Army of Darkness


The Necronomicon looks differently in ED3 than what it did in ED2 and ED1.
There are about 7-8 pints of blood in the body, so how could there be such a torrent of blood when somebody gets it?
In the battle between the two Ash�s, Bad Ash throws the knife inconsistently with the way it stabs into the stone wall, the way he threw it, it would have ended up on the floor!
When in S-Mart, Ash is attacked by an evil witch, handy isn�t it that a cabinet of rifles is so near, and also, a rifle that holds up to 30 rounds! Twice the real amount!
When Ash is pulled into the vortex at the end of ED2, you can see the track and pulley system, which pulls him along at the top of the screen.
When Ash falls from the vortex, he falls a great height, 1st, he shoud have been extremely injured from that. 2nd, he lands on mats, but on a close shot, they have magically disappeared. 3rd, his car in the background is clearly a model as, despite using perspective, Ash still looks way bigger than the car, also, if the car fell that distance, the axles would have been broken and the car completely trashed!
Ash seems to land in a rather desert like expanse on arrival in England 1300AD, a bit uncommon I would say.
When Ash opens his trunk to get out some useful items for making shells, there is a Fangoria magazine with a cover for Army of Darkness in the middle of the trunk.
When good and bad Ash are fighting, you can see two stunt actors playing skeletons in the background somewhere fighting rather skilfully, not like a skeleton at all I�d say.
When Ash falls through the portal he has his gun, but after the King's men seize him he doesn't, even though you never see them take the gun. Also, I would have threatened the soldiers with the gun and chainsaw! Maybe he would have been listened to!
The biggest difference is the beginning, at the end of ED2, Ash is hailed as �he who has come from the skies to deliver us!� But in ED3, he is cast into slavery and is considered a deadite!
Ash�s chainsaw seems to be magical as it keeps appearing and disappearing at key moments in the film, where was it all the other times? Certainly a chainsaw would have made a better weapon than a sword or witty sarcasm�s?
When Ash is tightening his newly made metal hand, you can plain as day see Bruce�s real hand inside. Also, how on earth, if Ash has one hand severed, is the gauntlet supposed to actually work?
Ash's hair seems to change throughout the film from styled to bushy.
The shotgun that grew a magical new barrel in ED2 from ED1, in ED3, having come from the cabin, is claimed to have come from S-Mart!
In ED2 Ash took shells from the shelf in the cabin, but in ED3, he takes them out of his trunk.
The army of darkness is made up of skeletons, the real life physics, depsite being wrong is not considered here, but in non-stop motion sequences, say, when the army is viewed on mass scale, actors are used with halloween-like masks instead.
The mini-Ash people are made up of one Bruce and many other actors with fake chins. Bruce�s most defining feature.
In ED1, Ash is a nice guy, a bit shy. In ED2 he is all tough and average, but then in ED3, he has suddenly transformed into not only a chuffer, but a hit with the ladies, despite his girlfriend being killed only a day or so before! Does he have no remorse?
The stump of Ash�s right arm is clearly just a rather long wrist as hiding his hand is a bit of tough job.
When the Army of Darkness marches towards the castle you can see a camera man in the bottom corner of the screen a few times.
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