The Devestation of the Cities:

Since the zombie plague began, our fair cities have descended into chaos where violence, crime and looting are all now common place. Rogue battalions of underground gangs now roam the streets as do the dead. These parasitic versions of our fair selves are a stain on society as it stands today, even in our hour of need.

The zombie rising has caused these gangs to grab hold of the weakness of the authorities when the outbreak began to loot all shops and businesses and go on mass, city wide sprees of crime. Their actions are just as barbaric as those of our outer species foe. These gangs kill those who will not turn over their belongings, these gangs are just as dangerous as the zombies themselves who roam our once great cities.

Due to the devestation of the rival gangs, all buildings are in a state of disrepair. Family businesses, corporate buildings, homesteads and public institutions are all either burnt to the ground, looted or vandalised to such an extent it is beyond comprehension. Not one city across the entire country is free from this second scourge to hit us. Fires burn long into the night, the screams of the innocent can be heard over the wails of the living dead as more and more innocent civilians, too scared to seek refuge in Rescue Stations are killing without remorse by faceless gangs of bloodthirsty killers.

Today is the most violent time mankind has ever known. The spread of crime and disease is so fast and devestating, it is almost beyond comprehension. But with the help of the Zombie Death Squad Organisation, you can make a difference. You can bring this plague to and end, you can put a stop to this senseless crime wave, you can once again make the world a great place, free from the barbarism of warring groups and the merciless battle against the undead.

We have the tools for this job, and you have the manpower. Together we can reclaim our once great cities and we will once again make them glorious to behold. But only with your help can we put a stop to all this madness, and we must end it now!
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