DIRECTED BY -Marino Girolami
-Alexandra Delli Colli, Ian McCulloch,
Donald O'Brien, Dakkar, Sherry Buchanan,
Peter O'Neil, Victor Israel
The cast includes two Fulci film regulars Ian McCulloch (Zombie, Contamination) and Alexandra Delli Colli (New York Ripper) and Donald O'Brien (2020 Texas Gladiators,Trap Them and Kill Them). Although being his only film to be mass released in America, this film seems to be like it was his first attempt at film making - rather like the quite disappointing Driller Killer from Abel Ferrara. The cast and crew both seem to lack any talent thus making Kelly Brook's stint on the Big Breakfast quite well conducted.
A series of body desecrations take place in a hospital in New York. The horror that you do see from this is minimal and laughable too. When they discover one of their Indonesian orderlies is in fact a cannibal, he dives out of a window in yet again laughable fashion. The result, a mannequin falling to the ground, the screaming stops way before he actually becomes pizza, and the stiff dummy position is held intact even after impact. Of course Alexandra Delli Colli and Ian McCulloch find out which island the cannibal came from and fly there with a couple of Journalists (at least they can be eaten while the others try to escape I suppose!). Once there, they find Donald O'Brien's compound, where they find a co-operative physician who gives them a boat and group of guides, (led by the man who played 'Lucas' in Zombie), luckily for all you perv's out there, Mrs Cole gets in the scud a couple of times beforehand.
They leave in a truck and get on a boat and sail to an island crawling with zombies and cannibals. One by one they get slaughtered in many manners, except for McCulloch who ends up as one of O'Brien's experiments. O'Brien has found a way to extend life by cutting people and stitching them together as zombie slaves or some bollocks like that. Eventually the cannibals find them and burn down the hospital and McCulloch and Colli live happily ever after with their new Cannibal friends.
Incredibly cheap effects, dreadful dialogue, and a goreless ending sink this movie. The zombies either draw knives, tackle people to the floor or wander aimlessly around this shambles called a movie, obviously they hadn't seen a REAL zombie movie! This is more of a bad cannibal film. The acting was putrifying, with one guide not screaming during gut tearing, and after having his throat slit he kept blinking his eyes. This movie is so bad that they think the doctor getting freaked by patient's screams with subsequent vocal chord removal is horrifying. But I think a genuinely funny (for the wrong reasons) moment was when a knife-wielding zombie gets mashed with a motorboat propeller!
This movie is not a total loss - like most Troma, this film is so bad that you have to laugh (to an extent), but overall, this is a film for people who like rip-off movies, or extremely shite films which waste your time. For Christ's sake, the punk band in 'Driller Killer' was way more talented than the people in this excuse for a movie!
Zombie Holocaust (1979)


"I bet it was you who chopped that hand off!"
"Why would you say that?"
"Well, didn't you say you needed "a hand" to help you study?"

"I could easily kill you now, but I'm determined to have your brain!"

"I've been anxious to experiment with a male Caucasian brain!"

Directed by
Marino Girolami 
Writing credits
Fabrizio De Angelis   
Romano Scandariato

Produced by
Ron Harvey
Terry Levene
Ian McCulloch ....  Dr. Peter Chandler 
Alexandra Delli Colli ....  Lori Ridgway 
Sherry Buchanan ....  Susan Kelly 
Peter O'Neal ....  George 
Donald O'Brien ....  Dr. Obrero 
Walter Patriarca  
Linda Fumis  
Dakkar ....  Moloto 
Roberto Resra
V�ctor Israel ....  Medical Professor
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