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Empty Graves

Part Fifteen: Sanctuary

The buildings in the docks were large, open and cold. When people spoke the echo rang out, bouncing off the metal walls and all around the large expanse of space. The sound of the sea crashing at the edge of the concrete dock could be heard from inside and acted as a rhythmic noise that sent people off to sleep with ease and kept others awake as they went about their walks and patrols around the fence that surrounded the small complex of buildings and shipping equipment.

"How long have you been here?" asked Jake.
"We've been here for a number of weeks now. Since the dead left this place we came out of hiding, stocked up on food and water and found ourselves a place to stay that would be safer. And here we are now, and the dead have not been here in such a long time we were thinking it was all over or they had taken over everywhere and everything. We dared not venture out, we are all too scared to do that," replied the shady figure who had let the young couple into their small world.
"How many of you are here?" asked Mary.
"We've got a fair number, none of us have really counted. There's no point we think, we know who everyone is, so if one was missing we'd know about it. Besides, there are more things to life than counting," laughed the man in response.
"What did you say your name was again?" said Jake.
"Just call me Saul," he replied.
"Okay Saul, glad to meet you," said Jake as he stuck out his hand.

Saul responded to the gesture and grasped Jake's young hand within his two, over-sized, rough and tired tools as he called them. Hands were not just things, they were tools, they're gifts so he said. Since the dead began to rise, he had become somewhat of a born again Christian, but was far from a fanatic. Religion was really his way of comforting himself against what was happening the world over, all around him. Christianity was his safety blanket, just like that of a small child who would suck their thumb at night, hiding from the dark around them, clutching at their soft blanket that smelled of their mother, their dearly loved mother. In this world, such comfort was an irregular occurrence. A bottle of water was as priceless as an ancient necklace and love was even rarer.

"Come on kids, it's breakfast time," said Saul as he saw a large pot being carted from a makeshift kitchen out into the open expanse where groups of bodies sat huddled in blankets, sharing their warmth amidst the mattresses and chairs they had managed to scrounge from the couple of boats that were still docked and tied up.

The young couple followed the lead of Saul over to the large pot that sat in the middle of a large crowd of people. As Saul did everyday he dished up a ladle full of porridge for everyone in their own little bowls. It was something to get their day going, give them a little strength to get through the day.

"So where do you kids come from then?" asked Saul.
"We came from Fort Severn," replied Jake.
"Fort Severn?"
"Fort Severn, Canada?" asked Saul in disbelief.
"Yeah, we drove the whole way down here," replied Mary.
"God damn! You kids must be tired as hell!" exclaimed Saul as he dolloped another load of porridge into another bowl for another hungry soul that surrounded him.
"Yeah, it's been a long journey."
"What have you seen on your way?"
"As we drove along the roads we just kept seeing less and less zombies and more and more deserted towns and cities, until we got here. We haven't seen anything when we were out there in the stores and such," replied Jake.
"You been out there looking around?" asked Saul.
"Yeah, there's nothing but nothing out there, no zombies, nothing. Just nothing except abandoned buildings and a couple of stores which still had food in them. In fact our car is loaded with food," added Mary.
"You got food in that car of yours?"
"Yeah, we loaded the thing solid with it, all that we could take, we even got the keys to the store in town," said Mary.

Saul motioned for one of the perimeter guards to come over to him.

"These kids have a car out there by the fence. It's loaded with food, now go and get it in here quick. And we may be going out into the city soon, they have the keys to the food mart."
"Yes sir," replied the faceless man, his features having long since corroded away with the stress and strains of everyone's plight, the dirt and filth the consumed them covering his skin.
"So you want to go out now do you?" asked Jake. "I thought you were too scared before."
"Hell yeah we were. But we thought there was nothing but zombies hanging around waiting to bite off our asses, we didn't even think there was any food left in there! Now this gives us something to do, a goal, so I sure as hell don't mind risking my ass for some food. It was coming eventually anyway, we would have had to get some food sooner or later, we're running a little low on the perishable stuff."
"The perishable stuff only?" asked Jake.
"Oh yeah. We've got loads of frozen stuff, like great big chunks of meat and shit, all them trucks that are stacked in the other building have freezer compartments, but we loaded all the stuff into the bigger freezers in that same building. But we can't be having meat every day now. We still have to ration our food as well as spread it out a little, we all get sick and tired of the same meal each day," laughed Saul who was clearly worse for wear, but still had enough marbles to make it a while longer.

Meanwhile, the perimeter guard opened the gate and drove the carload of food into the dock lands, quickly closing and locking the large chain link entrance behind him. For him, even stepping a few yards outside of the docks was terrifying enough. He was damned sure he wasn't going to be out hunting for more food any time soon, not after last time.

Breakfast was now over and Saul had ordered the bowls and large pot to be cleared away and cleaned up a little.

"Well, anyone for a game of charades? he said, the two new members of the group looking at him with squinted eyes and furrowed brows.

What on earth is this man on about, they asked themselves. Was he nuts, or just hanging onto the small things in life that meant something?
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