Xbox 2 Talk

Xbox has a lot of power for a home console. So far Microsoft got 10 Gigaflops of data pumping out at high resolution 1200/800. The xbox believe it or not is running 64 MB of RAM instead of 128 MB the Playstation 2 is using. Nintendo is using 24 MB of RAM. It's like a downgrade from Nintendo 64 but really isn't. The RAM is just enough to spend data to the CPU which is much faster to make calucations. The GPU then compiles the data onto television. Xbox has 128MB of video RAM on the Geforce 3 installed, twice that of Gamecube, and 4 times as much as Playstation2 . Do I dare mention Dreamcast? Xbox was released 4 years after Dreamcast which was released in Japan in November 1998. Look at games like Halo, the apex of Xbox right now. They look great, but on highend PCs they look even better. I know my PC puts out 10 Gigaflops or more with all effects on.

The controller

I believe the controller of the new console will not be changed. Xbox has it's controller, why change it? Microsoft makes it look like a bulky Gamecube controller. Did Microsoft get hold of Nintendo's controller? Did they have spies in the confrence room when Nintendo showed their controllers? If you guessed Yes, then your right! Microsoft did spy but when it was open to the public. When Nintendo put on their Spaceworld 2000, Microsoft spectators were there analying it. Nintendo, though, was aiming for small powerful cpus, and Microsoft we know was just aiming for the most powerful console. Microsoft will change this time around, and look for smaller processors as well. Maybe .08 micron processors as tiny as your finger nail will power the Xbox 2? The Flipper on Gamecube is this small, and does everything from compressing graphics, to making calculations, to reading the cd. It is really a remarkable chip. We'll be seeing the 2nd generation Flipper chip on Xbox. Remember this isn't down on writing yet.

Known XBOX 2 facts


Much Smaller, neater, faster IBM chip. Microsoft is not doing business with Intel anymore. The graphics will still be state-of-the-art.


Microsoft is going with Ramus Dynamic Read only  Memory. Same memory used in Nintendo 64. It'll be 256 MB. Un less Playstation 3 has 256 MB than Microsoft will upgrade to 512 MB


Doing business with ATI. ATI owns a division of Silicon Graphics (creators of SI compression used in Gamecube) It's like a 4-1 racio. ATI is more willing to create a better GPU with more features then Nvidia ever was. The processor will probably be 256 MB ATI GPU with Radeon technolegy


Windows CE 3.0 with Direct X 9.0b

Storing Music, Patches and games.

If Sony is going to put a hard drive in PS3 than Microsoft will put one in their console. If not, Microsoft will go with memory cards. Xbox does both. I say Microsoft will stick with 16 Gigabytes. That's still double that of Xbox. Modders can put a 120 Gigabyte harddrive in. And some say it will work because it's formatted in FAT32.

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