The Policy of Truth III

written by Tammy

{Song snippets belong to: In Chapters 6 and 8; 'Hit Me' by Sister Soleil from the album 'Solarium'. The Maori word in Chapter 6 should be spelled "rongomau" and it means peace in an emotional sense. }


Chapter 5

By the time Michael changed and debriefed quickly, Nikita was already starting on Garton. He wanted to talk to her before she got herself settled for the interrogation. His aim was to yank her if she wasn't ready for it. Garton had gained consciousness on the way back. The man had turned viciously abusive and abrasive. Michael had ordered him gagged and hooded. He wasn't in the mood for dealing with it.

He entered the observation room. Just in time to hear a deep satisfied chuckle from Operations. He gestured to Michael to come closer to the window that gave them the view of the interrogation area next door . "Our girl is not in the best of moods today, is she?"

Keeping his expression neutral, he came even with Operations and watched. Nikita was slowly walking in a circle around Garton, her hands held together in front of her. He could read the tension in her body by the way she carried herself. Her eyes were veiled and her face neutral but Michael knew better. Something was amiss. He could hear Garton laugh. Nikita stopped and he could hear her say something that was drowned out by Operations. "Oh....she warned him about laughing."

Nikita slapped him hard across the face. "I'm merely peeved at the moment, Garton. Don't get me angry." He shook his head back and sniffed. A thin trickle of blood came from his nose. "A tissue?" He only surveyed her, looking up and down. He was appraising her. And it was not just for her mood.

"Fine, obviously you like the taste. Enjoy it. While you do, listen carefully to my question. I want an answer. Do you know of the location of Mr. Chen-Fai?" Silence followed her question and then he shook his head. "I am a woman who has little time for your stubbornness and far littler patience for it." She reached out for his chin and tilted his head, gently pushing a lock of hair out of his face. The leering had gone on long enough. He needed an explanation in proper manners. He didn't know anything and so his only purpose was as a communiqué.

"Tell me, good looking, when does Gytha start to worry if you're not home? Does she even care? Perhaps she enjoys the time you are away and bedding another woman. Gives her time to spend with someone who pleases her more."

Garton gritted his teeth as he spoke. "She plays with them but keeps coming back to me for more. I must be good." He made a dismissive sound. "....the others, I dance with them. I might pick one to use for the night. If Gytha wants to do the same, let her. You might prove to be useful to me. You are a beautiful woman....."

"Hmmmm...thank you." Nikita leaned down so her eyes were level with his. "What do you cherish most in the world, Mr. Garton?"

He narrowed his eyes as he looked at her. "Life. What else is there?"

"And in that life, what do you enjoy most?" Her voice was soft and coy. Her eyes held his.

From where he was, Michael couldn't see her eyes but he knew where she was going with this. He knew exactly the hints those eyes were giving Garton. Operations laughed, "She's enjoying the hell out of just playing with him, isn't she? She's convinced he doesn't know anything though. Gytha uses for him just for stud purposes. He's out of her inner circle. Will be an effective calling card, agreed?"

Operations might be enjoying the display but he wasn't. This was not Nikita's usual way. Whatever was bothering her, she was working it out on Garton and it wasn't nice to see. Michael brought his attention back to the window as Garton gave a throaty laugh. "A good woman under me or on. Depends on what she likes. Where would you choose if you're interested? I won't tell anyone we connected."

Nikita matched his throaty laugh. She slid a hand into his hair and played with it a little. "Think you could handle me? I play hard. Place means little to me as long as I'm pleased."

"I'd amaze you honey." He smiled at Nikita. Gently she started to kiss him. Then with a snarl, she pulled away, yanking his head back savagely. Her other hand clamped down lower on his body. Her tone was hard and brittle.

"Unable to physically perform a task in my book equals death. If I keep my hold up much longer, you won't ever have anyone on or under you again. You won't be able to amaze anyone. Answer my question, I might leave you some dignity. You don't, that's not performing, you die..... painfully."

"Ahhh.. I... don't... know." Garton's voice was full of pain. "Arghhhh. Stop...pleeeaase"

With a short laugh, Nikita let go and snapped her fingers. The door opened and the twins entered. "He's yours. If he can't come up with anything useful in an hour, cancel him." She tilted his chin up again. Garton was breathing rapidly and moaning in pain. His eyes were red and full of hate. "Now I'm angry.." She brought up the other hand and he flinched. She laughed again. With her fingers pointed like a gun, she smiled at him. "Guess this is the only bang you'll ever get again." She poked him in the forehead. "Bang, you're dead." She shoved his head away and strutted from the room.

Operations wiped at an eye as he looked up at Michael. "Oh, she is in rare form. Did you two have a fight I haven't heard about yet?"

"No." Michael's answer was short and soft.

Still chuckling, Operations started to leave the room. "Hope you don't have plans with her tonight. I'd rather take my chances with a rabid dog." The eyes that followed Operations' exit signaled displeasure with the comment. He had sounded almost accepting of the relationship. He's up to something..... As the door closed, Michael's expression turned worried as he slid his thumb across his mouth. She was acting very strange and he didn't like it one bit. It was dangerous. And for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what had set her off.

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He found her in Walter's alcove checking something on the terminal. With a head gesture, he motioned Walter out. Quietly he approached her. "What happened a few hours ago?"

"Momentary brain and jaw paralysis. Old street injury. Happens once in a while, sorry. Hey Walter..." Nikita saw Walter was gone and glanced quickly at Michael. "Kicked him out, huh? No rush, no problem." She started to go by him but he grabbed her upper arm.

"What's the attitude for? Is there something we should be taking about? I saw the performance with Garton. Operations may have enjoyed it. I didn't, I found it pathetic." Michael was bothered by the look in her eyes. Not only did he see that old fear in them but anger mixed with defeat and bitter resentment. That was another reminder of the past. His unease increased. She was reverting to her old self. Why and how could I stop it?

"Glad I made somebody around here happy. Look, I got a lot on my mind. And I'm very busy. Just hold your questions and concerns for a more carefree time. Thanks." She gave him a sarcastic smirk and tried to pull her arm away. It didn't work so she raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you mind?"

"Yes when my team's life is endangered on a mission I mind a lot. I always have. I don't like to have to doubt the competence of the person running tactical for me. And I've never had that with you before..."

"Look I said I'm sorry. No harm done. Your punching bag got you out of it. Over and done. I do have a mission load to get ready for, can you let go?"

