan rubbing their eyes. "How about some sun glasses?"

Nick turned his head for a moment, why hadn't he thought of it?

"Fucking genius! After Postman Pat gets here we'll see if there are any around the house. There has to be somewhere. Oh, and I call shotgun on the first pair you find, that are for guys of course. I ain't wearing any chick shades!" grumbled Nick.

Now coming close to eight in the morning, the four waited around anxiously. They had laid the trap to draw him in and were ready to pounce at any moment.

"Right, when he comes and finds the door ajar, Knox, you start wailing like and get his attention. But don't yap on too long, we wanna draw him upstairs so he can't get out too easily. You two, you go upstairs and hide somewhere up there for him. I'll be hiding downstairs somewhere to make sure he doesn't get out. Like a pincer movement," said Nick as he ordered the troops around.
"And what if we don't like your plan?" asked Megan.
"If you don't like it, fine with me, but you won't be getting any breakfast, cos I am sure you ain't got anything better, so shut the fuck up already," snapped Nick in reply.

Megan shied away and backed off, following Emma upstairs, following her orders.

"Okay Knox, you ready?" asked Nick.
"Yeah," he said.
"Good, don't fuck it up now. Cos I'm getting some blood somehow, and I'm not particularly fussy about where and from whom it comes, got that."
"Calm it down already. How hard can wailing for a few seconds be?"
"Knox, I know you well. And knowing my luck, you'll fuck it up if you ain't straight!"
"Somebody should really pull that pole out your arse, you might be able to act more comfortably that way," grinned Knox.
"If anyone's got something up their ass, it's you Knox. Of course, I'm not sure if I want to know what that is," laughed Nick as he motioned for Knox to go and hide.

They were now totally ready to pounce. They had to do it right, otherwise they'd be found out.

The house was quiet, the door ajar, nothing stirred and the warm summer breeze whistled slowly through the leaves on the trees. It was peaceful when the postman came around the corner in his van, parking it just outside Alex's driveway, he proceeded to deliver the mail to the house on the corner before walking through the gate, proceeding over to the front door of Alex's house.

The gravel and dirt driveway crunched underfoot, the sight of several cars greeting him as he approached the house. Now moved to the side next to the other cars that once belonged to the now dead teens inside, was Pommie's car, the bonnet now down, but still smeared in blood. However, passing by unaware, the postman walked across the slippy pathway and up to the door, which swung open when he reached it with the soft summer morning breeze. In curiosity he poked his head through the gap and noticed the broken door leading into the kitchen and the rest of the house.

"What the hell?" he muttered to himself.

Opening the door a little more and now placing one foot inside the door, the postman set his bag down at the doorstep and placed the letters he was to deliver on the sideboard next to him.


Now knowing the postman was inside, Knox began to call out his muffled wails to pull their meal further into the house.

"Help, help me please. I've fallen," muttered Knox.
"Hello, is someone there?" asked the postman as he walked in through the utility room and up to the door leading into the kitchen.
"Help me, help me please," called out Knox again.
"Is someone in here? Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice loud and clear now.

Their feast was now safely inside, so Knox ceased his calls and left Megan and Emma upstairs to attract the postman's attention.

Hearing a slight rustling from above him on the first floor, Megan and Emma bumped about to pull their meal closer to them. He followed their lead and began to walk up the stairs, a curious and worried expression furrowed on his brow.

"Hello? Is someone hurt up there?" he asked.

The rustling continued and now that breakfast was walking up the stairs, Nick emerged from the downstairs cloak room, closing the front door before he proceeded to step into the kitchen, signaling Knox to wait for a moment so that the postman would be able to disappear upstairs.

"Is someone hurt up here?" he asked, the rustling continuing as he called out, the silence of the small home surrounding him.

He proceeded to walk along the landing, approaching the bathroom, the door of which was ajar slightly, revealing the legs of Stuart's corpse.

"Oh my god!" he shouted as he ran for the bathroom door.

Now it was time. Nick motioned for Knox to follow him up the stairs as the postman burst in through the bathroom door, but what he found was a bloodbath, and the devil incarnate visage of Megan lunging at him.

Knocked out of the room and into the arms of Emma who had snuck out of Alex's room, Megan proceeded to pounce on her kill, ripping out his jugular in a bloody onslaught as she snapped his neck in two, ramming his head back towards Emma so that his head almost came clean off.

Leaping onto the landing, Nick and Knox were able to see a torrent of blood erupt from the innocent's neck and severed head, Emma and Megan bathing in sanguine fluid once more.

