Evil Dead 2:


The movie was originally going to be set in 1300 AD, however, the budget was not available, so a return to the cabin was used with a small segment of 1300 AD at the end, paving the way for Army of Darkness.

The lenses for the deadite's eyes were in fact totally white, therefore, the actors could not see a thing.

The budget for this film was $3,000,000.

The original second half of the title was "Who's Laughing Now?" But this was changed to "Dead By Dawn," which was used only for promotional material.

The cabin used for the filming of Evil Dead 2 was in fact part of the set for The Colour Purple. The original burnt down shortly after the original's filming. A lot of the filming was also conducted inside a school gymnasium.

The Knight at the end of the movie who says "Hail he who has come from the skies to deliver us!" is in fact Sam Raimi, and his brother Ted is the Knight who stumbles toward him to place his hand on Sam's shoulder.

Because Wes Craven used The Evil Dead in A Nightmare On Elm Street, Raimi used a Freddy glove in the cellar for Evil Dead 2 and it can be seen when Ash goes to retrieve the pages of the book after they were thrown into the basement.

There was only one shot cut from the movie in the UK. When Ash is tackled to the floor, he is kicked in the head when semi-conscious, however, in the UK this was unnacceptable before the shot was restored in 2001.

This movie was parodied in a kid's TV show called "Re-Boot" which was shown in the UK. The episode involved the deadite version of Ash chasing two of the show's characters around a graveyard and a cabin area. The deadite version of Ash had a shotgun and chainsaw as well as a missing right hand, the famous whisps of gray hair by his temples and the catchline "groovy." The cabin was made to look exactly the same and this computer drawn show has never been shown on TV since mysteriously.

Annie arrives on a plane in the movie, however, it was originally going to be a train.

Annie's scream when the evil Ash is attacking her at the back door to the cabin, is used in the violent computer game, "Carmageddon" and is named as "scream2" in the game's files.

The deadite version of Henrietta was in fact played by Ted Raimi who found the costume exceedingly hot to work in.

The shotgun in this movie has two barrels unlike the gun in the first movie which has one.

The movie contains a rather comedic scene where Ash battles his possessed hand, this is Raimi's trademark style of including references to The Three Stooges.

The book that Ash places on top of the bucket containing his severed hand is "A Farewell To Arms."

Gregg Nicotero was involved in the special effects on this movie. Nicotero is also known as one of the soldiers from "Day of the Dead" as well as the Nicotero of KNB Effects group.

The Book of the Dead was redesigned by Tom Sullivan who had originally made all the effects in the first movie.

The shot where Ash is flung back from the cabin through the woods was achieved by tying Bruce to a wooden plank much like a crucifix that could spin around. This contraption was attached to a car and driven through the woods at a slower pace than is seen in the movie. The branches hitting Bruce were for real.

In the sequence where the evil forces drag Ash from the cabin through the woods, you can see the pulley and harness mechanism at the top of the screen making Bruce appear to fly through the air.

In one scene the chainsaw appears to swap hands on Bruce, this is because Sam Raimi decided to have Ash walk in the other direction, therefore, he flipped the negative.

The fact that the Professor's wife is buried in the "fruit cellar" is a reference to Psycho.

The remaking of the events of The Evil Dead at the beginning of the film was actually a way of recapping, without the actual footage from the original movie, which they were unable to obtain the rights to!

"Kiss Your Nerves Good-Bye!"

"2 Terrifying. 2 Frightening. 2 Much!"

"The Comedy/Horror of the Decayed"

Filmed in:

Detroit, Michigan, USA

Wadesboro, North Carolina, USA

Wilmsboro, North Carolina, USA
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