Michael looked around quickly and stepped closer, lowering his voice. "Kita, you are acting very strange. Was something said to you? Did you hear something that upset you?" He searched her face, looking for a clue of something that she couldn't say out loud, at least not here

The bittersweet smile on her face worried him more than the smirk. Nikita brushed the back of her hand down his cheek. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Don't worry lover. I'll take care of it." Feeling his fingers relax momentarily, she pulled her arm and backed away. "I can handle it. You trained me well, remember?" Pivoting on one foot, she waved backwards at him. "Later, Michael." Silent and worried, he watched her hesitant gait as she moved away from him.

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"Nikita, four on the perimeter. Three on the inside." Birkoff said as he watched his screen. Darcie hung just to his left, watching another one. Michael stood silently in the back, observing and keeping his distance. Madeline wanted Darcie tested on working tactical with Birkoff. With Caroline's death, Birkoff and Darcie had been inseparable. He had been worried about the dependency he saw developing.

Expressing his concerns to Madeline had proved to be waste of time. She said she was pleased with their teamwork so far and wanted to see it in a mission setting. So far they had been fine. He had a feeling they were going to pull Darcie from field ops training and put her with Birkoff. That would not go over well with Nikita who still didn't sound herself. He wished he could figure out what had caused the radical change in her. The only thing he could think of was something to do with Reese and Katie. He knew for himself the uncertainty was getting oppressive. He could only guess how she felt.

Michael kept his eye on Doyle too. Mistrusting an operative was not a feeling he liked at all. But he couldn't help it when Doyle was involved. And it wasn't just because he was out with Nikita. He had been worried when he was with Simon. No, that wasn't exactly true. He had been anxious when Doyle was on Simon's team. With Nikita, Michael was very concerned. She sounded out of sorts and she was jumpy. And after Doyle, there was only two others as backup. He started to pace. The uncomfortable feeling was distinct and getting sharper every time he acknowledged its presence.

"Two from the left, Birkoff. They've got Garton. Entering the building now." Darcie said in warning.

"Got them... Nikita... Arrival notice has been received."

"OK. Give me a 60 count then start sequence. Warning shot only. Wound if absolutely necessary. I'm making an impression here not a body count." Nikita's voice sounded strained.

"Got you," Birkoff lifted his hand over his head, holding five fingers and then one.

"With a 60 count, points C & D...." Darcie said, eyes shifting rapidly from her screen to Birkoff. Michael could tell the girl was nervous. Not only had she been hit with this only two short hours ago but he knew she was fiercely protective of Nikita. He knew what it felt like. One misstep and someone could be killed. It was a heavy burden that you never really got used to, you just learned to block it out. If it was someone you cared about, that feeling was even worse.

Operations knitted his brow as he listened to the mission feed. "She's too green for the responsibility."

Madeline nodded in agreement. "But did you noticed earlier how Seymour got a little high-strung and she yanked at him. Brought him right back down. I know I didn't say this before but he has dealt well with the loss of Caroline because of Darcie's support. Emotionally I feel Darcie is more mature than Birkoff and is a very good influence on him. I want to work this little team out. It appears to me that she is doing very well under the circumstances. Very swift adaptation."

"And if it develops like the other one?" Operations regarded her for a moment. "I still feel that was a factor in Caroline's decision."

"Someone of Darcie's obvious talents would be welcomed most graciously in another area, don't you think?" Madeline did not want to disagree to his face. But her gut reaction was that the relationship had kept her around. She had certainly cleared the 9 month time frame Madeline had evaluated her at after the accident. But in their talks, the only subjects she willingly talked about were Birkoff and the field. She missed being a field operative very much. But in the same breath she relished the time with Birkoff. She hated the dependent feeling she got from him though. Madeline never could convince her that it was because of his level of responsibility an his age, not because of the way he actually felt.

Signaling his concordance, he nodded. "Did you view Nikita's interrogation of Garton?"

"I was most impressed. She was very aggressive. You must have been too. Otherwise you would not have mentioned it."

"I believe she lived up to the title Doyle has given her. I was curious as to the cause of the change. Have you two talked recently?" Operations knew it was obvious that he was fishing for information but really didn't care. He had seen Michael's face reflected in the window of the observation room. It had been blank but his eyes had been ready to dance out of their sockets. He was alarmed and that worried Oscar.

"No, not really. Perhaps something that Christine would be privy to." There was an easiness between the CMO and Nikita that Madeline did not like. There was a network developing around Nikita and Michael that she found disturbing.


"I think something should be said about the amount of time they spend together though."

Operations shook his head. There was no reason for it. Nikita and Michael were both developing strong alliances within the Section. They were needed. It was a good omen to him that things were going as he had hoped. "I see no problem. It adds strength around here that we need. Wasn't it Twain who said about when you have a friend, that person is the first one to be there in times of trouble. We've already seen their 'loyalty' to each other at work. We may need it in the future. Just like I depend on yours.... I heard there was a problem earlier with Garton's retrieval?"

But isn't it said that loyalty is only for those about to be betrayed..... Madeline, you need to restrain the emotional fit you've been having. It is not good! "Minor. Doyle as a matter of fact handled it. I marked it in his file."

"Sequence started." Birkoff said over his shoulder at Michael, who motioned in response. He stepped forward for a better view. Nikita entered the building with Doyle right behind her. They encountered Gytha almost immediately. The woman was enraged. Michael had worried about this and Nikita had said when they were working on this that she didn't trust the psych intel on the target. There were already complications. This had not seemed to be the most risk free operation and they were being to bloom. Nikita's demands and threats didn't pause Gytha at all. She went toe to toe with Nikita. Michael's eyes narrowed as he watched the exchange.

Nikita tried to stay with the mission profile. Gytha kept throwing her off of it. Goading her and making physical threats. Nikita held her ground but was starting to get angry. He could see it in her stance and hear it in her words. Doyle kept looking sideways at her, he was sensing the same problem. He didn't like how this was setting up. Michael got the two backup ops ready. Then he heard Gytha's screamed declaration that Chen-Fai had already been executed. Operations' voice echoed in the ops center. "Clean it out. It's gone far enough. I've no use for this." Michael nodded at Birkoff.

"Nikita, order for clean sweep" They watched as a grim smile crossed Nikita's face.

"Good! I'm tired of all this." Nikita reached in her jacket and pulled out her weapon. She fired once and Gytha went down. Chaos and more gunfire broke out.

Michael turned his head. He hated it when they concluded this way. "Give the signal for egress and blow it."

