Five Years Running: Chapter 3: Dancing With A Sleeze Bag

....Emily had been working with Terry for Mr. Wayne for two nights now, and Wednesday had come. Mrs. McGinnis was all to happy to see Emily and Terry getting along so well and was glad that Mr. Wayne even had wanted to let Emily have a summer job there. What she didn't know was what the two did. Emily had the same excuse as Terry.....

What they had been doing was looking over the city, for any sign of Blight, but he was smart, and was keeping a low profile. Batgirl was starting to get her own reputation, not just as Batman's side kick now....

"So what kind of a dinner dance is it? Why would Mr. Wayne want you two to go?" asked Mary McGinnis.

"It's uhh...It's uuhhh..."Terry stalled. He hadn't thought about his mother asking him, and he had no alibi set up.

"It's a business sort of thing," said Emily, quickly covering for her cousin as she ate her breakfast. "Mr. Wayne said there would be a lot of important speakers and he wanted us to right things down." Emily cringed as she said this because she hated to lie, but she couldn't possibly tell her aunt that they were going so they could weasel information out of an unsuspecting Derek Powers.

"Well then I suppose you'll have to go shopping," said Mary, sipping her coffee.

"Shopping!" exclaimed Emily in joy.

"Shopping?!" moaned Terry.

"Sure." said Mary. "Emily probably didn't bring anything real fancy for a dance and Terry, you need a new suit anyway."

"You should see the one I wear at night," thought Terry.

"What do you think? This? Or this? Which goes better with my eyes?" asked Emily, holding up two dresses.

"They both have sparkles and are equally annoying," said Terry.

"It's called sinus Terry, and they aren't annoying."

"You've trained him to shop? I'm impressed. What's your secret?," said a girl. Terry turned to find it was Dana!

"Dana! Thank you! She wants my opinion on every article of clothing in the store!" cried Terry.

Dana held out her hand to Emily. "I'm Dana Tan. You must be Terry's cousin Emily."

"Nice to meet you," and she shook her hand.

"Now Terry, your just the person I was looking for. I need help on picking out new shoes," said Dana. Terry moaned.

Terry sat in front driving with Bruce next to him. Emily sat in the back, and all three kept on poking at something in their mouth with their tongues.

"I know these little radios that fit over your molars really work well, but do they have to be so uncomfortable?" asked Emily.

"Sorry," said Bruce. "It's the only thing I could think of. This way we'll hear whatever one person is saying, and we'll ALL hear the information when we get it out of Powers."

"Here it is," said Terry as he steered into the parking lot of the Gotham Convention Center.

The three walked in, Mr Wayne, wearing a suit, went first. Terry, also wearing a suit, went second. And Emily, wearing a white dress with sinus on it, went last. It went in rank order.

They sat down at the head table, Bruce on one end, Emily and Terry on the other, with Vice Presidents, Company Treasurers, Secretaries, and others taking up the middle. Derek Powers sat next to Bruce. It was a small table, slightly oval shaped, but it wasn't crowded.

Food was being served up and Emily personally envied the people who brought it to the tables. She felt ridiculous.

"You two do something," Bruce whispered just soft enough so that the radio could pick it up but nothing else could. Music was playing and a few couples were dancing. "Dance. Do something," he ordered again.

"Dance?" asked Terry, also whispering. "I don't really ballroom dance."

"He's got two left feet," whispered Emily.

"I do not!"


"I don't have two left feet."

"Yes you do! Remember in third grade when we took those dance lessons and you were my partner? My feet were under ice for days!"

"That was hard dancing though!"

"You can't dance."

"You wanna bet?"

"You're on!" and Terry grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.

"Well Bruce. Looks like you've gotten yourself a new assistant. Terry not cutting it?" asked Powers.

"You can never have too much hired help Derek," replied Bruce. "And for the money they make off of it, they put up with me." Powers laughed and for a little while the two acted pleasant. Imagine the money they would have made had they been actors.....

Bruce heard a sharp "OW!" and looked at the dance floor to see Emily and Terry arguing while they danced.

"Quiet you two!" said Bruce.

"Well if TERRY would just learn to dance...."

"Shut up Emily!"

"OW! You're stepping on my foot again!"

"I am not!"

"You two are impossible!" exclaimed Bruce. Finally the song ended and Terry walked back to the table. Emily went to get some punch.

"Where's Powers?" Terry asked aloud because no one else was at the table. Bruce hadn't even noticed him leave.

As Emily poured punch into a plastic cup she could hear Powers talking with someone on his cell phone in the corner. "I think I found him," she said.

"....That's 11:00. 11:00 tonight! I don't want to have to risk getting him getting in the way again!" said Powers into his cell phone.

"Bruce? You getting all this?" whispered Emily into the radio.

