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The Fourth Mystical Bird

By Ninetailes1 (me!)


Words in Italics are thinking

Words in bold are from the Pok�dex

Normal words are talking or narration

Chapter 1- Prof. Oaks Request

I woke up with sweat pouring down my face. What a horrible dream! I was being carried off in the claws of a huge bird...

Suddenly I remembered what day it was. It was the day I was going to start of on my Pok�mon Journey! I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. My mother was waiting for me. She handed me a bag full of money and some potions. "Good luck, Michael." she said with tears in her eyes. I hugged her goodbye and set off for Prof. Oak's.

When I reached Prof. Oak's house, he was waiting for me. "Hello, Michael." He said. "Come on in." I followed him into a room. Three Pok�balls were sitting on the table. " Here are the Pok�mon," He said. "You can pick from Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle."

"I pick Bulbasaur." I said.

"Good choice." He replied. " Here are your Pok�balls and your Pok�dex. Now Michael, before you leave, I have a very special request to ask of you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I want you to go to Viridian City." He said. "There have been reports of a strange flying Pok�mon wreaking houses near there. I want you to capture it."

"But Professor Oak, if this Pok�mon is wreaking houses, it must be very strong. An ordinary pok�ball won't be able to catch it, and anyway, Bulbasaur is to weak to battle such a strong Pok�mon."

"That's where this comes in.," he said, handing me a strange pok�ball. "It's called a masterball. It will catch any Pok�mon without question. Use this ball on the Pok�mon, and you will be sure to catch it."

"What do I do with it once I catch it?"

"Bring it back here to me. I will study it for a while, and then I'll give it back to you. Now get going." I smiled and walked out the door.

Chapter 2- On the Road

A few minutes later, I was walking down the road towards Viridian City. Suddenly, a Pok�mon walked out of the bushes on the side of the road. It was a Ratatta! I pointed my Pok�dex at Ratatta. Ratatta- A rat Pok�mon. It said. It bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places. Cool! I thought. "Bulbasaur, go!" Bulbasaur appeared. "Bulbasaur, tackle!" Bulbasaur charged Ratatta, knocking him over. In response, Ratatta used tackle himself. "Bulbasaur, tackle again!" Bulbasaur used tackle again; this time when Ratatta fell down e was too weak to get up again. "Pok�ball, Go!" I cried. I threw the pok�ball at Ratatta. It wiggled three times and then it went still. " All right!' I yelled. "I caught Ratatta!"

About two hours later, I came upon a large flat rock on the edge of the road. This looks like the perfect place for lunch I thought. " Bulbasaur, Ratatta, time for lunch!" I said as I let them out of their Pok�balls. Soon we were all eating, Bulbasaur and Ratatta Pok�mon food, and me a sandwich. Suddenly, I got the strangest feeling we were being watched. I looked up into a nearby tree. A pair of eyes was watching us! " Bulbasaur, Vine whip whatever is in that tree!" I ordered. Bulbasaur stopped eating and used vine whip on the pair of eyes. A Spearow flew out of the tree! " All right!" I said. I pointed my Pok�dex at Spearow. Spearow- A tiny bird Pok�mon. "Ok, Bulbasaur, Vine whip again!" Bulbasaur lashed out with his vines. Spearow used peck, hurting Bulbasaur a little. "Bulbasaur, tackle!" Bulbasaur charged and hit Spearow in the stomach. Spearow fell to the ground. "Pok�ball, go!" I cried. The pok�ball hit Spearow and sucked Spearow inside. It jiggled and jiggled and then went "ping".

"All right!" I yelled. "I caught Spearow!" I returned Ratatta who had finished eating and then started off. Bulbasaur wanted to stay out and walk with me.

Three hours later Bulbasaur and I walked into Viridian City, and entered a scene of chaos.

Chapter 3- The Mysterious Grenquantos

People were running in all directions, shouting," Grenquantos! Grenquantos!" I stopped a man and asked what was going on. " Grenquantos is attacking!" he panted. "Look up!" He pointed up at the sky. A huge green bird was flying overhead. It held a piece of a house in one claw and below it the city was in ruins. It suddenly swooped and dropped the piece of the house in front of a bunch of cars that were trying to get away. When they tuned around and tried another way, Grenquantos dropped another piece of a house down, blocking that path. Frantically, the people jumped out of their cars and started to climb over the obstacle. I started running toward Grenquantos. He was hovering near the Viridian City Gym. I hurried and soon I was standing right underneath Grenquantos. I shouted up at it, "Grenquantos, you're mine!" I was about to throw the masterball when someone grabbed me from behind! "You're not catching anything, kid!" said a voice. Whoever had got hold of me started to drag me off. I kicked and fought him but it was no use, he was much too strong. I saw over my shoulder that the man was dragging me into the gym!

When he finally let me go inside the gym, we were in front of a chair that was facing the other way, towards a window that was facing outside. "Boss," said the man " I found this kid trying to capture your Grenquantos." The chair slowly turned around. " Why were you trying to capture my beautiful Grenquantos?" he asked.

" I didn't know it was yours." I said. "Trainers don't usually let their Pok�mon destroy cities."

"Never mind that." he growled, "just stay away from my Grenquantos. Gillison, take him out." Gillison grabbed me again and threw me out of the gym.

Chapter 4- Ninetailes

Dejectedly, I walked toward the Pok�mon Center. I had failed in my misson for Professor Oak. Grenquantos had already been caught by someone else.

Grenquantos had dissappeared, and as I walked in the center, Chanseys bustled around pushing strechers with assorted pokemon on them and nurses comforted trainers whose Pok�mon had been hurt during the attack. One whole wall of the center had been knocked down.Two trainers who had rock Pok�mon that hadn't been hurt were trying to repair it with no sucess. I sent out Bulbasaur to try to help them and then I walked ot the phone. I dialed Professor Oak and he answered. "Hello, Michael." he said. "I see you're already in Viridian City. Have you seen Grenquantos yet?"

"Yes, but it turns out that Grenquantos already belongs to someone!"I answered.

"Hmm... Who is it?"he asked.

"The Viridian City Gym leader!"

"Strange.... but it seems that the only way to get Grenquantos is to fight for it!"

"But Bulbasaur and my other pokemon arn't strong enough!"

"Yes, that is a problem... I usually don't like to give Pok�mon to beginning trainers, but it seems I have to. I ave a Pok�mon that a trainer I once knew owned. Tragically, he passed away while he was trying to catch and Aerodactyl. So, I have this Pok�mon that has no trainer. It is a high level so you should be able to beat the leader with it."

The machiene whirred and a Pok�ball popped out of a small chute built into the machiene.I picked it up and it opened. A beautiful Pok�mon materalized. "Ninetailes!" it said.



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