Darcie looked at Birkoff and he nodded back at her. She took a deep breath. "Converge at egress point. Detonate at departure." She looked up at Michael looking for some kind of affirmation that nothing could have been done. He silently stared at the center monitor. A flash caught her eye, she looked down at her screen to see a hand with a thumb up. Looking over at Birkoff, he gave her a slight shrug. Suddenly she didn't feel so sure about things anymore.

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Michael watched the screen for van access as the team off loaded. After only seeing Doyle and the backups, a puzzled expression covered his face. Nikita hadn't been with them. He tapped Birkoff on the shoulder. "Why are we missing one?"

Birkoff looked up at the team listing . "She stayed behind."


"Got me. She was talking to Madeline before they loaded the plane. She didn't get on. Doyle might know."

"Thank you." Doyle would be heading to debrief. He would let him finish there first. Then catch him at Walter's as he turned in his equipment. The 15 minutes it took Doyle to appear had seemed longer to Michael than that. It had been taken out on Birkoff with constant replay of the mission feed. As soon as he saw Doyle, he moved away. Birkoff shot a look to Darcie who shrugged. She stood and touched the screen that held a still of a very unsure looking Nikita.

"There's trouble. Big trouble. And she's getting sucked into it." He watched as she squeezed her lips into a thin line and look quickly towards Walter's before she looked back to the screen.

"What makes you say that, Ace?"

"He doesn't know what's going on and the look on her face. They're giving me a feeling and I don't like it." She looked back to Walter's and Birkoff followed suit. He had to agree, something was going on again.

"Doyle, can I speak with you for a moment?" Michael stopped just into the entranceway.

"Yup in a minute, boss..... That's all of hers too. She kept her personal piece and PDA though. OK?"

Walter nodded. "Yeah, yeah...go on before he gets antsy. He doesn't look happy," he said quietly. Doyle gave him a small sneer, lately that wasn't anything new.

"Yeah, what you want?" He fell into step with Michael as they left the munitions alcove.

"Why didn't the full team return?"

Doyle gave a bit of a shrug. "Nikita said that Madeline had something special for her to take care of. They talked on the way to the plane. Pretty hush-hush. Nikita was kinda pale when she got off the phone. Really quiet and detached. It was like she got some bad news or something. Asked me to check her stuff in and she'd be back in a few days. That's all I really know."

Michael gestured his appreciation for the information. "We'll speak later." He veered off, stiff and silent. Doyle stopped and watched him with a resentful light in his eyes. "Poor baby, don't you know everything that's going on....."

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Christine pulled the zipper of her pullover up more. The wind had a definite chill to it and it kept finding its way down the back of her neck. The park was quiet this late in the afternoon. Any children who would have been playing had gone home. She looked up to the sky. It was starting to streak purple and pink. It was getting dark earlier now, winter was so much closer than it had seemed just a few weeks ago. The pond held no more ducks which didn't surprise Christine. Last night had been a hard frost. She wouldn't want her lower extremities in that frigid water either.

"Hey!" She looked over her shoulder with a smile as she recognized the voice. Simon came up behind her, only wearing a dark green turtleneck and jeans. He looked around quickly before he slipped his arms around her, tucking his fingers into the front pockets of her jeans. He pulled her back up against him. "Well that's a little better."

She laughed at him and tried to look up at him. "Coats are good this time of year."

"Man, it wasn't this cold yesterday when I went in. Tell me I didn't hear that four letter word on the radio on the way here."

"Would you mean snow by any chance?" She couldn't suppress the giggle as Simon shivered against her.

" had to say it."

"I like the snow..."

"I'm not polar bear, I don't."

She sighed as she looked back down on the water. It was placid and reflected the setting sun. Christine wished she felt as serene as the water looked. "I like snow. It covers up the dirty stuff and makes everything nice and clean. It hides everything ugly."

"OK what's wrong? You don't get all poetic like this unless something's up." Simon kissed her lightly on the head. She smelled good as he rested his cheek against her hair. Apples, cinnamon and vanilla; the smells of fall. They matched her hair which seemed to him to be redder than it usually was, like the leaves on the trees.

Pulling away from him, she walked closer to the water. Stooping down, she grabbed a stone and tossed it in. It hit the surface with a loud "ploop" and sank. Small ripples grew larger as the move out from the stone's impact. "That's going to be me in Michael's life. Smooth and serene which is really a cover for all the activity below the surface. I'm going to sink down with all the muck at the bottom. And my story is going to take that placid mirror like finish and ..."

Christine turned to look at him. Simon had his arms folded across his chest and he considered her with inscrutable look in his eyes. "I take it that you plan to tell him about Paige and you." He kept his own face composed in a neutral fashion. He only did it to keep her on an even keel. She was tense and nervous. He had felt that when he held her and he didn't want her to know his own misgivings about the situation. Michael was a powder keg and Simon worried that this was going to be the lighter he needed to explode. The pressure on him had been tremendous. Nikita, the children, his past at him again and again, Doyle, the revelation of the relationship he and Christine had developed and now this.

She had watched for his reaction, which hadn't happened and now she felt the indecisiveness of the past few days growing strong again. "You think I should stay quiet now, don't you?"

Simon shook his head. "No, I'm glad you've finally come around to decide what me and Nikita have been saying is the best thing to do."

"This puts us in a new light, you know."

His face told her he thought differently. "Not exactly us but it will put me in a new light."

"Why do you think it will just be you? You don't think he's going to turn on me? Come on, he's still just tolerating me, mainly because of Nikita and you. This is going to blow up in my face. I see it coming."

With a grim look in his eyes, Simon moved closer to her again and stroke her hair. "Finding out what happened to his sister is a big thing to him. You can make like a dream come true for him. Michael has had so much ripped out of his life. You're going to give him something back. Just like Nikita and those kids have. Some people might have to consider him human at this rate. I always thought the corner was a little drafty. Thanks for helping to plug up a few of the holes." He ended with a grin that he hoped came through in his voice.

"You weren't the only one in his corner. There have been others." Christine turned to look at him, a hand to his cheek. "Just don't forget you're needed in my corner too. I'm going to need those broad shoulders for support."

"Anytime, anywhere, anyplace." Tilting her head back, he kissed her so that she would have no reason to doubt him or herself. "Hey..." he said softly, "did you know your nose is cold?" The laughter and hugs felt good to both.

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Claude brought up his head as the shadow loomed over the table. Madeline smiled at him as she sat down. "Hello Claude." He nodded and looked back to the drink he had in front of him. She didn't like the greeting but then Claude hadn't looked himself either. He had not shaved and the circles under his eyes made them look bruised and swollen. Madeline did a quick perusal of the small bar. There were only about 4 tables, 3 booths and then the bar itself. They were the only patrons at the time in any of the seats.

