Here's some shortforms about the Wheel of Time that are commonly used in web-communities all around the world. A post on our forum showed the need for such a list, and I actually think we're the only ones to offer one such list... :) =)

WoT - Wheel of Time
AoL - Age of Legends
LTT - Lews Therin Telamon (sometimes only "LT")
AS - Aes Sedai
AM - Asha'man
TV - Tar Valon
WT - White Tower
BT - Black Tower
BA - Black Ajah
BF - Balefire
OP - One Power
TP - True Power
SAS - Salidar Aes Sedai
DF - Darkfriend
SH - Shaidar Haran
SL - Shadar Logoth
SG - Shayol Ghul
TG - Tarmon Gai'don
SA - Sa'angreal (rather uncommon)
TA - Ter'angreal (rather uncommon)
MC - Mat Cauthon (unusual)
MT - Mazrim Taim
DM - Dragonmount
DR - Dragon Reborn
DotNM/Dot9M - Daughter of the Nine Moons
TW - Trolloc Wars (rather uncommon)
SW - Shining Walls (unusual)
FoL - Feast of Light (unusual)
CK - Choedan Kal
DO - the Dark One
TAR - Tel'aran'rhiod
TR - Two Rivers (unusual)
EF - Emond's Field (unusual)


EotW - Eye of the World
tGH - the Great Hunt
tDR - the Dragon Reborn
tSR - the Shadow Rising
tFoH - the Fires of Heaven
LoC - Lord of Chaos
aCoS - A Crown of Swords
aPoD - a Path of Daggers
WH - Winter's Heart
NSp - New Spring (Note: the p is important since "NS" is the short form of my personal handle, "NightShade", and I don't give mercy upon that matter ;) )
RJ - Robert Jordan

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