How It All Started

During my youthful years at 3Com, I had the misfortune of ALWAYS replying late when co-workers posted �WANT AD� signs to sell their 49er tickets. Oh, sure, if it�s an �edge of your seat� exhibition game against the San Diego Chargers, you were begging us to buy those tickets below face value and with a free parking pass as a bonus. Whoopy-dee-doo! BUT if it was a regular season game, those tickets were gone faster then saying "bandwagon." Let�s not kid around now. We all know that some co-worker of ours with stock options to burn had outbid me and other peons.

The year was 1990. 3Comers were posting 49er tickets left and right, and still I could not get a break. I even posted my own ads and had been ignored by the masses. Was it my deodorant�or lack of? I simply didn�t know.

Finally, I snapped�or what my therapist would call �an isolated incident.� That�s when my creative juices started flowing, wrote my first ad, and then �OUILA!� � a generous co-worker sold me his SINGLE end-zone seat ticket against the �high-powered� 2 � 7 Atlanta Falcons!

So I wrote more ads and people started to notice and begged for more�of course, they didn�t have tickets, they just wanted me to write something to offend the other teams. Some of you have even encouraged me to go in to Marketing or go get a life.

Why a website? And why not?!! Simply put, this will be an easier media to relay messages that I am still begging for 49er tickets. I can put down the 49ers� schedule, updates, forum, and other crap.

Some of you have even requested copies of past ads I had posted over the years so now here�s your wish. Unfortunately, some of the earlier ads I had written were converted into toilet paper by a disgruntled ex-girlfriend. These old ads were written to gain cheap attention...I mean "recognition" here at 3Com, but mostly, to beg for 49er tickets. Hopefully, you will still find them entertaining in a sordid kind of way. This site might be offensive to Raiders' fans, Cowboys' fans, loving housewives, supportive in-laws, and juvenile delinquents. But then again? Who cares?!!

This is simply for your reading pleasure, which leaves out ALL Cowboys fans, who have not yet learned to read "The Engine That Could." So sit back and relax. Enjoy the ambiance�kinda like watching another 49er win!

Thank you!
As always, Go 49ers!!!
49er Ron

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