"Why did you want to meet me here? I could have come to see you." She kept her voice low and detached.

"No, Annie didn't want you near any of the children, especially Katie and Jerrod. I need your help." He looked up at her as he said it. Madeline could not recall seeing him so drained.

"Are you sleeping at night?"

"No, not very much. Not my choice. It's Katie. Madeline, she needs to see them. I'm getting very worried about her. She's not eating, not sleeping. Doesn't talk much to anyone but Reese. He loves the attention but she is shut off from the rest of us. Every time that front door opens she is at it, hoping to see one of them. And every time, she's disappointed and the tears start. She wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. Screaming that you've locked them away and she's never going to see them again because they'll die there." He took a long swallow from his glass before he continued.

"You know what she said to me the other day. First time in a week, she literally has said more than 3 words to me.. Her voice sounded so sad, so small; 'I losing mommy's touch. She's so hard to feel.' Then she pulls out this t-shirt. It was one Michael wore at the house. She shoves it in my face. 'I can't smell daddy anymore.' That beautiful, vibrant, loving and intelligent child is falling apart in front of my eyes. She's regressing, acting like a 5 or 6 year old with separation anxiety. It's got to stop! I want contact and I want it now, Madeline." He slammed his glass down on the table.

"That's not possible right now. They are both tied up with Section business at the moment. Perhaps at another time.."

"What are you up to? What is the reason for all this? Are you so use to playing games that you can't stop? You don't understand what normal is anymore? Katie is a child. She doesn't understand your world as much as Michael tried to explain it to her." He smacked his open palm on the table and leaned back.

"Mon Dieu, I'd love to kick his rear for that, but that's already done. I can't do anything about it. But I can try to give her some peace. How long do you think before this starts to affect Reese more? He is showing signs of the separation, too. Annie is so hurt every time she picks him up. He looks her right in the eye and says 'Not Mama'. You can stop it. If you don't have the compassion or the courage to do it. I will and I don't care what you do to me."

Madeline licked her lips. She was walking a delicate line here. Control and resistance were a hairbreadth apart. "Claude I think you are giving too much .... how should I put this? This is a phase for Katie and Reese. They are looking for attention and this is how they are accomplishing it. You should be used this kind of performance."

Claude gritted his teeth as he spoke. She couldn't help but hear the enmity in his voice. "This is not a performance. I haven't seen this before. Not even in Jerrod." Madeline's eyes narrowed at the snide remark. He knew how to dig. "There was no question as to why Katie is like this. As long as she could remember she wondered who her mother was. And then she is reunited with her, only to have to pulled apart again."

He played with the glass for a moment as he started to speak. Then he looked up to Madeline but he sounded far away from her. As if he was picturing the toddler in his mind and it hurt. "Reese just has this lost look. The child is acting lately like he just tolerates us. He likes Jerrod but that's because he bribes him with treats all the time."

There was nothing in response from Madeline. Claude cleared his throat and started speaking again. "Michael told me that he felt the child never bonded with Greg, how Reese seemed to hunger for affection when he first met him. The mother was basically non-existent in his life, so I doubt Reese ever had any attachment to her. But he latched onto Michael and Nikita. He was with them ,what, intermittently for 2 months. Then 2 weeks solid at the house. You show me a child at his age who takes to calling two people mama and dada that quick. Besides Katie can't be his whole world! She can't be both of them to him or to herself."

"You're reading too much into this. Children do unusual things when they are growing up. Soon he will be calling you and Annie the same as he did Michael and Nikita. It is just the time spent. Plus they gave him attention when he had been receiving so little of it. You will eventually get the same from him. The fixation on Katie is again another phase. All children go through them. It is expected, like the 'terrible twos' or teenage rebellion."

"You just refuse to see it, don't you? But then again, how could you? You never had a child to raise." Madeline's eyes blazed at him for the comment. "Yeah, go ahead glare at me, woman! You don't bother me! You wouldn't know what to do with one if you did! You couldn't handle the burden. You didn't want to handle the burden!"

Claude took a deep breath. He was getting too angry. Dredging up old hurts was not going to get him what he wanted. "You know I have a picture of Michael we took as a lark in our teens. We had a few hours and we decided we were just going to be guys at the mall....that was a great day.....met Annie and fell in love on the spot. Anyway.... Every time Reese sees it, he says 'dada' pointing to Michael, he pats Katie's hair and says 'like mama'. Just a few hours Madeline. Don't make me have to do this alone. Cooperate with me. If you don't, all bets are off. I will tell the truth about EVERYTHING."

She stood, drawing herself up straight. "There is more at stake here than a few tears from a child. The risks are too great. I will not jeopardize Section for a trivial thing like this. Just remember, you will have just as much if not more than me to lose if the truth is revealed. Don't push me too far, Claude."

With jaw clenched, Claude retorted, "Try it...I dare you to try it. Who do you think she'll believe? You or me? You're not going to be happy with the consequences, I promise." Madeline swung around and walked away from the table. He rubbed other hands over his face and got up. Feeling burdened with worry and having to make threats that could shatter his own life, he started towards the men's room. The drink had only made him nauseous. A figure come out of the shadows by the bar. Startled, Claude went for the breast pocket of his jacket. Events of the past few months were making him jumpy. As the face of the person became clearer, a huge gasp of air came out of him. Everything else was forgotten.

Claude reached out and grabbed Michael in a bear hug. "Bon Dieu, Michel!!! You ok? Nikita?" Answered with silence, he pulled back and seized Michael's face between his hands. "I don't want silence. Answer me!"

"First we need to talk, then take me to them."

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Nikita shoved the card into the lock and yanked it back out. She was tired and felt sweaty. Over 24 hours she had looked and found nothing. Entering the room, she tossed the keys on the desk and fell face first on the bed. It was a rock and she knew right then she wasn't going to get much sleep.

With a groan, she rolled over and stared at the ceiling. It had sounded like it was legit. With the hit on Gytha, the Perth cell had felt the ripples almost immediately. They had seemed to panic and split. The secondary team sent to Perth had gotten everyone but one. But damn it where was the guy. The tail had been on him but even the tail was gone now too.

Suddenly she giggled, a definite sign she was overtired. The image in her head of checking freshly dug graves in the local cemeteries was bizarre and morbid at the same time. That lead her to another train of thought...Michael. Sighing she sat up and started to pull her hair out of its braid. You didn't leave him on the best of terms the other day....flippant, sarcastic, hell almost demeaning to him... no, not good at all....that is not something he needs right now.

