The Evil Dead


"Well, the guy that's renting it says it's an old place.  Little run down, but it's right up in the mountains."

"Jesus Christ!  The whole thing's falling apart on us!"

"Whatever it is, it's still down there."

"It has been a number of years since I began excavating
the ruins of Candar with a group of my colleges.  Now my wife and
I have retreated to a small cabin in the solitude of these mountains. 
Here I continued my research undisturbed by the myriad distractions
of modern civilization and far from the groves of academe.  I believe
I have made a significant find in the Candarian Ruins.  A volume of
Ancient Sumarian burial practices and funerary incantations.  It is
entitled "Morturom Demonto"- roughly translated, "Book of the Dead". 
The book is bound in human flesh and inked in human blood.  It deals
with demons and demon resurrection and those forces which roam the
forest and dark bowers of man's domain.  The first few pages warn
that these enduring creatures may lie dormant but are never truly
dead.  They may be recalled to active life through the incantations
presented in this book.  It is through recitation of these passages
that the demons are given license to possess the living."

"I know someone's out there.  I heard you.  I heard you in the cellar."

"No!  It was the woods themselves!  They're alive Ashley!  The trees! They're alive."

"Cheryl, there's nothing out there.  Trees do not attack people."

"Do you see something?"

"I know now that my wife has become host to a Candarian demon.  I fear that the only way to stop those possessed by the spirits of the book is through the act of bodily dismemberment.  I believe now to avoid this horror, but for myself, I have seen the dark shadows moving in the woods and I have no doubt that whatever I have resurrected through this book is sure to come calling... for me."

"Why have you disturbed our sleep?  Awakened us from our ancient slumber?  You will die!  Nightmare is before you.  One by one we will take you."

"Did you see her eyes?  Oh Ash, I'm scared.  What's wrong with her?"

"Why does she keep making those horrible noises?"

"Thank you.  I don't know what I would have done if I remained on those hot coals, burning my pretty flesh.  You have pretty skin. Give it to us."

"We can't bury Shelly.  She's a- she's a friend of ours."

"Ash.  It's not going to let us leave.  Cheryl-  Cheryl was right, we're all going to die here!"

"We're all going to die.  All of us!"

"There's a way.  The trail.  But the trees Ash.  They know.  Don't you see Ash?  They're alive!"

"Kill her if you can, loverboy."

"We're going to get you.  We're going to get you."

"Hit her!  Hit it!"

"Join us.  Join us."
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