Final Fantasy 11 (PS2/PC)

Squaresoft's First Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. You can interlink the console version with the PC version. Final Fantasy 12 will not be a Online RPG like this one. I really need to play this game online.



(article revised on July 23, 2003)

Final Fantasy XI, the first Final Fantasy to be released on the PC since 1999, will be coming this December. Being the only Japanese RPG to hit North America since then. This time I hope it runs with Direct X because I looked at Final Fantasy 8 and it was coded under OpenGL. Back then this mattered a lot because the majority couldn't play it. Now a days it doesn't matter because computers have improved since then. This game really is going to be another Star Wars Galaxies. Star Wars Galaxies is Lucas Arts Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Well Square put everything into this game. It looks like it takes place the same time as Final Fantasy IX. The game does introduce some graphics high resolution over Playstation port. The graphics off the web are the PS2 version which will come to the USA the same time as the PS2 hard drive, the hard drive is essential because there are patches that the game will have. But were talking about the PC version of Final Fantasy XI aren’t we. The game will be released with a lot of bug fixes. All the USA version will have is what is common with Japanese imports, do I dare say it …. English Translation. The USA version will be released under Square / Electronic Arts although Square’s recent merger is Enix, also responsible for popular Playstation games like Breath of Fire and Romancing of the 3 Kingdoms, will be the developer.

In the game, you can play as 5 unique species. Elveens, everyone likes elves because they have long ears. Must be a Legend of Zelda rip off. Elveens are good with bows. Humans or Humes are a very familiar class. Gaika is a sort of heavier built species much consists of only male warriors. They look like very muscular humans with cat faces. At least that’s what is playable anyway. There is a Gaika playable in Final Fantasy X and that is the only other time I seen one. There are other species to add to the list. Each species has unique stats like in all RPGs. All creatures seem that they are all evolved and aren’t “slow” as for charisma goes.

Transportation is as easy as riding a horse, or in this fantasy world, a Chocobo. Square tried to release a Chocobo racing game for Playstation and it hadn’t caught on. On reason could be because it wasn’t a very advanced game. Chocobos look like chickens. So riding chocobos are the lowest cost transportation you can have if you don’t walk. Squaresoft’s idea is kind of cheesy don’t you think? Other types of transportation are riding a boat. Boats are easy to come by when your by the ocean. When you’re a float then you can be aboarded by pirates and giant sea creatures. You have to advance to a curtain level or you might go down with the ship. Any character or group of characters can take the Airship from city to city for a price. The airship reminds me of those dragon airships in Chrono Cross. But really, their flying ships. You won’t have to fight on the deck of the ship during it’s flight.


So far the game will act much like Diablo and Dungeon Siege because it has an Action Time Battle System or “ATB.” The first creature to get his butt kicked is usually the first creature to die. A good RPG has monsters that are immune to curtain elements. Final Fantasy XI is going to have those too. Is this Squaresoft’s the answer to Phantasy Star Online. Yep. Both games feature the job system. And a lot of text messaging because it’s going to be confusing. But if Sega could do it with theirs, then Square can do it with Final Fantasy. It is common for Squaresoft to realize this because the job system dated back to the dynasties in Ancient China. Your have a civilization of some sort to trade armor, rings, potions, just about anything. Your character can take many size and shapes because your character can be communized common in a lot of RPGs. You don’t have to be the good guy either. This isn’t your dungeon and dragons RPG or your common Star Wars game. I say star wars because Final Fantasy XI isn’t in the time frame as Final Fantasy VIII. If you know Final Fantasy very well, you’ll know that Final Fantasy VIII takes place in the future. Final Fantasy XI takes place in the past.

Final Fantasy XI will feature a rank system. The game’s five character classes can do a certain amount of accessibility in their rank. Six ranks in all. If you complete a certain amount of dangerous jobs then you’ll rank to 2, 3 and so on. Levels are a more adequate stat. Final Fantasy games of the past didn’t have an easy, medium and hard. If you can survive the world from what your level is then so can another person. I don’t think I like Square’s way of thinking on this. Sure, the console games have no easy, medium, hard, but you can’t have a whole population of online characters without the ability to go places without being killed in the first raid of enemies you set your eyes on? I like how Squaresoft leaves loot on the ground like in RPGs. I like the idea when you die, you can resurrect and keep your stuff. I makes since. If you start out with not a whole lot and then you die and have to start over -- that’s no fun. Characters on the multiplayer server should be listed as “hardcore” or die once and it’s over” before the game has any kind of that.

Although Final Fantasy is popular with both Japanese and Americans alike, the game still has a monthly fee if you want access to the servers. I don’t think it’s going to be an overpriced one. I’m pretty sure this game is going to be more like Neverwinter Nights because for one, Neverwinter Nights, although free, is much more like EverQuest then Dungeon Siege or Diablo 2. EverQuest is the aging game and you still have to pay 15 dollars a month to hold your character. EverQuest 2, when it comes out in November, is going to be a direct competitor with Final Fantasy XI when it comes out in November 2003. Final Fantasy has a lot of competition, and with free access to all in the majority of online gameplay, Final Fantasy XI will not get the number 1 spot as Online Games are concerned.

Final Fantasy XII is one of those games that’ll require a Pentium III with a 32-bit graphics card and 128-bit RAM to play well. That sort of hardware is cheap now-a-days and most people have that kind of speed already. Those 64 bit computers with 16-bit graphic cards won’t cut it anymore. Those games are a thing of the past. We have entered the next generation of computer technology. The 2nd generation of high resolution graphics.

One thing that I think Squaresoft and their RPG will feature is the Chapter System like in Diablo 2. If you defeat a boss in your chapter, you’ll see a cinematic movie. Do you think Final Fantasy XI will feature dungeons like Diablo 2 had? Diablo 2 was full of caves with random monsters locations. I think players in the game will be rewarded with currency and other miscellaneous items monsters drop when they are defeated. Chatters can chat out loud. That’ll be a nice feature. I’ll be surprised if Final Fantasy XI is about the same size as Neverwinter Nights. Dungeon Siege is far too massive to be classed with most RPGS.


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