With another sigh, she got up and opened the balcony door. There was a gentle breeze and she could smell the water on it. It was warm, typical for the time of year. Nikita gave a short laugh. They were talking snow back at Section and here she was outside on what felt like a summer's night. Her eyes swept over the city scape, hands still playing with her hair.

It looked pretty from up here. It was a beautiful city to begin with but she knew the ugly side and that was all she could think about. It wasn't always nice to go back home. Chewing on her lower lip, she drifted back inside. Maybe a shower would help relax her enough so the hard bed wouldn't matter too much. Nikita didn't hold much hope for that though, dawn was only about 2 hours away and that meant she had to go back on her search.


Chapter 6

As Christine hurried across the metal bridge, she almost knocked Doyle over. With a muttered apology, she kept going. So much for being on time for that appointment at the beauty parlor. It had been a stupid indulgence. That and she hadn't expect Walter to wander in with that damn solder burn either. He had been gabbing with Raymond while working on something and set his palm right on the gun. He was going to hurt for a couple of days. There didn't appear to be any real damage except the bad burn. Hopefully he would learn a lesson from it. But knowing Walter that would probably not be the case.

"Whoa, wait there Doc! Where you going in such a hurry?" Doyle caught her hand and dragged her to a stop.

"If you need to know, my hairdresser. My grays have an appointment that you are making me even later for. Let go of me." Doyle reached up and twirled a few strands around some fingers.

"No gray, some blonde I think."

Tremendously irked at him, she slapped the hand away from her hair and yanked hard at her hand. "Do you mind? I didn't extend you an invitation."

Doyle pulled back a little and gave a brief apologetic smile. "Sorry, that was a little direct. Ummm...I haven't seen you around in a while. How things are going?"

Christine's eyes narrowed slightly. He was fishing but she was not interested in playing. "Fine, I've been rather busy. People around here can't seem to stay out of trouble. Look I gotta go." She tried to step around him but he moved with her.

"Talk for just a couple of minutes. I haven't gotten a chance to show you my thanks yet."

"Don't worry about it. You said thank you and you haven't been fighting with Michael. One less person to patch up. We're even."

"We don't have to go out. I could ask Operations' cook there to whip us up something." He looked at her earnestly. The idea of getting to know her and maybe spending time with her was very appealing.

Taking a deep breath, Christine slowly let it out. "I'm going to be really blunt with you Doyle, so don't get mad. I'm not interested in you at all. I have enough on my plate right now. I don't want to add you. You're not someone I would be interested in anyway. I don't like your attitude. I don't like the way you treat everybody. You've got a big picture of yourself in your back pocket. I looked and wasn't very impressed. If you'll excuse me now."

"No. I'm trying to be nice to you and get to know you. You keep shoving me off. I know Simon is a big guy but does he take up THAT much room? Who knows? Maybe I'll be more fun."

The sudden vivid image of going to Michael's office, hand in hand with Doyle and professing undying love for him popped into her head. Along with a look on Michael's face that was indescribable but completely hilarious. She couldn't help the loud laugh. Doyle got a puzzled but hurt expression on his face.

"What are you laughing about?" He couldn't remember saying anything funny. For some reason Doyle was starting to feel like he was 13 years old and working on asking out his first crush. Christine waved a hand at him and covered her mouth. She couldn't shake the image or the laughter that bubbled up behind it.

"When you figure out the joke...let me in on it." With a offended look, he walked, *no, he's almost running* down the hallway. Christine bit her lower lip and bounced a little as she tried to get control.

The laughter stopped as she let out a scream as the figure somersaulted over the railing off the catwalk that ran just over her head. Darcie landed on all fours with a Cheshire cat smile. "That was good! I'm glad he left because I was really having a hard time not laughing!"

Looking up above her and then back to Darcie with a slightly bewildered expression, Christine asked, "How long were you up there?"

"I was coming out of an access cover when he stopped you. I was just debating saying boo and giving you a few more grays when he showed up."

Darcie dodged the playful kick from her. "More grays. You are a brat. Wait a minute...access cover? And what were you doing in there, Scotty? Some new training program for recruits?"

"Well not exactly. This may not be the Enterprise or some other starship but it is great to explore. Especially if I'm tired of studying or there's nobody to talk to. You can get all over this place without setting off sensors or trip alarms or anything by using the conduits. You find out a lot that way, too."

Christine leaned up against the wall, arms crossed in front of her. "Really now? Like what?"

"Promise you won't get mad or anything? I know a couple of things about you. And stuff about other people. Like I know that Raymond knows about Nikita and Taylor."

"I know that, Darcie."

"He got a picture of the guy and Boss II gave it to him."


"Let's see. I know...I know you and Simon got something going."

"Excuse me?"

"Jammers work on electronics not organics...."

"Great." Christine was peeved to put it mildly. Darcie could see it in her face and gave her a goofy grin.

"Lips sealed and I mean really sealed. I didn't even say anything to Nikita. Hey, Saphil and Rin do, too. That isn't going to last long though. It doesn't go outside. They just sneak around here. You and Simon are like Michael and Nikita. You guys are real."

"And what else do you know about me?" If she knew about Simon, then there was a good chance she knew about Paige.

"That your chocolate supplier is Walter. He gets you that good Swedish stuff. You oughta share, not hog the good stuff."

Christine started to laugh again. Obviously the situation she and Simon were involved in was not a big thing to Darcie. "You are a snot. You earn the good stuff!"

"And what do you do to get it?"

"Take care of his ingrown toenails!" Darcie looked at her in shock and then burst into laughter. "I'm serious! He wears those damn pointed boots all the time."

Darcie wiped at her eyes. "You're funny but somehow I can believe that. I'll have to keep my eye out for that." Her expression quickly got serious. "I know a really big secret about Michael."

"And what's that? He likes Olive loaf?"

"Oh gross! Yuck! Are you serious? But it's not that. Can I whisper it to you?"

Rolling her eyes, Christine leaned forward. Dropping her voice to a conspiratory whisper, she said, "OK, what is it?"

Adopting the same voice level, Darcie breathed, "He found the kids." She pulled back, grinning ear to ear. Christine felt her mouth drop open.

"Are you sure?" Darcie nodded. "Are you absolutely positive?" She nodded at Christine again. Grabbing her hand, Christine started dragging her down the hall. "Find me the best place we can talk where there are no ears but ours."

------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------

Claude quietly fit the key into the lock. Whispering, he said to Michael, "Be as quiet as possible. Katie's light is out but that doesn't mean anything lately. She has a sixth sense about this door and the back one too. It opens and she appears with these big pleading eyes...." He looked over at Michael whose face was grayish and still like a statue. "Are you going to be able to this? This come and go? You don't look so hot."

