Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town features the Cycle Sluts who are a female motorcycle gang led by Rox (Catherine Carlen) and Dede (Jamie Rose). They ride into the small town of Zariah, which is a backwater dust bowl of a desert town. The townsfolk are also unwilling to put up with the Sluts and are soon planning on how to rid them from their town. But meanwhile, a boy wonders into an abandoned mine where he finds a red door, as stupid as he could be, he opens it, and what happens? He gets slaughtered, thank god, and the zombies begin to stumble onto the town where they wreak havoc on the townsfolk as well as a busload of blind kids! Along with the Sluts, a midget mortician helper and some of the more willing locals, the gang have to rid the town of the zombie plague, and subsequently lose some of their number, and of course, some of the locals bite the dust, including a then young and in-experience Billy Bob Thornton who plays the part of Donny, Dede�s soon to be dead ex-husband. Thornton, who then went on to claim fame, stands out from the rest of the crowd as well as the flesh-eating hoards of zombies which the town fends off, as usual in this sort of story.
Chopper Chicks is not a bad film, but is isn�t as funny as the appallingly badly acted and made Redneck Zombies, which is so bad it�s good, look better! Chopper Chicks is however, the closest Troma has got to actually making a film which looks and sometimes feels like a real movie, a bad 80�s one at that, but still nonetheless a movie. If you keep an open mind and shut off your brain for the duration of this film, you should do fine, otherwise, steer clear.
Chopper Chicks In Zombie Town 1989


"I'll tell you a secret. I didn't do it for science. And I didn't do it for glory. I'M JUST MEAN!"

"Blind kids, a midget, dykes on bikes... we could start a side-show!"

Filmed in:

Ridgecrest, California, USA

Directed by
Dan Hoskins   
Writing credits
Dan Hoskins

Produced by
James Hardy
Nancy Paloian
Arthur M. Sarkissian
Maria Snyder 
Jamie Rose ....  Dede 
Catherine Carlen ....  Rox 
Lycia Naff ....  T.C. 
Vicki Frederick ....  Jewel 
Kristina Loggia ....  Jojo 
Gretchen Palmer ....  Rusty 
Nina Peterson ....  Tanya 
Whitney Reis ....  Lucile 
Ed Gale ....  Bob Littleton 
Don Calfa ....  Ralph Willum 
Martha Quinn ....  Mae Clutter 
Earl Boen ....  Butcher 
Billy Bob Thornton ....  Donny 
Dave Adams ....  Store Manager 
Lewis Arquette ....  Sheriff Bugiere 
Hal Sparks ....  Lance 
Rob King ....  Vince 
Mel Castelo ....  Jeanne 
Tyrone Bowman ....  Tyrone 
Kea Katz ....  Mary Anne 
Martin Brumer ....  Marc 
Catherine Craft ....  Naomi 
David Knell ....  Booge 
Craig Stark ....  Mechanic 
Shon Greenblatt ....  Town Boy 
John Casino ....  Bar Tough 
Tanner Brewer ....  Bar Mumbler 
Cameron Milzer ....  Nurse/Town Woman 
Gwil Richards ....  Henry Clutter 
Kent Snyder Jr. ....  Clutter Son 
Fredric LeBow ....  Sideburns 
David Dohrmann ....  Kenny
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