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By Ninetailes1 (me!)

Chapter 1- The Journey Begins

"MolTRES! ZapDOS! ArtiCUNO!"

The three legendary birds popped out from my clock. I yawned and stretched. A tiny Mew and Mewtwo popped out below the birds. "Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew!" said the Mew. Every time Mew spoke, Mewtwo hit a gong held by a Snorlax. The clock had been a present from my parents last year for my birthday. It was called the Rare Pok�mon Clock. Every hour Mew would mew the time. (Every mew=1 hour) Every half-hour, the legendary birds alone would come out. I hopped out of bed. Then it struck me.

Today was my birthday! The day I would set off on my Pok�mon journey! I quickly dressed and ran downstairs. I gulped down my breakfast and said "Bye, Mom!"

"Hold on a second, Laura!" she said. "I have a birthday present for you." She handed me a Pok�ball. "Throw it!" she urged. I tossed the Pok�ball unto the ground. "Pok�ball Go!" I said. The Pok�ball opened, and out it came! The Pok�mon I had always dreamed of! Standing in front of me was my very first Pok�mon, Ditto! I had always wanted a Ditto, ever since I had seen one on T.V when I was five. It was so strong! "Thank you mom!" I cried. " Here is the other half of your present." She said. She handed me a bag full of potions and antidotes, and a golden Pok�ball. "I found this poke ball in the woods! I don�t know what's in it, see for yourself." I threw the Pok�ball. "Pok�ball Go! Out of the Pok�ball came a Magikarp. "A Magikarp!" I said with disgust. "Well, a Pok�mon is a Pok�mon. Thank you Mom!" "Now, you better get going to Professor Oak�s. It�s a long ride from Woodville to Pallet Town." She said. "All right, Mom." I said. "Ditto, Magikarp, return!" The Pok�mon were sucked into their pok�balls. I grabbed the bag full of potions and antidotes and the money for the journey and stuffed them into my backpack. Then I mounted my bicycle and rode off to Pallet Town.

�It was 8:30 when I arrived at Professor Oak�s house. "Hello, Laura! My, my, you�re here early. Seems you�ll have first choice." She said. I have here a Pikachu, a Squirtle, a Bulbasaur, a Charmander, or a Machop." "I�ll take a Machop." I said. "Good choice." he replied. "Here is your Pok�dex and pok�balls. By the way, do you have any other Pok�mon?" "I have Ditto and a Magikarp." I said. "Wonderful! Three Pok�mon and you haven�t even started yet. Now, if you get too many Pok�mon, just send some to me. I�ll keep them safe for you until you need them. Your Pok�dex will tell you anything else you need to know. All right? Good. Goodbye and good luck!"

Chapter 2- To Viridian City

I walked down the path feeling very happy. 3 Pok�mon and I had just started! Then I decided to let Ditto and Machop out. "Ditto, Machop, I choose you!" I yelled. Ditto and Machop came out of their Pok�balls. "Ditto!" said Ditto, and happily climbed onto my shoulder. But Machop was not so enthusiastic. "Ma-chop." he said stubbornly.

"What is it, Machop?" I asked. "Machop Machop Machop!" he replied. "You want to go back to Prof. Oaks? Why?" "Machop Machop Machop!!"

"You liked it there? But what makes you think you won�t like being with me as much as with him?" "Machop." Machop looked down at the road. "You don�t like to fight?" I said incredulously. "But all Pok�mon� Never mind. You don�t have to fight if you don�t want to. Ditto can fight instead." "Ditto Ditto!" said Ditto happily. "Machop." said Machop.

About an hour later I spotted a rustling in the bushes. "A Pok�mon! I whispered. "Machop, will you help me?" Machop shook his head no. "Ok, Ditto, go!" Ditto hopped off my shoulder. Suddenly a Pidgey ran out of the bushes. I pointed my Pok�dex at the Pok�mon. "Pidgey" it said in a monotone voice. "A bird Pok�mon. It kicks up sand to blind its enemies." "Okay, Ditto. Transform!" I yelled. Ditto began to change! Now Ditto was a Pidgey! "Ditto, sand-attack now! Ditto kicked sand into Pidgey's face. Pidgey clawed at hid eyes, trying to get the san out. "Ditto! Gust attack!" Ditto flapped his wings, creating a whirlwind that knocked the Pidgey flat. "Okay, Ditto. Pok�ball, go!" The pok�ball flew through the air, sucking up Pidgey. It jiggled. Once. Twice. Thrice. "All right!" I yelled. I caught Pidgey!" I tossed the pok�ball onto the ground. "Pidgey, go!" Pidgey appeared from the pok�ball "C�mon Pidgey! Welcome to the team! I think I�ll name you Swiftflyer." Swiftflyer flew up and perched on the shoulder that Ditto was not sitting on. Swiftflyer, Ditto, Machop and I (and Magikarp) continued on our way.

