Nicholas Lea Pics

Please e-mail me if you want to use any of these pictures. And I would like credit given too. PLEASE!!

  1. Madison (Apr. 18, 1999) [5 pics]
  2. Once A Thief (You'll have to search for them)
  3. Saturday Night Live (July 6, 1998) [6 pics]
  4. Sliders (Sept. 9, 1998) [12 pics]
  5. The X-Files
    1. Tunguska (Oct. 9, 1998) [5 pics]
  6. The X-Files Movie Premier & The NHL Awards [10 pics]
  7. Xtro II: The Second Encounter (Oct. 9, 1998) [8 pics]
  8. Krycek postcard. My friend got this for my birthday! (Nov. 27, 1999)
  9. On Access Hollywood discussing Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye. (Dec. 18, 1999)

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Once A Thief pictures are copyrighted of Alliance and CTV. The X-Files pictures are copyrighted of Chris Carter, FOX and Ten Thirteen Productions. Others are copyrighted of their respectful owners. The pictures are only for entertainment purposes. No money is being made from them. No infringement intended.

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