Night of the Fector Hybrid: Chapter Three: Treasure Chests, Soup, and Memories

"Remind me again what we're doing here," said Terry, as he absently flipped through the pages of an old records album at the library.

Emily sighed angrily. "For the last time McGinnins, we are here to look for and copy old newspaper pictures with Bruce in them!"

"Or Batman," added Max.

"Can't we just get him a watch or something?" moaned Terry. They had sat in the dusty old library for three hours now, finding a total of five pictures.

"A: Do you want to ask him for a raise to buy it? Cause I sure don't! And B: He could afford a whole store of watches! What do you get a millionaire-'

"Billionaire," corrected Max.

"Right, billionaire? Something that can't be bought!" said Emily, as she continued to flip through her album. "Besides, Rosy wanted to get another book." That made Emily smile.

Terry gave her a look of shock and confusion. "What are you? Her mother?"

"Her mother's dead!" Emily snapped. "I'm just helping to take care of her until something permanent comes up."

"Yeah, but Em," said Max. "When it does come, will you let her go?"

Emily thought for just a brief moment. "Of course! It's what's best for Rosy and Angela!" But secretly Emily knew her heart would be torn in two if and when that ever happened.

"Oh! Here's one! Here's one!" cried Max. Emily leaned over and looked at the photo of the CEO of Wayne Enterprises shaking hands with some other guy.

"Wow!" said Emily. "Bruce was handsome when he was younger." Terry looked at the picture. He grumbled.

"He's ok, I guess."

"Somebody's jealous!" taunted Max.

"Jealous? Of what!? Of an old man who can't forget the past?"

"Terry!" Emily scolded. He sighed, his gaze not meeting her angry one.

"Sorry Emily. I guess I'm a little tiered is all."

"Speaking of cute guys," said Max. "Guess what that person who sits in front of me, behind Terry, and two seats from Emily in Biology class said?"

"Was that English?" asked Terry.

"He said that Kyle likes you Emily."

"Max!" Emily said through gritted teeth.

"Kyle?" asked Terry.

"Name: Kyle Aurand Needson......"

"Isn't he that guy in French?"

"His middle names Aurand?"


"So how come you didn't tell me about this Kyle guy?"

"Height: 5 ft. 11 in......"

"Have you been hacking into the computer systems at school again? It's no big deal, he's just a guy I know."

"Weight: 140 lbs......"

"If it's no big deal then how come you didn't tell me?"

"Hair color: brown....."

"Because it's none of your business, that's why!"

"Eye color: blue....."

"I would think you could at least tell your own cousin......"

"Will you lay off?! Max! Shut up!"

"Emily," said Rosy, tugging at the girl's sleeve. "Can I get this book?" Emily gave Max and Terry an evil look, before smiling down at the seven year old, her baby sister cradled in her arms.

"Haven't you read that one twice?"

"Yeah, but it's my favorite!"

"Ok. Terry, you take Rosy to the check-out counter. Max, you collect the photos. I'll put away the albums."

"Done? Already?" asked Max.

"Court is adjourned until tomorrow," she responded, lifting the albums up. She staggered with the heavy books, nearly dropping them. She slid them back onto the shelf in the back of the library. As she tried to shove the last one in, it wouldn't fit. She put it down, and began rooting around the shelf to see why.

Emily pulled out a box. It wasn't anything special, just a cardboard box, but it intrigued Emily, and she couldn't resist but to open it up.




Gotham City Public Library

It was like holding a million dollars, which was pretty much what it was worth. Ton's of old movies, books, even games! It was like a time capsule that wasn't supposed to be found. My eyes widened as I looked at it's treasures inside. I hadn't even heard of most of these! Casablanca, Charade, Sabrina, and a couple more black and whites. Then there were some looney toons, which as I said earlier, are pretty hard to get your hands on. Then there were books in whole series! The Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey, Harry Potter by J.K Rowlin, The Lord of the Rings bu J.R Tolkin, I could go on and on.

Max came over, wondering what was taking me so long. Her eyes went wide for a moment.

"You don't suppose it would be wrong of me to take an unwanted box, do you?"




Small soup shop

Gotham City

I hadn't meant to snap on Bruce like that. This thing over Dana has been getting to me.

".....So I was thinking that afterwards we could go look for some photo albums to...."

Emily was talking with Max and I while we all ate the warm soup. I wasn't listening. I was too busy thinking.

"...So then your not coming?"

"Dana, I-'

"Don't give me the excuse about your family Terry! You couldn't stand to leave your job, could you!?"

"Do you wanna know the truth Dana!? It's a lot more complicated than you think!"

"....That is a good point. He might not even like the album, after all it....."

"Yeah! I do want the truth! Your hiding something, and I wanna know what!"

"Fine! I'll tell you, but you've got to keep it a secret!"

