The Deadite Experience:

Army of Darkness: The Medieval Dead:

Having experienced the sheer terror and joy of the first two movies, I prayed that the third would be wonderful too, despite the inclusion of the medieval element, which at the time I did not like as I'd always hated that period of history from many history classes lower down my school education.

It was on a trip to London on an art trip, to see Picasso I believe it may have been, a very interesting and fulfilling visit it was. Having purchased two videos already that day, The Fog and The Abyss, I was uncertain if I wanted to fork out more money, so instead, a friend bought this part as he had only viewed the others at my house and him being what he is, he had to spend some money to try and combat my great two-video find. Looking back, I wish I�d just forked out the money there and then. He was unsure if he would like it, but he did and lent me the video when he had seen it. I watched it, and again, was overjoyed with the result. The 100% comedy element was a little distracting at first and the unconventionality of the first two may have been a little absent, but Bruce's five star acting and the story as well as ample laughs made this a top-notch movie which I would love dearly. The special effects are great, the cheesy lines are inspired and the entire movie seems somewhat at peace with itself, no conflicting emotions are made from this movie and it holds together very nicely, a neat little package somewhat. However, sadness was to befall me, and still plagues me.

I was and still am unable to locate the video anywhere in my area at all. Everywhere I go, even London of all places, the video evades me. I would buy online, but my parents are unsure of credit card safety, so I don't blame them. It does make hunting for it fun, but after three years of searching for the 4 Front Video 1997 release with alternate ending is proving to become quite frustrating.

However, I have managed to see this movie many a time and have always enjoyed returning to it once in a while, the first two movies keeping my need for the Evil Dead at bay for a while longer.

As yet, I still do not have the video and am desperately trying to locate it; I have members of my family on constant look out for it all over the place, but I can tell that the day I do get it, I will be a very happy bunny indeed.
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