Surprises III

written by Sabene


Nikita: "You read Shakespeare?"

Michael: "You sound surprised."

Nikita: "I am. Kind of. It's just not what I expected."

Michael: "What did you expect?"

Nikita: "I don't know. Probably something more along the lines of Stephen King."

Michael and Lynn both laugh.

Nikita: "Will you two stop doing that! What's funny this time that I don't know about?"

Lynn: "Michael has rather odd tastes and combinations of tastes. Shakespeare and Stephen King are his two favorite authors. He has everything ever written by both, and he has read them all at least once. Most more than once."

Michael: "I told you that you know me better than you think you do. Even Madeline never guessed Stephen King. She guessed Hawthorne."

He finished the last statement with a disgusted look.

Nikita: "I take it you don't like Hawthorne at all."

Michael: "No. He's too dry. His writing is excessively descriptive. He insists on describing each and every tiny little detail, going on with each and every character, at each and every minute. I couldn't stay awake reading that if I had a gun pointed at my head. Now leave me alone and let me read."

Nikita: "All right, all right."

Lynn and Nikita swim laps and have friendly contests of who could swim faster, hold their breath longer, and dive better. Michael finds that he has a hard time concentrating on his book. He can't keep his eyes or his mind off Nikita. Especially since she is walking around in a bikini. Eventually he gives up reading, puts his book down when the girls aren't looking and dives in, surprising them. He surfaces right in front of Nikita and immediately pulls her into his arms. She stands momentarily mesmerized by the way the water glistens off the hard muscles of his chest. He smiles mischievously, picks her up, and effortlessly tosses her into the air. Sending her splashing into the water about three feet from him. He and Lynn hear a brief shriek before she goes under. Nikita surfaces just in time to see Lynn hit the water a few feet from her. She waits for Lynn to surface and they look at each other, then they both look at Michael.

Michael: "Whoa, wait a minute. Two on one isn't fair. Especially when it's the two of you."

Nikita: "You should have thought about that before you threw us both."

Lynn and Nikita both attack Michael at the same time. He makes a good show of himself, but he loses in the end. They knock him over into the water several times before pinning him with his face in the side of the pool. On the ground, he probably would have been able to break out of the hold, but in the water, he had no leverage.

Michael: Laughing. "All right! You win! Let go!"

Lynn: "What do we get?"

Michael: "What do you want?"

Nikita and Lynn look at each other laughing, and Nikita mouths a suggestion to Lynn. Lynn shakes her head in agreement.

Nikita: "You cook dinner."

Michael: "Fine I'll cook. Now will you let go?"

Nikita: "If you renig on this deal, I'll make you sorry, Michael. I promise. Understand?"

Michael: "Yeah, yeah. I understand. Now let go!"

Laughing, Lynn and Nikita let go. Michael looks as if he is about to pounce again, but one look at Nikita changes his mind.

Nikita: "Go ahead. I dare you."

Michael: "I'm not 'that' stupid Nikita." He thinks the rest of the sentence to himself. 'I'll wait until you're not expecting it.'

Several minutes go by and the three of them are just swimming slowly and talking. Then without warning, Michael grabs Nikita and tosses her again. Nikita surfaces almost immediately and charges at Michael, as does Lynn.

Michael: "Lynn, I didn't touch you. You can't come after me!"

He just finishes the sentence when Nikita plows into him, knocking him over. Lynn stands back from the underwater fray. She can see them under the water, spinning around and dodging each other. Finally they surface. Michael has both arms wrapped around Nikita's waist from behind, with her arms trapped against her sides. Nikita struggles to free herself, but Michael's arms grip her tightly.

Michael: "Come on. You can get out of this! What have we been working on for the last week!"

Nikita: "I know what we have been working on, but last time I tried it, I almost broke your leg. I would prefer to practice it, when medlab is within at least an hour."

Michael: "You aren't going to hurt me. Now do it!"

Nikita: "No, I have a better idea."

Nikita shifts her wait and spins, flipping Michael to the side, but Michael holds on, floating in the water instead of falling like he would on land.

Michael: "That was good, but as you can see, it won't work in the water. Now do it!"

Nikita: "Michael, I don't want to hurt..."

Michael: "Do it!"