"God-fucking-dammit!" shouted Nick as he charged into the fray, the postman's body still shaking violently.

Grabbing hold of the corpse with both hands, Nick pulled the kill away from the two insane sirens; their angry screams nothing but an annoyance at this present moment. Dragging the body to the floor, Nick shared the wealth with Knox who got his first taste of decent blood, but Megan and Emma were quick to leap into the fray and attempt to tackle the two young men away from the feeding frenzy.

"Fuck off!" roared Nick as he punched Megan back to the floor. "Go fucking lick your face clean instead!" he growled.
"Fuck you!" she replied, her blood-caked face turning red with anger, despite the crimson coating.
"Get out of the fucking way!" roared Emma, kicking Knox back so that he lost his balance.

Knox responded in kind and pushed Emma out of the way.

"You can have leftovers," he laughed as he dived in for another bite, his thirst for blood taking over his nature, consuming him in greed.

Quickly draining the body, Nick and his partner in crime stood up from the body to proceed downstairs, leaving Emma and Megan to jump on the body to lick what blood they could from his uniform and torn flesh. There was a little left, but barely enough to even start quenching their appetites. As Emma pulled her head up from the mess she pulled her damp crimson hair away from her face.

"If I don't get another drink soon I'm going to go and suck those damned sheets in Alex's room!" she growled in frustration, the boys had beaten them to it.

"So what now?" asked Knox as he pulled a warm lager off the kitchen table.
"I dunno," Nick replied as he glugged down the contents of a two litre bottle of Coke.
"Oh god yeah, that's the stuff," sighed Knox as he finished off his can of warm lager in one go. "That hit the spot."
"Are you sure you're a vampire?" asked Nick as he smirked. "I mean we usually like to go for blood more than anything else."
"I know, but who am I to give up on free lager?"
"Good point," said Nick as he wiped his mouth free from blood and Coke.
"So what are the plans for today then?"
"Dunno, go out, kill some people I guess," squinted Nick, the sunlight beginning to burst through the kitchen window. "But whatever it is, it'll be in the shade or something!" he replied as he pulled the curtains across the window.
"That's better," sighed Knox, relieved that his eyes could rest easy a little.
"Well I figure we'll go out for a bit, forage around, see if we can pick off any wondering dog walkers or something. I figure we'd be able to hold up here for a while."
"But what if someone finds them bodies in the other houses and comes asking questions here?" asked Knox.
"We'll not be home then, just keep your fucking mouth shut, the curtains drawn and they can't do shit. They'll figure we're out, well, that they're out," said Nick as he pointed to the bodies of Alex's parents, stacked neatly in the sitting room.

Knox grinned in response.

"So when do you think we can go out and about?" he asked.
"Well, first off we've got to get them two upstairs cleaned off. You can't go walking around outside in broad fucking daylight covered in blood. You hear that Megan?" shouted Nick, aiming his voice up the staircase.
"Oh shut up already!" moaned Megan, her frustration at missing a meal bubbling over. But eventually she'd get another meal, and if she behaved she would get another meal later that day she thought. It was best to comply.

Nick grunted at the futility of Megan's anti-authoritative words and proceeded to place the empty bottle of Coke back on the table.

"But I think we need some tunes first," he said.
"What?" asked Knox.
"We may be vampires, Knox, but we still like to watch movies, drink, listen to music, and well, fuck if we had the opportunity," laughed Nick.

Knox smiled and shrugged it off; he was still trying to get into the way of being a vampire for the next god knows how many years. As far was he was concerned he was already dead and was going to live for eternity. But that wasn't so, they were only going to live for a while longer than normal people do. No more than twenty odd years.

Nick stepped over to the stereo that sat amidst the carnage of the sitting room. Amy's body was still hanging limply on the fire poker she had been impaled on some hours beforehand. She was dead for sure.

"Shame," muttered Nick to himself.

Rummaging through the collection of CDs, some of which were Alex's and some of which were brought by others, Nick selected Michael's Blink 182 album. Nick didn't care for Alex's taste, or at least the taste he had had once, before Megan 'hit' him.

Placing the latest Blink album into the CD player, he quickly selected a track, turning the volume up loud.

"On and on, reckless abandon," came the voice of the lead singer, the crackled effect sounding out into the house before the orchestra of loud drums and guitars mixed in with the words.

"Alright!" said Knox; he was also a fan. "You'll have to put the last track on."
"Why, which one's that?" asked Nick.

