
In 1993 I went to Ecuador as a livestock extensionist with the Peace Corps. I was assigned to work with an Ecuadorian organization called FUNDAGRO in the Sierra region. This is me and the FUNDAGRO extension team eating "cuy" (guinea pig) as guests in the home of a prominent village farmer.

These are the 1993 Peace Corps Livestock Extension Volunteers to Ecuador - minus me, because I am taking the photo! L to R: Carrie, Ted, Rebecca, Jose and Kat.

Me, coastal village, Easter Sunday.

I worked in several mountain villages, including Chanchalito. Here are some children with their llama in Chanchalito.

The FUNDAGRO team and I vaccinated cattle against foot-and-mouth disease in Chanchalito. I am wearing a llama wool poncho.

This is me and my host mother, Dona Alicia Perez. I stayed with my host mother during the initial training period before being assigned to FUNDAGRO.

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