Nikita wraps both her legs around one of his and spun, raising her arms at the same time, freeing them. Michael's leg twists beneath him and he feels the bone about to give under the torque. Just before it does, Nikita lets go. She spins around to see mild pain in Michael's eyes, but it passes quickly.

Nikita: "Are you O.K.? I told you that I..."

Michael: "I'm fine, Nikita, really. You did it right. It's supposed to hurt, that's why it works."

Without warning, Michael launches himself at Nikita again, catching her totally off guard. He grabs her in the same fashion, but this time, from in front.

Michael: "Now find a way out of this one."

Lynn can hear the entire exchange and sees the puzzlement on Nikita's face as she tries to come up with a way to get free. Then, Nikita looks at Lynn and smiles.

Michael feels Nikita slightly relax in his arms and he tries to anticipate what she is going to do. Then he feels her lips closing around his earlobe, her teeth pulling gently as she releases it. Then a lingering kiss on his neck.

Nikita: "Who says I want to get out of this?"

He lets out a content sigh as she covers his neck in tender kisses. Lynn is smiling ear to ear, knowing full well what Nikita is doing. Slowly and without conscious thought, Michael loosens his hold on Nikita. Then it was Nikita's turn to attack without warning. She spins Michael around and sends him sprawling into the water. When he surfaces, Lynn is laughing and Nikita is giving him a 'gotcha' kind of look. He smiles and shakes his head.

Michael: "I can't believe I didn't see that coming. I can't believe I fell for it."

Nikita grins ear to ear and hops up to sit on the side of the pool, slowly kicking her feet in the water.

Lynn: "I can. She's good. Madeline did well."

Michael: "Yes she did."

Nikita: "Thank you. Truce?"

Michael: "Truce. For today, but I will get you back eventually."

Nikita: Sarcastically. "Ooo, I'm scared."

Michael walks over to Nikita and puts his hands on her knees.

Michael: "You should be scared. You can't beat me on solid ground."

Nikita's only response is to smile and lean down to give him a small, gentle kiss, then pull back. Michael reaches up and tangles his fingers in her hair and pulls her back down for another kiss, longer and deeper than the first. Nikita puts her hands around his neck, holding him to her, Michael wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her off the wall and back into the pool. He holds her up so her feet can't touch the bottom, and he deepens the kiss even more, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Lynn splashes them, they break the kiss in surprise, and Michael puts Nikita down.

Lynn: Laughing. "Come on, cut it out or go upstairs."

Nikita: "Sorry."

Michael: Smiling at Nikita. "Sorry, we got carried away."

Lynn: Still laughing. "So I noticed."

Michael: "Are you hungry Lynn? I know I am and Nikita has to be. We haven't had anything to eat yet today."

Lynn: "Yeah. Actually I am."

Michael: To Nikita. "You hungry?"

Nikita: "Famished."

Michael: "Good. Let's go in."

He gives Nikita a quick kiss and they all climb out of the pool, dry off, and head inside.


The afternoon proceeds leisurely. After lunch, they bring a radio out to listen to. Michael reads his book and Nikita and Lynn lay out in the sun and sing to the radio. As the sun begins to set, Michael calls Nikita over to sit with him. She sits behind him, with a leg on either side of the chair and him, she puts the back of the chair up into a sitting position, leans back against it and lets her fingers kneed the muscles of Michael's shoulders. Gently working out the knots she finds there. Michael closes his eyes, lets his head slowly fall forward, and allows a contented sigh pass his lips. Nikita kisses the back of Michael's shoulder and pulls him back against her. Michael puts his head back against her shoulder, takes hold of her hands, kisses them and then holds them to his chest.

Michael: "Thank you."

Nikita: "Just returning the favor. Now, about dinner."

Michael: "What about it?"

Nikita: Grinning. "I'm getting hungry."

Michael: "Lynn are you getting hungry at all yet?"

Lynn: "Actually yeah. What are you cooking anyway?"

Michael: "You'll find out when it's done."

Nikita: "Let's go."

Nikita pulls her hands free and pats Michael's shoulders, encouraging him to get up. They all go in and Michael barbecues chicken and vegetable kabobs, washed down with a bottle of White Zinfandel. Michael even washes the dishes while Nikita and Lynn talk in the living room, listening to the radio. When done, he joins them, sitting with Nikita in the chair. He sits with his right foot up on the chair, legs apart. She sits sideways in the chair dangling her legs over the side, and leaning back against his bent leg and the arm he has draped over it, with his hand gently caressing her neck and shoulder. His left arm rests atop hers with their fingers intertwined. Her other hand moves in random gestures while she talks. As the night carries on, conversation quiets and Michael soon notices that Lynn has fallen asleep on the couch.

