Venus de Milo/Mei Pieh Chi

In the beginning, Venus was in the same glass jar the others were in when they were mutated with the ooze. Though Splinter simply didn't see her and therefore wasn't raised along side the boys. She drifted down into New York's China Town and was found by Chung I, a Shinobi Shaman and a master of the internal arts. He saw Venus and took her back home to China as he thought she was a symbol of good luck. When she was older, he started to train her in the internal arts and named her Mei Pieh Chi, which translates to 'beautiful turtle of energy'. By the age of 17, she was his Shinobi apprentice.

However, Chung I died after being captured by dragons; his last words were to go to America where she had family (
click here to find out more). She did what she was told and went to New York, finally meeting up with the guys. After fighting some Foot members, Venus carries a statue head home which was beheaded during the battle. Michelangelo sees this and renames Mei Pieh Chi to Venus de Milo. She then later goes on to defeat Shredder and saves master Splinter's soul from the dragons.

Venus is the only female mutant turtle that exists in the world. She isn't a ninja, but rather a Shinobi, meaning that she can utilise spells and chi energy, though she is quite adept at fighting. In fact when she first met her male counterparts, she beat them all senseless! She wears an aqua bandanna along with matching knee and ankle guards. Her weapon of choice is the kai mi; two round balls filled with chi energy... I think. Compared to the boys, she is less built, has a smaller shell in width and is shorter than the others. The main difference is her plastron where she has inbuilt breasts.

Because she is still learning to be a Shinobi, she often makes a lot of mistakes. She also makes a lot of mistakes when trying to say American slang. Venus sticks up for herself and her beliefs, not allowing the boys to stomp all over her, yet she is still respectful and considerate. She values meditation highly and is therefore usually described as a female version of Leonardo.
Love interests?

Though there is no reference in the show that Venus is in love with any of the guys, a lot of fans still pair her off with one of the others.

Leonardo: Venus has a similar personality to Leo and is frequently paired off with him in most fanfics. In the show, the two of them take the same side when it comes to family decisions. Also, when Leo is feeling down, Venus always volunteers to talk to Leo. Leonardo on the other hand is always showing some concern for her well being and usually is the one to calm her down after a fight with Donatello. Yet there aren't many scenes where Leo and Venus are alone together.

Raphael: Raph doesn't really agree with Venus' Shinobi ways and thinks that she's just plain weird. The two of them spar together a lot, as though Raph is sizing her up. She doesn't agree with him on a lot of things and arguments between the two are quite common. Yet Venus spends more time with Raph than with any of the others. In one episode, Raph took Venus out to a laser game building, which to me shows that he at least considers and includes her in his activities. He is also overly protective of her. Is this Raphael's way of showing his love? I don't know. Who knows what Raph's thinking in that head of his!?

Donatello: Venus fights with Donny the most. The two can't agree on which is better; science or magic. Donatello believes there is a scientific explanation to everything, while Venus thinks that Don should be more open minded. Though I think deep down that Don and Venus really do care about each other, yet they would never admit it. I believe this because when time is short, Don and Venus buckle down and work together. Both Donatello and Venus are similar in the fact that they're both curious and experimental, and they both usually end up making mistakes. If they put aside their differences, I believe that there could be something there.

Michelangelo: From the instant Michelangelo saw Venus, he was in love. He is usually trying to hit on Venus, and is usually unsuccessful. Michelangelo has a crush on Venus and doesn't really mind her Shinobi ways. Sometimes though he is really uninterested in what she's doing, making Venus irritated. For most of the time when Venus is in a good mood, she'll play along with his jokes but I don't think she really takes him seriously.

Personally, I think that Venus could easily be paired with any of the boys as she likes them for all different reasons. Because of this, many people have different theories on who would be best for Venus. But if I had to say someone, then I'd have to pick Leonardo as she seems to get along with him the most, and I'd say that Donatello would be the least likely partner.
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