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?..... Sorry, that was cruel. I think the real question is whether you're up to it again or not?" He followed Claude in.

Michael couldn't see Claude shrug but he heard the rustle of his coat. "Once in the blood, always in the blood , m'ami. If it has to be done, for all of them, then I'm going to do it. Annie will..." Claude stopped speaking as they both heard the noise on the stairs at the same time.

"Uncle Claude?" came a weepy sounding voice. Michael turned his head so he could see up the stairs. He couldn't see her face because of the shadows which meant she couldn't see him either. He stepped into the dim light that came from a nightlight on the landing. Katie shrieked and flew down the stairs at him. He caught her off a step and holding her close. She was crying so hard her whole body shook. Her words were rapid and broken. To Claude it sounded like babble. Michael leaned back against the wall, eyes closed and making noises of comfort to Katie. Slowly he slid down so Katie's feet were touching the floor. Through the tears and sobs, Michael could just make out her saying, "Where's Mom?"

Pulling her away so he could see her face, he felt sad and happy at the same time. Happy they were for the time being safe but saddened by what they were going through. He smoothed the tear dampened hair out of her face as he wiped the tears from off her cheek. Claude handed him some tissues which Katie took with a whispered thank you. She looked expectantly into Michael's eyes for an answer. Sadly, he shook his head. "She's not with me, moineau. She had to be away for a few days."

"I want Mom too. Please bring her here. Please Daddy." Tears started falling again. Claude saw the pain on Michael's face as he pulled Katie close again and stood up. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. He could feel the fear in her grasp. He didn't want her to feel that way. And so much of it was his fault. It hurt to know he was doing this to her. Claude put a hand on Michael's shoulder as he saw the expression on his face and felt him tremble.

"Reese." Michael sounded hoarse and refused to look at him. He felt the hesitation. "Now please." As they got to the top of the stairs, Annie stood there, worry written in her knitted brow.

"Hi" he said softly as he kissed her cheek .He saw the look in her eyes and shook his head slightly. "Not this time."

Claude opened one of the doors and moved aside as Michael went in with Katie. It had two beds in it. One was empty obviously used though because of the tangled covers. Reese laid in the other, flat on his back, head pointed towards the bottom. Gently Annie closed the door behind them. Michael needed quiet time with Katie and Reese. However, she was going to get an explanation out of one of them where in the world Nikita was. Just having one of them show up was not going to take care of everything the two kids needed right now.

He started to set Katie down on the empty bed and get her to release the strangle hold from around his neck. She wiggled away from him and dropped to the mattress. With a giggle, she scrambled off and shook Reese's bed vigorously. "Pieces! Wake up! It's Daddy! Wake up!"

Sleepily Reese said, "Nooo, bad...." He rolled over, thumb going into his mouth. With a smile, Michael leaned down and picked up the sleepy toddler. Reese curled into him, muttering, still not willing to wake up. Katie started pulling on Reese's foot which irritated him enough to stir him. He slapped out, connecting with Michael's chin. "No!" he said testily.

"Don't hit, nounours."

At the voice, Reese brought up his head, looking at him. A bright smile covered his face. "Dada!" He gave Michael a sloppy kiss and wrapped his chubby arms around his neck. Snuggling as close as he could, he said "Dada" this time ending in a happy little sigh. Michael went over to the other bed and sat down, motioning for Katie with his free hand. She climbed up on the bed and clung to him. He put his arm around her, holding her like he held Reese.

"I miss you and Mom so much." Katie kissed him on the other cheek, tucking her head the way Reese had his.

"We miss you a lot. She told me to give you both hugs and kisses for her and to tell you how much she loves the two of you. Just like I do. "

"We love you too, Dad," Katie said. "I was beginning to forgot how your hugs felt." Michael squeezed his eyes tightly closed at her words. But it didn't stop all the tears from falling that had sprung to life. One managed to escape and slowly tumble down his cheek. "Can you tell Mom we love her?" Katie whispered. Biting his upper lip, Michael gently nodded his head, tightening his grip on both of them. Kita...I wish you were here with feels so good to hold them! I promise to make this work this time. No matter what I have to do.

-------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

Pulling the white shirt over her head and tucking it in her skirt, Nikita told herself again that she had done what had been asked for three days. Well, she had turned up nothing. So in reward for all her hard work, Nikita was giving into her own desire to look for something. The Bane was near by and would be fairly crowded with the weekend so close. She would be able to hang in the background and watch for him. He had been there once, he would be there again. He had to be, then maybe she could put this to rest.....

What will you do then girl, if you see him or if he sees you? Got any ideas? Nikita frowned at herself in the mirror as she brushed out her hair. Her first idea and still the one she liked the best was to drop him cold where he stood. No hi, how you been or you stinking lousy scumbag bastard. No words, no remorse...just fire and walk. No one here knew her anymore, no one would have a clue who she was or even what had happened. She just wanted to be able to see the look in his eyes as he went down.

With a frustrated noise, she threw the hairbrush on the sink top and walked out of the bathroom. Grabbing her leather jacket, she shoved her arms into it. She checked out her appearance in the closet mirror. All black leather with the plain white t-shirt, she tucked a pair of sunglasses in the collar of the t-shirt. She'd pass with drawing too much attention. She wanted to look not be looked at.

Yeah Maddie and old Operations would love to see her offing of Taylor appear in the paper. And Michael's reaction was not even one she wanted to think about. Livid would be a mild word for it. A wary smile crossed her face as she stepped out of the elevator. It would be sweet satisfaction though. One dead memory for her and a possible security risk for them eliminated.

As she walked along, head down and eyes on the sidewalk, she wondered if that would really be the case. Would that put Taylor in the hell she felt he belonged in or would it just make hers that much worse? She remembered something Michael had said once early in her training. Nikita recalled screaming at him that both he and Section One were revenge for being born. Her mother had warned her that she would pay for coming into the world. Well she had it in spades in this place. He had calmly leaned against the wall, giving her that look that told he wasn't impressed with her display of temper. He said something about little minds wanting revenge and not understanding forgiveness.

Then she hadn't really thought about it and he hadn't explained it. She had stopped dead cold in the middle of her tirade though because of the veiled insult she had felt in it.. He had been pleased with himself because he'd given her that damn self satisfied smirk of his and walked away. That had been the end of it. But for some reason, it came to mind now. This was a reaction to being hurt, the urge to hurt back. Even after all this time. By keeping it buried hadn't she just postponed dealing with it? And what good had it gotten her? Maybe she should understand what happened and forgive him for it?

