Back, by popular demand- The idiocy ticker! ****** Death dislikes pastry in excess ****** The world wasn’t ready for Mr. Gumbo’s dental floss ****** To iterate whilst using Karel the Robot is wrong ****** World plot revealed: just why does German Weather always have such spiffy music? Ask a german person to find out! ****** World’s weakest insult revealed: ‘I shall throw a discus at your mother’s poodle!’ critics say. ****** The crumpet is whole ****** The world concludes…Author Phillips-bong is ‘smelly’ ****** The chicken came before the egg, but the tram came first ****** I like to hug maypoles ****** CoBra, the bra that slides off you ****** The day the music died; mass celebration because there are no more western banjos ****** For there was one pie…and vole it did till dawn… ****** The news ticker: No- one escapes the news ticker: studies show that it irritatingly stays on all of the Nightshade_pheonix websites and beyond ****** After three years of happy marriage, man discovers wife is actually a rare yucca plant ****** Latest poll shows: people are sick of taking polls ****** Shocking revelation: Einstein disliked cheese ****** Public cries out in outrage- ticker is on a loop ****** If you liked ‘silly underpants, the movie’, you’ll love our new brand of tomato ****** Pens are revealed to actually be confused monks. If you notice a monk saying ‘ummmmmmm’, report this to the appropriate authorities before they achieve a state of pen ****** Revolutionary new hair treatment- swear at the mirror and anyone who dislikes your hair ****** The world is in turmoil as W. Bush is discovered to be the leader of a silly-hats cult ****** Cat killed by curiosity ****** Dog killed by stupidity ****** Bird killed by angry neighbor ****** “Look 360 degrees before crossing the street” the exorcist monthly advises readers ******

Webmistress says:

I am quietly going through all my webpages at the moment and revamping them, making them a lot spiffier then they were.

Please bare in mind that this is a very slow process, but one day we may make macaroni together if all goes well.

And eat pie. We must all eat pie.

people have gone insane thus far.


Recent Sneezes:


[5/15/04 Update]
I've finished all establishing work on my new Leonard Nimoy image archive (Endless Rapture) and added many icons to the icons site. Next step: Finish Loggods website.

[18/6/04 Update]
I've finally almost finished my Wire In The Blood website, and have completley revamped my comics one too.

[6/5/04 Update]
Have spiffafied several sites and made a new homepage. I think updating homepages is very addictive...

12/3/04 Update
Added some random icons, added another couple of sites to the sites list.

[8/1/04 Update]
Gone through pages one by one before linking them from here so that all is in working order.


Obey the hedgehog hat. Visit these sites made by other people!

Mother Nature's Website

Quotable Quotes

~|:: .. ::|~

"Don't smarties remind you of potty training?"-My mother

~|:: .. ::|~



"Nut-ell-a is peo-ple...PEOPLE!!"-Shaun Micallef

~|:: .. ::|~

"Ford, you're turning into a penguin...Stop it!"-Arthur Dent


~|:: .. ::|~

"The very poweful and very stupid have one thing in common- they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their veiws, which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts they wish to alter."-Doctor Who (the face of evil)

~|:: .. ::|~

"Harvey crumpet was prone to touching people with his index finger when he first met them"-Harvey Crumpet

~|:: .. ::|~

"Do you think that this new low-fat shampoo is crunch, half crunch or not crunchy at all?"-The Ruttles

~|:: .. ::|~



"This course is about being in a car with your family"-My Road Ready teacher

~|:: .. ::|~



"Who's leg is that?"
"Who's squishing my leg?"
"Who's foot is that?"
"whoops...Sorry...Why are you stroking my ankle?"
"I'm not."
"Sorry, that was me."-Three female loggods on one pool floaty thing

~|:: .. ::|~



"How did this fly get in? And more importantly, how do I get it out? Go on- Out out out, out damn fly"-My fly hunting father

~|:: .. ::|~



"*holding a jet full of scared people in air with magnetic waves from one hand* When will these people learn to drive?"-Magneto

~|:: .. ::|~



"Bernard: Old wine is good wine.
Manny: Yes. But expensive wine is good wine also.
Bernard: Yes. But the older the wine is, the gooder it is.
Manny: Ah but by the same token, the more expensive the wine, then the gooder it is also.
Bernard: (looking at the wine) Look at the colours.
Manny: Yeah.
Bernard: All the colours. Well... yellow.
Manny: This is like... a... a farmyard... of wine.
Bernard: It's like looking into the eyes...of a duck.
Manny: And sucking all the fluid from its beak."-A scene from Black books

