Nov. 24, 1998

Weather Forecast: November 30, 1998

Windy conditions will prevail over Northern California as cold arctic air dives in to the state. Blustery North to Northwest winds up to 200 mph can be expected. People under 300 lbs. or anybody wearing a toupee are advised to stay indoors.

Rain is a strong possibility with flash floods that will reach up to 50 inches by midday. It is advisable to move to higher ground or keep handy those inflatable dolls that you secretly hide in your closet. Once again, stay indoors.

Seismologists are also predicting a strong earthquake in the Bay Area with a magnitude of 10 or higher. Please stock on healthy junk food and simply avoid going outdoors especially if you had a recent breast implant surgery.

Isolated humongous hail storms are also expected so it is advisable to carry hard hats or those neat inflatable football helmets that you can only buy at the Home Shopping Network at 3:00 in the I've heard, I don't really know, it's not that I have a lonely life or anything. Stop staring at me! Leave me alone! Again, please stay indoors.

Snow is also in the forecast in San Francisco for the first time since God knows when. It is advisable to wear something warm and stay indoors. We do not condone wearing some kind of fur coat because it is cruel to animals although I've heard that dogmeat is good for broth especially in these cold and windy nights.

The air quality in San Francisco has reached its worst condition as smog settles in the once crisp and clean sky of the Bay Area. Satellite indicates...wait a minute! It's not really smog, but the dirty air we are seeing is just caused by a cumulative bad case of BO by the whole city of San Francisco. In any case, you especially would want to stay indoors for this baby.

The National Weather Service has a 99% accuracy in their guesses...I mean "predictions." It is simply advisable that Nov. 30, 1998 is not a good day to be outdoors. Unfortunately, the game of football is played under any weather condition in which is the case when the 49ers will play the New York Giants in a worthless game that night. It is best to get rid of your tickets while you still can. A special hotline has been set up for anybody who wants to unload their tickets.

Please call (800) SCA-LPER or x65324. This has been another public service annoyancement.

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