We arrived at Viridian City around 2�o clock. After a good nights rest I set out for Pewter City.

Chapter 3- Viridian Forest

We slowly bicycled into the forest. Many Pok�mon lived here, and I didn�t want to scare them away. Then I saw something in a tree. Glowing eyes. A Beedrill! Quickly I said. "Ditto, Go!" Ditto hopped off my shoulder. The Beedrill flew out of the tree and hovered a few feet off the ground. "Ditto, transform!" Ditto transformed into Beedrill. Beedrill lunged forward with his stingers. "Ditto, watch out for his Twineedle attack!" I yelled. Ditto dodged and then used Poison Sting. The Beedrill fell back, poisoned. "Okay, Ditto! Twineedle!" Ditto arched his stingers across Beedrill�s stomach. Beedrill fell to the ground, stunned. "Pok�ball, go" I tossed the pok�ball. It jiggled. Once. Twice. Thrice. "Alright!" I yelled. "I caught Beedrill!" I picked up the pok�ball and attached it to my belt. "Okay, Swiftflyer, Machop. Into your Pok�balls." The Pok�mon jumped into their balls.

About 3 o�clock Ditto and I were STILL in the forest. I was beginning to think we would have to spend the night here. Suddenly a person mysteriously appeared in front of me. "Are you a trainer?" he asked. He was about my age and was carrying a net. "Yes, I am a trainer," I replied. "Then let�s battle!" He said.

We stood across from each other in the ring. "I choose Weedle!" he said. Weedle appeared in the ring. I pointed my Pok�dex at Weedle. "Weedle. A bug Pok�mon. It stings things with its sharp singer." "Okay a bug type. Go, Switfflyer!" I tossed the pok�ball on to the ground. Swiftflyer appeared. "Weedle, Poison Sting!" Weedle launched itself into the air. Swiftflyer dodged, but just barely. "Swiftflyer, gust attack!" Swiftflyer flapped its wings. Weedle was blown backward into a tree. " Weedle, return! Go, Beedrill!" cried the trainer.

"Ok, Swiftflyer, Return!" I cried. "Go�" Machop suddenly burst out of his pokeball. "Machop, machop!" he cried "You want to fight, Machop?'' I asked. "Machop, Machop!" He replied, and jumped into the ring." Okay, Machop, I choose you!" Machop, Low kick!" Machop kicked the Beedrill hard. Beedrill was knocked backward into a rock. Weakly, it tried to use Twineedle, but Machop easily dodged it and used Karate Chop, knocking Beedrill out." Beedrill, Return!" the trainer yelled, Go, Scyther!" Scyther? I wondered What's that? I pointed my Pokedex at the Pokemon. "Scyther- Mantis Pok�mon. With its ninja-like speed and ability, it has the ability to create the illusion that there is more than one of them." "Machop, return!" I said. "Ditto, go!'' Ditto hopped off my shoulder. "Ditto, Transform!" Ditto grew and changed into Scyther. "Scyther, Slash!" Scyther slashed at Ditto. Ditto fell down. "Ditto, Swords Dance!' Ditto jumped up and began to glow. "Ditto, Slash!" Ditto slashed hard, knocking the Scyther down. Scyther weakly tried to rise, but then he fainted. "You have won." The trainer said sadly. "You have beaten my best. I have no money, so as your prize I will give you the Pok�mon I caught today. He handed me a pok�ball. "Take good care of my Caterpie." I tossed the pok�ball onto the ground. A Caterpie appeared. "Thank you." I said. Then I returned Caterpie. Suddenly, Swiftflyer broke out of its pok�ball. It was glowing. It was evolving1 It evolved into Pidgeyotto! "Wonderfull!' I cried. "Return Swiftflyer!" Then, with Ditto on my shoulder, I headed out of the forest.

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The PokeArena
Dratini's Hidden Lake
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Tangela's Jungle

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