~|:: .. ::|~



"I ya nikomu ne skazhu, chto ya robota lyublyu"-Tatu

~|:: .. ::|~


"Your seeds from a watermelon crossed with a grapefruit cannot harm me! My wings are like a sheild of steel"-Batfink

~|:: .. ::|~



"What am I doing at the great divide? Graak, I know you can't hear me, but I am here. I'm sitting in a chair and there is a Sontaren poking me with a OWW! YOUCH!"-The Sixth Docto ("Destiny of the doctors")

~|:: .. ::|~


"All the loggods have mostaches, and we're standing around a pot of Cheese Fondue, trying to fish out Nun's habits and wimples with the fondue sticks. Every now and then, the top of a Dalek head pops up, rotates a bit to get a look around, then sinks back into the cheese. "-One of my odd dreams

~|:: .. ::|~

Here endeth the quoting.




Master of Magnetism: The Magneto FanListing

Doctor Who


Homesneeze This page last sneezed: 6/5/04

Welcome home to the weary, to the silly, to the downright loony and all those cheesy bits of goodness in between to the Noingy's Websneeze *cheers*, the virtual little rock of lunacy both maintained and inhabited by my muntiferous self, Nightshade_pheonix.

From here you can access my website empire, all the random websites that I have made. Some will be old, others young, and some so silly your brain will fall out your nose. You have been warned.

Yes, this is the latest design, probably to be changed at some point in the future...*pokes at dotty lines* ehe...I redesigned this time because the last page was far too crowded and a nightmare to load. Hopefully people will like this one more then the last one as wipeing the eggs off my email was quite a job.

Oh yes- my email. That could be handy if you wish to contact me...Tis

[email protected]

What I should be getting on with:  

In order of importance:

  • Get fanlisting submission forms (asp) working
  • Comics to explode the mind needs to be updated with new comics
  • Make a Pet Shop Boys fansite
  • Revamp Expelliarmus- a Snape Shrine with a nicer layout

  • The Website List  

    I do believe that I make too many of these...Mnn...


    Cyriax Fansquee

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 15/1/04
    LAST MODIFIED: 27/11/04
    STATUS: Complete but being added to
    The only complete fansite about Commander Cyriax and Jeremy Stanford on the internet! This site has fanart, fanfiction, links and information.

    Endless Rapture

    SITE SIZE: Large
    CREATED: 20/7/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 5/15/04
    STATUS: Complete but being added to
    My precious Leonard Nimoy image archive. This site has a lot of rare photos, and some not so rare ones. Fanart and icons are constantly being added, as are wallpapers. A real testiment to the spiff that is Leonard Nimoy.

    Comics To Explode the mind

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 10/1/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 18/6/04
    STATUS: Incomplete...Most comics unfinished.
    This site suffers from "Nightshade_pheonix's short attention span" syndrome and half of the comics on it are only half finished. The ones that are finished are rather YAY though :). I expect to see all of your minds explud.

    Emotionless Aliens From Star Trek fanlisting

    SITE SIZE: Small
    CREATED: 7/18/04
    LAST MODIFIED: 18/7/04
    STATUS: Complete and awaiting members
    This fanlisting was going to be for Spock, but one of my close friends likes Data so much that I decided to expand it a bit. Join. Join. It is goood for you Heh hehe. I like the way the layout turned out on this :P

    Psychosis- A Wire In The Blood Fansite

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 30/5/04
    LAST MODIFIED: 30/5/04
    STATUS: Currently under construction
    I love the spiffy murdur mystery thingamewhatist show, The Wire In The Blood. I love it so much I decided to make a website about it. Screencaps and episode guides and character profiles are all there...*is very happy*

    Icon Insanity

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 20/5/02
    LAST MODIFIED: 21/5/04
    STATUS: Allways being added to
    Lots of handy little icons that I have made on photoshop that all and sundry can use on their blogs. There is a wide range of topics the icons have been built on too :D

    Odd Turkey

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 18/11/02
    LAST MODIFIED: 6/5/04
    STATUS: Allways being added to
    A site with all of the stories (well, the worthwhile ones) in one place. If you are wondering why it is called Odd Turkey, have a look!