Knox grinned.

"Oh god, it's that dog fucking one isn't it?" he sighed as he shook his head. "You're obsessed with that song Knox! Too obsessed!"
"What?" laughed Knox as he downed another can of warm lager.

It was now almost midday and the four aging teens wondered around the house, listening to the music that flooded out into the house. Fuck being quiet thought Nick, who the hell would care anyway. Everyone within earshot is dead.

The sun was bright and the sky was clear and blue, but to their dilated eyes it was too much. Having closed all the curtains, the house was plunged into a dim light, it was a mild comfort.

"Go and find some shades for us all," said Emma to Megan.
"Sure," she complied.
"God damn! This fucking sunlight! The day's dragging on so fucking slow!" growled Knox.
"Calm it down Knox, we'll just squint or something when we have to leave," said Emma.
"Yeah, it'll be dark eventually," said Nick. "It can't be too long anyway, just another few hours."

Suddenly a knock at the door could be heard. A deep thumping on the wood with a fist ringing out through the utility room and into the kitchen.

"What the fuck?" muttered Nick and Knox.
"What's that?" asked Emma.
"Quiet," said Nick as he stepped into the utility room, approaching the door slowly.

Taking hold of the handle with his right hand, he clenched his left fist in preparation. This was another meal coming their way.

Ripping the door open in a hungry show of force, Nick exposed the sunlight to his dilated eyes and flinched at the sight. Before he knew it a figure leapt into the house wailing and growling.

"What the fuck?" shouted Nick as he slammed the door, rubbing his eyes to ease the shock of the sunlight.

Diving back at him, the figure tackled Nick to the floor and hissed as it opened its mouth.

"Get the fuck off me you fucking crazy bastard!" shouted Nick, attracting the attention of Knox and Emma who quickly rallied to their friend's help, pulling his attacker away, thrashing in anger.
"What the fuck?" muttered Knox.
"Michael?" asked Emma.
"Yeah, what the fuck!" he shouted, exposing his protruding canines.
"You're a fucking vampire too?" said Nick.
"Yeah! What, are you as well?"
"Yeah!" replied Nick in disbelief. "I thought they killed you off?"
"So did I, but the fucking bastards threw me into the woods outside, they didn't drain me completely!" he grinned.

Laughing in shock, Nick clambered to his feet.

"Good to fucking see ya!" he exclaimed. "There's five of us now!"
"Yeah?" he asked.
"Yeah, but a couple are dead unfortunately, that was Knox's fault. Fucking dimwit!" sighed Nick.
"Oi!" shouted Knox. "Only one of them two are my fault! And I was human back then too!"
"Who's dead?" asked Michael.
"Well, apart from Alex, Baker, Stuart, Alex's parents, his neighbours, his postman and Pommie, Amy and Sullie are dead too! Knox got Amy with a hot poker and Megan, that crazy bitch, went and did in Sullie with that door!" reported Nick.
"So basically, you lot have killed a lot of people then?" asked Michael.
"Yeah, pretty much. We've done in the lot of them, you missed it all too!"
"I know! Fucking typical! I'm thirsty as hell!" groaned Michael.
"Well get some booze down your neck, that'll sort you out for a while, but we're planning on moving out soon, walk back to Ross I suppose, maybe get us some dog walkers or drivers or something," replied Knox.
"But what about the sunlight? It fucking kills your eyes!"
"Well yeah, that's why Megan's off finding shades for us lot, well, not you, there's probably not enough for you too," laughed Knox.
"Oh fucking cheers then," said Michael as he cracked opened a can of lager.
"Don't mention it," grinned Knox.
"So when are we off?" asked Michael.
"Dunno yet, but eventually, maybe let the sun drag on a little longer, maybe hide out in the woods for a while or something. I figured we would go off to Ross later on so that we got there when it was dark, and then there'd be some fun to be had," said Nick.
"You just got this thing all planned out don't you?"
"Yeah, he's taking over for fuck sake!" groaned Emma.
"Well if you want to jump in with any ideas, please feel free to do so. I just like to lead," said Nick.
"Well if you lead too much, you're going to have a whole load of Megan biting your head off no doubt," replied Emma.
"Well she can bite my arse for all I care. She's fucking mental anyway, anyone would think she's the queen of the fucking vampires!" laughed Nick.

Emma stood quiet for a moment and licked her canines.

"Yeah, fucking bitch to think that. She's just fucking nuts."