Michael: "Looks like it's Lynnette's turn to sleep on the couch."

Nikita looks over on the couch and smiles.

Michael: "Let's talk upstairs so we don't wake her."

Nikita looks at Michael suspiciously.

Nikita: "I thought you wanted to take this slow."

Michael smiles down at her.

Michael: "I just want to 'talk' to you."

Nikita gets up and slowly stretches. Michael gets up, puts a blanket over Lynn, and softly kisses her temple.

Michael: "Good night Lynnette."

He turns and puts a hand on Nikita's back, guiding her towards the stairs. They reach the top and head to Michael's room.

Once she hears the door shut, Lynn opens her eyes and smiles.


Michael turns and quietly closes the door, then watches Nikita's reactions as she looks around the room. It's very large, and sparsely furnished given the amount of space. All the furniture is black oak. The carpet is dark blue, matched by the trim, pillow cases and blanket. The curtains, bed sheets, and the canopy and it's chiffon curtains are a much lighter blue. An enormous stereo system sits in one corner, and four, four foot tall speakers are placed around the room.

Nikita: "Like loud music, Michael?"

Michael smiles as he looks at the speakers then back at her.

Michael: "When I'm angry or working out." He points to the home gym in the far corner. "Otherwise, I just turn the volume down."

He picks the remote up off the dresser, turns the CD player on and presses play. Soft, classical piano flows quietly from the speakers. Nikita closes her eyes and smiles.

Nikita: "Beethoven's 'Moonlight' Sonata. Beautiful piece."

Michael steps silently up to her and pulls her into a slow waltz, gracefully spinning her around the room.

Nikita: "Where did you learn to dance, Michael? In Section?"

Michael: Smiling. "No. My mother started teaching me when I, I must have been around five."

Nikita: "Well I guess that explains why you're so good at it."

The song ends and the CD player randomly chooses another CD and track. It happens to play Savage Garden's Truly, Madly, Deeply. Michael pulls her closer to him and wraps both his arms around her. He looks deeply into her eyes as he whispers the words to her.


I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy,

I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need

I love you more with every breath

Truly, madly, deeply, do

I will be strong, I will faithful,

'Cause I'm counting on a new beginning,

a reason for living, a deeper meaning, yeah.


I want to stand with you on a mountain

I want to bathe with you in the sea

I want to lay like this forever

Until the sky falls down on me.


And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky

I'll make a wish send it to heaven and make you want to cry

Those tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty

And we're surrounded by the comfort

And protection of the highest powers

In lonely hours, the tears devour you.


I want to stand with you on a mountain

I want to bathe with you in the sea

I want to lay like this forever

Until the sky falls down on me.

Oh, can you see it baby

Don't have to close your eyes

I'm standing right before you

All that you need will surely come.


I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be you fantasy,

I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need

I love you more with every breath

Truly, madly, deeply, do (I love you).


I want to stand with you on mountain

I want to bathe you in the sea

I want to lay like this forever

Until the sky falls down on me.


I want to stand with you on a mountain

I want to bathe with you in the sea

And I want to live like this forever

Until the sky falls down on me.


As the song ends, Michael pulls Nikita even closer to him, and claims a long, sweet kiss. He slowly deepens the kiss. He feels his control starting to slip away from him, Nikita does too. Neither care. He trails gentle kisses down her neck.

Nikita: "I thought you wanted to take this slow."

Michael: Between kisses. "I did. I do, but I can't. How do you do this to me? I feel like I'm on fire."

He passionately reclaims her lips before trailing kisses down the other side of her neck.

Michael: "Let me make love to you."

Nikita: "Yes."

Hearing the word he was looking, for Michael gently scoops Nikita off her feet into his arms and carries her over to the bed. They spend the night together and fall asleep in each others arms.




Lynn walks out of the bathroom combing her wet hair. She looks at Michael's door, then at her watch, and thinks to herself, 'Eleven o'clock, and he still isn't up yet. He never sleeps this late...yeah, I'd say he lost.' She walks down the stairs smiling and shaking her head. 'And he thought he'd last a whole week.' Lynn laughs to herself, and picks the paper up off the front porch.