    Chap With Wings

    SITE SIZE:Medium
    LAST MODIFIED:22/4/04
    STATUS: Completed (yay!)
    Nicholas Courtney is another of my favourite actors. He was a spiffy person who played the Brigadier in Doctor who. Anyhoo, look at the site and you will Leeeeeeaaaaarrnn! I'm very proud of the spiffy layout :D

    The Knees of Micallef

    SITE SIZE:Very big and growing.
    LAST MODIFIED:8/1/04
    STATUS: Generally Stagnant
    YAY! This site is about the spiffiest genius in the world, Shaun Micallef. YAY FOR HIM AND HIS HOLY KNEES!! The website has extensive image galleries, reveiws, biographical information and general worshipping idiocy.

    Ego Require Meus Potus Reus

    SITE SIZE:Medium
    CREATED: 26/9/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 8/1/04
    STATUS: Complete-ish
    This tis a site about my favourite drunken irish bookstore owner, Bernard Black (from the series Black Books). It has quite a nice array of stuff on it, such as quotes, sound bytes, fanart and fanfiction.

    My Livejournal

    SITE SIZE:Erm...It's not really MY site
    CREATED: It's kinda my text on someone elses
    LAST MODIFIED:And run by nice people
    STATUS: And I update it every day *nods*
    A live journal is basically an online blog of what I have done in the day. It is very odd and I beleive that, along with pizza shapes and chinese tea, it is one of the most addictive things in the world. So Nya. I update it with dayly happenings and thoughts. Read at your own risk!


    SITE SIZE:Medium
    CREATED: 28/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 8/1/04
    STATUS: Complete
    A small shrine to the best anime character ever: Brian J Mason...Megalamaniacy master of robotie mayhem *cheers* I have lots of images :)

    Luke Warm Potato chips

    SITE SIZE:Rather large
    CREATED: 24/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 8/1/04
    STATUS: Always growing, relatively complete
    A site with all my thoughts on anything from disposable toilet seats to the human perception of attraction...Hehehehehe...Gets updated randomly.

    Old Homepages

    SITE SIZES: Single Pages
    CREATED: 2/3/03, 10/6/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 27/5/03, 18/10/03
    STATUS: Complete and Stagnant
    Whenever I update my homepage, there is always someone telling me they liked the old layout better. So this is for all of you-the two old site layouts before this one. Links might not be current, but don't complain to me because these are in the past.

    The Holy Birch Of Paul McGann

    SITE SIZE:Rather large
    CREATED: 27/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 8/1/04
    STATUS: Still growing, relatively complete
    A site to a really spiffy person, Paul McGann. He's an actor *nods*, and never before has the earth witnessed a more amazing face. Oh, the possabilities of fanart! This site has a filmography, a biography and lots of images and sillyness. Worth a visit, I say!

    The Penguin Farm

    SITE SIZE: Single, large page
    CREATED: 9/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 8/1/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnant
    The Penguin farm is a site about an actor...Who played the seventh doctor...Who I think is a penguin...heheheheeh...It has bio information, images, video clips, sound bytes and other misc. things.

    The Celery Farm

    SITE SIZE: Single, large page
    CREATED: 9/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 8/1/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnant
    The Celery farm is like the Penguin farm, only it's about Peter Moffat (aka Peter Davison), the actor who played the fifth doctor. It also has bio information, images, video clips, sound bytes and other misc. things.

    The Kingdom of Sporks

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 2/4/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 8/1/04
    STATUS: Partially complete and stagnant
    A site about Sporks and a little bit on Doctor Who. The layout is actually very spiffy, if I say so myself and I do, considering how long ago it was made.

    Destination Gallifrey

    SITE SIZE: Ruddy huge
    CREATED: 23/3/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 27/4/03
    STATUS: Incomplete, a continueing work in progress
    And I thought my gallery site was big...This is a website devoted to Doctor Who, a really wonderful sci-fi series that went from 1963 till 1996. I'm covering EVERY aspect of it and this site is ritch with images, sounds, videos and information. Do have a look :) It is currently being ENTIRELY rebuilt with lots of extra things, but the old site is there until the renovations are complete.

    Kate Duchene fansite

    SITE SIZE: Small, multiple pages
    CREATED: 3/8/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 3/8/03
    STATUS: Complete and stagnant
    A tribute site to the world's most yay-some actress, Kate Duchene. Images, bio and profile, as well as links to other fansites, are included.