"Of corse, Terry."

"I mean under torture you still wouldn't tell!"

"Terry, what's going on?"

"...How on earth do you think that English assignment is easy Max! Then again, you are a genius......"


"What? You''re kidding right?"

"No joke! I'm serious! I couldn't tell you!"

" on earth did you take away time from your jo-....... Bruce Wayne was Batman once!"

"Not so loud!"

"And your cousin's The Fox!"


"..And this is Terry McGinnis. Terry!" Emily shouted. She was introducing me to some red haired, freckled, kid in glasses that I recognized from campus.

"Terry, meet Melvin Snyde," she said. I put out a hand and he shook it. He really was dorky looking.

Max whispered something to Emily, but she quieted her.




Small Soup Shop

Terry was thinking about something, obviously not listening to Max and I talk about the photo album we could buy to put the photo's in, to give to Bruce for a Christmas gift. Max had pointed out the obvious bad things about the gift I had planned out, so the little hope I had left was nearly dead.

The dorky kid, who happened to be in my science class, who was our waiter was nearly shaking when he asked for the bill.

"Don't I know you?" I said.

"I'm Mmmellvvvvin," he stuttered weakly. "Mmmelvin Snyde."

"Your that guy who knew so much about splicing!" I said, remembering first quarter when we talked about genetics, and someone had been practically a genius on the subject. He nodded his head, blushing.

"This is Max, Rosy and Angela, I'm taking care of them, and this is Terry McGinnis...Terry!" I got his attention back to earth.

"I think Melvin likes you," said Max, pointing out the fact he kept giving nervous glances in my direction. I gave her a ssshhhhh, and continued to talk to Melvin.

We eventually paid the bill, and left. I was eggar to get back and show Bruce the box, and Rosy was tiered.


"What was bothering you today?" The Fox asked Batman when he was about as normal as he ever was in the suit.


"Lunch. You were sorta....distant. I dunno. This thing with Dana getting to you again?" He couldn't look her in the eye. "Terry.....Dana's gone.....She isn't coming back! Maybe she's happy in Arizona! Can't you be happy in Gotham?" He didn't answer....He was thinking again.....

Dear Terry,

Just like you made me promise, I haven't told a soul. It's been hard though. I just want to burst that I've met Batman when he wasn't wearing a mask. I haven't though. I hope your taking care of yourself out there. There's a lot of weirdos out there and I don't want you getting hurt. How's Emily doing? How's Mr. Wayne? Arizona's nice. A lot warmer than Gotham would be around this time of year, that's for sure. Maybe I'll see you again sometime.



As Terry thought about the letter he had received from Dana only weeks before, the Fox and Batman's talk was interrupted by a blood curdling scream. Grabbing The Fox, Batman swung down into an alley way.

There lay a former woman, who's neck had been snapped, and something was leaning over her throat, drinking the spilling blood.

Emily gasped. It was like nothing she'd ever seen before. It had the head and front paws of a massive lion, a sleek black panther's body, and the back legs of a horse. The front of it was covered in blood, and it turned to stare at the pair of gawkers with it's red, beady eyes.

The Fox raised her fist, about to speak one of her many incantations, when a blue-ish, silvery light sprang from the ring, surrounding Emily. In the commotion, the beast slipped away.

The light slipped away, and the uniform of The Fox had changed. The gloves, boots, and fox head had remained the same, but the coppery color of the goggles and the rest of the suit had changed to an icy blue.

"No, no, no! Change back! Change back!" Emily cried, hitting the ring. Terry noticed that the ring had also changed in appearance. The silver cross was the same, as well as the fox, but replacing the copper was blue, semi-precious stones.

"What does this mean?" he asked.

"It means my skill with the ring has taken me to the next level. Now I've got a Fox Ice Ring."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Not in winter. I was enjoying the warmth of the Fox Fire Ring," she moaned.

"We've got bigger problems. Where'd that thing go?"


"That thing" had slipped out of the alley, keeping to the shadows. The feeling of the warm blood inside of him calmed, and refreshed him. Now to go to master.

He climbed up the fire escape of an apartment building, his hooves skidding all the way. He crawled through the open window of the tenth floor, adjusting his eyes to the darkness.

A sound that seemed to be a combination of a purr, growl, whinny, and a soft roar, came from his throat. A hand reached out of the darkness, patting the massive lion head, and the sound increased.

"Hello Fector my pet. Are you all full now?" said a voice. And out of the shadows, into the light of the moon, that poured through the open window, stepped Melvin Snyde.

To Be Continued.....

*gasp*Not dorky little Melvin! Okay, so we all knew that was coming. Eh, you win some, you lose some in the suspense game. So why did he create Fector? Who will be it's next murder? Find out in chapter four! Click, darn you, click!
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