Michael walks down the stairs and sees Lynn reading the paper at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of coffee.

Michael: "Anything interesting in the world today?"

Lynn: "Nothing you probably don't already know about. There was an assassination attempt on the British ambassador, but it was stopped."

Michael: "I know about that. I led the team that stopped it. Anything else?"

Lynn: Laughing. "Like I said, probably nothing you don't already know about. Where is Nikita?"

Michael: "In the shower."

Michael walks over and pours himself a cup of coffee.

Lynn: "Sleep well?"

Michael walks by the table on his way out to the back porch, dropping a fifty dollar bill on the table in front of her as he passes.

Michael: "Eventually."

Lynn picks up the fifty and laughs, shaking her head.

Lynn: "I 'knew' you wouldn't last a week!"

Michael: "Yeah, yeah, you were right. Shut up."

A few minutes later, Nikita walks down the stairs pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

Lynn: "Good morning. There's fresh coffee if you want some."

Nikita: "Thanks."

While Nikita pours her coffee, Michael walks up behind her, wraps his arms around her waist and nibbles at her neck. She leans back against him and drops her head back on his shoulder.

Michael: "Good morning."

Nikita: "Good morning."

Lynn: "When do you have to be back?"

Michael: "They're expecting us sometime between one and three."

Lynn: "Then shall we get down to business?"

Michael: "I guess."

Michael releases Nikita and takes her hand, leading her over to the table to sit down. Lynn gets up and opens a desk drawer in the next room, pulling out several papers.

Lynn: "You have a major problem 'within' Section One."

Michael: "'Within' it?"

Lynn: "Yes. There is a triple agent in your midst. This operative, not only works for you, but also for Glass Curtain and Red Cell."

Michael: "Both of those organizations have been destroyed though."

Lynn: "No. That's part of the intel. Red Cell had seven different...substations. You took out one. Glass Curtain had three. Again, you took out one, leaving Red Cell with six more and Glass Curtain with two. Only part of the problem here is that you have a triple agent. The big part of the who it is."

Michael: "Who is it?"

Lynn: "Kevin Drake."

Nikita: "I don't know him. Do you, Michael? Michael?"

Michael stares in disbelief at Lynn, slowly beginning to shake his head no.

Nikita: "Michael, you know him?"

Michael almost imperceptibly nods yes.

Nikita: "Are you O.K.? Who is he?"

Michael: "His code name is Operations."

Nikita jumps up out of her seat.

Nikita: "What!! You can't be serious!"

Michael looks her in the eye. Nikita sobers up and slowly sits back down.

Nikita: "Oh my God. You are serious. What do we do?"

Michael: "The only thing we can do. Lynn, may I use your phone?"

Lynn: "Of course."


7:15 pm


Michael and Nikita walk into Section. Madeline meets them as they walk into the main room.

Madeline: "There you are. We were starting to get worried about the two of you. You were supposed to be back five hours ago."

Michael: "I know."

Madeline: "Where have you been?"

Michael: "Debriefing."

Madeline: "What?"

Michael: "We didn't bring the intel here. We brought it directly to The Agency. They're about five minutes behind us."

Madeline: "They're coming here? What was the intel?"

Michael: "I can't tell you."

Madeline: "You can and you will."

Michael: "Nikita and I have direct orders from The Agency to tell no one, including you and Operations. They outrank you, Madeline. I'm sorry."

Madeline would have pressed more but she sees Agency members coming up the hall behind Michael and Nikita.

Madeline: "Hello, Sophia. It's good to see you again."

Sophia: "I just wish it was under better circumstances."

Madeline: "What exactly are the circumstances?"

Sophia: "You don't need to know the details. Let's just say you have a problem that we are here to fix. Where's Operations?"

Madeline: "In his office."

Sophia: "Thank you."

Sophia and her two well-muscled companions step around Madeline and walk across the room towards Operations' office.

Madeline: "Michael, what is going on here? What problem do we have?"

Michael: "I already told you I 'can't' tell you, and I 'won't'. So stop asking."

Michael takes Nikita's arm and walks her around Madeline to the computer area. Madeline follows. Everyone is looking up to the windows, wondering what is being said.

