
Max appears from around the corner with a snicker.

Max: "You called?"
Lupin & Grognard: "Get us outta here!!!"
Max: "Sorry guys, Kelly told me that I'd better not... I'm
gonna end up like you too if I try to help..."
Grognard (pleading look): "Max, PLEASE?"
Lupin (pained expression and a whimper):

Max begins to look pretty unsure of himself. Lupin and
Grognard pounce at that glimmer of chance.

Lupin and Grognard: "Please let us go Max! Kelly won't
Max: "But she told me..."
Lupin: "Come on Max! Just do it!"
Grognard: "Yea! We won't bother Kelly or her date or anything!"
Max: "That's what she's afraid of. I really don't think I should."
Lupin: "Oh GREAT Grognard, now both of us'll be stuck here till Hell freezes over..."
Grognard: "Oh heck! I just realized! What'll happen to us
when Kelly gets back? She said she wasn't DONE with us two yet!"

Lupin and Grognard only exchange looks of utter horror.
Max shrugs his shoulders then walks out.
Lupin (cringes): "Nooooooooooooooo!!! She'll KICK me again, I KNOW it!"
Grognard: "MY CAR!!!"

Lupin and Grognard begins another round of wailing. Loud.
Lupin: "Oh forget about the dumb Cord, Grognard! At least
you've got it easy! Kelly won't TOUCH you! She actually respects you to a point!"
Grognard: "...but MY CAR!!!!"
Lupin: "She's gonna pulverize ME. Skin me ALIVE. Choke� me.
Flog me. And hang me after she's done, the OTHER way this time! She told me so!"
Grognard: "Aw come on boss! You've always been able to get out of it somehow."
Lupin only whimpers something back in reply.
Lupin: "...She didn't KICK you, Grognard..."

Scene 5

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