"As if he was right next to me," he replied. Emily walked tiny steps over to see if she could get anything else. Powers clicked his cell phone shut and Emily, who wasn't looking where she was going, tripped over someone's feet. Punch spilled everywhere and she felt VERY embarrassed.

"Ah," said Powers, seeing Emily on the ground. "Ms. Mackenzie. Let me give you a hand," said Derek and he held out his hand and helped her up.

"Thank you Mr. Powers," said Emily who was now trying to think how she could cover up her accident and still get the info out of Powers. Music played and a few couples danced.

"Would you so honor me with this dance?" he asked. Every nerve and piece of moral fiber in Emily wanted to laugh in his face and refuse, but she remembered her manners, and her molar was telling her to say yes.

"Go ahead," said Bruce. "Out of any weapon feminine charm works best."

"Feminine charm?" asked Terry. "Emily isn't charming."

"You're her cousin so of corse you wouldn't think so. Powers on the other hand...."

"It would be my pleasure," said Emily who was thinking that any minute now she would get the biggest liar of the year award. So he lead her onto the dance floor and they danced. It was Powers thinking that had he been quite a lot younger and she quite a lot older that he might have been so bold as to kiss her, because even though she was only seventeen, she was very pretty, and Emily could tell this and was thanking God that she was only seventeen.

"So did you move to Gotham or something?" asked Powers trying to make friendly conversation.

"I'm visiting Terry and his family for three weeks," she replied.

"Old friends?" he asked.

"He's my cousin," she replied.

"That is a very nice necklace. Where did you get it?" Emily had forgotten she was even wearing it because she wore it all the time.

"Terry gave it to me for my birthday."

"That's very sweet. So why did Mr. Wayne take you on for a summer job? Terry not cutting it?"

"Oh Terry does very well, but he could use a bit of help here and there, and Terry isn't always good company."

"I see," said Powers and for a while the two were silent.

"Think fast Mackenzie," thought Emily. Then she got her clever idea.

Back at the table, Terry, Bruce and a few others were talking and commenting on Derek and Emily dancing together.

"I'm personally glad I wasn't born a girl," said Terry. "Or else it might be me out there dancing with Mr. Powers." They all laughed at this and even Bruce managed to chuckle.

"Come on Emily! Hurry it up," whispered Bruce into the radio.

"Mr. Powers, I need your advice," said Emily.

"And why would that be Ms. Mackenzie?"

"I'm thinking of taking a business corse in collage and maybe starting my own business," she lied. "and Mr. Wayne said that his biggest problem when running the company was where to put all of those nasty chemicals," she lied again. "He also commented on how awfully expensive it was to legally ship them out. Well suppose my business' funds are down and I can't afford to pay the price? Where then would I dump the stuff? I know you would never have a problem like this but even the most honest business man, such as your self, must have a back up plan." This was fast becoming a lie filled night.

"Well then I would hire someone low wage to ship it out."

"What if that get's closed down? You can never have too many options."

"Land fills," he said.

"There are only so many land fills Mr. Powers."

"Hhhmmmm....This is certainly challenging. Well, do you know of the mountains out side of the city limits?"

"Yes," she said.

"Well I heard somewhere that there are numerous amounts of caves there. There the stuff would be more then likely safe," he said.

"Is that what you would do sir? Faced with the same problem? Truthfully? Or at least hire someone to do?" she asked.

"Yes. I believe I would," he replied and the music stopped.

"Thank you Mr. Powers," she said smiling. "That was quiet educational," and with that she sat down "I'm gonna get you for making me do that McGinnis," she glared at Terry.

"Me? I didn't make you do anything!"

"I told you she had feminine charm," said Bruce who was smiling to himself....

The three sat in the bat cave....They had left the party around nine and Bruce wanted them to leave by 10:30.

"So what does Blight look like anyway?" asked Emily.

"You know what a skeleton looks like?" asked Terry.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Think that only lime green, radioactive, and able to melt through steel."

"I'm gonna have pleasant dreams about this, I can tell," she said as she fiddled with something on her batgirl suit. She didn't have a full face mask like Terry, so she had an ear piece instead. She added a button to it and while holding the ear piece up to her ear, tested it.

"What are you doing?" asked Terry.

"You'll see," she said, and with that they waited till it was time to suit up and be off.

"So are we gonna use are jet boots all the way to the mountains or what?" asked Emily. Terry pulled out what looked like a remote control and walked Emily over to a large plane like thing. He pushed the button.

"Emily," he said. "Welcome to the bat plane." Emily's jaw dropped as she beheld the thing of iron and electronics.

"This is unbearably cool!" she said and hopped in to the back seat as Terry pushed the button and the cockpit door opened.

"Hold on," said Terry and with a zoom they were out of the cave. It took them about fifteen minutes just to see the mountains.

"Computer," said Terry. "Scan mountain for radioactivity." The computer pinpointed a spot near there and they closed in on it.....

To Be Continued....

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