After several minutes, Sophia nods to her guards who step forward, spin Operations so his back is to Sophia, and kick the back of his legs, dropping him to his knees. They then let him go and back away as Sophia pulls out a gun.

Madeline: "Oh my God. Michael, what the hell is going on here!?"

Michael: "He's being cancelled."

Madeline: "What!? Why!?"

Michael: "Like Sophia said, you don't need to know the details."

The operatives below watch in shock as Sophia points the gun at Operations' head and pulls the trigger.

Madeline closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them and walks silently to her office. Sophia walks into the computer area, receiving looks of shock from the crowd.

Sophia: "Birkoff, pull up the operative file on Kevin Drake."

Birkoff continues to stare at the windows, a single tear rolling down his face.

Sophia: "Michael, you do it."

Birkoff snaps out of his daze.

Birkoff: Softly. "I got it."

Birkoff enters the name and Operations' file comes up on the screen.

Sophia: "Change status from active to cancelled."

Birkoff: "Yes, ma'am. It wants to know the reason for cancellation."

Sophia: "Treason."

Birkoff's head snaps up to look at her in disbelief, as does nearly everyone else's.

Sophia: "Write it."

Birkoff: "Yes ma'am. Now it wants to know the code number for the new Operations."

Sophia: "8546-864"

Michael: "No, wait a minute."

Sophia: "Relax Michael. It's probably only temporary."

Michael: "Probably?"

Sophia: "Yes, probably. Birkoff, 8546-864."

Michael: "I don't want it."

Sophia: "You don't have a choice, Michael. Do it Birkoff."

Birkoff: "Sorry, Michael."

Sophia: "Why don't you want it? Don't you think you can handle it?"

Michael: "I can handle it just fine, but you know that sitting behind a desk all day is going to drive me nuts."

Sophia laughs.

Sophia: "I think we can find someone to relieve you relatively quickly and you can go back to killing, capturing and blowing things up soon."

Michael: "Thank you."

Sophia laughs again.

Sophia: "I need to talk to you in private for a moment please."

Michael: "Is my office acceptable?"

Sophia: "You mean your old office? Yes, it's fine."


Michael closes the door and sits behind the desk, Sophia sits in the chair across from him.

Sophia: "I am going to ask you two questions, Michael. Your answers to them will decide my reaction. If you tell me the truth, you get one reaction. If you lie to me, you get another. Do you understand?"

Michael: "Yes."

Sophia: "Good. Have you seen Nikita romantically outside the Section?"

The question surprises Michael. He hadn't been prepared to answer questions about his relationship with Nikita.

Sophia: "Answer the question, Michael. Yes or no."

Michael: "Yes."

Sophia: "Do you love her?"

Michael closes his eyes, sighs, and lowers his head.

Michael: Softly. "Yes."

Sophia: Getting up. "Thank you."

Michael: "What are you going to do?"

Sophia: "If you had lied to me, I would have had her cancelled, but since you told me the truth, I am going to condone your relationship with her. You may do anything you wish short of having a child. You may date, make love, live together, marry, and announce it to the whole Section if you like, but no children. Any child conceived will not be born, is that clear?"

Michael: "Yes."

Sophia: "Good. We'll have your new office cleaned up by the end of the day."

Sophia turns to leave the room.

Michael: "Sophia."

Sophia: "Yes."

Michael: "Thank you."

Sophia: "No, Michael. Thank you, and thank your sister for us. We owe her...big."

Michael: "I will."

Sophia and her people leave the Section. Michael finds Nikita with Birkoff in the computer area, and he goes up to talk to her.

Nikita: "What did she say?"

Michael: "She asked me about us."

Nikita: "What did you tell her.?"

Michael: "The truth."

Nikita: "And...?"

Michael: "Whatever we want is fine. Except children."

Nikita: With barely contained joy, but not willing to jump to conclusions. "What do you mean?"

Michael: "What do I mean?" He takes a step closer to her. "What do I mean?" Taking another step. "This is what I mean."

Michael takes one more step, pulls her into his arms and kisses her. He quickly deepens the kiss and holds her tighter. Her arms wrap around his neck and she kisses him back. Birkoff claps and other operatives start joining him, clapping and whistling. One male operative can be heard over the rest yelling, "It's about time!"




written by Sabene

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