By six in the evening, the group of now five were ready to go and make their way back to town by whatever means they could muster, that meant either walking the whole way or stealing a car and drinking the driver. The sun was now lower and was not so intense. It would be easier on their eyes now, but they still had to wear sunglasses that Megan had managed to dig out of each bedroom of the house. Luckily there were three pairs of men's and two pairs of women's shades. That suited everyone happily.

"We all ready then?" asked Knox as he placed his shades over his eyes.
"Yeah, think so," replied Nick.
"But what about all this lot?" asked Emma, the bloodstains of the dead bodies all around and the stench of death consuming them.
"What? All the bodies, fucking leave them. Lock the house up and leave them, we might come back here, who knows. If we lock the place up it might seem as if everyone's out," continued Nick as he placed his shades on.
"Alright then, but if they find this place, there'll be a hunt to find us. We'll already be thought missing by our parents you know," said Emma.
"Shit, you're right," muttered Nick, scratching his neck as he thought.
"And you'll want to get that covered too," Emma pointed to Nick's large wound that was adorned on his neck.
"Dammit, you're right again. Get me some bandage or something, that'll do."

Emma complied and quickly dashed upstairs to find some bandage.

"So what are we going to do about our parents?" asked Megan.
"We'll call them," said Nick.
"What?" said Knox, slightly bemused.
"We'll call them and say that we're staying on here for another night, and if we need stuff to change into or things to wash with like, we can just ask them to bring them along and dump our bags in the garage as we'll be out visiting someone else. But of course, we'll be in town," said Nick having mapped out their newest plan.
"Perfect," smiled Knox.

As Emma bandaged Nick's neck to conceal the gaping wound, the others phoned home and explained the situation, or rather lied to their parents, as did Nick finally after Emma had tied off the bandage.

All their parents fell for it; this would buy them some time before they'd have to worry about getting out of town or something. For now it was okay however, and now was for living, they'd think about then later.

The house was locked up; the curtains drawn, the bodies left and the chaotic mess still present. Leaving the house quickly, the small group all stepped into the fading sunlight, which was well blocked with the sunglasses they all wore. Walking past Pommie's car, Knox glanced down at the bonnet.

"Um, guys," he said.
"What?" they asked.
"What about Pommie's car," he replied, pointing to the smeared blood stain on the metallic surface.
"Clean it," said Megan.

Knox sighed and nodded, removing his shirt from over his T-shirt and used it to wipe the blood away, throwing the shirt itself underneath the car.

"That was my best damned shirt!" moaned Knox as they all proceeded towards and out the gate at the end of the driveway.

The woods began almost immediately outside Alex's house. They could have used the roads, but only if they had a car. And there wasn't any they could use. Pommie's car keys were missing with his body and the other keys to the other cars were lost somewhere. Wherever Alex and his parents put their car keys, it was somewhere that none of them could find. But they thought the walk would do them good anyway, and that way they might come across a dog walker or a hiker, a nice meal before a night on the town.

"Well at least it's a beautiful day," said Emma as she walked with the group through the woods, the bark and twigs snapping under her feet.
"Yep, that it is," replied Nick as he looked around the immediate area.

They had seen no dog walkers, no hikers, and not even a small animal to feast off throughout the hour they had been walking so far. Not a thing and the woods were getting a little denser, but the noise of passing cars was not too far way. They were heading the right way still. The light was beginning to fade and soon it would be dark, but for now they had to put up with their sunglasses.

"God I am fucking thirsty as fuck," whined Michael.
"Would you shut the fuck up already, all you have done for the past couple of hours is whine and moan about being fucking thirsty! At least you haven't had blood yet, it's worse when you've had it. Then you know you need it! At the moment, you're just like thinking it would be an idea to drink it, but we know we need it and we need it soon, otherwise we're going to all go mental!" replied Emma.
"She's got a point man," said Knox.
"Yep, that she does," added Nick.
"Ah shut the fuck up yourselves," moaned Michael.
"Stop fucking whining!" shouted Nick as he pushed Michael by the shoulder.
"Calm it down boy, just thirsty is all," he said.
"Yeah, me too!"
"Well we're going to be there soon anyway, so why don't the lot of you shut up!" roared Megan, her blackened eyes glaring at the other four members of the group.

As she took lead in the procession, the others looked at each other.

