There's a Fine Line Between Love and Hate....And Your Walking it: Chapter Three: Something Serious

"Terry? Do you wanna talk or anything?" said Bruce as Terry sat on a table, his eyes out of focus, his breathing heavy.

"No," he said.

"It's ok Terry! It was just a mistake is all!" said Emily, trying to shake off what had happened that night. She didn't understand! Why was it upsetting Terry so much?

"It was a stupid mistake was what it was!" yelled Terry. Emily winced.

"Terry, I-"

"I don't want to talk!" said Terry. "Anyway, I gotta go home...."

As he and Emily ascended the stairs, Bruce called to him again.

"If you need to talk, I understand. And I'm listening."

Terry stopped for a moment, opening his mouth to speak, then, changing his mind, shut it and shoved his hands in his pockets and left the batcave. Bruce sighed.

"Not you too Terry...."


"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" cried Emily as she collided into a girl in the hall at Gotham U. They were both quickly scooping up books, one apologizing, the other saying it's ok.

"But I really am sorry!" said Emily. The girl laughed.

"It's ok really! What's your name anyway?"

"Emily Mackenzie," she said, shaking the other girl's hand.

"I'm Kat Kyle," she said.

"You wouldn' wouldn't happen to be related to Selina Kyle, would you?"

Kat winced. "Yeah, she's my grandmother."

"Im sorry I mentioned it! You must get that a lot!"

"Gee, you apologize a lot!" said Kat laughing. "It's alright. Haven't I seen you before?"

"Around campus?"

"No...It was by the Wayne Powers Corporation Building."

"I was there the other night to pick up my boss, but that was it."

"Your boss?"

"Bruce Wayne."

"You work for Bruce Wayne?" she cried out.

"Uhh....yeah...It's no big deal. I'm just a gopher. Nothing special."

"I met him once....It must be cool working for him...."

"Yeah if you like being driven like a slave," thought Emily, still sore from that weeks training, which had been far into the night and to the bone. A slight smile crossed her face. Let Terry think what he will, she knew the truth about Bruce. She smiled again, remembering a conversation they had once.....They talked every once in a while....

"You know? I know what you really are."

"And what's that?"

"Your some mean guy pretending to be Bruce."


"Well, let me rephrase that. Your Bruce pretending to be some mean guy."

She knew Bruce better than nearly anyone. Including Terry. He drove them hard so they wouldn't get hurt. She wondered often if that constituted for caring. She had said that to Terry once. He had laughed.

Kat glanced at her watch. "I was just going to grab a bite to eat, you wanna come?"

Emily's brain flashed back to reality. "Uh yeah, sure!" and Emily was sure she'd met her first friend in Gotham besides Terry, Max, and, yes, Bruce.


"You take east side, I'll take west side. She's gonna show up again tonight or my name's not Emily Mackenzie!" Emily spat. She had a personal hatred of Catwoman. Unexplainable and undescribable. She didn't know why she hated this villain in particular. The last person she had hated with such a passion had been Nightshade, and that was almost a year ago....

Almost a year, she thought.....How much she had done and had happened in one short, almost year.....

"Em? Emily!" cried Batman.

"Huh? What?" said Fox, who hadn't been listening.

"I said, what do you want me to call you if she doesn't show?"

"Oh, shut up McGinnis!" she yelled slightly, in no mood to be cute. "Just do it!"

"My aren't we the bossy one! Watch out Bruce, I think Emily's gonna take over your job.

"Get to work already!" Bruce said through the other line, who was typing away on the computer, doing his own research on the mystery cat.


Selina had left the window open, not just for the breeze. She knew, yes, knew, he'd come tonight! You couldn't just BE Batman. Someone had to train you or something, or else it was sacrilege. And besides, she could tell, that it was just a kid, but even for a kid, he'd been doing pretty darn well for himself. She knew he'd come tonight. It would be tonight or never at all!

"Hello Ms. Kyle," came Batman's voice from the window ledge.

"How old are you?" she asked, her back still turned away from the window.

"Is it your granddaughter who's been stealing from the Gotham art museums?" he responded, ignoring the first question

"You don't have a warrant, do you?" she asked, slowly turning around to face him. Batman realized, that even in old age, she was still very pretty. He inwardly thought of how sorry he felt for Bruce. There was a pause before he answered.

"No," he said.

"Then I don't have to tell you a thing," she said smoothly, sitting down in a chair.

"We could play cat and mouse all night Ms. Kyle, but that doesn't change the fact that I know-"

She laughed. "Do you realize you just made a pun? Your just going on intuition. I'm not admitting anything!" she laughed again.

Batman hadn't, and he slowly entered into the apartment.

"Ms. Kyle, I know it might seem like turning on your own flesh and blood, but I need proof that it's Kat who's-"

"Just go away!" she sighed, bored.

There was silence. He sighed, audibly.

"According to the files, going to your apartment always seemed to work for him."

Selina shot up out of her chair, her eyes glaring. She whipped around, with a look that could kill. But Batman had left. It was a deliberate tease, she realized. He'd tried to get her goat, and had succeeded.

How dare he!? How dare he put salt on an open, and yes, still tender wound! How dare he add insult to injury? How dare he touch matters far too sensitive.

"Damn him!" she yelled out the window."I swear! Batman purposely told him to do that!" she yelled. To her, Batman would never be the futuristic, high tech super hero. To her, he would always be the mere shadow. The demon. The untouchable. Only she'd touched him, somewhere deep inside. And it had scared her too.

"Damn you!" she yelled again. She seethed, slamming herself down into the chair again. And as she cursed under her breath, silent tears fell across her cheeks.


Catwoman was on the east side of the city as it turned out. The side that Fox had taken, and the side She was trying desperately to get out of. She cursed her stupid greenness. She had set off the alarm with a stupid mistake! She cursed herself again as she leapt to another roof top, panting heavily. She cried out as she was tackled from behind.

It was the Fox and she knew it. And there they fought. Fist to fist, tumbling about on the roof top. So fiercely, they didn't even have time to draw weapons. Before they knew what had happened, they both cried out in shock and terror.

Fox had pulled off Catwoman's cowl by the ears, and Catwoman had yanked off Fox's goggles.

They both cried their names simultaneously, trying to deny the truth they knew!



"What are you doing here!!!" they both cried again.

The truth had come unburied. Each knowing the other's secret identity, but nither could ever tell how they knew.....

(To Be Continued.....)

*Gasp!* Oh no! Emily and Kat have discovered each other's "little," secrets! What will happen now? Find out! Click!
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