The Deadite Experience:

Evil Dead 2:

After having experienced the amazing feeling and terror of the first movie, I had to find the second, and so, when I was working hard at school work one day, I asked my dad if he could check the local stores for a copy of it as I'd figured it would be circulating, however, no such luck befell me, however, he did report the finding of Day of the Dead, again for just �5, so the following day I bought that and was not disappointed in the least, I was actually quite excited to put it in the VCR and experience what was at that time, the goriest and most gruesome movie I�d ever seen, bar the original Evil Dead.

However, I still had not gotten Evil Dead 2 and I was anxiously waiting its arrival in my hands one day. But luck it seems, comes late to me, and one day when my parents were out shopping, they found a dirt-cheap copy in the local video store! Joy filled my face once more and I told them to buy it quick! And snatch it up they did. At this time in my life, I seemed to have a knack for stumbling across dirt cheap horror classics such as this. However, that luck has either worn off, or my vast collection is making discoveries of the same ones more commonplace.

They soon returned home and I quickly snatched the video from their hands, placing the money for it in the other's. As I had done before, I virtually threw the video into the machine and began watching more Evil Dead mayhem and madness. And impressed I was indeed, slightly perplexed at the beginning, but totally overjoyed at the added humour to the possessed hand sequence and totally balled over by the severance of Bruce's right hand! That scene was my favourite and this movie was quickly became my favourite out of the whole series, however, it soon became number two out of the series when I went back to the original movie and just reveled in the light of �the ultimate experience in grueling horror.�

Again, the overjoyed feeling consumed me and I was left dying for more and more and more. I watched the movie again very shortly after that I recall.

Now all that was left was the final installment, however, on finding out the medieval content, I was a little disappointed, and wasn't sure if I wished to view it. But whatever it would be like, I had to see it eventually to finally make up my mind.
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