"What's up with her?" asked Knox.
"Having a right moan," said Nick, stating the obvious.
"She's been bitching like that for ages now, you should have let her get a drink of that postman you know," said Emma.
"Why should I? If she didn't bathe in the stuff and drink it instead then she might not be so thirsty and so damned grumpy. Besides, I haven't had as much as you guys and Knox had had none back then. And it's a good thing you ran her under that damned shower before we left, otherwise she would have given us all away!"
"Yeah, and I haven't had any blood at all yet!" added Michael.
"We already know!" the group shouting back in response.
"God, calm it down a notch," finished Michael.

By just after nine-twenty it was dark and the group could finally remove their sunglasses. They were almost into town and the night-lights could be seen glowing over the horizon.

"It's about time we got to town!" said Nick, panting like a tired dog.
"Well if you did a little more exercise with more than just your index finger you might be in better shape!" smirked Knox.
"Hey! The Remote Control Olympics is a serious event and one has to get trained all year round I'll have you know," said Nick.
"You are such a slack bastard," laughed Knox.
"Yeah I know," smiled Nick as they all continued to walk towards town.

As usual for the night, the town was buzzing with teenagers out and about, getting drunk and being denied alcohol after several rounds in the local pubs of which there were many. There were also many others floating around the town with the occasional souped up car roaring past with its fat exhaust belching out deafening 'look at me, I am a sad bastard' rumbles as they played dodgy trance music on full bass inside their blackened vehicles.

"You know, this used to bother me," said Nick. "But now I really couldn't give a fuck."
"Yeah, same here," said Knox.
"Oh come on lads, let's go find us some dinner," said Michael eagerly.
"Stop thinking with your stomach you fat bloater," groaned Knox.
"I'm not fat!" growled Michael.
"I know, you should be fat, but you're not. What's up with that?"
"Don't worry Knox, it'll all start popping out here and there eventually. Trust me, it will. By the time he's thirty he's gonna be such a fat fuck," laughed Nick.
"Enough of it son," said Michael as he laid into Nick with his softened punches and WWF style tackling.
"Stop it you two!" ordered Emma.

They complied.

"Oh yes ma'am," said Nick as he gave a sarcastic salute. "Whatever you say ma'am."
"And enough of the cheek too," said Emma as she scouted the area for possible targets.

Then as she looked up the street she could see one of her friends from school walking up the road away from them.

"Suzy!" said Emma. "It's Suzy, over there!"

Emma began to charge after her prey and the others followed, but they were forced to keep the pace slow so as not to attract the attention of others or their prey.

Suzy was still oblivious as she walked across the crossroads and continued past the town's gazette at the top of the hill. She didn't notice as she turned up the road leading to the church and cemetery and she didn't notice them as she reached the gates to the cemetery.

"Suzy, Suzy, Suzy. What are you doing here of all places on such a dark and threatening night, and all on your own too?" asked Emma who approached first.
"Oh hello Emma!" smiled Suzy in her usual ray of sunlight way, showing all bright shiny teeth as usual. "What are you doing here?"
"We're just out and about," said Emma as she motioned to the group to come and join them.
"Oh, hey guys!" said Suzy. "You're all out then eh?"
"Yeah," nodded Michael, Knox and Nick.
"Okay then," said Suzy, a little intimidated by the simultaneous and quick response.
"So what are you guys doing tonight then?" asked Suzy as she leant against the limestone wall beside the cemetery.
"Oh, we're just out and about you know, thought we might get a drink," said Megan, smiling sweetly at her stranded prey.

Stroking her hair through with her hand, Suzy shook the few remaining strands of black hair from her face and looked about the group who surrounded her.

"So you're just out and about drinking then?" she asked.
"Yes we are, but we haven't had a drink yet," said Megan.
"But we hope to soon," said Nick. "Are you meeting someone out here? It is rather a lonely place to stay by yourself on a night such as this. You never know who's lurking around."
"That is true," nodded Suzy. "But I am meeting someone here."
"Your boyfriend?" asked Emma.
"Yeah," replied Suzy.
"Ah I see," nodded Emma.
"Don't you worry, we'll keep you company until you are joined," said Megan as she stepped over and jumped onto the wall to sit beside Suzy.
"Aw, thanks you guys," smiled Suzy, unawares of what was coming her way.

Splitting from the group as the others talking, Nick, Michael and Knox walked off through the gates and into the cemetery. Stalking through the darkness, planning on how they'd get her.

Signaling to keep her occupied, Nick turned away from the glancing eyes of Megan and Emma and stood in front of his two friends.