    Odd Sounds

    SITE SIZE: Small, multiple pages
    CREATED: 16/3/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 16/3/03
    STATUS: Incomplete, to be finished eventually
    A small site that I will eventually fill out more. So far it has a collection of short WAVs from assorted sources and some song re-writes (i.e. Eminem's "I'm sorry momma" becomes "I'm sorry chicken")

    The Potions Lab

    SITE SIZE: Small, multiple pages
    CREATED: 16/3/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 16/3/03
    STATUS: Hiatus indefinatly
    A pretty fansite for one of the world's best ever television shows, the Worst Witch. Well, perhaps more a mini shrine to the world's best witch, Constance Hardbroom...I'm NOT obsessed...Gee, just 'cause of the 210 image gallery doesn't mean I'm some sort of weirdo...oh...Work on this site had to be put on hiatus because of disagreements with the WW community, so it won't be updated.

    Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 9/11/02
    LAST MODIFIED: 9/11/02
    STATUS: Incomplete, will be finished one day.
    Perhaps this site will get out of limbo and I'll actually stick the two seperate ones together. Perhaps.It is about my top fav anime of all time, Bubblegum Crisis (yay!). General information about the show, image galleries. The design isn't too flashy, but it's functional.

    Munt Munt

    SITE SIZE: Large
    CREATED: 20/2/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 20/2/03
    STATUS: Incomplete, little bits added at intervals
    Another little joint-project, this time about a British village of our creation *evil laughter* ALL HAIL THE IDIOT LOGGODS!...*cough*...Has idiocy in short stories and diagrams.

    My DeviantArt account

    SITE SIZE: Large
    CREATED: 3/3/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 14/5/03
    STATUS: Complete, but always being updated with new pics
    Click on the image to go to my gallery website. Click on the text to go to My DeviantArt account. Simple really ^.^

    All of the lovely-ful piccies I have drawn are on this site. Have a lookie!!

    My Wallpapers

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 14/4/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete, sometimes new sections added.
    others are ladscapes...It spans across the whole range of desctop yayness and best of all- They are all free!!

    Expelliarmus- A Snape Shrine

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 14/4/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnant.
    A rather old site, but it has a charm about it that has prevented me from updating it. All about Severus Snape, with fanart, fanfiction, images, downloads and a good dose of idiocy.

    My ramblings

    SITE SIZE: Small
    CREATED: 22/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete but needs more content
    A little collection of all my ramblings...Sane minds beware!

    Andoen's greif

    SITE SIZE: Miniscule
    CREATED: 25/2/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete but needs more content
    Ok, so there isnt much on this yet. Just you wait. I don't quite know why andoen is greiving, but this is a lord of the rings fansite. She is an elf. Look, I liked the picture, ok?!?! I had to do something with it!

    The Insane One

    SITE SIZE: Miniscule
    CREATED: 16/2/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnent
    My self-profile site...Do you really want to see it??!

    A Tutorial

    SITE SIZE: Small
    CREATED: 30/1/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnent
    A little tutorial site for all of those out there who don't feel confident about drawing.

    Local Insects

    SITE SIZE: Medium
    CREATED: 23/2/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnent
    Just as the banner says...this is only for people who like bugs...I'm not very proud of the design but all in all it turned out OK. Twas an extension assignment for school.


    SITE SIZE: Tiny
    CREATED: 28/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnent
    A compeltly pointless site I made quite some time ago, all based about a pretty pic I drew...Very old with aweful design and corny music, but kept for nostalgia as this was one of the first websites I ever made.

    Granny Weatherwax

    SITE SIZE: Tiny
    CREATED: 28/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnent
    A teeny-tiny site about my second favourite witch, Esme Weatherwax. It has a short fan-fic, a few pics and quotes. Again very old, but I don't have the heart to throw away old websites. I just can't press deleat *sniffle*

    Tatare Doughnuts

    SITE SIZE: Tiny
    CREATED: 28/5/03
    LAST MODIFIED: 12/3/04
    STATUS: Complete and stagnent
    A small page made when I was very high, probably about 1:00 in the morning and three ltrs of coke in me ages ago. Tis still a classic though.


    This website is © Nightshade_pheonix, so is the content. I don't beleive I invented the dotty line, but if someone else hasn't already claimed it, I claim it now as my own flesh and dot.


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