She gave a short bitter laugh as she crossed another street. It was impossible to understand or forgive this. And try as she had, it could be forgotten either. Nikita swallowed past the lump in her throat. He had gotten so hateful towards the end. Litta had finally kicked him out, which only made her more bitter. The memories made Nikita frown.

It had not only been hard on her but on Litta too. Her heart had been broken. Taylor had been her childhood sweetheart. They had been kids together on the same street. Best friends in grade school up to the beginning of high school and then it evolved from there. Nikita had admired them at first. They had seemed like the perfect couple. And then the rumors started as soon as they had moved. All the girls whispered about the two of them, even though at first there had been nothing to fuel the whispers. Then as she had done a hundred times in the past, she cursed herself for being stupid and naive.

It was hard not to smile as she thought of her idea of what to do with him. Drop him cold with out...She froze in mid stride. Her words to Michael from the argument the other night were loud in her head.. It would make her a murderer. She had always denied she was. So what was she doing? Plotting one, just like she accused Section One of doing. Nikita looked around, guilt growing strong over her thoughts. There were more people suddenly on the street and it had gotten louder. It made her feel like someone could hear her thoughts. And that made the guilty sensation worse. Her look around told her that she was now down around the clubs. Looking at the cross street, she only had a half a block to go.

The Bane still looked like a warehouse from the outside. Painted black with blood red window sills and awnings. The name of the club done in the same blood red letters on the front in neon. Nikita wrinkled her nose in disgust. Before she even crossed the threshold, she knew how it was going to smell. Sweat, cheap perfume, dirt, alcohol, pot, cigarettes and that other smell that only The Bane had. Some said it was incense they especially got for the place. Others said it was the sewers that ran under the place.

Nikita didn't care what it came from. All she knew was that it had always reminded her of raw meat. The memory of it had prompted her comment to Doyle about the flies. That was what The Bane attracted had always attracted...flies and maggots. Doubt that it would ever change was definite in her mind. Inhaling deeply of the last clean air for a while, she pulled open the door.

---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

Without a noise, Annie opened the door to Reese and Katie's room. Usually Reese's head popped right off the bed. The first rays of the sun always woke him but he would patiently lay there until he heard someone approach the door or Katie decided to get up. His head didn't come up though because he wasn't in the bed. For an instant worry hit her and then she saw the sleeping trio out of the corner of her eye.

Michael had his back against the headboard, head tilted backwards to the wall. Katie laid with her head against his shoulder, his arm around her protectively. Reese laid on his chest, head jammed into Michael's throat. Michael's other arm was tucked around the toddler, seemingly protective as well. The breathing from all three sounded deep and easy, except for the little snore from Reese. One of his small hands was clenched tight in Michael's hair.

She wished she had a camera to take a picture. It was a sweet sight and she knew that Nikita would have loved to see it. A small frown came and went on her face. Whatever was keeping her away had to do with Madeline, Annie knew it. The look in his eyes last night as he had said 'not this time,' told her all she needed. It just added another item to her list to hate the woman for. Claude had not been much help either. He had said that Michael given out few details about the past few weeks. He had been more interested in pumping Claude for information. Especially about the past and his connection to Madeline.

But now Michael looked more relaxed and at peace than he had in a long time. Happy like that night she had checked on him and Nikita sleeping one night at the farmhouse. There was almost a hint of a smile and the tight look to his face and body was gone. And it was the first time in weeks that Katie had gone through most of the night without weeping. She hated to wake him but Claude had said that he wanted to be on his way soon after dawn. It was now almost noon. Annie had allowed Claude to sleep. The house had been so quiet, she couldn't resist. She hadn't thought he would be leaving so quickly.

Annie was disturbed by what she feared Michael might do with what Claude had told him. She had always been able to keep Madeline at a safe distance. Now with Reese and Katie in their care, the woman was getting too close. Maybe with what Michael now knew, he could stop anything from ever happening.

Then again maybe it was a bad thing for him to know. It could all blow up in their faces. Annie didn't want to lose any of them over this. Particularly she wanted nothing to harm Jerrod, even with the way he had been acting recently. No matter what anyone said, he was more a son to her and Claude than he could be to anyone else. His real parents could never be to him what the two of them had been. Never in a million lifetimes.

Carefully, she touched Michael's shin. Head springing forward without jarring the children, his eyes shot open and he looked directly at her. Annie had never seen anyone who could go from being deeply sleep to being fully awake as fast as he could. Except of course Claude, but the longer they were married the more he was getting away from that. Michael looked around and then at the window. "It's late. I should be gone by now. Take Reese for me. Moineau, wake up."

Groggily Katie lifted her head and peered around. Reese stretched in Annie's arms and frowned as he looked at her. "Not Mama." Michael snapped up his head to look at Annie. She gave him a wane smile, that was something she was getting used to. Reese twisted in her arms to be able to see Michael. "Dada" he said as he held out his arms and yawned again.

Katie looked at Michael and frowned. There was something in the looks passing between Dad and Aunt Annie. She had thought about it last night but hoped it wasn't true. He hadn't brought Mommy which meant he had sneaked here and could get in trouble. Doing that made her mad. "You're not staying are you? You've got to go already. That's not fair!!" Plucking Reese out of Annie 's arms, she left the room.

Michael swung his legs over and unto the floor. He cupped his hands his face, making a noise of frustration. Annie tousled his hair and then sat down on the bed next to him. "You can't tell me you didn't expect that."

"I hoped it wouldn't happen. I want her to understand."

"Then why didn't you tell her while you were talking last night?" There was no answer from Michael who stared at the wall across the room. "Hey, I'm looking for an answer there, handsome."

He looked over at her with sad eyes. "I didn't want any more tears last night" was his hoarse reply.

"You want to tell me what's going on? Where's Nikita?" She pushed a piece of hair out of his face as he went back to staring down the wall.

"Wish I knew for sure. I have a vague idea and it doesn't sit well. I imagine you and Claude talked a little last night. He told you about the accident and the incident that followed?" Annie nodded as she carefully studied Michael's profile. She could see the pinched look around his lips and eyes. The over taut appearance to his jaw and the way he held himself, she knew that look. He felt overwhelmed but was denying it to himself and the rest of the world. It was one he had in common with Claude. If they looked more alike, she would swear they were brothers. At times they seemed to be copies of each other.