"Right, we're going to wait until Suzy's been distracted, then I plan we just fucking pounce on her."
"Oh aye," said Knox with his usual suggestive grin.
"For Christ's sake Knox! This isn't the time for innuendo!" snapped Nick, but having seen the hilarity in what he had said, he tried to subdue a smirk.
"So what, we just sneak up and grab her right?" asked Michael.
"Yep, pretty much. Just remember to keep her mouth covered all the time, we can't be having company when in the middle of a drink now can we?" said Nick.
"That is a genius plan," said Knox.
"Well only the best come from me," said Nick as he conducted his usual joke of 'chuffing' as it was put. 'Chuffing' being the act of extreme, and in this case comedic, self-praising talk and grins.
"Right, so when can we do it?" asked Knox.
"Patience my dearest Knox," said Nick as he patted him on the shoulder. "We must wait a little while."

The group of three paused for a moment.

"Right that's long enough," said Nick as he turned on his heels and charged at full pace towards the turned back of their prey.

Not realising for a moment, Knox and Michael stood and watched Nick charge until they snapped out of their day dreamy world and followed suit.

Before Suzy knew what had hit her, Nick had grabbed her by the waist as he crammed his hand over her mouth. Screaming into his strong hand, Suzy was dragged over the wall and onto the warm grass of the cemetery ground, Nick holding her down at the same time as keeping Emma and Megan away long enough for Michael to have a drink.

"Come on Mike, get over here!" he said.

Suzy's eyes were wide in terror, was this the end? What was going to happen to her? She asked herself. This surely could not be happening, these were her friends. Continuing to scream into Nick's hand that was still held tightly over her face, Suzy saw the truth as Nick stuck his dripping fangs out of his mouth, as did the others.

As Michael descended onto the neck of his first kill, Suzy caught a close up glimpse of the method of her death. Ripping into her flesh, Michael tore viciously at the pounding meat sending blood splattering out in a huge river.

Not wanting to waste, Nick and the others all pounced into the fray and began to suck the remaining pints of blood from their victim's wrists and arms, lapping up the blood flow that missed Michael and shot past him. It was a feeding frenzy and Suzy was dead. In a mere matter of a few minutes she had been confronted, attacked and killed. And now her body lay limply on the ground, bite marks covering her white skin, the terror in her eyes flooding out still, but her screaming expression wasted now. Help was not coming.

Suddenly, Nick perked up his ears and craned his neck into the air. Motioning for the others to stay low and be quiet, he poked his head up and glanced over the wall for a moment. Someone was coming; he could hear the footsteps and was soon able to see that it was Suzy's boyfriend. He had been just too late to save her, but even if he had arrived sooner, his resistance would have been futile.

"Suzy?" he shouted as he scuffed his footsteps on the tarmac.

Nick let out a noise, his hand muffling his own mouth.

"Suzy? Is that you?" asked the young man.
"No!" roared Nick as he leapt over the wall, fangs protruded and bloody fingers coming at his prey like daggers.

Before he could scream, Nick had the second meal on the ground, smashing his head against the road to knock him senseless before chucking him over the cemetery wall so that the feeding frenzy could continue with them all joining in, crazed with murder on their minds. The taste of blood was now well embedded in all of them and they wanted more.

In less than two minutes, the second bonus body was drained and the group all sat back from their two kills.

"What are we going to do about these guys?" asked Michael.
"Where do you think we are?" said Nick.
"What? We're in a cemetery."
"Yeah exactly," grinned Nick.
"Oh come on, we're not burying them are we?" Michael asked.
"God no! Do you think we can be bothered with all that waste of time? God no! We'll just throw these guys in a dark corner or something so they don't get found until morning. Now that'd be a sight to see."
"Ah, quality plan there," said Michael.
"Yeah, but when they find them the police are going to be doing the rounds won't they? Asking around her friends and stuff," said Emma, her eyes wide and suggestive to the situation.
"Well, yeah," said Nick, thinking over his plan. "So what? They won't come pestering us."
"Yeah, but they'll pester me and that lot, including some of the guys who were at the party last night, remember? And where are they right now? Back at the place where all the dead bodies are. The place where all our parents, who'll be questioned are!" shouted Emma.
"Okay, Jesus Christ!" roared Nick. "I didn't think that through. I just don't particularly care about this shit anyway, I just want to have a drink without all this hassle!"
"Right, here's the plan," said Megan. "We leave the bodies in the dark corner over there for a while, then we come back at like two or three in the morning and carry them to the river. We'll throw them in and nobody will be none-the-wiser. They'll just think these two fell in while at the river side."
"That's a good plan, but one thing, the bite marks," said Nick.
"Who gives a fuck about bite marks? They won't be expecting vampires, shit, I thought vampires were just a fucking TV show thing until now, and this town's police are far from intelligent, in fact, all coppers in this country are dumb fucking bastards. What will be a bigger issue is that fact that these two will, or should I say, are dead! They won't really care about the bites, they'll have water in their lungs, and therefore they drowned. For all the coppers would know these bites came from fish or something. Maybe a dog."
"Okay, but one thing," said Knox.
"What?" asked Emma and Megan.
"Neither of them have any blood left in them."
"So?" the two girls asked in unison.
"They won't care about that too much, they'll just not figure out this case fully," said Emma. "Simple as that."
"Well it's sorted then, we'll dump them in the river at two? Right! Now let's go find ourselves some more snacks," said Nick as he stood, rubbing his hands and licking his fangs in hunger.

As the group exited the cemetery and began to walk down the Old Maid's Walk road past the police station and doctor's surgery, the group could see a small, white car turn into the road, the bright headlamps making the group flinch.

The car approached them and pulled up, the driver winding the window down.

"Hello peeps," said the figure inside.
"Katherine!" said Emma in glee.
"What are you doing here?" asked Megan as she leaned in closer to the car.
"I'm picking up Suzy and her boyfriend, I'm taking them somewhere," replied Katherine.
"Oh," said Emma as she stepped back from the curb, glancing around the group to make sure none of them had any bloodstains on their hands of faces. Fortunately everyone was clean.
"Where were you meeting them?" asked Megan.
"At the gates to the cemetery, up there," pointed Katherine.
"Oh, really?" asked Megan. "We're all just come from there and they're not there. We didn't pass anyone back up there."
"Then where the hell are they?" asked Katherine. "For God's sake!"
"Well maybe they're around town or something. Why don't you go for a drive around or park and have a look around? I tell you what. If you don't find anyone, meet us at the kid's park over there," pointed Megan as she glanced over. But as she did, she saw two figures sitting on the benches over there.

Their luck was paying off that night; it was Kay and her boyfriend Rob, another two of their friends. What luck, thought the others as they followed Megan's point of view.

"Over by there then yeah?" asked Katherine.
"Yeah, if you don't find them, you come to us there and we'll help you look for them, they can't be far."
"Yeah okay. Thanks," said Katherine as she released her handbrake and proceeded to drive up Old Maid's Walk, past the cemetery gates to turn around.

The group sighed in relief, but thought that there was another possible meal. They'd let her scurry around a bit before they got her, if they hadn't had their fill after their next two targets. But this time they had to act quickly, they were more exposed in the kid's park. But nonetheless they were ready to go, they didn't care if they were caught, that would only mean more food.

Approaching the cuddling couple, the group stepped up to them smiling and grinning pleasantries.

"Hello!" smiled Kay, the presence of the group of her friends somewhat of a surprise.
"Hi," said the group in unison.

As Rob laughed at the united greeting in his usual, semi-drunk manner, which he always talked in, Kay continued to stroke Rob's leg like she would a dog's back.

"So what are you guys doing out tonight?" asked Kay.

The group remained in silence. They had gone through the whole pleasant repertoire before, now they just wanted to act fast while the coast was clear.

"Kay, we're not going to fuck you around here okay, we're out for a drink," said Nick as he stepped forward, revealing his teeth to them.
"What the hell!" shouted Rob, not fully believing what he was seeing.
"Are those them joke teeth or something?" he asked as he squinted.
"No Rob, these are the real deal," said Knox as he stepped forward.
"Yeah, good one," replied Rob as he stayed close to Kay.
"Oh yes Robert, they are good," said Megan and Emma before they lunged.

Followed by the rest of the group, they dispatched the happy couple quickly as their attack was in an open area. As the blood splattered long and thick into the air and across the rubbery tarmac of the kid's play park, the gurgled screams of the latest victims were brief before they were both completely drained dry of all life giving fluid.

"Not bad for a days work," said Nick as he stepped away. "But it would have been better if you two hadn't been hogging it all!" shouted Nick.
"You accusing bastard!" shouted Emma.
"Oh yeah, come on then, bring on the heat! You know you and Meg are hogging it all! You greedy bitch!"

Emma's eyes widened in anger, her teeth exposed in attack mode.

"Fucking bastard!" she wailed as she lunged for Nick who's expression turned from anger to fear.