"She's been so detached since then. We talked and .....I didn't even tell Claude this. It's between us, Annie, OK? Katie's father was not just some guy that Nikita knew as a teenager and experimented with. He had custody of Nikita, things happened... he took advantage of her....she was unable to stop the advances. She just wanted a family, Annie, just wanted to be loved and accepted..." Then anger started growing again. The drive to find him and inflict some pain back on him was too.

Annie reached out and put her arms around him. She had seen him start to shake and she knew it was because of the rage inside. Her heart hurt for Nikita and Katie. It was the kind of burden that no one should have to shoulder. "Michael, I know you have in your head you want to get this guy back. To make him hurt but let it go. Getting rid of him will not make the past go away for her. You should know that, L' Araigne is still here, right?" She ran a hand over Michael's head as he pulled away. "I'm serious."

He got up and smoothed his shirt into his waistband. "I am too." He faced her then, his expression hard and angry. "I ever find him, I'll kill him."

"What do you plan to do? Go look for him? And what if he has started over? What about his wife and his family? Are you going to put them through hell too because you want to make him pay for hurting Nikita? Do you plan to perhaps tell his wife about his past? You could very well make it worse for Nikita. That isn't showing that you love her. That's making yourself feel better. Acting out your own hurt. It doesn't stop hers. She is only going to worry about you."

"You don't know that, Annie. You haven't listen to the tears, seen and felt the pain. It feeds itself, I have to make it stop."

Annie stood and grabbed his arm. She could feel the tension of his arm through the sleeve of his turtleneck. "It's not your fight, Michael. It's hers. She has to set her own ghosts free. You can't do it for her."

He looked at the floor and then up at her. The green eyes solemn and cold. "I need to talk to Katie and Reese before I go." With a noise of exasperation, Annie started towards the door then swung around on him.

She put a finger to his face and said bitterly. "We're not going to pick up the pieces for you if it happens. This is the final time. I want peace. Those two children need a stable environment, Michael. Figure out a solution! Section One has ruled my life and my family's for long enough. It ends! It ends now!"

His mask was in place and the tone of his voice sent a shiver down her spine. " It can't end. Because no one ever completely leaves the Section. No one...."

----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------

Nikita leaned against the bar, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. She just wanted to absorb the atmosphere for a while. The voice behind her startled her a bit. "Ah, lass...your poison for the night?"

"Absolute 100," she answered as she angled so she could see the bartender and the crowd at the same time.

He smiled, showing perfect teeth. For some reason Nikita wondered if they were fake. "The lass desires a powerful one. Hope it works." He smacked the oversized shot glass on the bar and slopped it full. She eyed the glass and tossed several bills down on the water stained wood.

"Doubt it," she replied with a smirk.

"Have faith, love." And he moved back down the bar. For a moment she stared at the glass, the alcohol spilled on the sides eating through the frost on the glass. Stretching her neck a little, she picked it up and took a sip. She forced herself not to choke on the acid that burned the back of her throat raw. Her eyes stung then they watered slightly. Her inner voice warned her that she hadn't eaten today and to watch it. With a sneer to herself, she wandered out into the crowd.

They were a boisterous crowd for a week night. There was yelling, whistling and hoots. About 10 couples out on the dance floor were going hot and heavy with the music. Nikita didn't recognize the song but the crowd was pretty into it. The music ended with lots of screaming and clapping from the crowd. The next one started up loudly and Nikita winced a bit. She hadn't realized she had walked in front of a speaker in the wall.

Gamely, she moved out of the way, and around people. Tossing down the rest of the drink, Nikita set the glass one of the rails that lined the walls. The bartender must have been having a good night. The rails were pretty full. Wiping her mouth, she tilted back against an empty spot on the wall. The place brought back a lot of memories. None of which she was proud of. It had been one of the few ways to get the cash she needed. At least she hadn't done it long. Not long consisting of getting caught the first and only time she had tried it. That was why she had been such an easy target for the juvy cop. He must have spotted her as soon as he'd come in the door. Life had gone downhill from there.

Shoving her hands in her pockets, she hauled herself off the wall. A definite buzz was hitting and she cursed silently her stupidity for drinking the shot so fast. The music was echoing in her head as she sunk down into it a little. It was an intoxicating tune and she had to keep herself from trying to move with the music.

.....Seduce me, take me, manipulate me
Addict me, adore me, like me, floor me,
Torture me, ignore me, now you have me
That's the way you love me
That's the way you love me
I want you dead, die
I want you dead, die

She meandered around the people crowding the dance floor. The beat of the music and the repetition of the words hammered into her head. Right along with the way her heart was working inside. She had been crazy to come here. She slipped a hand into her back pocket. It had been even crazier to come here without her phone. She felt an arm snake around her waist and panic rose in her throat. A handsome dark face smiled into hers. "Dance with me pretty lady of light!"

The English accent was heavy and he had been drinking. She wasn't in the mood for this. With a look of distaste on her face, Nikita pushed him away. "No, thank you." She slipped between two girls dancing together, hoping they would distract him.

Destroy me, control me, humiliate me,
Use me, abuse me, penetrate me
Degrade me, strip me, resent me, push me,
Shove me, shake me, decimate me
Slap me, trash me, choke me, bruise me,
Spend me, lose me, lie to me, dement me
Marry me, cheat me, abort me, fuck me,
Scratch me, burn me, hate me, rape me

Nikita stepped around a fairly drunk brunette done up in head to toe red. She was arguing with another equally soused brunette in purple and yellow. Grimacing a bit at the color combo of the second one, Nikita looked to her right and stopped dead in her tracks. Standing not more than 5 feet from her was Taylor. With his attention focused on the tall dark haired woman he was talking to, he didn't see her. He reached out a hand to place it on her shoulder then to her cheek. Nikita saw the glint of gold on his ring finger.

I want you dead, die
I want you dead, die
Hit me, go ahead and hit me, I know you want to kill me
I know you want to hit me, go ahead 'cause I don't feel it anymore
I want you dead, die
I want you dead, die

You bastard! It's bad enough you're out here looking for a game to play but you're still wearing your wedding ring! You lying cheating ignorant.... Suddenly Taylor's head came up and he turned in her direction. Nikita felt cold and dizzy as she saw his movement. Feeling that her presence had been felt and he would come at her next, she fled for the door and the world outside. The words of the song chasing behind her...

Enemy, enemy, enemy..........
I want you dead, die ........


It's too late to change events.....It's time to face the consequence
For delivering the proof......In the policy of truth
Never again...Is what you swore...The time before
Never again...Is what you swore...The time before - DM


End of part three...

written by Tammy

Continue on to The Policy of Truth, part four

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