Stumbling backwards to try and evade Emma's attack, Nick pushed into Michael and sent him crashing backwards so that he tripped, turned and crashed at full force through the bench behind him, the splinters piercing his face and arms.

"Mike!" shouted Knox.

As Knox leapt in to help his fallen friend, Megan stood and watched as Emma pounced on Nick, ripping out her teeth and pulling away the bandage around Nick's neck that he had since covered with his jumper collar before they had left for their long walk back to town from Alex's house.

"I should have finished you off, then there would have been more food for me and Meg, and not so much bossing around!" shouted Emma as she tore into Nick's crippled neck once more.

Screaming in anger, the pain that was now pleasure in the vampire cult, Nick thumped away at Emma's stomach, trying to force her off him, but her grip was stronger than his. She was the purest of them all in the group; she had been the first here. Biting down with more force, she began to drink Nick's already depleted blood supply.

Wavering as it flooded out of him, Nick staggered back and crashed into Megan who was now prancing around in a joyous dance at the site of yet more bloodletting carnage. Clapping slowly and eagerly as Nick's lifeless body crashed to the ground, his limp body now laying still, Megan jumped down and sniffed the bloody wound, licking it to extract any surface blood that was left, but having found nothing, Megan arose from her crouched position.

"Mike? Are you okay?" asked Knox as he pulled Michael's body from the splintered entanglement of broken planks of wood.

Michael was badly hurt and what little blood he had retained from his attack earlier on the night before now seeped out from his pierced flesh.

"This is fucking typical," said Michael. "I just get back, and what happens?"

Seeing the wasted blood flowing onto the ground, Emma pounced on Michael's quivering body that now descended into shock.

"Out of the way!" ordered Emma as she pushed Knox out of the way, sending him crashing to the floor and then rolling down the slight incline so that he came face to face with Nick's lifeless body.

"Nick!" shouted Knox.

Everything was going to pot, it was all ending, it was all going wrong.

"You fucking bitch!" roared Knox as he glanced over to see the crazed queen that was Emma draining the last from Michael.

Charging for her feeding form, Knox who was now caught in a world of maddened shit, grabbed Emma away from his other friend's now lifeless corpse. Glancing down as he held onto Emma, he could see Michael's second life fade from his dark eyes as his twisted from lay still, the large splinters of wood dug into his flesh like daggers.

"What the fuck is your problem?" growled Knox.

The loss of two of his best friends in a matter of a couple of minutes was all too much for him to handle. They were all on the same side and they were killing each other, it was insane.

Acting in a sudden force of livid anger, Knox picked Emma up by the arms and launched her into the air. As her body cascaded through the air like a gentle, yet deadly bird, Knox panted as his stressed head did loops around his mind.

"Fucking bitch!" he shouted.

As Emma's screeching form began to descend over the road beside the kid's park, the headlamps of a car could be seen approaching. Gasping at the sight, Knox squinted and eventually shut his eyes before the deafening sound of flesh hitting metal rang out, the horn of the vehicle blaring into the calm night.

Charging over to the carnage on the road, Megan and Knox left the current state of confusion behind them and proceeded over to another one.

Emma had landed on Katherine's car bonnet and was proceeding to crawl from the ground, exposing her bloody fangs and face to the driver.

Screaming in fear, Katherine slammed her car into reverse, acting on impulse at this stage, she then forced the gearbox into first and crammed her foot into the accelerator. Now charging towards her new foe, Katherine didn't know why she was doing what she was doing. She was acting in terror after the sight of what she thought were her friends attacking her with their bloody fangs. What was going on, thought Katherine. Whatever it was, she wanted it ended and proceeded about her shock plan.

The car smashed it's battered front into Emma's staggering, limp body, flattening her under the wheels in a blood-spurting orgy.

For fear of death, Katherine simply continued to scream her way up the road and continue back into town, she was scared to death and wasn't thinking for herself anymore. She had been driven insane in a mere matter of seconds by something she never thought would happen. But it did, and she was stuck in the middle of it all. It was pure insanity.

Leaping onto the bloodstained road below the level of the kid's park, Knox grabbed hold of Emma, his rage still intoxicating him. How could she kill two of her comrades? It was barbaric, but now Knox was to sink to the same depths.

Lifting his clenched fist in the air, he exposed his fangs in fierce anger. As he hissed, his fist that began to descend was caught.

"Now Gareth, that isn't any way to treat your elders," said Megan, her eyes wide, bloodshot, her face smeared in blood, her stare crazed, and her fangs dripping and poised for yet another drink.
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